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Releases: streamingfast/firehose-core


01 Aug 11:32
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  • Fixed bug where null dmetering plugin was not able to be registered.


31 Jul 18:39
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  • fire{chain} tools check forks now sorts forks by block number from ascending order (so that line you see is the current highest fork).
  • fire{chain} tools check forks --after-block can now be used to show only forks after a certain block number.
  • bump firehose, dmetering and bstream dependencies in order to get latest fixes to meter live blocks.


27 Jul 16:35
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This release bumps substreams to v1.1.10


  • Fixed: jobs would hang when flags --substreams-state-bundle-size and --substreams-tier1-subrequests-size had different values. The latter flag has been completely removed, subrequests will be bound to the state bundle size.


  • Added support for continuous authentication via the grpc auth plugin (allowing cutoff triggered by the auth system).


24 Jul 18:32
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This release bumps substreams to v1.1.9


Substreams Scheduler Improvements for Parallel Processing

The substreams scheduler has been improved to reduce the number of required jobs for parallel processing. This affects backprocessing (preparing the states of modules up to a "start-block") and forward processing (preparing the states and the outputs to speed up streaming in production-mode).

Jobs on tier2 workers are now divided in "stages", each stage generating the partial states for all the modules that have the same dependencies. A substreams that has a single store won't be affected, but one that has 3 top-level stores, which used to run 3 jobs for every segment now only runs a single job per segment to get all the states ready.

Substreams State Store Selection

The substreams server now accepts X-Sf-Substreams-Cache-Tag header to select which Substreams state store URL should be used by the request. When performing a Substreams request, the servers will optionally pick the state store based on the header. This enable consumers to stay on the same cache version when the operators needs to bump the data version (reasons for this could be a bug in Substreams software that caused some cached data to be corrupted on invalid).

To benefit from this, operators that have a version currently in their state store URL should move the version part from --substreams-state-store-url to the new flag --substreams-state-store-default-tag. For example if today you have in your config:

    substreams-state-store-url: /<some>/<path>/v3

You should convert to:

    substreams-state-store-url: /<some>/<path>
    substreams-state-store-default-tag: v3

Operators Upgrade

The app substreams-tier1 and substreams-tier2 should be upgraded concurrently. Some calls will fail while versions are misaligned.

Backend Changes

  • Authentication plugin trust can now specify an exclusive list of allowed headers (all lowercase), ex: trust://?allowed=x-sf-user-id,x-sf-api-key-id,x-real-ip,x-sf-substreams-cache-tag

  • The tier2 app no longer uses the common-auth-plugin, trust will always be used, so that tier1 can pass down its headers (ex: X-Sf-Substreams-Cache-Tag).


19 Jul 03:07
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Operator Changes

  • Added fire<chain> tools check forks <forked-blocks-store-url> [--min-depth=<depth>] that reads forked blocks you have and prints resolved longest forks you have seen. The command works for any chain, here a sample output:

    Fork Depth 3
     #45236230 [ea33194e0a9bb1d8 <= 164aa1b9c8a02af0 (on chain)]
      #45236231 [f7d2dc3fbdd0699c <= ea33194e0a9bb1d8]
       #45236232 [ed588cca9b1db391 <= f7d2dc3fbdd0699c]
    Fork Depth 2
     #45236023 [b6b1c68c30b61166 <= 60083a796a079409 (on chain)]
      #45236024 [6d64aec1aece4a43 <= b6b1c68c30b61166]
  • The fire<chain> tools commands and sub-commands have better rendering --help by hidden not needed global flags with long description.


18 Jul 18:53
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Backend Changes

  • added missing --substreams-tier2-request-stats request debugging flag
  • added missing firehose rate limiting options flags, --firehose-rate-limit-bucket-size and --firehose-rate-limit-bucket-fill-rate to manage concurrent connection attempts to Firehose.


12 Jul 20:48
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Backend Changes

  • Fixed Substreams accepted block which was not working properly.