Inline SVG Icons from For Laravel Blade
This is a package for the Laravel framework that allows you to use svg icons from as Blade components
Install with composer in laravel application:
$ composer require szonov/tabler-blade-icons
Use icon in your blade files, or even in php code..
<x-tabler::icon.home class="icon-lg" fill="yellow"/>
<x-tabler::icon.home class="icon-md" stroke="red"/>
<x-tabler::icon.home class="text-blue"/>
<x-tabler::icon.home-2 fill="yellow" stroke="red" class="bg-white"/>
<x-tabler::icon name="home-2" fill="yellow" stroke="red" class="icon-lg bg-green rounded"/>
<x-tabler::icon name="home" class="bg-white" fill="#eee" stroke="red"/>
{{ \Tabler\Icons\TablerIcon::make('ad-2')->stroke('red')->fill('yellow') }}
{!! \Tabler\Icons\TablerIcon::make('ad-2')->stroke('red')->fill('yellow') !!}
<x-tabler::icon name="ball-tennis" fill="#E8C432" stroke="#eee" class="icon-lg bg-black rounded"/>
Name of appropriate icon for your application you can find on