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Frequently Asked Questions

sergi edited this page Sep 21, 2011 · 28 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General questions

Why do you have two issue trackers for Cloud9?
The Cloud9 project comes in two flavors: locally-hosted and in the cloud. The Github issue tracker is used for the locally-hosted version and Lighthouse is used for the cloud version.

Do you have plans for support of a PHP PaaS, such as Orchestra IO or PHPFog
Yes, there are plans of short/medium-term integration of PHP (with debugger), specially targeting one or several of the most popular PHP cloud-based platforms.

IDE questions

**How do I enable VIM keyboard bindings?**
**Where can I find the default keybindings and hot keys?**
You can find them in [client/ext/keybindings_default](
**Can I upload non-ascii files to my projects, such as images and other binary files?**
For now, HTML5 drag and drop API doesn't fully work with Cloud9, but you can upload images in some other ways.

The first and most common way is to develop your project using an FTP connection. However, since this is not always the case you can also send a request to the running jsDav server under your project's workspace URL. An example of sending a PUT request to the jsDav server would be:

curl -X PUT --header "Content-type: image/png" --header "Cookie: c9.devel.sid=YOUR_SID_HASH" --data-binary @image.png

Technical questions

**I can't find any extension to do X or Y, can you implement it on the IDE?**
Due to the nature of our releases, we are currently very focused on developing the most important features for the editor, in order give every user the best experience that an online IDE can offer. However, Cloud9 IDE is very flexible and provides an array of tools such as NPM; the Node Package Manager. Often finding or writing scripts to perform specific tasks is a very simple process:
  • Use the console to install a NPM package that suits your needs
  • Build a simple runner file to compile or execute or debug your code

Here's an example of installing uglify-js to obfuscate JavaScript code.

**Cloud9 does not support MySQL or any other type of Database system, what should I do?**

Database support in our Run VMs is not implemented yet. We strongly advise you to host your databases in either your own local machine, or a remote server.

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