Releases: stepstone-tech/android-material-stepper
Releases · stepstone-tech/android-material-stepper
Added a callback when clicking on the Complete button in BlockingStep
Thanks @FWStelian!
- Showing an error in the tabs is now done by morphing the step number circle background into a warning icon and vice versa (issue #69)
- Added an animation when changing steps for the progress bar stepper type
- Added an option to disable tab navigation (issue #73)
- Setting error state programmatically #71
- Updated Android Gradle Plugin, Gradle and Android Support Library to latest revisions
- Refactored the logic of updating tabs' UI
Fixed Rendering issues when library is included in external projects.
Fixed rendering issues in Android Studio Preview
- Added an option to proceed to the next step/complete programmatically (issue #53)
- Added an option to set different compound drawables for navigation buttons (issue #54 & #55)
- Aligned navigation button text size and padding with design guides
- Updated Android Support Library to 25.1.1
Added an option to overwrite default styles used internally for StepperLayout's child views for further customization of StepperLayout.
Showing errors on tabs when step verification fails.
- Added cross-fade animations in navigation buttons
- Support for both Fragment and View based Step adapters
- Moved step titles from Steps to StepAdapters
- Added a StepViewModel class to hold all displayable info about Steps
Added option to intercept BACK button action for Blocking Steps.
The Back button from the bottom navigation can be now optionally shown on the first step.