Thank you for showing interest in contributing to React Native Template Strong!
There are various ways in which you can contribute to this repository.
Add additional documentation if you find something unclear, hard to understand or there's no documentation for your case at all.
Follow the same documentation structure as the current existing one.
If you found a bug and would like to fix it, that's great, create a PR with clear description of reproduction (OS, version, component, screenshot .etc).
Providing reproductions improves the chances of an issue being prioritized by maintainers!
If you found a bug and don't know how to fix it, no problems, create an issue so that everybody who uses this repository know about it and try to fix it.
Would like to implement a new feature? Awesome!
Submit a PR with a clear description, proper namings and if possible add tests and if it's a visual component then add it to Storybook.