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Releases: stripe/stripe-dotnet

Destination on TransferListOptions

25 Dec 00:55
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This release adds destination on the StripeTransferListOptions.

Merry Christmas @reddyBell! I called this property DestinationAccountId, which I found a bit more intuitive since it only lets you pass account id's.

Source is Everywhere

19 Dec 04:19
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  • Added BusinessVatId to StripeCustomer
  • Added Shipping to StripeCustomer and StripeCharge
  • Added Transfer to StripeCharge


  • StripeCustomer.SourceList was renamed to Sources. This is a list of type Source which has a bank account or a card. To upgrade:, customer.SourceList.Data.First().Name -> customer.Sources.Data.First().Card.Name
  • StripeCustomer.DefaultSource is now of type Source. It was previously a StripeCard. To upgrade, replace any instance of stripeCustomer.SourceCard to stripeCustomer.Source.Card
  • StripeCustomer.SourceList was renamed to Sources
  • StripeCustomer.SubscriptionList was renamed to Subscriptions
  • StripeCustomer.Sources is now a list of type Source, instead of StripeCard only. To upgrade, stripeCustomer.SourceList.First().Data to stripeCustomer.Sources.First().Card.Data
  • StripeCharge.StripeRefundList was renamed to Refunds
  • StripeAccount.ExternalAccounts now contains a list of type Source, instead of ExternalCards and ExternalBankAccounts. To upgrade, replace any instances using ExternalAccounts to something like ExternalAccounts.Data.First().BankAccount or ExternalAccounts.Data.First().Card
  • Removed the methods in the StripeRefundService that required a chargeId (can still be passed on the options)
  • Removed the methods in the StripeDisputeService that required a chargeId (can still be passed on the options)
  • StripeSourceOptions has been removed
  • Name was removed from StripeBankAccount and StripeAccountBankAccountOptions - use AccountHolderName instead
  • Removed BankAccountValidated and BankAccountVerified from StripeToken
  • Removed ReceiptEmail from SourceCard

Incorrect Field Types on Account

16 Dec 23:08
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Small breaking change in this release.

  • The Birthday types for day/month/year should be int?, not string on StripeAccountLegalEntityOptions

Additional Owners

16 Dec 09:01
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  • AdditionalOwners are now available when creating/editing accounts
  • SourceType is now included on StripeTransferCreateOptions

This release contains a few internal changes. The if/else architecture was moved to a set of plugins that parse the parameters, and xUnit was introduced for testing going forward. The goal is to write tests that also serve as easy to read tutorials!

.NET Core

29 Nov 08:50
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This should not be a breaking release for any platform. It's being bumped to mark the support of .net core.

  • is now a .net core app and supports netcoreapp1.0
  • Verified support for .net core, .netstandard 1.2, and .net 4.5

Upcoming Invoice Line Items

21 Nov 15:35
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  • The StripeInvoiceService now allows you to ListUpcomingLineItems in addition to just showing the Upcoming invoice.


08 Nov 05:37
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  • Added support for Radar w/documentation, #654
  • Added Currency to StripeCreditCardOptions. #665
  • Added TransferStatementDescriptor to StripeAccount. #664
  • Added Destination (expandable property) to StripeCharge, #647

StripeResponse and 3D Secure

18 Oct 21:21
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  • StripeResponse is a property now attached to all entities when they are returned from service calls (provides the RequestId, RequestDateTime, ResponseJson, and ObjectJson) #661
  • 3D Secure has been added (beta only). #651, #656
  • Added section on deleting metadata entries to the readme. tl;dr - you can delete existing metadata entries by passing an empty string or null for the key's value. #637, #642, #643
  • The StripeAccount can now be serialized, however, I would recommend using StripeResponse #635

Discount and Application Fee Refund Services

11 Oct 18:25
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  • Added the ApplicationFeeRefundService (still needs documentation)
  • Added the StripeDiscountService, allowing you to delete a discount from a customer or subscrption (extends the new StripeBasicService with a Delete feature)
  • Added the ApplicationFee (expandable property) to StripeCharge
  • Added TransferStatementDescriptor when creating/updating an account
  • Added Metadata and DefaultForCurrency options when creating a card
  • The NuSpec file was updated to show a valid icon (the previous one evaporated)


04 Oct 15:28
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  • The StripeDisputeService has been overhauled to no longer require the Charge Id.
  • A lot of internal plumbing has changed (just for the dispute service for now), which will make it much easier to implement new Services (one-liners!).