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API and HTTP errors with version 1.6 #10

himadrinath opened this issue Jan 13, 2018 · 7 comments

API and HTTP errors with version 1.6 #10

himadrinath opened this issue Jan 13, 2018 · 7 comments


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himadrinath commented Jan 13, 2018

@souvikdc9 am i doing wrong or missing anything? can u tell


outgoing request

<Auth tid="public" ac="public" sa="public" txn="20180113102913355" lk="MEaMX8fkRa6PqsqK6wGMrEXcXFl_oXHA-YuknI2uf0gKgZ80HaZgG3A" uid="999999990019" ver="1.6" rc="Y" xmlns=""> <Uses pi="y" pa="y" pfa="n" bio="n" otp="n" pin="n" xmlns="" /> <Meta udc="ABCDE.20150101.00001" fdc="NA" idc="NA" pip="NA" lot="G" lov="21,78,0" xmlns="" /> <Skey ci="20200916" xmlns="">k7RZl0GG/Mz3tTs2ZX85xMAYdKnWYypyl7XJKWFmEZtCnnu3nyXOiOqO3qLxakRp2YIW8eBD0zrY2vxiybRMXt+/XTSO8I8x3A28Uz6xF6EyoaWqssugM6HB7dDAJzJF6abRg8EzhUMfiRZci4ynalscoUTWSH96jZaGmXReozW79K08Z9tj671XzAP/CFGPP066pA5oWsDHbIPtPPGatMpYyqko1L5vyoVugGwOmw1tZ/EZx8uSFBIgXMCIQKOxb/xzUeY3HGdzEFKHY5ZLjx4eHyOPRGyXo9dRCyQo0io7f2NLtGaMLEDNGXZvUliBZs/jqCkDPuza4Sp14Ot/gw==</Skey> <Data type="X" xmlns="">p/pMZqn9SsJVyKS+im8FqlsxmtCBkxVu9mMes71D8K+E9geETCE9kJz6LznbhjZN+XupfTQktbxMIfvCbHLLIahI1Y0hq8KfBkFZBdjFgPp8slCVe4YzhOuxUMR4OaUwIo19YqsC6bjgBoyybT1S+9ftkjuzwT73F5T51r/QMYN+RdjOg5TWvlH8o18uFyhxjXlTJcuEwAmy1z/vuvcXX6uH2DTPBJuAacsfLjgAy2XzxJC/ntAaTJz3/3KY271t1eGAyDv7+Wvc4UXgf04FmFSKcYRaYr69AK9Gdzypwx9ud21+k0CPz8Vw0i2Euju8LDOwm55gYPlT5cErcY4v11Dr28rbYqpNmr6Z59dX+ohWENdSfR3dmgnFIspiZcAcE0We/FL2AYY+VG1Ngb+0H03ctuaR/REZji0haNkh9D6HIYX74u+E1C0BeqloGTfw</Data> <Hmac xmlns="">HAAuZUAblCsswOSbj+MBM1YsWtiMB3jWEA1ETTQfXrLCres92eX4JCBrSA+HStnH</Hmac> <Signature xmlns=""> <SignedInfo> <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" /> <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /> <Reference URI=""> <Transforms> <Transform Algorithm="" /> </Transforms> <DigestMethod Algorithm="" /> <DigestValue>ifafMel8cgQuxRYdOQytRfAKyPC2FXYvCdF6UbDCIrc=</DigestValue> </Reference> </SignedInfo> <SignatureValue>Yaje8U4JoY+CTfZJDq1YDdEG5x8iZxajN6OauK4tR0dbXitzakp+VRD0JSYL5niBinlYJx8YOR/YO+A/Kg7KxRZ11vpaVBLKcd6mojNDApittDFLhXDy660knMBQQWkN56m4o6++kZ7xrcgmSLo3MTttpNANjMBhprhIZZPnU3gXou26m3VY6qz3HgI2dncbgZLba3x348sfN28b4nE15g2k4/ZhVTstODzaoGGdCcrAq5zIMrJhf3fXhIgDpxbJJYtzSQWB5g6Kmlbl/D3Ay7YPu2CmdoP1ptYT/G/Xek+Iw4YM5hkIOjHkjw2goaPYlQOVpWSE4SMlr1IzyATuCg==</SignatureValue> <KeyInfo> <X509Data> <X509SubjectName>CN=Public AUA for Staging Services, OU=Staging Services, O=Public AUA, L=Bangalore, S=KA, C=IN</X509SubjectName> <X509Certificate>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</X509Certificate> </X509Data> </KeyInfo> </Signature> </Auth>

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ghost commented Jan 15, 2018

No, it seems absolutely fine to me. Are you sure the request timestamp is not too old? Could you try once using a synchronized session key? It could be problem with the server, or it could be version 1.6, which may become obsolete.

I didn't run the project for last few days so I could not check myself if it is something related from the library. I'm currently working with the Java API, after which I plan to upgrade to 2.0. In the meantime, if you solved the problem, or found any bug with the library, let me know.

I'm also waiting for the verdict before investing time on it again!

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himadrinath commented Jan 15, 2018

@souvikdc9 i tried your sample and also in my core2.0 web app both of them giving me the same result 504

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I downloaded project right now and set "Uidai.Aadhaar.Sample" as start up project and debugged. I am facing below issue. Do i need to modify anything after i downloading. I did not modified any personal information which Uidai test data.

Auth.AuthenticateAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); in program.cs which internally navigates to Auth cs file.

// Perform Authentication
var apiClient = new AuthClient
AgencyInfo = Options.AgencyInfo,
Request = new AuthRequest(deviceContext) { Signer = Signer },
Response = new AuthResponse { Verifier = Verifier }
await apiClient.GetResponseAsync(); -- Exception causing at this step.

Pls. help me to solve this. Or am i need to change anything after downloading.

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ghost commented Feb 1, 2018

@SatyaPavanKumar the exception is occurring at the HTTP level, and not with API. Make sure that the Auth URL points to a working version.

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ghost commented Feb 1, 2018

@himadrinath & @SatyaPavanKumar
Currently, UIDAI is phasing out version 1.6, so it is possible that you get Error 998, or HTTP 503. Moreover, many times the Auth or OTP server doesn't work. Sometimes the TEST UIDs doesn't work.

The .NET API worked really nicely at one point of time, but it is currently becoming difficult to use it, as it target older version. Therefore, may be it is time that we upgrade to 2.0. But that requires some delays, mostly because of law issue and free time.

@ghost ghost changed the title getting 504 API and HTTP errors with version 1.6 Feb 1, 2018
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@souvikdc9 can u gave us any timeline how long it will take u too convert into 2.0 and what law issue u talking about.?

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ghost commented Apr 19, 2018

@himadrinath Only after Supreme Court of India gives her final verdict on the usage of Aadhaar, I'll start re-developing the library full-fledged.

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