You can use Homebrew to install the latest version:
brew tap stelligent/tap
brew install config-lint
You can pull the latest image from DockerHub:
docker pull stelligent/config-lint
If you choose to install and run via docker
you will need mount a directory to the running container so that it has access to your configuration files.
docker run -v /path/to/your/configs/:/foobar stelligent/config-lint -terraform /foobar/
# or
docker run --mount src=/path/to/your/configs/,target=/foobar,type=bind stelligent/config-lint -terraform /foobar/
If you are linting Kubernetes configuration files, you will need to reference the path to the Kubernetes rules accordingly.
For example if the pwd
has rules and configuration files:
docker run -v $(pwd):/foobar stelligent/config-lint -rules /foobar/path/to/rules/kubernetes.yml /foobar/path/to/configs
If you don't have your own set of rules that you want to run against your Kubernetes configuration files, you can copy or download the example set from example-files/rules/kubernetes.yml.
# Install the latest version of config-lint
curl -L | tar xz -C /usr/local/bin config-lint
# See for release versions
curl -L${VERSION}/config-lint_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz -C /usr/local/bin config-lint
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/config-lint
Download the latest Windows release for your platform and add the binary to your Windows PATH.