deploy - Transmit splunk-sdk-java artifacts to the local, staging or production maven artifact repository
deploy <repository-name>
Deploy transmits dist/splunk-1.6.5.jar, dist/splunk-1.6.5-javadoc.jar, and dist/splunk-1.6.5-sources.jar to the local, staging, or production maven repository. Repository names are mapped to locations as follows.
repository-name | location |
local | file:///${HOME}/.m2/repository/ |
staging | http://stg-artifactory:8081/artifactory/devplat-staging/ |
production | http://splunk.artifactoryonline.com/splunk/ext-releases-local/ |
After deployment you should find this tree structure at the location of your repository
├── splunk-1.6.5-javadoc.jar
├── splunk-1.6.5-javadoc.jar.md5
├── splunk-1.6.5-javadoc.jar.sha1
├── splunk-1.6.5-sources.jar
├── splunk-1.6.5-sources.jar.md5
├── splunk-1.6.5-sources.jar.sha1
├── splunk-1.6.5.jar
├── splunk-1.6.5.jar.md5
├── splunk-1.6.5.jar.sha1
├── splunk-1.6.5.pom
├── splunk-1.6.5.pom.md5
└── splunk-1.6.5.pom.sha1
Verify this structure prior to release.