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Tablesorter to Abelt
* [All] = all files
* [Core] = abelt.js
* [Cache] = module-cache.js
* [Sort] = widget-sort.js
* [Store] = module-storage.js
* [Util] = module-utilities.js
* [Zebra] = widget-zebra.js
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// *** appearance
config.theme => [Core] abelt.options.theme
config.widthFixed => [Core] abelt.options.widthFixed
config.showProcessing => [Core] abelt.options.showProcessing
config.headerTemplate => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.headerTemplate
config.onRenderTemplate => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.onRenderTemplate
config.onRenderHeader => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.onRenderHeader
// *** functionality
config.cancelSelection => [Core] abelt.options.cancelSelection
config.tabIndex => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.tabIndex
config.sortMultiSortKey => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.multisortKey
config.sortResetKey => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.resetKey
config.delayInit => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.delayInit
config.serverSideSorting => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.serverSide
config.dateFormat => [Cache] abelt.options.dateFormat
config.usNumberFormat => [Util] abelt.options.usNumberFormat
// *** sort options
config.headers => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.headers
config.ignoreCase => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.ignoreCase
config.sortForce => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.force
config.sortList => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.list
config.sortAppend => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.append
config.sortStable => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.stable
config.sortInitialOrder => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.initialOrder
config.sortLocaleCompare => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.localeCompare
config.sortReset => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.reset
config.sortRestart => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.restart
** NEW ** => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.resort
** NEW ** => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.clickDelay
config.emptyTo => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.emptyTo
config.stringTo => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.stringTo
config.textSorter => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.textSorter
config.numberSorter => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.numberSorter
config.textExtraction => [Cache] abelt.options.textExtraction
config.textAttribute => [Cache] abelt.options.textAttribute
// *** zebra widget options
config.widgetOptions.zebra => [Zebra] - abelt.options.zebra = [ 'even', 'odd' ] ** REMOVED in v1.0.0-alpha.3 **
[Zebra] - abelt.options.css.even ** new in v1.0.0-alpha.3 **
[Zebra] - abelt.options.css.odd ** new in v1.0.0-alpha.3 **
// *** widget options
config.widgets => [Core] abelt.options.widgets
config.widgetOptions => ** REMOVED **
config.initWidgets => [Core] abelt.options.initWidgets
config.widgetClass => [Core] abelt.options.widgetClass
// *** callbacks
config.initialized => [Core] abelt.options.initialized
** NEW ** => [Sort] abelt.options.sort.initalized
// *** extra css class names
config.tableClass => [Core] abelt.options.css.table
config.cssHeader => [Core] abelt.options.css.headerCells ** changed in v1.0.0-alpha.3 **
config.cssHeaderRow => [Core] abelt.options.css.headerRow
config.cssProcessing => [Core] abelt.options.css.processing
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.css.headerHover
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.css.footerRow
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.css.footerCells
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.css.caption ** new in v1.0.0-alpha.3 **
config.cssAsc => [Sort] abelt.options.css.sortAsc
config.cssDesc => [Sort] abelt.options.css.sortDesc
config.cssNone => [Sort] abelt.options.css.sortNone
config.cssIcon => [Core] abelt.options.css.icon
config.cssIconNone => [Core] abelt.options.css.iconNone
config.cssIconAsc => [Core] abelt.options.css.iconAsc
config.cssIconDesc => [Core] abelt.options.css.iconDesc
** NEW ** => [Sort] abelt.options.css.sortActive
config.cssChildRow => [Core] abelt.options.childRow
config.cssInfoBlock => [Core] abelt.options.css.ignore ** changed in v1.0.0-alpha.3 **
config.cssAllowClicks => [Sort] abelt.options.css.allowClicks
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.css.visible
// *** selectors
config.selectorHeaders => [Core] abelt.options.selectors.headers
config.selectorRemove => [Core] abelt.options.selectors.remove
config.selectorSort => [Sort] abelt.options.selectors.sort
// *** advanced
config.debug => [Core] abelt.options.debug
** NEW ** => [Core] $.abelt.debug // if set to false; uglify should remove all debug code
// *** Internal variables
config.headerList => ** REMOVED **
config.cache => [Cache] abelt.vars.cache
config.columns => [Core] abelt.vars.columns
config.empties => [Sort] abelt.vars.empties
config.string => [Sort] abelt.vars.string
config.strings => [Sort] abelt.vars.strings
config.parsers => [Cache] abelt.vars.parsers
config.extractors => [Cache] abelt.vars.extractors
// added to the DOM header cells
headerCell.sortDisabled => [Sort] abelt.vars.sortDisabled
headerCell.count => [Sort] abelt.vars.sortCount
headerCell.order => [Sort] abelt.vars.sortOrder
headerCell.lockedOrder => [Sort] abelt.vars.lockedOrder
// to be added with filter_customVal
config.cssIgnoreRow => [Core] abelt.options.css.ignoreRow
# Event Names
config.namespace => [Core] abelt.namespace
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.init
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.widgetUpdate
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.widgetApply
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.widgetApplyAll
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.widgetRemove
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.widgetsRefresh
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.destroy
** NEW ** => [Core] abelt.options.events.resetToLoadState
# Variables
$.tablesorter => [Core] $.abelt
$.tablesorter.version => [Core] $.abelt.version
$.tablesorter.widgets => [Core] $.abelt.widgets
$.tablesorter.defaults => [Core] $.abelt.defaults
$.tablesorter.regex => [All] $.abelt.regex
$.tablesorter.parsers => [Cache] $.abelt.parsers
$.tablesorter.language => [Sort] $.abelt.language
$.tablesorter.css => [All] $.abelt.css
$.tablesorter.css.table => [Core] $.abelt.css.table
$.tablesorter.css.header => [Core] $.abelt.css.header
$.tablesorter.css.headerRow => [Core] $.abelt.css.headerRow
$.tablesorter.css.processing => [Core] $.abelt.css.processing
$.tablesorter.css.hasChild => [Core] $.abelt.css.hasChild
$.tablesorter.css.headerInner => [Sort] $.abelt.css.headerInner
$.tablesorter.css.icon => [Sort] $.abelt.css.icon
$.tablesorter.css.sortAsc => [Sort] $.abelt.css.sortAsc
$.tablesorter.css.sortDesc => [Sort] $.abelt.css.sortDesc
$.tablesorter.css.sortNone => [Sort] $.abelt.css.sortNone
** NEW ** => [Sort] $.abelt.css.sortActive
## New
// global debug setting (if false, uglify should remove all debug code when compressing)
[Core] $.abelt.debug = true;
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|___|___|_| |___| functions
$.tablesorter.construct(settings) => [Core] $.abelt.construct( table, settings, callback )
$.tablesorter.setup(table, c) => [Core] $.abelt.setup( table, options, callback )
$.tablesorter.destroy(table, removeClasses, callback) => [Core] $.abelt.destroy( abelt, removeClasses, callback )
$.tablesorter.storage(table, key, value, options) => [Store] $.abelt.storage( table, key, value, options )
## Notable changes
$.tablesorter.log => [All] console.log
$.tablesorter.benchmark => [All] $.abelt.benchmark( time )
Log a timed event as follows:
if ( $.abelt.debug && abelt.options.debug ) {
console.log( 'Completed in ' + $.abelt.benchmark(time) );
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table.isUpdating => abelt.flags.isUpdating
table.isProcessing => abelt.flags.isProcessing
table.isApplyingWidgets => abelt.flags.isApplyingWidgets
table.hasInitialized => abelt.flags.init
table.config.widgetInit => abelt.flags.widgetInit
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|_____|_|___|_ |___|_| functions
$.tablesorter.addWidget(widget) => [Core] $.abelt.widget.add( widget, replaceWidget )
$.tablesorter.getWidgetById(name) => [Core] $.abelt.widget.get( id )
$.tablesorter.hasWidget(table, name) => [Core] $.abelt.widget.has( abelt, name )
$.tablesorter.refreshWidgets(table, doAll, dontapply) => [Core] $.abelt.widget.refresh( abelt, doAll, dontApply )
// abelt named parameter = specificly named widget(s) e.g. 'zebra filter' or undefined for all
$.tablesorter.applyWidget(table, init) => [Core] $.abelt.widget.apply( abelt, named, init )
## New
[Core] $.abelt.widget.remove( abelt, named, callRemove ) // callRemove (boolean) to call widget remove function
[Core] $.abelt.widget.update( abelt, callback ) // called when an update is triggered
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|___|_| |_|_|_|_| |_ | functions & variables
$.tablesorter.computeColumnIndex(trs) => [Core] $.abelt.utility.computeIndexes( $rows )
$.tablesorter.characterEquivalents => [Cache] $.abelt.utility.characterEquivalents
$.tablesorter.replaceAccents(s) => [Cache] $.abelt.utility.replaceAccents( str )
$.tablesorter.getData(h, ch, key) => [Util] $.abelt.utility.getData( header, optionHearer, key )
$.tablesorter.getColumnData(table, obj, indx, getCell, $headers) => [Util] $.abelt.utility.getColumnData( abelt, obj, indx, getCell )
$.tablesorter.formatFloat(s, table) => [Util] $.abelt.utility.formatFloat( str, abelt )
$.tablesorter.isDigit(s) => [Util] $.abelt.utility.isDigit( str )
$.tablesorter.isValueInArray(column, arry) => [Util] $.abelt.utility.isValueInArray( value, arry )
$.tablesorter.isProcessing(table, toggle, $ths) => [Util] $.abelt.utility.isProcessing( abelt, toggle, $ths )
## Tablesorter (private functions) => Abelt public functions
isEmptyObject(obj) => [All] $.isEmptyObject() // jQuery function
bindMethods(table) => [Core] $.abelt.utility.bindMethods( abelt )
fixColumnWidth(table) => [Core] $.abelt.utility.fixColumnWidth( abelt )
getElementText(table, node, cellIndex) => [Cache] $.abelt.utility.getText( abelt, node, cellIndex )
## New
[Core] $.abelt.utility.setConstants( abelt ) // update stored jQuery objects, e.g. abelt.$table, abelt.$headers, abelt.$tbodies, etc.
[Core] $.abelt.utility.appearance( abelt ) // initially add class names to table, header row & cells, footer row & cells, basic ARIA attributes
[Core] $.abelt.utility.visibleRows( abelt ) // add class to visible rows, if abelt.options.css.visible option is not an empty string
## Notable changes
$.tablesorter.processTbody(table, $tb, getIt) => [Util] $.abelt.utility.processTbody( abelt, $tb, process )
In tablesorter, you would have to call this function twice; once to remove the tbody and a second time to replace it
$tb = $.tablesorter.processTbody( table, $('tbody').eq(0), true ); // remove tbody
$tb.children().removeClass( 'foo' ); // do something
$.tablesorter.processTbody( table, $tb, false ); // replace tbody
In Abelt, you pass the process function
$.abelt.utility.processTbody( abelt, $('tbody').eq(0), function( $tbody ){
$tbody.children().removeClass( 'foo' ); // do something
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| _|__,|_| |___|___|_| functions
$.tablesorter.addParser(parser) => [Cache] $.abelt.parser.add( parser, replaceParser )
$.tablesorter.getParserById(name) => [Cache] $.abelt.parser.get( id )
## Tablesorter (private functions) => Abelt public functions
detectParserForColumn(table, rows, rowIndex, cellIndex) => [Cache] $.abelt.parser.detect( abelt, rows, rowIndex, cellIndex )
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|___|___|_|_|___| functions
## Tablesorter (private functions) => Abelt public functions
buildParserCache(table) => [Cache] $.abelt.build.parserCache( abelt )
buildCache(table) => [Cache] $.abelt.build.cache( abelt )
appendToTable(table, init) => [Cache] $.abelt.build.append( ... )
buildHeaders(table) => [Sort] $.abelt.build.headers( abelt )
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|___|___|_| |_| functions
$.tablesorter.bindEvents(table, $headers, core) => $.abelt.sort.bindEvents( abelt )
$.tablesorter.restoreHeaders(table) => $.abelt.sort.restoreHeaders( abelt )
## Tablesorter (private functions) => Abelt public functions
initSort(table, cell, event) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.init( abelt )
formatSortingOrder(v) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.formatOrder( value )
setHeadersCss(table) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.setHeadersCss( ... )
updateHeader(table) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.updateHeader( ... )
updateHeaderSortCount(table, list) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.updateHeaderSortCount(... )
getCachedSortType(parsers, i) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.getCachedSortType( ... )
multisort(table) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.multisort( ... )
checkResort($table, flag, callback) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.checkResort( abelt, flag, callback )
resortComplete($table, callback) => [Sort] $.abelt.sort.complete( ... )
commonUpdate(table, resort, callback) => [Cache] $.abelt.build.update( abelt, callback )
## New
[Sort] $.abelt.sort.init( abelt )
[Sort] $.abelt.sort.initComplete( abelt )
[Sort] $.abelt.sort.appearance( abelt )
[Sort] $.abelt.sort.triggerSort( ... )
[Sort] $.abelt.sort.destroy( ... )
## Sorters
$.tablesorter.sortNatural(a, b) => $.abelt.sorters.natural( a, b )
$.tablesorter.sortNaturalAsc(a, b, col, table, c) => $.abelt.sorters.naturalAsc( a, b, col, abelt )
$.tablesorter.sortNaturalDesc(a, b, col, table, c) => $.abelt.sorters.naturalDesc( a, b, col, abelt )
$.tablesorter.sortText(a, b) => $.abelt.sorters.text( a, b )
$.tablesorter.getTextValue(a, num, mx) => $.abelt.sorters.getTextValue(a, num, mx)
$.tablesorter.sortNumericAsc(a, b, num, mx, col, table) => $.abelt.sorters.numericAsc( a, b, num, mx, col, abelt )
$.tablesorter.sortNumericDesc(a, b, num, mx, col, table) => $.abelt.sorters.numericDesc( a, b, num, mx, col, abelt )
$.tablesorter.sortNumeric(a, b) => $.abelt.sorters.numeric( a, b )
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| _|__,|_ |___|_| (just variables used in module-cache.js, so far)
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table.config.appender(table, rows) => [Cache] abelt.functions.appender( abelt, rows )
table.config.pager => [Cache] abelt.options.pager
table.config.pager.ajax => [Cache] abelt.options.pager.ajax
table.config.pager.removeRows => [Cache] abelt.options.pager.removeRows
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|___|___|_|___|_| |___|___| functions