Project 4: Port Scanner.
IMPLEMENTED BY : Puneet Loya(username: ploya) and Suprith Chandrashekharachar(username: suprchan)
The project is implemented in C++11.
The code is modularized into five modules.
portScanner.cpp - The main file which file which initiates the program and sets up the variables based on the given command line arguments.
CommonUtilitites.cpp - The file which performs common functions to both TCP and UDP scans. TCPUtilities.cpp - File which handles the TCP packet creation and response parsing functions. UDPUtilities.cpp - File which handles the UDP packet creation and response parsing functions. optionsManager.cpp : options Manager reads all the command line arguments and fills an option dictionary which stores all the options and their values as key-value pairs. Jobs.cpp: File which maintains job status and job queues.
Required Files:
CommonUtilitites.cpp CommonUtilitites.h
TCPUtilities.cpp TCPUtilities.h
UDPUtilities.cpp UDPUtilities.h
optionsManager.cpp optionsManager.h
Tasks Accomplished:
- Create a TCP/UDP packet with flag bits set according to the type of a scan.
- Send the packet using raw socket.
- Parse the response packets(Either TCP/UDP and ICMP packet).
- Infer the state of the port.
- Get service name information
- Get service version information for set of standard services such as HTTP, WHOIS, POP, IMAP, SMTP, SSH
- Repeat the previous five steps for all the scans,ports and ips requested by the user.
- Provide an option for the user to increase concurrency.
System Requirements:
C++ Compiler : g++/4.7.2 OR g++/4.8
Operating System : Ubuntu14.04/Redhat
If executing on a machine, please make sure you execute the below command at the shell prompt:
module load gcc/4.7.2
A makefile is provided to compile the program.
Just cd to the directory containing all files related to the project. Please refer the above section to find which all files are required.
Execute by typing in "make" at the shell prompt.
Refer the makefile for more details.
./portScanner [option1, ..., optionN] --help. Example: “./portScanner --help”. --ports . Example: “./portScanner --ports 1,2,3-5”. --ip . Example: “./portScanner --ip”. --prefix . Example: “./portScanner --prefix”. --file . Example: “./portScanner --file filename.txt”. --speedup . Example: “./portScanner --speedup 10”. --scan . Example: “./portScanner --scan SYN NULL FIN XMAS”.
Examples to run the program:
To start the port scanner: -ip --scan SYN ACK NULL UDP FIN XMAS --speedup 100
Output: [suprchan@silo without_valgrind]$ -ip --scan SYN ACK NULL UDP FIN XMAS --speedup 100
Sample Output: -----------------------------------------------------------------Port Scan Stats---------------------------------------------------------------
IP Address:
22 ssh SYN(Open) UDP(Closed) Open
24 NA SYN(Open) UDP(Closed) Open
20 ftp-data SYN(Closed) UDP(Closed) NA Closed
21 ftp SYN(Closed) UDP(Closed) NA Closed
23 telnet SYN(Filtered) UDP(Closed) NA Filtered
25 smtp SYN(Filtered) UDP(Closed) NA Filtered
26 NA SYN(Closed) UDP(Closed) NA Closed
27 NA SYN(Closed) UDP(Closed) NA Closed