Node.js server exposing API to interact the Distributed Infrastructure ServiceLedger based on a blockchain system underlying FaaS Cloud federations. The server is indeed an interface used by the SUNFISH platform components to interact with the blockchain system of the ServiceLedger.
The offered APIs are detailed in the SUNFISH Manual.
Install the dependencies
- Node.js v6.x
- Npm v3.x Releases and installation guides can be found on the official web-sites here and here
To check that all the depencies have been set up, execute
$ node -v
-> v6.1.0
$ npm -v
-> 3.10.6
Note that you probably also need to have installed on the machine make and gyp; if not installed, execute also
$ apt-get install build-essential git
$ npm install -g node-gyp
Remember to execute the installation as superuser.
To set the service, execute the following commands
$ git clone
$ cd Service-Ledger-Interface/server
$ npm start
The server is now running and listening on the port chosen in the config/default.yaml. file (e.g. 8089). You can use the client-stub interface.
The Service-Ledger-Interface is expected to interact with the ServiceLedger, whose url and port are defined in the configuration file config/default.yaml.
To test the server API, there are available in the test-client/ folder bash files with curl corresponding commands; url and port must be given as input, e.g.
$ ./ localhost 8089