VcfAnnotateFromVcf (2022_04-120-g0b2ddab9)
Annotates a VCF file with data from one or more source VCF files.
Optional parameters:
-in <file> Input VCF(.GZ) file that is annotated. If unset, reads from STDIN.
Default value: ''
-out <file> Output VCF file. If unset, writes to STDOUT.
Default value: ''
-config_file <file> TSV file for annotation from multiple source files. For each source file, these tab-separated columns have to be given: source file name, prefix, INFO keys, ID column.
Default value: ''
-source <file> Tabix indexed VCF.GZ file that is the source of the annotated data.
Default value: ''
-info_keys <string> INFO key(s) in 'source' that should be annotated (Multiple keys are be separated by ',', optional keys can be renamed using this syntax: 'original_key=new_key').
Default value: ''
-id_column <string> ID column in 'source' (must be 'ID'). If unset, the ID column is not annotated. Alternative output name can be specified by using 'ID=new_name'.
Default value: ''
-prefix <string> Prefix added to all annotations in the output VCF file.
Default value: ''
-allow_missing_header If set the execution is not aborted if a INFO header is missing in the source file.
Default value: 'false'
-threads <int> The number of threads used to process VCF lines.
Default value: '1'
-block_size <int> Number of lines processed in one chunk.
Default value: '10000'
-prefetch <int> Maximum number of chunks that may be pre-fetched into memory.
Default value: '64'
-debug Enables debug output (use only with one thread).
Default value: 'false'
Special parameters:
--help Shows this help and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--changelog Prints changeloge and exits.
--tdx Writes a Tool Definition Xml file. The file name is the application name with the suffix '.tdx'.
VcfAnnotateFromVcf 2022_04-120-g0b2ddab9
2022-07-08 Usability: changed parameter names and updated documentation.
2022-02-24 Refactoring and change to event-driven implementation (improved scaling with many threads)
2021-09-20 Prefetch only part of input file (to save memory).
2020-04-11 Added multithread support.
2019-08-19 Added support for multiple annotations files through config file.
2019-08-14 Added VCF.GZ support.
2019-08-13 Initial implementation.