diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/gnoi_reboot.xml b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/gnoi_reboot.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..63af1963db4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/gnoi_reboot.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/interfaces.cpp b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/interfaces.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..df1b8cfe1efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/interfaces.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#include "interfaces.h"
+#include // DBus
+//#include "component_state_helper.h"
+#include "reboot_interfaces.h"
+constexpr char kRebootBusName[] = "org.SONiC.HostService.gnoi_reboot";
+constexpr char kRebootPath[] = "/org/SONiC/HostService/gnoi_reboot";
+constexpr char kContainerShutdownBusName[] = "org.SONiC.HostService.gnoi_container_shutdown";
+constexpr char kContainerShutdownPath[] = "/org/SONiC/HostService/gnoi_container_shutdown";
+// DBus::BusDispatcher dispatcher;
+DBus::Connection& HostServiceDbus::getConnection(void) {
+ static DBus::Connection* ConnPtr = nullptr;
+ if (ConnPtr == nullptr) {
+ static DBus::BusDispatcher dispatcher;
+ DBus::default_dispatcher = &dispatcher;
+ static DBus::Connection conn = DBus::Connection::SystemBus();
+ ConnPtr = &conn;
+ }
+ return *ConnPtr;
+DbusInterface::DbusResponse HostServiceDbus::Reboot(
+ const std::string& jsonRebootRequest) {
+ int32_t status;
+ GnoiDbusReboot reboot_client(getConnection(), kRebootBusName, kRebootPath);
+ std::string retString;
+ std::vector options;
+ options.push_back(jsonRebootRequest);
+ try {
+ reboot_client.issue_reboot(options, status, retString);
+ } catch (DBus::Error& ex) {
+ return DbusResponse{
+ DbusStatus::DBUS_FAIL,
+ "HostServiceDbus::Reboot: failed to call reboot host service"};
+ }
+ // gnoi_reboot.py returns 0 for success, 1 for failure
+ if (status == 0) {
+ // Successful reboot response is an empty string.
+ return DbusResponse{DbusStatus::DBUS_SUCCESS, ""};
+ }
+ return DbusResponse{DbusStatus::DBUS_FAIL, retString};
+DbusInterface::DbusResponse HostServiceDbus::RebootStatus(
+ const std::string& jsonStatusRequest) {
+ GnoiDbusReboot reboot_client(getConnection(), kRebootBusName, kRebootPath);
+ int32_t status;
+ std::string retString;
+ try {
+ reboot_client.get_reboot_status(status, retString);
+ } catch (DBus::Error& ex) {
+ return DbusResponse{
+ DbusStatus::DBUS_FAIL,
+ "HostServiceDbus::RebootStatus: failed to call reboot status "
+ "host service"};
+ }
+ // gnoi_reboot.py returns 0 for success, 1 for failure
+ if (status == 0) {
+ return DbusResponse{DbusStatus::DBUS_SUCCESS, retString};
+ }
+ return DbusResponse{DbusStatus::DBUS_FAIL, retString};
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/interfaces.h b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/interfaces.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..977d3518ead0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/interfaces.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "gnoi_reboot_dbus.h" // auto generated gnoi_reboot_proxy
+#include "reboot_interfaces.h"
+class GnoiDbusReboot : public org::SONiC::HostService::gnoi_reboot_proxy,
+ public DBus::IntrospectableProxy,
+ public DBus::ObjectProxy {
+ public:
+ GnoiDbusReboot(DBus::Connection& connection, const char* dbus_bus_name_p,
+ const char* dbus_obj_name_p)
+ : DBus::ObjectProxy(connection, dbus_obj_name_p, dbus_bus_name_p) {}
+class HostServiceDbus : public DbusInterface {
+ public:
+ DbusInterface::DbusResponse Reboot(
+ const std::string& json_reboot_request) override;
+ DbusInterface::DbusResponse RebootStatus(
+ const std::string& json_status_request) override;
+ private:
+ static DBus::Connection& getConnection(void);
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_common.cpp b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_common.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec7aa680d9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_common.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include "reboot_common.h"
+namespace rebootbackend {
+} // namespace rebootbackend
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_common.h b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3c9b55be767c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "status_code_util.h"
+namespace rebootbackend {
+//extern bool sigterm_requested;
+bool sigterm_requested = false;
+struct NotificationResponse {
+ swss::StatusCode status;
+ std::string json_string;
+} // namespace rebootbackend
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_interfaces.h b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_interfaces.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e32c53506400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_interfaces.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#pragma once
+class DbusInterface {
+ public:
+ enum class DbusStatus {
+ };
+ struct DbusResponse {
+ DbusStatus status;
+ std::string json_string;
+ };
+ virtual ~DbusInterface() = default;
+ virtual DbusResponse Reboot(const std::string& jsonRebootRequest) = 0;
+ virtual DbusResponse RebootStatus(const std::string& jsonStatusRequest) = 0;
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_thread.cpp b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_thread.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a57a241e302f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_thread.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#include "reboot_thread.h"
+#include "dbconnector.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "notificationproducer.h"
+#include "reboot_common.h"
+#include "reboot_interfaces.h"
+#include "redis_utils.h"
+#include "select.h"
+#include "selectableevent.h"
+#include "selectabletimer.h"
+#include "subscriberstatetable.h"
+#include "system/system.pb.h"
+#include "timestamp.h"
+namespace rebootbackend {
+using namespace ::gnoi::system;
+using steady_clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
+using Progress = ::rebootbackend::RebootThread::Progress;
+//using WarmBootStage = ::swss::WarmStart::WarmBootStage;
+using WarmStartState = ::swss::WarmStart::WarmStartState;
+namespace gpu = ::google::protobuf::util;
+RebootThread::RebootThread(DbusInterface &dbus_interface,
+ swss::SelectableEvent &m_finished)
+ : m_db("STATE_DB", 0),
+ m_finished(m_finished),
+ m_dbus_interface(dbus_interface) {}
+void RebootThread::Stop(void) {
+ // Notify reboot thread that stop has been requested.
+ m_stop.notify();
+bool RebootThread::Join(void) {
+ if (!m_thread.joinable()) {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("RebootThread::Join called, but not joinable");
+ return false;
+ }
+ try {
+ m_thread.join();
+ m_status.set_inactive();
+ return true;
+ } catch (const std::system_error &e) {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Exception calling join: %s", e.what());
+ return false;
+ }
+RebootStatusResponse RebootThread::GetResponse(void) {
+ return m_status.get_response();
+bool RebootThread::HasRun() { return m_status.get_reboot_count() > 0; }
+Progress RebootThread::platform_reboot_select(swss::Select &s,
+ swss::SelectableTimer &l_timer) {
+ while (true) {
+ swss::Selectable *sel;
+ int select_ret;
+ select_ret = s.select(&sel);
+ if (select_ret == swss::Select::ERROR) {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Error: %s!", strerror(errno));
+ } else if (select_ret == swss::Select::OBJECT) {
+ if (sel == &m_stop) {
+ // SIGTERM expected after platform reboot request
+ "m_stop rx'd (SIGTERM) while waiting for platform reboot");
+ return Progress::EXIT_EARLY;
+ } else if (sel == &l_timer) {
+ return Progress::PROCEED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Progress RebootThread::wait_for_platform_reboot(swss::Select &s) {
+ // Sleep for a long time: 260 seconds.
+ // During this time platform should kill us as part of reboot.
+ swss::SelectableTimer l_timer(
+ timespec{.tv_sec = m_reboot_timeout, .tv_nsec = 0});
+ s.addSelectable(&l_timer);
+ l_timer.start();
+ Progress progress = platform_reboot_select(s, l_timer);
+ l_timer.stop();
+ s.removeSelectable(&l_timer);
+ return progress;
+void RebootThread::do_reboot(void) {
+ swss::Select s;
+ s.addSelectable(&m_stop);
+ // Check if stop was requested before Selectable was setup
+ if (sigterm_requested) {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("sigterm_requested was raised, exiting");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_request.method() == RebootMethod::COLD) {
+ do_cold_reboot(s);
+ } else {
+ // This shouldn't be possible. Reference check_start_preconditions()
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Received unrecognized method type = %s",
+ RebootMethod_Name(m_request.method()).c_str());
+ }
+RebootThread::Progress RebootThread::send_dbus_reboot_request() {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Sending reboot request to platform");
+ std::string json_string;
+ gpu::Status status = gpu::MessageToJsonString(m_request, &json_string);
+ if (!status.ok()) {
+ std::string error_string = "unable to convert reboot protobuf to json: " +
+ status.message().as_string();
+ log_error_and_set_non_retry_failure(error_string);
+ return Progress::EXIT_EARLY;
+ }
+ // Send the reboot request to the reboot host service via dbus.
+ DbusInterface::DbusResponse dbus_response =
+ m_dbus_interface.Reboot(json_string);
+ if (dbus_response.status == DbusInterface::DbusStatus::DBUS_FAIL) {
+ log_error_and_set_non_retry_failure(dbus_response.json_string);
+ return Progress::EXIT_EARLY;
+ }
+ return Progress::PROCEED;
+void RebootThread::do_cold_reboot(swss::Select &s) {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Sending cold reboot request to platform");
+ if (send_dbus_reboot_request() == Progress::EXIT_EARLY) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Wait for platform to reboot. If we return, reboot failed.
+ if (wait_for_platform_reboot(s) == Progress::EXIT_EARLY) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We shouldn't be here. Platform reboot should've killed us.
+ log_error_and_set_non_retry_failure("platform failed to reboot");
+ // Set critical state
+ //m_critical_interface.report_critical_state("platform failed to reboot");
+ return;
+void RebootThread::reboot_thread(void) {
+ do_reboot();
+ // Notify calling thread that reboot thread has exited.
+ // Calling thread will call Join(): join and set thread status to inactive.
+ m_finished.notify();
+bool RebootThread::check_start_preconditions(const RebootRequest &request,
+ NotificationResponse &response) {
+ // We have to join a previous executing thread before restarting.
+ // Active is cleared in Join.
+ if (m_status.get_active()) {
+ response.json_string = "RebootThread: can't Start while active";
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_IN_USE;
+ } else if (request.method() != RebootMethod::COLD &&
+ request.method() != RebootMethod::WARM) {
+ response.json_string = "RebootThread: Start rx'd unsupported method";
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_INVALID_PARAM;
+ } else if (request.delay() != 0) {
+ response.json_string = "RebootThread: delayed start not supported";
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_INVALID_PARAM;
+ }
+ if (response.status == swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_SUCCESS) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("%s", response.json_string.c_str());
+ // Log the reboot request contents.
+ gpu::Status status;
+ std::string json_request;
+ status = gpu::MessageToJsonString(request, &json_request);
+ if (status.ok()) {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("check_start_preconditions: RebootRequest = %s",
+ json_request.c_str());
+ } else {
+ "check_start_preconditions: error calling MessageToJsonString");
+ }
+ return false;
+NotificationResponse RebootThread::Start(const RebootRequest &request) {
+ NotificationResponse response = {.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_SUCCESS,
+ .json_string = ""};
+ // Confirm we're not running, method is supported and we're not delayed.
+ if (!check_start_preconditions(request, response)) {
+ // Errors logged in check_start_preconditions.
+ return response;
+ }
+ m_request = request;
+ // From this point errors will be reported via RebootStatusRequest.
+ m_status.set_start_status(request.method(), request.message());
+ try {
+ m_thread = std::thread(&RebootThread::reboot_thread, this);
+ } catch (const std::system_error &e) {
+ std::string error_string = "Exception launching reboot thread: ";
+ error_string += e.what();
+ log_error_and_set_failure_as_retriable(error_string);
+ // Notify calling thread that thread has finished.
+ // Calling thread MUST call Join, which will join and clear active bit.
+ m_finished.notify();
+ }
+ return response;
+void RebootThread::log_error_and_set_non_retry_failure(
+ const std::string error_string) {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("%s", error_string.c_str());
+ m_status.set_completed_status(
+ RebootStatus_Status::RebootStatus_Status_STATUS_FAILURE, error_string);
+void RebootThread::log_error_and_set_failure_as_retriable(
+ const std::string error_string) {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("%s", error_string.c_str());
+ m_status.set_completed_status(
+ RebootStatus_Status::RebootStatus_Status_STATUS_RETRIABLE_FAILURE,
+ error_string);
+} // namespace rebootbackend
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_thread.h b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_thread.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6655069a61c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/reboot_thread.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "dbconnector.h"
+#include "notificationproducer.h"
+#include "reboot_common.h"
+#include "reboot_interfaces.h"
+#include "redis_utils.h"
+#include "select.h"
+#include "selectableevent.h"
+#include "selectabletimer.h"
+#include "subscriberstatetable.h"
+#include "system/system.pb.h"
+namespace rebootbackend {
+// Hold/manage the contents of a RebootStatusResponse as defined
+// in system.proto
+// Thread-safe: expectation is one thread will write and multiple
+// threads can read.
+class ThreadStatus {
+ public:
+ ThreadStatus() {
+ m_proto_status.set_active(false);
+ // Reason for reboot as specified in message from a RebootRequest.
+ // This is "message" in RebootRequest.
+ m_proto_status.set_reason("");
+ // Number of reboots since active.
+ m_proto_status.set_count(0);
+ // RebootMethod is type of of reboot: cold, warm, fast from a
+ // RebootRequest
+ m_proto_status.set_method(gnoi::system::RebootMethod::UNKNOWN);
+ m_proto_status.mutable_status()->set_status(
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatus_Status::RebootStatus_Status_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
+ // In the event of error: message is human readable error explanation.
+ m_proto_status.mutable_status()->set_message("");
+ }
+ void set_start_status(const gnoi::system::RebootMethod &method,
+ const std::string &reason) {
+ m_mutex.lock();
+ m_proto_status.set_active(true);
+ m_proto_status.set_reason(reason);
+ m_proto_status.set_count(m_proto_status.count() + 1);
+ m_proto_status.set_method(method);
+ m_proto_status.mutable_status()->set_status(
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatus_Status::RebootStatus_Status_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
+ m_proto_status.mutable_status()->set_message("");
+ // set when to time reboot starts
+ std::chrono::nanoseconds ns =
+ std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
+ m_proto_status.set_when(ns.count());
+ m_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ bool get_active(void) {
+ m_mutex.lock();
+ bool ret = m_proto_status.active();
+ m_mutex.unlock();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void set_completed_status(const gnoi::system::RebootStatus_Status &status,
+ const std::string &message) {
+ m_mutex.lock();
+ // Status should only be updated while reboot is active
+ if (m_proto_status.active()) {
+ m_proto_status.mutable_status()->set_status(status);
+ m_proto_status.mutable_status()->set_message(message);
+ }
+ m_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ void set_inactive(void) {
+ m_mutex.lock();
+ m_proto_status.set_active(false);
+ m_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ int get_reboot_count() {
+ const std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex);
+ return m_proto_status.count();
+ }
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatus_Status get_last_reboot_status(void) {
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatusResponse response = get_response();
+ return response.status().status();
+ }
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatusResponse get_response(void) {
+ m_mutex.lock();
+ // make a copy
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatusResponse lstatus = m_proto_status;
+ m_mutex.unlock();
+ if (lstatus.active()) {
+ // RebootStatus isn't applicable if we're active
+ lstatus.mutable_status()->set_status(
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatus_Status::
+ RebootStatus_Status_STATUS_UNKNOWN);
+ lstatus.mutable_status()->set_message("");
+ } else {
+ // When is only valid while we're active (since delayed
+ // start isn't supported). Value is set when reboot begins.
+ lstatus.set_when(0);
+ }
+ return lstatus;
+ }
+ private:
+ std::mutex m_mutex;
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatusResponse m_proto_status;
+// RebootThread performs reboot actions leading up to a platform
+// request to reboot.
+// thread-compatible: expectation is Stop, Start and Join will be
+// called from the same thread.
+class RebootThread {
+ public:
+ enum class Status { SUCCESS, FAILURE, KEEP_WAITING };
+ enum class Progress { PROCEED, EXIT_EARLY };
+ // interface: dbus reboot host service access
+ // m_finished: let launching task know thread has finished
+ RebootThread(DbusInterface &dbus_interface,
+ swss::SelectableEvent &m_finished);
+ NotificationResponse Start(const gnoi::system::RebootRequest &request);
+ // Request thread stop/exit. Only used when platform is shutting down
+ // all containers/processes.
+ void Stop(void);
+ // Called by launching task after notification sent to m_finished.
+ bool Join(void);
+ // Return Status of last reboot attempt
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatusResponse GetResponse();
+ // Returns true if the RebootThread has been started since the last reboot,
+ // and false otherwise.
+ bool HasRun();
+ private:
+ void reboot_thread(void);
+ void do_reboot(void);
+ Progress send_dbus_reboot_request();
+ void do_cold_reboot(swss::Select &s);
+ // Inner loop select handler to wait for platform reboot.
+ // wait for timeout
+ // wait for a stop request (sigterm)
+ // Returns:
+ // EXIT_EARLY: an issue occurred that stops WARM
+ // PROCEED: if reboot timeout expired
+ Progress platform_reboot_select(swss::Select &s,
+ swss::SelectableTimer &l_timer);
+ // Wait for platform to reboot while waiting for possible stop
+ // Returns:
+ // EXIT_EARLY: an issue occurred that stops WARM
+ // PROCEED: if reboot timeout expired
+ Progress wait_for_platform_reboot(swss::Select &s);
+ // Log error string, set status to RebootStatus_Status_STATUS_FAILURE
+ // Set status message to error_string.
+ void log_error_and_set_non_retry_failure(const std::string error_string);
+ // Log error string, set status to
+ // RebootStatus_Status_STATUS_RETRIABLE_FAILURE Set status message to
+ // error_string.
+ void log_error_and_set_failure_as_retriable(const std::string error_string);
+ // Request is input only.
+ // Response is ouput only.
+ // Return true if preconditions met, false otherwise.
+ bool check_start_preconditions(const gnoi::system::RebootRequest &request,
+ NotificationResponse &response);
+ std::thread m_thread;
+ // Signal m_finished to let main thread know weve completed.
+ // Main thread should call Join.
+ swss::SelectableEvent &m_finished;
+ // m_stop signalled by main thread on sigterm: cleanup and exit.
+ swss::SelectableEvent m_stop;
+ DbusInterface &m_dbus_interface;
+ swss::DBConnector m_db;
+ ThreadStatus m_status;
+ gnoi::system::RebootRequest m_request;
+ // Wait for system to reboot: allow unit test to shorten.
+ // TODO: there is a plan to make these timer values
+ // available in CONFIG_DB
+ static constexpr uint32_t kRebootTime = 260;
+ long m_reboot_timeout = kRebootTime;
+ friend class RebootBETestWithoutStop;
+ friend class RebootThreadTest;
+} // namespace rebootbackend
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbackend.cpp b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbackend.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3864eea3e37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbackend.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "interfaces.h"
+#include "reboot_interfaces.h"
+#include "rebootbe.h"
+using namespace ::rebootbackend::HostServiceDbus;
+using namespace ::rebootbackend::RebootBE;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ HostServiceDbus dbus_interface;
+ RebootBE rebootbe(dbus_interface);
+ rebootbe.Start();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbe.cpp b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbe.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bdb113c47c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbe.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#include "rebootbe.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "notificationconsumer.h"
+#include "notificationproducer.h"
+#include "reboot_common.h"
+#include "reboot_interfaces.h"
+#include "select.h"
+#include "status_code_util.h"
+namespace rebootbackend {
+namespace gpu = ::google::protobuf::util;
+RebootBE::RebootBE(DbusInterface &dbus_interface)
+ : m_db("STATE_DB", 0),
+ m_NotificationConsumer(&m_db, REBOOT_REQUEST_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL),
+ m_dbus(dbus_interface),
+ m_RebootThread(dbus_interface,
+ m_RebootThreadFinished) {
+ swss::Logger::linkToDbNative("rebootbackend");
+RebootBE::RebManagerStatus RebootBE::GetCurrentStatus() {
+ const std::lock_guard lock(m_StatusMutex);
+ return m_CurrentStatus;
+void RebootBE::SetCurrentStatus(RebManagerStatus newStatus) {
+ const std::lock_guard lock(m_StatusMutex);
+ m_CurrentStatus = newStatus;
+void RebootBE::Start() {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("--- Starting rebootbackend ---");
+ swss::WarmStart::initialize("rebootbackend", "sonic-framework");
+ swss::WarmStart::checkWarmStart("rebootbackend", "sonic-framework",
+ /*incr_restore_cnt=*/false);
+ swss::Select s;
+ s.addSelectable(&m_NotificationConsumer);
+ s.addSelectable(&m_Done);
+ s.addSelectable(&m_RebootThreadFinished);
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("RebootBE entering operational loop");
+ while (true) {
+ swss::Selectable *sel;
+ int ret;
+ ret = s.select(&sel);
+ if (ret == swss::Select::ERROR) {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Error: %s!", strerror(errno));
+ } else if (ret == swss::Select::OBJECT) {
+ if (sel == &m_NotificationConsumer) {
+ DoTask(m_NotificationConsumer);
+ } else if (sel == &m_RebootThreadFinished) {
+ HandleRebootFinish();
+ } else if (sel == &m_Done) {
+ HandleDone();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void RebootBE::Stop() {
+ m_Done.notify();
+ return;
+bool RebootBE::RetrieveNotificationData(
+ swss::NotificationConsumer &consumer,
+ RebootBE::NotificationRequest &request) {
+ Request.op = "";
+ Request.retString = "";
+ std::string data;
+ std::vector values;
+ consumer.pop(Request.op, data, values);
+ for (auto &fv : values) {
+ if (DATA_TUPLE_KEY == fvField(fv)) {
+ request.retString = fvValue(fv);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Send a response on the Reboot_Response_Channel notification channel..
+// Key is one of: Reboot, RebootStatus, or CancelReboot
+// code is swss::StatusCode, hopefully SWSS_RC_SUCCESS.
+// message is json formatted RebootResponse, RebootStatusResponse
+// or CancelRebootResponse as defined in system.proto
+void RebootBE::SendNotificationResponse(const std::string key,
+ const swss::StatusCode code,
+ const std::string message) {
+ std::vector ret_values;
+ ret_values.push_back(swss::FieldValueTuple(DATA_TUPLE_KEY, message));
+ m_RebootResponse.send(key, swss::statusCodeToStr(code), ret_values);
+NotificationResponse RebootBE::HandleRebootRequest(
+ const std::string &jsonRebootRequest) {
+// using namespace google::protobuf::util;
+ using namespace gpu::;
+ // On success an emtpy string is returned. RebootResponse in system.proto
+ // is an empty proto.
+ NotificationResponse response = {.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_SUCCESS,
+ .json_string = ""};
+ gnoi::system::RebootRequest request;
+ Status status = gpu::JsonStringToMessage(jsonRebootRequest, &request);
+ if (!status.ok()) {
+ std::string error_string =
+ "unable to convert json to rebootRequest protobuf: " +
+ status.message().as_string();
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("%s", error_string.c_str());
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("json = |%s|", jsonRebootRequest.c_str());
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_INTERNAL,
+ response.json_string = error_string;
+ return response;
+ }
+ if (!RebootAllowed(request.method())) {
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_IN_USE;
+ response.json_string =
+ "Reboot not allowed at this time. Reboot or "
+ "post-warmboot in progress";
+ SWSS_LOG_WARN("%s", response.json_string.c_str());
+ return response;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Forwarding request to RebootThread: %s",
+ request.DebugString().c_str());
+ response = m_RebootThread.Start(request);
+ if (response.status == swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_SUCCESS) {
+ if (request.method() == gnoi::system::RebootMethod::COLD) {
+ SetCurrentStatus(RebManagerStatus::COLD_REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS);
+ } else if (request.method() == gnoi::system::RebootMethod::WARM) {
+ SetCurrentStatus(RebManagerStatus::WARM_REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS);
+ }
+ }
+ return response;
+bool RebootBE::RebootAllowed(const gnoi::system::RebootMethod rebMethod) {
+ RebManagerStatus current_status = GetCurrentStatus();
+ switch (current_status) {
+ case RebManagerStatus::COLD_REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS:
+ case RebManagerStatus::WARM_REBOOT_IN_PROGRESS: {
+ return false;
+ }
+ case RebManagerStatus::WARM_INIT_WAIT: {
+ return rebMethod == gnoi::system::RebootMethod::COLD;
+ }
+ case RebManagerStatus::IDLE: {
+ return true;
+ }
+ default: {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+NotificationResponse RebootBE::HandleStatusRequest(
+ const std::string &jsonStatusRequest) {
+ gnoi::system::RebootStatusResponse reboot_response =
+ m_RebootThread.GetResponse();
+ std::string json_reboot_response_string;
+ google::protobuf::util::Status status =
+ gpu::MessageToJsonString(reboot_response, &json_reboot_response_string);
+ NotificationResponse response;
+ if (status.ok()) {
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_SUCCESS;
+ response.json_string = json_reboot_response_string;
+ } else {
+ std::string error_string =
+ "unable to convert reboot status response protobuf to json: " +
+ status.message().as_string();
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("%s", error_string.c_str());
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_INTERNAL;
+ response.json_string = error_string;
+ }
+ return response;
+NotificationResponse RebootBE::HandleCancelRequest(
+ const std::string &jsonCancelRequest) {
+ NotificationResponse response;
+ // CancelReboot isn't supported: not needed until/unless delayed support
+ // is added: return unimplemented.
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_UNIMPLEMENTED;
+ response.json_string = "Cancel reboot isn't supported";
+ SWSS_LOG_WARN("%s", response.json_string.c_str());
+ return response;
+void RebootBE::DoTask(swss::NotificationConsumer &consumer) {
+ NotificationResponse response;
+ RebootBE::NotificationRequest request;
+ if (!RetrieveNotificationData(consumer, request)) {
+ // Response is simple string (not json) on error.
+ response.json_string =
+ "MESSAGE not present in reboot notification request message, op = " +
+ request.op;
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("%s", response.json_string.c_str());
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_INVALID_PARAM;
+ } else if (request.op == REBOOT_KEY) {
+ response = HandleRebootRequest(request.retString);
+ } else if (request.op == REBOOT_STATUS_KEY) {
+ response = HandleStatusRequest(request.retString);
+ } else if (request.op == CANCEL_REBOOT_KEY) {
+ response = HandleCancelRequest(request.retString);
+ } else {
+ // Response is simple string (not json) on error.
+ response.json_string =
+ "Unrecognized op in reboot request, op = " + request.op;
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("%s", response.json_string.c_str());
+ response.status = swss::StatusCode::SWSS_RC_INVALID_PARAM;
+ }
+ SendNotificationResponse(request.op, response.status, response.json_string);
+void RebootBE::HandleRebootFinish() {
+ "Receieved notification that reboot has finished. This probably means "
+ "something is wrong");
+ m_RebootThread.Join();
+ SetCurrentStatus(RebManagerStatus::IDLE);
+void RebootBE::HandleDone() {
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("RebootBE received signal to stop");
+ if (m_RebootThread.GetResponse().active()) {
+ m_RebootThread.Stop();
+ m_RebootThread.Join();
+ }
+} // namespace rebootbackend
diff --git a/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbe.h b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbe.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..97a6c227e45a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sonic-framework/rebootbackend/rebootbe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "dbconnector.h"
+#include "notificationconsumer.h"
+#include "notificationproducer.h"
+#include "reboot_common.h"
+#include "reboot_interfaces.h"
+#include "reboot_thread.h"
+#include "selectableevent.h"
+#include "status_code_util.h"
+namespace rebootbackend {
+#define REBOOT_KEY "Reboot"
+#define REBOOT_STATUS_KEY "RebootStatus"
+#define CANCEL_REBOOT_KEY "CancelReboot"
+class RebootBE {
+ public:
+ enum class RebManagerStatus {
+ };
+ struct NotificationRequest {
+ std::string op;
+ std::string retString;
+ };
+ RebootBE(DbusInterface &interface);
+ RebManagerStatus GetCurrentStatus();
+ void Start();
+ void Stop();
+ private:
+ std::mutex m_StatusMutex;
+ RebManagerStatus m_CurrentStatus = RebManagerStatus::IDLE;
+ swss::SelectableEvent m_Done;
+ swss::DBConnector m_db;
+ swss::NotificationProducer m_RebootResponse;
+ swss::NotificationConsumer m_NotificationConsumer;
+ DbusInterface &m_dbus;
+ // Signalled by reboot thread when thread completes.
+ swss::SelectableEvent m_RebootThreadFinished;
+ RebootThread m_RebootThread;
+ void SetCurrentStatus(RebManagerStatus newStatus);
+ // Reboot_Request_Channel notifications should all contain {"MESSAGE" : Data}
+ // in the notification Data field.
+ // Return true if "MESSAGE" is found, false otherwise.
+ // Set message_value to the Data string if found, "" otherwise.
+ // consumer is input: this is the consumer from which we pop
+ // reboot/cancel/status requests.
+ // request is output: this the request recevied from consumer
+ bool RetrieveNotificationData(swss::NotificationConsumer &consumer,
+ NotificationRequest &request);
+ NotificationResponse HandleRebootRequest(
+ const std::string &jsonRebootRequest);
+ NotificationResponse HandleStatusRequest(
+ const std::string &jsonStatusRequest);
+ NotificationResponse HandleCancelRequest(
+ const std::string &jsonCancelRequest);
+ void SendNotificationResponse(const std::string key,
+ const swss::StatusCode code,
+ const std::string message);
+ // Returns true if a reboot is allowed at this time given the current
+ // warm manager state and reboot type, and false otherwise.
+ bool RebootAllowed(const gnoi::system::RebootMethod rebMethod);
+ void DoTask(swss::NotificationConsumer &consumer);
+ void HandleRebootFinish();
+ void HandleDone();
+ friend class RebootBETestWithoutStop;
+} // namespace rebootbackend