You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 37
You will find documentation and adapter installation details in the README.org.
(defun dape-dwim()
"Call `dape' with default config if dape session not exists,
call `dape-quit' if dape session exists"
(require 'dape)
(if (or (dape--live-connection 'parent t)
(get-buffer-window "*dape-repl*" t))
(call-interactively #'dape-quit)
(message "dape quit now!"))
(if current-prefix-arg
(call-interactively #'dape)
(let ((cfg (cl-loop for (key . config) in dape-configs
when (and (dape--config-mode-p config)
(dape--config-ensure config))
collect (dape--config-eval key config))))
(when cfg (dape (car cfg)))))))
On this page you will find useful dape configurations.
Feel free to add useful configurations!
NB: Once you have the configuration implemented as defined below, you can trigger dape from within the container within the context of a TRAMP connection. Use C-x C-f /docker:<container_name>:/path/to/project
to enter the container, then run M-x dape
Ensure your target ruby service is setup like so in your docker-compose.yml
image: rails-app:latest
command: rdbg --port 5678 -c -- rails server -b
# Allows rails to initialise, only stopping when a breakpoint is hit
# Needed to stop puma making workers which all attempt to open rdbg
# on the same port
- "5678:5678" # For remote debugging RAILS with debug.rb
Use the following dape-config to attach to the process:
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
prefix-local "~/code/ruby-app/"
prefix-remote "/usr/app/"
port 5678
:request "attach"
:localfs t))
In order to setup rspec-mode
correctly, it is necessary to run rdbg on a different port to the rails server instance. By using a custom wrapper function, we can add in the necessary environment variables, and spin up a fresh instance for the Rspec run:
(defun jjh/rspec--compose-default-wrapper (_compose compose-service command)
"Function for wrapping a command for execution inside a compose
environment. By adding the port manually here, we keep it out of the
rails service - keeping it free for just rspec. We also name it so
it's easy to find."
(format "docker-compose -f %s run -it --rm --name ruby-app-rspec -e 'RUBY_DEBUG_PORT=5680' -p 5680:5680 %s sh -c \"%s\""
rspec-docker-file-name compose-service command))
(setq rspec-docker-wrapper-fn #'jjh/rspec--compose-default-wrapper)
It’s important to set the debug gem to require: false
so we can control when the port is opened. Update the Gemfile:
gem "debug", require: false
In the spec_helper.rb
, require the debug
# For debugging
require "debug/open_nonstop"
You can then trigger the rspec tests with a custom dape-config entry:
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
prefix-local "~/code/app/"
prefix-remote "/usr/app/"
port 5680
:request "attach"
:localfs t))
Make sure that remote application imports and starts debugpy
import debugpy
# Port does not matter just needs to match port in config
# dape debugpy-remote-attach
debugpy.listen(("", 5678))
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (python-mode python-ts-mode)
host (lambda () (read-string "Host: " "localhost"))
port (lambda () (read-number "Port: "))
:request "attach"
:type "python"
:pathMappings [(:localRoot (lambda ()
(read-directory-name "Local source directory: "
(funcall dape-cwd-fn)))
:remoteRoot (lambda ()
(read-string "Remote source directory: ")))]
:justMyCode nil
:showReturnValue t))
Thanks to @Gavinok for contributing.
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (go-mode go-ts-mode)
ensure dape-ensure-command
fn dape-config-autoport
command "dlv"
command-args ("dap" "--listen" "")
command-cwd dape-cwd-fn
port :autoport
:type "debug"
:request "launch"
:mode (lambda () (if (string-suffix-p "_test.go" (buffer-name)) "test" "debug"))
:cwd dape-cwd-fn
:program (lambda () (if (string-suffix-p "_test.go" (buffer-name))
(concat "./" (file-relative-name default-directory (funcall dape-cwd-fn)))
(funcall dape-cwd-fn)))
:args (lambda ()
(require 'which-func)
(if (string-suffix-p "_test.go" (buffer-name))
(when-let* ((test-name (which-function))
(test-regexp (concat "^" test-name "$")))
(if test-name `["-test.run" ,test-regexp]
(error "No test selected")))
The point can be anywhere in function TestDemo, then call dape
and “Run adapter: delve-unit-test
” it will execute go test -test.run TestDemo
func TestDemo(t *testing.T) {
Thanks to @jixiuf for contributing.
Follow the steps in the README.org
on how to install codelldb in section “C, C++ and Rust - codelldb”
Add the following configuration to your init.el
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (swift-mode)
command-cwd dape-command-cwd
command ,(file-name-concat dape-adapter-dir
command-args ("--port" :autoport
"--settings" "{\"sourceLanguages\":[\"swift\"]}"
"--liblldb" "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Versions/A/LLDB")
port :autoport
simulator-id "iPhone 15 Pro"
app-bundle-id "com.yourcompany.ProductName"
fn (dape-config-autoport
,(lambda (config)
(let* ((command
(format "xcrun simctl launch --wait-for-debugger --terminate-running-process %S %S"
(plist-get config 'simulator-id)
(plist-get config 'app-bundle-id)))
(code (call-process-shell-command command nil (current-buffer))))
(dape--repl-message (format "* Running: %S *" command))
(dape--repl-message (buffer-string))
(if (and (zerop code)
(progn (goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward-regexp "[[:digit:]]+" nil t)))
(plist-put config :pid (string-to-number (match-string 0)))
(dape--repl-message (format "* Running: %S *" command))
(dape--repl-message (format "Failed to start simulator:\n%s" (buffer-string)))
(user-error "Failed to start simulator")))))
:type "lldb"
:request "attach"
:cwd "."))
Start simulator:
open -n "Simulator"
Compile program, see xcodebuild (could use compile flag in dape
NodeJS (vscode-js-debug)
(contributed by @timcharper)
The following configuration can be used to run an entire file of jest tests (works as of dape
(defun dape-jest/find-file-buffer-default ()
"Read filename at project root, defaulting to current buffer. Return vector of jest args to run said file"
(let ((file (dape-buffer-default)))
(if file
`["--runInBand" "--no-coverage" ,file]
(user-error "No file found"))))
(defun dape-jest/ensure (config)
"Ensure node is available, jest is installed, that the dapDebugServer is installed"
(dape-ensure-command config)
(let ((cwd (dape-cwd))
(js-debug-file (expand-file-name
(dape--config-eval-value (car (plist-get config 'command-args)))
(dape--config-eval-value (plist-get config 'command-cwd))))
(node-jest-file (expand-file-name
(dape--config-eval-value (plist-get config :program))
(dape--config-eval-value (plist-get config :cwd)))))
(unless (file-exists-p js-debug-file)
(user-error "Debug server file %S does not exist" js-debug-file))
(unless (file-exists-p node-jest-file)
(user-error "Jest executable not found at %S" node-jest-file))))
(add-to-list 'dape-configs
modes (js-mode js-ts-mode typescript-mode)
ensure dape-jest/ensure
command "node"
command-cwd dape-command-cwd
command-args (,(expand-file-name
(file-name-concat dape-adapter-dir
port :autoport
fn dape-config-autoport
:type "pwa-node"
:cwd dape-cwd
:env (:VAR1 "some value" :VAR2 "another value")
:program "node_modules/.bin/jest"
:args dape-jest/find-file-buffer-default
:outputCapture "console"
:sourceMapRenames t
:pauseForSourceMap nil
:autoAttachChildProcesses t
:console "internalConsole"
:outputCapture "std"
:killBehavior "forceful"))