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How to write a Java input plugin

This article was inspired from official Elastic documentation

To develop a new Java input plugin for Logstash, you need write a new Java class that conforms to the Logstash Java Inputs API, package it, and install it with the logstash-plugin utility. We’ll go through each of those steps in this example.

Set up your environment

  1. Copy the example repo

Start by copying the example input plugin here. The plugin API is currently part of the Logstash codebase so you must have a local copy of that available. You can obtain a copy of the Logstash codebase with the following git command :

git clone --branch <branch_name> --single-branch <target_folder>

The branch_name should correspond to the version of Logstash containing the preferred revision of the Java plugin API.

The first iteration of native support for input, filter, and output Java plugins was introduced in the 6.6.0 release of Logstash. check this blog for more informations.

The GA version of the Java plugin API is available in the 7.1 and later branches of the Logstash codebase.

Specify the target_folder for your local copy of the Logstash codebase. If you do not specify target_folder, it defaults to a new folder called logstash under your current folder.

For this example i used the master branch of logstash. at the time of writing this article, the lastest realeased logstash version was 7.9.1 and the master branch was containing the codebase for major version 8.0.0

git clone

Microsoft Windows [version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

Répertoire de C:\es\labs\logstash_dev\logstash

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08/09/2020  16:21    <REP>          docs
08/09/2020  16:21             1 206 Gemfile.template
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08/09/2020  16:21                74
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08/09/2020  16:24    <REP>          logstash-core
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08/09/2020  16:25    <REP>          x-pack
              23 fichier(s)          699 696 octets
              24 Rép(s)  32 811 548 672 octets libres

  1. Generate the .jar file

After you have obtained a copy of the appropriate revision of the Logstash codebase, you need to compile it to generate the .jar file containing the Java plugin API. From the root directory of your Logstash codebase ($LS_HOME), you can compile it with ./gradlew assemble (or gradlew.bat assemble if you’re running on Windows). This should produce the $LS_HOME/logstash-core/build/libs/logstash-core-x.y.z.jar where x, y, and z refer to the version of Logstash.

Microsoft Windows [version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

Répertoire de C:\es\labs\logstash_dev\logstash\build\libs

08/09/2020  16:24    <REP>          .
08/09/2020  16:24    <REP>          ..
08/09/2020  16:24               261 logstash-8.0.0.jar
               1 fichier(s)              261 octets
               2 Rép(s)  32 577 519 616 octets libres

After you have successfully compiled Logstash, you need to tell your Java plugin where to find the logstash-core-x.y.z.jar file. Create a new file named in the root folder of your plugin project. That file should have a single line:


where target_folder is the root folder of your local copy of the Logstash codebase. Here is my example

  1. Code the plugin

Start by importing the example input plugin here in your prefered Java IDE, for me i used eclipse.

The example input plugin will accept a list of local file system paths and will watch them and generate a list of events before terminating. Let’s look at the main class in the example input.

package ma.synapticiel.logstash;

import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds;
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent;
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind;
import java.nio.file.WatchKey;
import java.nio.file.WatchService;
import java.nio.file.Watchable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import co.elastic.logstash.api.Configuration;
import co.elastic.logstash.api.Context;
import co.elastic.logstash.api.Input;
import co.elastic.logstash.api.LogstashPlugin;
import co.elastic.logstash.api.PluginConfigSpec;
import ma.synapticiel.model.MyEvent;

@LogstashPlugin(name = "fsmonitor")
public class FsMonitor implements Input {

	private static final List<Object> DEFAULT_PATHS = Arrays.asList(".");
	public static final PluginConfigSpec<List<Object>> INPUT_FOLDER_CONFIG = PluginConfigSpec.arraySetting("paths",
			DEFAULT_PATHS, false, true);

	private String id;
	private List<Object> paths;
	private final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
	private volatile boolean stopped;

	public FsMonitor(String id, Configuration config, Context context) { = id;
		paths = config.get(INPUT_FOLDER_CONFIG);

	public void start(Consumer<Map<String, Object>> consumer) {

		try {

			while (!stopped) {
				try (WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()) {
					for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
						Path p = Paths.get(paths.get(i).toString());
						p.register(watchService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE,
								StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE,

					while (true) {
						WatchKey key = watchService.take();
						final Watchable watchable = key.watchable();
						final Path directory = (Path) watchable;

						for (WatchEvent<?> watchEvent : key.pollEvents()) {
							final Kind<?> kind = watchEvent.kind();
							final Path context = (Path) watchEvent.context();

							MyEvent event = new MyEvent();
									UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes((directory.toString() + context.toString()).getBytes())

							consumer.accept(Collections.singletonMap("message", event.toString()));

						boolean valid = key.reset();
						if (!valid) {
				} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
		} finally {
			stopped = true;

	public void stop() {
		stopped = true; // set flag to request cooperative stop of input

	public void awaitStop() throws InterruptedException {
		done.await(); // blocks until input has stopped

	public Collection<PluginConfigSpec<?>> configSchema() {
		return Arrays.asList(INPUT_FOLDER_CONFIG);

	public String getId() {

Let’s step through and examine each part of that class.

Class declaration

@LogstashPlugin(name = "fsmonitor")
public class FsMonitor implements Input {

Notes about the class declaration:

  1. All Java plugins must be annotated with the @LogstashPlugin annotation. Additionally :

... The name property of the annotation must be supplied and defines the name of the plugin as it will be used in the Logstash pipeline definition. For example, this input would be referenced in the input section of the Logstash pipeline defintion as input { fsmonitor => { .... } }

... The value of the name property must match the name of the class excluding casing and underscores.

  1. The class must implement the co.elastic.logstash.api.Input interface.
  2. Java plugins may not be created in the org.logstash or co.elastic.logstash packages to prevent potential clashes with classes in Logstash itself.

Plugin settings

The snippet below contains both the setting definition and the method referencing it.

	private static final List<Object> DEFAULT_PATHS = Arrays.asList(".");
	public static final PluginConfigSpec<List<Object>> INPUT_FOLDER_CONFIG = PluginConfigSpec.arraySetting("paths",
			DEFAULT_PATHS, false, true);
	public Collection<PluginConfigSpec<?>> configSchema() {
		return Arrays.asList(INPUT_FOLDER_CONFIG);

The PluginConfigSpec class allows developers to specify the settings that a plugin supports complete with setting name, data type, deprecation status, required status, and default value. In this example, the paths setting defines the array of file system paths to be monitored. This setting is required and if it is not explicitly set an exception will raised.

Unable to configure plugins: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Setting value
for 'paths' of type 'class java.lang.String' incompatible with defined type of
'interface java.util.List'"

The configSchema method must return a list of all settings that the plugin supports. In a future phase of the Java plugin project, the Logstash execution engine will validate that all required settings are present and that no unsupported settings are present.

Constructor and initialization

	private String id;
	private List<Object> paths;
	private final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
	private volatile boolean stopped;

	public FsMonitor(String id, Configuration config, Context context) { = id;
		paths = config.get(INPUT_FOLDER_CONFIG);

All Java input plugins must have a constructor taking a String id and Configuration and Context argument. This is the constructor that will be used to instantiate them at runtime. The retrieval and validation of all plugin settings should occur in this constructor. In this example, the value of the plugin setting is retrieved and stored in local variable for later use in the start method.

Any additional initialization may occur in the constructor as well. If there are any unrecoverable errors encountered in the configuration or initialization of the input plugin, a descriptive exception should be thrown. The exception will be logged and will prevent Logstash from starting.

Start Method

	public void start(Consumer<Map<String, Object>> consumer) {

		try {

			while (!stopped) {
				try (WatchService watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()) {
					for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
						Path p = Paths.get(paths.get(i).toString());
						p.register(watchService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE,
								StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE,

					while (true) {
						WatchKey key = watchService.take();
						final Watchable watchable = key.watchable();
						final Path directory = (Path) watchable;

						for (WatchEvent<?> watchEvent : key.pollEvents()) {
							final Kind<?> kind = watchEvent.kind();
							final Path context = (Path) watchEvent.context();

							MyEvent event = new MyEvent();
									UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes((directory.toString() + context.toString()).getBytes())

							consumer.accept(Collections.singletonMap("message", event.toString()));

						boolean valid = key.reset();
						if (!valid) {
				} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
		} finally {
			stopped = true;

The start method begins the event-producing loop in an input. Inputs are flexible and may produce events through many different mechanisms including:

  • a pull mechanism such as periodic queries of external database
  • a push mechanism such as events sent from clients to a local network port
  • a timed computation such as a heartbeat
  • any other mechanism that produces a useful stream of events. Event streams may be either finite or infinite. If the input produces an infinite stream of events, this method should loop until a stop request is made through the stop method. If the input produces a finite stream of events, this method should terminate when the last event in the stream is produced or a stop request is made, whichever comes first.

Events should be constructed as instances of Map<String, Object> and pushed into the event pipeline via the Consumer<Map<String, Object>>.accept() method. To reduce allocations and GC pressure, inputs may reuse the same map instance by modifying its fields between calls to Consumer<Map<String, Object>>.accept() because the event pipeline will create events based on a copy of the map’s data.

Stop and awaitStop methods

private final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
private volatile boolean stopped;

public void stop() {
    stopped = true; // set flag to request cooperative stop of input

public void awaitStop() throws InterruptedException {
    done.await(); // blocks until input has stopped

The stop method notifies the input to stop producing events. The stop mechanism may be implemented in any way that honors the API contract though a volatile boolean flag works well for many use cases.

Inputs stop both asynchronously and cooperatively. Use the awaitStop method to block until the input has completed the stop process. Note that this method should not signal the input to stop as the stop method does. The awaitStop mechanism may be implemented in any way that honors the API contract though a CountDownLatch works well for many use cases.

getId method

public String getId() {
    return id;

For input plugins, the getId method should always return the id that was provided to the plugin through its constructor at instantiation time.

Unit tests

Lastly, but certainly not least importantly, unit tests are strongly encouraged. The example input plugin includes an example unit test that you can use as a template for your own.

Package and deploy

Java plugins are packaged as Ruby gems for dependency management and interoperability with Ruby plugins. Once they are packaged as gems, they may be installed with the logstash-plugin utility just as Ruby plugins are. Because no knowledge of Ruby or its toolchain should be required for Java plugin development, the procedure for packaging Java plugins as Ruby gems has been automated through a custom task in the Gradle build file provided with the example Java plugins. The following sections describe how to configure and execute that packaging task as well as how to install the packaged Java plugin in Logstash.

Configuring the Gradle packaging task

The following section appears near the top of the build.gradle file supplied with the example Java Input plugin :

import java.nio.file.Files
import static java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING

apply plugin: 'java'
apply from: LOGSTASH_CORE_PATH + "/../rubyUtils.gradle"

// ===========================================================================
// plugin info
// ===========================================================================
group                      'ma.synapticiel.logstash' // must match the package of the main plugin class
version                    "${file("VERSION").text.trim()}" // read from required VERSION file
description                = "This is an example of Java input implementation"
pluginInfo.licenses        = ['Apache-2.0'] // list of SPDX license IDs
pluginInfo.longDescription = "This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using \$LS_HOME/bin/logstash-plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program"
pluginInfo.authors         = ['Synapticiel LLC']           = ['[email protected]']
pluginInfo.homepage        = ""
pluginInfo.pluginType      = "input"
pluginInfo.pluginClass     = "FsMonitor"
pluginInfo.pluginName      = "fsmonitor" // must match the @LogstashPlugin annotation in the main plugin class
// ===========================================================================

sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8

You should configure the values above for your plugin.

  • The version value will be automatically read from the VERSION file in the root of your plugin’s codebase.
  • pluginInfo.pluginType should be set to one of input, filter, codec, or output.
  • pluginInfo.pluginName must match the name specified on the @LogstashPlugin annotation on the main plugin class. The Gradle packaging task will validate that and return an error if they do not match.

Running the Gradle packaging task

Several Ruby source files along with a gemspec file and a Gemfile are required to package the plugin as a Ruby gem. These Ruby files are used only for defining the Ruby gem structure or at Logstash startup time to register the Java plugin. They are not used during runtime event processing. The Gradle packaging task automatically generates all of these files based on the values configured in the section above.

You run the Gradle packaging task with the following command:

./gradlew gem

For Windows platforms: Substitute gradlew.bat for ./gradlew as appropriate in the command.

That task will produce a gem file in the root directory of your plugin’s codebase with the name logstash-{plugintype}-<pluginName>-<version>.gem

Microsoft Windows [version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.
Répertoire de C:\scub-foundation\workdir\logstash_plugins\logstash-input-plugin

11/09/2020  17:41    <REP>          .
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11/09/2020  15:09               650 .project
11/09/2020  15:09    <REP>          .settings
11/09/2020  15:09    <REP>          bin
11/09/2020  17:38    <REP>          build
11/09/2020  17:39             4 095 build.gradle
11/09/2020  18:51               454 Gemfile
11/09/2020  15:08    <REP>          gradle
11/09/2020  17:37                65
11/09/2020  15:08             5 764 gradlew
11/09/2020  15:08             2 942 gradlew.bat
11/09/2020  17:38    <REP>          lib
09/09/2020  10:25            11 558 LICENSE
11/09/2020  18:51         4 291 584 logstash-input-fsmonitor-1.0.gem
11/09/2020  18:51             1 276 logstash-input-fsmonitor.gemspec
12/09/2020  14:49            20 727
11/09/2020  15:51    <REP>          screens
11/09/2020  15:08               378 settings.gradle
11/09/2020  15:08    <REP>          src
11/09/2020  17:38    <REP>          vendor
12/09/2020  13:20                 5 VERSION
              16 fichier(s)        4 342 130 octets
              11 Rép(s)  31 721 205 760 octets libres

Installing the Java plugin in Logstash

After you have packaged your Java plugin as a Ruby gem, you can install it in Logstash with this command:

bin/logstash-plugin install --no-verify --local /path/to/logstash-input-fsmonitor-1.0.gem

For Windows platforms: Substitute backslashes for forward slashes as appropriate in the command.

Running Logstash with the Java input plugin

The following is a minimal Logstash configuration that can be used to test that the Java input plugin is correctly installed and functioning.

input {
  fsmonitor {
	paths => ["/tmp/f1", "/tmp/f2"]

 filter {
      json {
        source => "message"
  mutate { remove_field => [ "message" ] }

output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Copy the above Logstash configuration to a file such as fsmonitor.conf. Start Logstash with:

bin/logstash -f /path/to/fsmonitor.conf

The Java execution engine, the default execution engine since Logstash 7.0, is required as Java plugins are not supported in the Ruby execution engine.

The expected Logstash output (excluding initialization) with the configuration above is:

      "@version" => "1",
     "eventType" => "ENTRY_MODIFY",
        "fileId" => "cc925d5f-8292-3faf-9db5-6cb3d50b987b",
    "@timestamp" => 2020-09-12T13:55:25.215Z,
      "filePath" => "\\tmp\\f1",
      "fileName" => "my_file.txt"
      "@version" => "1",
     "eventType" => "ENTRY_CREATE",
        "fileId" => "c04af31a-935c-3d21-b3a6-64ac617dd7eb",
    "@timestamp" => 2020-09-12T13:55:33.795Z,
      "filePath" => "\\tmp\\f2",
      "fileName" => "INV36969427.pdf"
      "@version" => "1",
     "eventType" => "ENTRY_MODIFY",
        "fileId" => "c04af31a-935c-3d21-b3a6-64ac617dd7eb",
    "@timestamp" => 2020-09-12T13:55:33.800Z,
      "filePath" => "\\tmp\\f2",
      "fileName" => "INV36969427.pdf"
      "@version" => "1",
     "eventType" => "ENTRY_MODIFY",
        "fileId" => "c04af31a-935c-3d21-b3a6-64ac617dd7eb",
    "@timestamp" => 2020-09-12T13:55:33.795Z,
      "filePath" => "\\tmp\\f2",
      "fileName" => "INV36969427.pdf"


Example of Logstash Java Input plugin







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