uptide is a python package for tidal calculations. It computes tidal free surface heights or velocities from the amplitudes and phases of the tidal constituents. These amplitudes and phases can be read from global tidal solutions such as TPXO or FES2014. They can be read directly from the netCDF files provided by these sources. Some limited functionality for tidal harmonic analysis is also available,
- python 3 or 2.7 (deprecated)
- numpy
- to read from netCDF sources: python netCDF support. The netCDF4 package is recommended. To install:
sudo CC=mpicc pip install netcdf4
or use the python-netcdf4 package on Ubuntu and Debian. * for FES2014 support: the FES package. To build from source (note that there is unfortunately no longer a simple pip install):
git clone git+https://bitbucket.org/cnes_aviso/fes.git cd fes/ mkdir build cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix> -DBUILD_PYTHON=yes make make install
where <prefix>
should be the installation. When using a python
virtual environment you can use $VIRTUAL_ENV
. When using conda
replace the above with a single step: conda install -c fbriol fes
Given the phase and amplitudes of the harmonic constituents (M2, S2, etc.) reconstruct the tidal signal at an arbitrary date and time (including nodal corrections).
import uptide import datetime tide = uptide.Tides(['M2', 'S2']) # select which constituents to use tide.set_initial_time(datetime.datetime(2001,1,1,12,0,0)) # set t=0 at 1 Jan 2001, UTC 12:00 amp = [2.0, 1.0] # amplitudes of M2 and S2 pha = [0., 3.14159] # phases (in radians!) for M2 and S2 import numpy as np t = np.arange(0, 30*24*3600, 600) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt eta = tide.from_amplitude_phase(amp, pha, t) plt.plot(t, eta) plt.show()
If not timezone is provided, the initial datetime is assumed to be in UTC. Otherwise use pytz and do something like:
import pytz adam = pytz.timezone('Europe/Amsterdam') tide.set_initial_time(datetime.datetime(2001,1,1,12,0,0, tzinfo=adam))
Note that the nodal corrections (the 18.6 years cycle associated with
lunar precession),
are only calculated for the date-time set with set_initial_time
(t=0). If the time you calculate the signal for deviates significantly
from t=0
, you can recompute the correction for any later time t:
For TPXO, we can only use those regional solutions (see map here) for which a netcdf version is given: - Atlantic Ocean 2011: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/AO_2011atlas_netcdf.tar.Z - Bering Sea: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/BerS_netcdf.tar.Z - European Shelf 2008: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/ES_netcdf.tar.Z - Indian Ocean 2011: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/IO_2011atlas_netcdf.tar.Z - Mediterranean: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/Med_netcdf.tar.Z - Gulf of Mexico: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/Mex_netcdf.tar.gz - North Australia: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/NAust_netcdf.tar.Z - Pacific Ocean: ftp://ftp.oce.orst.edu/dist/tides/regional/PO_2011atlas_netcdf.tar.Z
Each solution comes with a grid file, and a amplitude and phase file for the elevations (currents are currently not supported):
grid_file = '<some_path>/gridES2008.nc' data_file = '<some_path>/hf.ES2008.nc' tnci = OTPSncTidalInterpolator(tide, grid_file, data_file, ranges=((-4.0, 0.0), (58.0, 61.0)))
The optional ranges
argument should give a longitude, lattiude
bounding box of the region of interest (smaller means more efficient)
For FES2014, after installing the fes library following the instructions above, you can either use
tnci = uptide.FES2014TidalInterpolator('<path to an ocean_tide.ini file>') tnci.set_initial_time(datetime.datetime(...)
in which case all constituents specified in the specified
are used, or
tnci = uptide.FES2014TidalInterpolator(tide, '<path to all the individual constituent files>')
where tide
is a Tides
object set-up as in the previous section.
In the latter case it only uses the constituents specified in the
definition of tide
and t=0
is also defined based on the
For either TPXO or FES2014, we can now obtain the reconstructed signal for time t, using
tnci.set_time(t) eta = tnci.get_val(x)
where the tuple x
is the longitude,latitude (TPXO) or
latitude,longitude (FES2014) coordinates of the point of interest.
Given a time signal eta
(say surface elevations) at times t
and t
should be equal-length arrays) we can do a harmonic
amp,pha = uptide.harmonic_analysis(tide, eta, t)
where amp
and pha
are the amplitudes and phases of each
constituent defined in tide.constitunents
. So to get the “M2”
amplitude and phase:
idx= tide.constituents.index('M2') print("M2 amplitude and phase:", amp[idx], pha[idx])
Note that the harmonic analysis is a least squares inversion, which
means that the result for each individual constituent may depend on what
other constituents are specified in tide
in particular constituents
with a close frequency. You should therefore ensure that the time-period
of the signal is long enough to distinguish each pair of constituents. A
useful criterion for this is given by the so called Rayleigh criterion.
As an example, using the following code you can use uptide to compute
the minimum period needed to reliably resolve the M2 and S2 constituents
print("Minimum period (days):", 2*pi/(uptide.tidal.omega['M2']-uptide.tidal.omega['S2'])/(24*3600.))
which gives (as expected) 14 days (a full spring-neap cycle).
For the harmonic analysis of a velocity signal. First do a harmonic analysis of the u and v components separately
au,pu = uptide.harmonic_analysis(tide, u, t) av,pv = uptide.harmonic_analysis(tide, v, t)
after which you can use
a,b,theta,g = uptide.tidal_ellipse_parameters(au, pu, av, pv)
which returns the amplitudes along the major and minor axes (a and b), the inclination (theta), and the phase.