- Explored some repositories and did some background study on hand writing extraction.
- Progress of "chars in boxes" can be seen below:
- Here position of vertical line is choosen randomly from gaussian distribution having mean as midpoint of char_spacing.
- Here position of vertical line is choosen as midpoint of randomised char_spacing from gaussian distribution.
- Trying to code such that the boxes are of fixed width.
- Written tfrecord_helper.py to manage operations of images abd labels generated in this code.
- Had a issue with eager_execution as bytes_list can't be converted to string in TFRecord. So written an generator-wrapper to solve this issue.
- Carefully, handpicked 108 handwritten fonts to induce good amound of variance in the dataset. The variations include position, thickness etc.
- Added apply_all_sides in Line.py to get borders on all sides. Included Line dropouts and padding.
- Added 30 more fonts and removed some
- Generated sample dataset using 130+ hand-fonts.
- Tested some sample with pre-trained models on IAM Dataset, the accuracy is very low. Almost, the ouput seems random.
- Removed Light fonts.
- Adjusted data to the required format and trained the samples on https://github.com/githubharald/SimpleHTR repository.
- It consists of 5 CNN layers, 2 RNN (LSTM) layers and the CTC loss and decoding layer.
- Good progress is being seen in training this SimpleHTR on ~25k samples.
- In, parallel working on other CRNN (https://github.com/MaybeShewill-CV/CRNN_Tensorflow) and converting data accordingly.
- Written shell scripts for converting the annotation formats.
- Encountered few errors with Tf 1.15, those issues were addressed with some tweaks in tensorflow git issues. It doesn't feel lasting and good implemention in tf v1.
- I then used another git repo (ps://github.com/FLming/CRNN.tf2) modified it accordingly.
- Trained CRNN model with tf2 with 80 epochs consisting of 95-5 split of ~50k images.
- The complete tensorboard logs are uploaded in git.
- After 30-40 epochs the model saturated
- From the logs, it is evident that LSTMs didn't learn much. Hence, It didn't rely much on context,this might be due to randomly generated characters in words.
- CNNs,BNs learnt well. The catch here is, it is more of a Computer Vision problem rather than NLP centric.
- Choosen width of input image from analysing the distribution plot of training set.
- To handle outliers of width and height added zero padding when required while resizing to retain aspect ratio of image
- Trained Public dataset on pre-trained weights (trained ~50k images)
- The model is overfitting after val_loss (CTC loss) reaching ~6 and val_accuracy (60-65%) on public dataset
- Currently tuning hyper parameters for better results.
- Modifyied model architecture after analysing the tensorboard.
- Generated another ~50k synthetic images to train the model.
- Tuning hyper parameters.
- Implemented flask app on heroku with dummy_detect function.
- Tuned Hyper Params.
- Re-modified custom architecture, results weren't favourable.
- Due to memory constraints in heroku (500 Mb), Compressed the model from hdf5 to savedmodel
- Had issue with Functional Models while conversion in tf2.2, so upgraded to tf2.3 (as of Colab)
- Though the compressed slug size was 476 Mb which eventually blew up to ~800Mb while running dyno in heroku cloud.
- Ran heroku app locally successfully.
- Successfully built model on CRNN with deployment.
- Started implemeting Attention mechanism.
- Qualitatively gave a good result on pre-trained model.
- Quantative analysis on metrics are being done.
- Successfuflly implemented and trained on Attention-based OCR.
- The results are much better.
- Changed loss function from CTC lo ACE, after studying (https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2019/papers/Xie_Aggregation_Cross-Entropy_for_Sequence_Recognition_CVPR_2019_paper.pdf)
- Lot of changes made in code to fit in deployment.
- Trying to modify depricated packages from TF1