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453 lines (337 loc) · 14.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning



  • Fixes response schema of thirdparty signInUp POST


  • Adds /appid-<appid>/<tenantid>/recipe/dashboard/tenant/core-config GET API.
  • Adds optional websiteDomain and apiDomain query param to GET /appid-<appId>/apiversion API.
  • Deprecates the recipe enabled booleans for ConnectionURIDomains, Apps and Tenants and now the firstFactors and requiredSecondaryFactors are used to control the login methods.
    • Deprecated APIs:
      • PUT /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain
      • GET /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain/list
      • PUT /recipe/multitenancy/app
      • GET /recipe/multitenancy/app/list
      • PUT /appid-<appid>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant
      • GET /appid-<appid>/<tenantid>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant
      • GET /appid-<appid>/<tenantid>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant/list
    • New v2 APIs replacing the deprecated APIs:
      • PUT /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain/v2
      • GET /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain/list/v2
      • PUT /recipe/multitenancy/app/v2
      • GET /recipe/multitenancy/app/list/v2
      • PUT /appid-<appid>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant/v2
      • GET /appid-<appid>/<tenantid>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant/v2
      • GET /appid-<appid>/<tenantid>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant/list/v2

[5.0.0] - 2024-03-19

  • TOTP_NOT_ENABLED_ERROR status is removed from the totp related APIs.
  • In /appid-<appId>/recipe/totp/device POST, deviceName input is now optional. The response also includes deviceName.
  • Adds /recipe/totp/device/import POST API.
  • INVALID_TOTP_ERROR, LIMIT_REACHED_ERROR responses now include currentNumberOfFailedAttempts and maxNumberOfFailedAttempts in the response.
  • Adds /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/signinup/code/check POST API.
  • Adds consumedDevice in the success response for /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/signinup/code/consume POST API.
  • /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/signinup/code/remove POST API now accepts preAuthSessionId as input which can be used to remove code for a device.
  • /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/session/remove POST API can now only be called using public tenant if revokeAcrossAllTenants is set to true.
  • /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/session/user GET API can now only be called using public tenant if fetchAcrossAllTenants is set to true.
  • Makes useDynamicSigningKey input mandatory in /appid-<appId>/recipe/session/refresh POST API.
  • Adds firstFactors and requiredSecondaryFactors to the input of /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain PUT, /recipe/multitenancy/app PUT and /appid-<appId>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant PUT APIs.
  • Adds firstFactors and requiredSecondaryFacrors to the response of /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant GET API.


  • Adds an optional useDynamicSigningKey to the session refresh (POST /appid-<appId>/recipe/session/refresh) request body


  • Adds GET /appid-<appId>/requests/stats API


  • Fixes location of isVerified boolean in the third party signinup API request body.


  • Adds new APIs for account linking

    • GET /appid-<appId>/recipe/accountlinking/user/primary/check
    • GET /appid-<appId>/recipe/accountlinking/user/link/check
    • POST /appid-<appId>/recipe/accountlinking/user/primary
    • POST /appid-<appId>/recipe/accountlinking/user/link
    • POST /appid-<appId>/recipe/accountlinking/user/unlink
  • Adds new APIs for query user

    • GET /appid-<appId>/user/id
    • GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/users/by-accountinfo
  • Deprecates following APIs

    • GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user (for all recipes)
    • GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/users/by-email
  • Updates to POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/signinup/code/consume

    • Response user object is updated
    • Adds recipeUserId to the response
  • Updates GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user (for all recipes)

    • Response user object is updated
  • Updates PUT /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user (emailpassword and passwordless)

    • Renames input field userId to recipeUserId
  • Updates PUT /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user (passwordless)

  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/signin

    • Response user object is updated
    • Adds recipeUserId to the response
  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/signup

    • Response user object is updated
    • Adds recipeUserId to the response
  • Updates PUT /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user (emailpassword)

    • returns new status EMAIL_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR along with reason
  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user/password/reset/token

    • Adds mandatory field email to the request body
  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user/passwordhash/import

    • Response user object is updated
  • Adds POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/user/password/reset/token/consume API

  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/signinup

    • Adds mandatory isVerified field to the request body
    • Response user object is updated
    • Adds recipeUserId to the response
    • Returns new status EMAIL_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR along with reason
  • Updates GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/users/by-email

    • Response users object is updated
  • Updates GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/users

    • Response users object is updated
    • Removes recipeId from the response
  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/user/remove

    • Adds optional parameter removeAllLinkedAccounts to the request body
  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant/user

    • Renames userId to recipeUserId in the request body
  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant/user/remove

    • Renames userId to recipeUserId in the request body


  • Updates /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant to also return TENANT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR


  • Updates following session APIs to include tenantId in response:
    • POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/session
    • GET /appid-<appId>/recipe/session
    • POST /appid-<appId>/recipe/session/verify
    • POST /appid-<appId>/recipe/session/refresh
    • POST /appid-<appId>/recipe/session/regenerate
  • Fixes GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/multitenancy/tenant to include coreConfig and tenantId
  • Fixes GET /appid-<appId>/recipe/user/email/verify to be app specific


  • Updates POST /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/session/remove to include revokeAcrossAllTenants in the request
  • Updates GET /appid-<appId>/<tenantId>/recipe/session/user to include fetchAcrossAllTenants in the query params
  • Updates following APIs to be app specific:
    • GET and PUT /appid-<appId>/recipe/session/data
    • GET /appid-<appId>/recipe/session

[3.0.1] - 2023-06-20

  • Fixed /recipe/multitenancy/tenant GET

[3.0.0] - 2023-06-02

  • Adds /appid-<appId> or /appid-<appId>/<tenantId> prefix to some of the APIs as applicable. appid-{appId} and {tenantId} in all the APIs (wherever they are present) are optional. Their default values are appid-public and public respectively.

  • Adds APIs for multitenancy recipe

    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain PUT
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain/remove POST
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/connectionuridomain/list GET
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/app PUT
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/app/remove POST
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/app/list GET
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/tenant PUT
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/tenant/remove POST
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/tenant/list GET
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/tenant/user POST
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/tenant/user/remove POST
  • Adds APIs for creating and managing Thirdparty provider config for tenants

    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/config/thirdparty PUT
    • adds /recipe/multitenancy/config/thirdparty/remove POST
  • Adds tenantIds in response of /recipe/user GET in emailpassword, passwordless and thirdparty recipes.

  • Adds optional query param includeAllTenants to the /users/count GET API

  • Removed deprecated APIs /recipe/user and /recipe/users/count

[2.21.0] - 2023-05-12


  • Fixes thirdParty property in thirdPartyUser object

[2.21.0] - 2023-04-05

  • deprecate jwks endpoint in the jwt recipe (GET /recipe/jwt/jwks)
  • add standard jwks endpoint (GET /.well-known/jwks.json)
  • add useDynamicSigningKey into createNewSession (POST /recipe/session). This will be used instead of access_token_signing_key_dynamic
  • add useStaticSigningKey into createSignedJWT (POST /recipe/jwt).
  • removed handshake endpoint (POST /recipe/handshake)
  • add checkDatabase into verifySession (POST /recipe/session/verify)
  • removed old/unused props from responses related to signing keys & id-refresh-token

[2.20.0] - 2023-03-30


  • Core APIs:
    • /user/search/tags GET


  • Core APIs:
    • /users GET with the following query params:
      • email string
      • phone string
      • provider string

[2.19.0] - 2023-03-24

  • Core APIs:
    • /users/count/active GET
    • /recipe/totp/device POST
    • /recipe/totp/device PUT
    • /recipe/totp/device/list GET
    • /recipe/totp/device/remove POST
    • /recipe/totp/verify POST
    • /recipe/totp/device/verify POST

[2.18.1] - 2023-03-1


  • Marks the cdi-version header param as optional

[2.18.0] - 2023-02-21

  • Core APIs:
    • /recipe/dashboard/user POST
    • /recipe/dashboard/user PUT
    • /recipe/dashboard/user DELETE
    • /recipe/dashboard/users GET
    • /recipe/dashboard/session/verify POST
    • /recipe/dashboard/session DELETE
    • /recipe/dashboard/signin POST
    • /recipe/dashboard/user/sessions GET

[2.17.0] - 2023-01-04


  • Core APIs:
    • /ee/featureflag GET
    • /ee/license PUT
    • /ee/license DELETE
    • /ee/license GET



  • In /recipe/session/refresh POST
    • enableAntiCsrf is now boolean
    • Marks refreshToken and enableAntiCsrf as required



  • Marks preAuthSessionId as required in /recipe/signinup/code/consume POST



  • / GET

  • EmailPassword APIs

    • adds /recipe/user/passwordhash/import POST



  • UserIdMapping APIs
    • updates /recipe/userid/map POST with force boolean
    • updates /recipe/userid/map/remove POST with force boolean



  • UserId Mapping recipe:
  • adds /recipe/userid/map POST
  • adds /recipe/userid/map/remove POST
  • adds /recipe/userid/map GET
  • adds /recipe/userid/external-user-id-info PUT



  • User Roles recipe:
  • adds /recipe/user/role PUT
  • adds /recipe/user/role/remove POST
  • adds /recipe/user/roles GET
  • adds /recipe/role/users GET
  • adds /recipe/role PUT
  • adds /recipe/role/permissionsGET
  • adds /recipe/role/permissions/remove POST
  • adds /recipe/permission/roles GET
  • adds /recipe/role/remove POST
  • adds /recipe/roles GET



  • Marks rid optional in core APIs
  • Marks userId in user metadata API as required.



  • User Metadata recipe
    • adds /recipe/user/metadata GET
    • adds /recipe/user/metadata PUT
    • adds /recipe/user/metadata/remove POST



  • Adds userId in response of /recipe/user/password/reset API



  • Passwordless recipe
    • adds /signinup/code/consume POST
    • adds /signinup/code/remove POST
    • adds /signinup/code POST
    • adds /signinup/codes GET
    • adds /signinup/codes/remove POST


  • Core APIs
    • updates /user GET with passwordless rid
    • updates /users GET with rid and new user type



  • adds /user/remove POST



  • JWT recipe
    • adds JWT validity to /recipe/jwt POST
    • adds a new property jwtSigningPublicKeyList which lists valid JWT signing keys to the following API responses:
      • /recipe/handshake POST
      • /recipe/session POST
      • /recipe/session/verify POST


  • Fixs response for /users GET


  • JWT recipe
    • removes JWT_CREATION_ERROR from /recipe/jwt POST response



  • Emailpassword recipe

    • /recipe/users/count GET
    • /recipe/users GET
  • Thirdparty recipe

    • /recipe/users/count GET
    • /recipe/users GET
  • Session Recipe

  • /recipe/session/data GET

  • /recipe/jwt/data GET


  • removes isVerified boolean from /recipe/signinup POST


  • Core APIs

    • adds /users/count GET
    • adds /users GET
  • Session Recipe

    • adds /recipe/session GET



  • Third party recipe
    • adds /recipe/signinup POST
    • adds /recipe/user GET
    • adds /recipe/users GET
    • adds/recipe/users/count GET


  • Email verification
    • Changed output of /recipe/user/email/verify to give userId instead of user object
    • Email verification APIs no longer return UNKNOWN_USER_ID_ERROR
    • Moved /recipe/user/email/verify/token to its own recipe
    • Moved /recipe/user/email/verify to its own recipe
    • Moved /recipe/user/email/verify to its own recipe



  • /recipe/handshake GET
  • /recipe/session POST
  • /recipe/session/verify POST
  • /recipe/session/refresh POST



  • /recipe/user/email/verify/token POST
  • /recipe/user/email/verify POST
  • /recipe/user/email/verify GET
  • /recipe/users GET
  • /recipe/count GET



  • accessTokenPath, refreshTokenPath, cookieSecure, cookieSameSite, idRefreshTokenPath, cookieDomain, sessionExpiredStatusCode from handshakeInfo


  • In /config, NOT ALLOWED => NOT_ALLOWED
  • /hello API no longer requires CDI version
  • /handshake => /recipe/handshake
  • No longer require deviceDriverInfo
  • Added accessTokenValidity and refreshTokenValidity to Handshake API
  • /session => /recipe/session
  • /session/remove => /recipe/session/remove
  • /session/verify => /recipe/session/verify
  • /session/refresh => /recipe/session/refresh
  • /session/user => /recipe/session/user
  • /session/regenerate => /recipe/session/regenerate
  • /session/data => /recipe/session/data
  • /jwt/data => /recipe/jwt/data


  • adds /recipe/signin
  • adds /recipe/signup
  • adds /recipe/user
  • adds /recipe/user/password/reset/token
  • adds /recipe/user/password/reset


  • Remove support code for older CDI versions: