Releases: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-kubernetes
Releases · spring-cloud/spring-cloud-kubernetes
What's Changed
- various pipeline improvements by @wind57 in #1454
- simplify clean-up of space stage by @wind57 in #1460
- revert clean-up by @wind57 in #1462
- separate surefire/failsafe directory for report on each matrix step by @wind57 in #1463
- refactor fabric8 catalog watch integration test using PATCH by @wind57 in #1450
- fabric8-configmap-event-reload-patch-refactor part 1 by @wind57 in #1464
- Fabric8 configmap event reload patch refactor part 2 by @wind57 in #1466
- Fabric8 configmap event reload patch refactor part 3 by @wind57 in #1467
- Fabric8 it part 4 by @wind57 in #1469
- fix current main build failure by @wind57 in #1473
- Fabric8 it part 5 by @wind57 in #1470
- Fabric8 it part 6 by @wind57 in #1471
- Fabric8 it part 7 by @wind57 in #1474
- Fabric8 it part 8 by @wind57 in #1475
- Fabric8 it part 9 by @wind57 in #1476
- Change directory of failsafe and surefire reports when not using GitHub Actions by @ryanjbaxter in #1478
- Fabric8 it part 10 by @wind57 in #1477
- increase timeout by @wind57 in #1479
- Refactor fabric8 discovery IT by @wind57 in #1480
- Fabric8 it part 13 by @wind57 in #1483
- Fabric8 it part 15 by @wind57 in #1486
- apply naming convention for the Fabric8IstioIT by @wind57 in #1487
- k8s client load balancer name convention applied by @wind57 in #1488
- rename integration config watcher integration test by @wind57 in #1489
- rename last integration test related to rabbitmq + config watcher by @wind57 in #1490
- Common maven plugins for integration tests by @wind57 in #1492
Full Changelog: v3.1.0-M2...v3.1.0-RC1
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fix main build failure #1417
📔 Documentation
- Antora migration #1446
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@spencergibb and @wind57
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
@ryanjbaxter and @wind57
What's Changed
- Upgrade fabric8 to 6.7.2 by @ryanjbaxter in #1373
- Correct tests after fabric8 upgrade by @wind57 in #1374
- fix issue 1358 by @wind57 in #1386
- Minor renames and comments by @wind57 in #1392
- improve number of method calls to k8s api server for endpoints catalog watcher by @wind57 in #1393
- Move service data to commons by @wind57 in #1394
- Move endpoints ports to commons by @wind57 in #1395
- Move secure port resolver to commons by @wind57 in #1396
- Move service instance to commons by @wind57 in #1399
- Simplify new suppliers introduced previously by @wind57 in #1400
- More simplifications in fabric8 discovery implementation by @wind57 in #1403
Full Changelog: v3.0.4...v3.1.0-M1
⭐ New Features
- Remove imageBuilder so default is used and can be overwritten on the command line #1368
- Our current tests are very un-balanced #1339
🐞 Bug Fixes
- incorrect services returned due to wrong label filtering #1388
- spring-cloud-kubernetes-fabric8-discovery includes mockito-inline as a compile-time dependency #1363
- Warning about deprecated config paths when uniquePaths is empty #1358
- Spring cloud override mockito.version defined by SB #1355
- Wrong dependency managment for spring-retry #1356
✔️ Tasks
- Fix issue with balanced tests #1384
- Fix first step of the matrix #1381
- refactor fabric8 test #1379
- drop support for circleci #1378
- fix build failure related to disk usage #1372
- Refactor some integration tests #1359
- Some improvements in the pipeline and integration tests #1357
- Simplifiy existing split of tests #1352
- remove explicit launcher dependency + fix occasional build failures #1349
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
What's Changed
- fix 1310 in 2.1.x for ConfigMaps by @wind57 in #1334
- fix 1338 by @wind57 in #1340
- Support looking up the config server via DiscoveryClient by @ryanjbaxter in #1354
Full Changelog: v2.1.7...v2.1.8
What's Changed
- Fix 1182 2.1.x by @wind57 in #1269
- fix issue 870 - make spring-boot-starter-logging optional by @Saljack in #1279
- Fix 1278 by @wind57 in #1280
- New Kubernetes Informer Auto Config by @wind57 in #1276
- Increase timeout for integration tests by @wind57 in #1283
- Fix wrong labels and annotations in kubernetes discovery native client by @wind57 in #1282
- Test via non deprecated constructor by @wind57 in #1284
- Deprecate constructor that uses namespace by @wind57 in #1285
- Fix properties retrieval order from configmaps by @disimo74 in #1291
- Fix current compilation error by @wind57 in #1294
- Remove k8s client spring integration dependency by @wind57 in #1288
- Upgrade Kubernetes Java Client to 17.0.2 by @ryanjbaxter in #1306
- Add test for 1286 by @wind57 in #1305
- Fix some existing issues by @wind57 in #1304
- Clean up integration tests by @wind57 in #1312
- Add support for selective namespaces by @wind57 in #1274
- Minor simplification in the pipeline by @wind57 in #1316
- Fix 1317 by @wind57 in #1318
- Fix 1295 reactive by @wind57 in #1320
- K8s discovery tests clean up by @wind57 in #1321
- Move post construct by @wind57 in #1319
- Fix 990 by @wind57 in #1322
- Fix 1323 part 1 by @wind57 in #1327
- Fix 1323 part 2 by @wind57 in #1329
- Fix paths documentation by @wind57 in #1330
- fix 1310 in 2.1.x for ConfigMaps by @wind57 in #1334
- Fix 1310 for ConfigMaps by @wind57 in #1332
- Deprecate config paths by @wind57 in #1336
- fix 1338 by @wind57 in #1340
- Fix 1338 main by @wind57 in #1344
- Drop publish reports pipeline stage by @wind57 in #1342
- Minor cleanup in dependencies by @wind57 in #1346
- Pipeline tests simplification by @wind57 in #1348
- Add cluster logs by @wind57 in #1353
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.0.3
What's Changed
- Add caching to load balancer ServiceListSupplier. by @ryanjbaxter in #1247
- unique service names (2.1.x) by @wind57 in #1255
- add common pipeline for main and 2.1.x branches by @wind57 in #1256
- Fix 5.1.3 on branch 2.1.x by @wind57 in #1263
- Fix 1182 2.1.x by @wind57 in #1269
- Fix properties retrieval order from configmaps by @disimo74 in #1291
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.1.6...v2.1.7
What's Changed
- fix 1205 by @wind57 in #1206
- Fix 1199 : fix bug by @wind57 in #1203
- fix 1207 for kubernetes native client by @wind57 in #1208
- Fix 1207 issue fabric8 by @wind57 in #1209
- drop deprecations around informers + remove a few hacks we had where we were reading properties from Environment instead of properties by @wind57 in #1211
- Fabric8 Discovery client clean-up 2 by @wind57 in #1214
- Fabric8 discovery cleanup 3 by @wind57 in #1216
- kubernetes client discovery cleanup 4 by @wind57 in #1217
- Fabric8 discovery cleanup 5 by @wind57 in #1218
- move to commons by @wind57 in #1220
- Clean subsetsns by @wind57 in #1221
- Separate some more logic by @wind57 in #1222
- Simplify test 1 by @wind57 in #1223
- Simplify test 2 by @wind57 in #1224
- Simplify test 3 by @wind57 in #1226
- Move service metadata by @wind57 in #1227
- Fabric8 DiscoveryClient Cleanup by @wind57 in #1229
- get the namespace from the endpoints instead of the client by @wind57 in #1230
- Inline selective namespaces by @wind57 in #1232
- move ports metadata computation to the dedicated method by @wind57 in #1231
- Move namespace metadata by @wind57 in #1233
- Clean up addresses by @wind57 in #1235
- Check for empty data in secret by @ryanjbaxter in #1236
- Add namespace to service instance result by @wind57 in #1238
- Use SecretsPropertySource for Kubernetes secrets by @breun in #1234
- Introduce namespace provider by @wind57 in #1240
- Unify endpoints calls and resolution by @wind57 in #1241
- Add caching to load balancer ServiceListSupplier. by @ryanjbaxter in #1247
- Add externalname support for fabric8 by @wind57 in #1243
- Add scheme to test urls by @ryanjbaxter in #1249
- Add scheme to test URLs by @ryanjbaxter in #1250
- Add scheme to test urls by @ryanjbaxter in #1251
- Adding schemes to tests by @ryanjbaxter in #1252
- unique service names (main) by @wind57 in #1253
- unique service names (2.1.x) by @wind57 in #1255
- add pod metadata and annotations as part of the service discovery response by @wind57 in #1254
- Use spring-config-import in configserver by @ryanjbaxter in #1258
- add common pipeline for main and 2.1.x branches by @wind57 in #1256
- 🔧 Added spring-configuration-metadata.json for easy configuration by @xuxiaowei-com-cn in #1260
- Fix 5.1.3 on branch 2.1.x by @wind57 in #1263
- Fix 513 by @wind57 in #1262
- Fix current build from merge 2.1.x by @wind57 in #1264
- Fix 976 by @wind57 in #1265
- Minor rename by @wind57 in #1267
- Fix 1182 by @wind57 in #1266
- Minor clean up watcher util by @wind57 in #1270
- K8s native clean up part 1 by @wind57 in #1273
New Contributors
- @breun made their first contribution in #1234
- @xuxiaowei-com-cn made their first contribution in #1260
Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.0.2
🐛 Bugs
📔 Documentation
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:
⭐ New Features
- Implement A
For Kubernetes Java Client ((1042)[]) - Don't configure reload beans unless the properties are set #1200
- We read configmaps/secret too often #1176
- Simplify integration tests #1181
📔 Documentation
- Proper escaping of code #1191
❤️ Contributors
Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release: