FEL is a low-level subroutine contained in the BootROM on Allwinner devices. It is used for initial programming and recovery of devices using USB.
sunxi represents the family of ARM SoCs from Allwinner Technology, a Chinese fabless semiconductor company. Their best known products are the sunxi SoC series, such as the A10 (sun4i), A13 (sun5i) and A20 (sun7i) chips, which were very successful in the low-budget tablet market. See Allwinner SoC Family for more information on the different Allwinner chips.
- TF卡和spi flash 同时没有可启动镜像; 也就是说你不插卡,且焊接的是新的或者没有有效镜像的spi flash,那就上电自动进入fel下载模式
- TF卡中有进入fel模式的特殊固件 fel-sdboot.sunxi 如果你的spiflash已经有了启动镜像,那么需要在TF卡中烧入一个sunxi提供的 启动工具 ( dd if=fel-sdboot.sunxi of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 seek=8 ), 那么插入该TF卡启动会进入fel模式;
- 上电时SPI_MISO拉低到地 该引脚为boot引脚,上电时出于低电平即会进入fel下载模式。
After you first enter this mode, you should use zadig to install driver for it.
Choose your v3s device which is usually named unknown device and click the 'Install' button.
You can find this tool in this repo.
You can go to xfel to get the newest tool.