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AWS CodePipeline Job Worker

Read more about CodePipeline:



Install the following tools to build the AWS CodePipeline Job Worker:

  • Java SE Development Kit 8
  • Maven


Use the init.d script to start the AWS CodePipeline Job Worker polling for custom actions:

service aws-codepipeline-jobworker start

The script optionally takes the configuration class as a parameter. If you want to run the job worker for third party actions, you can use the following command:

service aws-codepipeline-jobworker start "com.amazonaws.codepipeline.jobworker.configuration.ThirdPartyJobWorkerConfiguration"

You can also specify your own configuration class. It only has to implement the JobWorkerConfiguration interface.


The job worker comes with two pre-defined configuration classes: CustomActionJobWorkerConfiguration and ThirdPartyJobWorkerConfiguration. Both inherit from the DefaultJobWorkerConfiguration to share most of the configuration settings.

You can configure the following settings:

// Configure action type id the job worker polls for
public ActionTypeId getActionTypeId() {
    return new ActionTypeId(
        "Deploy",          // Action Type Category: Source, Build, Test, Deploy, Invoke
        "Custom",          // Action Type Owner: Custom or ThirdParty
        "MyCustomAction",  // Action Type Provider: Name of your action type
        "1"                // Action Type Version: e.g. "1"

// How frequently the job worker polls for new jobs
private static final long POLL_INTERVAL_MS = 30000L; // e.g. every 30 seconds

// Maximum number of worker threads. Indicates how many jobs can be processed in parallel.
private static final int WORKER_THREADS = 10;

AWS Region

  • The AWS region for the custom job worker can be set with the AWS_REGION environment variable, and it will poll for jobs in this region.
  • If the environment variable is not set, then the custom job worker will try to use the region of the EC2 instance on which it is running.
  • You can also modify getRegion() method in
    private static Region getRegion() {
        return Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1);


The job worker comes with AWS CodeDeploy installation scripts. Set up your application and deployment group in AWS CodeDeploy and run the following command to deploy the agent:

# Replace with your Amazon S3 bucket name
# Make sure that you set up your application and deployment group in AWS CodeDeploy

# Compile the code and create deployment bundle
ant release

# Create a tar archive from the build output
cd build/output
tar -cf ../AwsCodePipelineJobWorker.tar *

# Upload the deployment bundle to your Amazon S3 bucket.
aws s3 cp ../AwsCodePipelineJobWorker.tar s3://$AMAZON_S3_BUCKET/AwsCodePipelineJobWorker.tar

# Start the deployment using AWS CodeDeploy
aws deploy create-deployment --application-name $APPLICATION_NAME --deployment-group-name $DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME --s3-location bucket=$AMAZON_S3_BUCKET,bundleType=tar,key=AwsCodePipelineJobWorker.tar

Making a new custom action

  1. Edit the src/main/ruby/jruby_code_pipeline_job_processor.rb to do what you want
  2. Edit src/main/ruby/jruby_action_job_worker_configuration.rb to point to the processor and contain proper action identifiers
  3. Update to refer to the proper configuration class
  4. mvn install
  5. Deploy target/AwsCodePipelineJobWorker-cp.tar through aforementioned instructions
  6. Use AWS CLI to define custom action using src/main/resources/custom_action_defintion.sjon
  7. Define CodePipeline pipeline and refer to action
  8. To see worker in action, ssh into box where deployed and tail /var/log/aws-codepipeline-jobworker/*.log