BedLiftOver (2021_12-126-g84edc586)
Lift-over of regions in a BED file to a different genome build.
Mandatory parameters:
-in <file> Input BED file with the regions to lift.
-out <file> The file where the lifted regions will be written to.
Optional parameters:
-unmapped <file> The file where the unmappable regions will be written to.
Default value: ''
-chain <string> Input Chain file in .chain/.chain.gz format or "hg19_hg38" / "hg38_hg19" to read from settings file.
Default value: 'hg19_hg38'
-max_deletion <int> Allowed percentage of deleted/unmapped bases in each region.
Default value: '5'
-max_increase <int> Allowed percentage size increase of a region.
Default value: '10'
-remove_special_chr Removes regions that are mapped to special chromosomes.
Default value: 'false'
Special parameters:
--help Shows this help and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--changelog Prints changeloge and exits.
--tdx Writes a Tool Definition Xml file. The file name is the application name with the suffix '.tdx'.
BedLiftOver 2021_12-126-g84edc586
2022-02-14 First implementation