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Smart contract vulnerability dataset

This repository releases the official smart contract dataset of our paper, which consists of four types of vulnerabilities. In what follows, we present the instructions of how to label the specific vulnerability.

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We will release the smart contract dataset that consists of four types of vulnearbilities, namely timestamp dependence, reentrancy, interger overflow/underflow, and delegatecall.

1 Timestamp Dependence

Block timestamp dependence is considered as using block.timestamp as part of the conditions to perform critical operations.

How to label the timestamp dependency vulnerability?

We refer to several expert patterns to label the timestamp dependence vulnerability.

  1. timestampInvocation models whether there exists an invocation to block.timestamp in the function.
  2. timestampAssign checks whether the value of block.timestamp is assigned to other variables or passed to a condition statement as a parameter, namely whether block.timestamp is actually used.
  3. timestampContaminate checks if block.timestamp may contaminate the triggering condition of a critical operation (e.g., money transfer) or the return value. We label a function with timestamp dependence vulnerability based on: TimestampInvoc ∧ (TimestampAssign ∨ TimestampContaminate).


Note that we treat those functions with the block.timestamp statement as the research targets. As such, we utilize the pattern timestampInvoc to filter those functions without the statement of block.timestamp.


Case 1:When the block.timestamp is assigned to a variable and the variable is used by the following operations or passed to a condition statement as a parameter, we label the corresponding function existing the timestamp dependency vulnerability.

    1.contract CrowdsaleWPTByRounds {
    2.    uint256 public closingTime;       
    3.    function closeRound() public returns(uint256) {
    4.        closingTime = block.timestamp + 1;
    5.        return closingTime;
    6.    }

As can be seen, the block.timestamp is assigned to variable closingTime (line 4), and the variable closingTime is called in the return statement (line 5). Thus, we label the function closeRound existing the timestamp dependency vulnerability, i.e., label = 1.

Case 2: When the block.timestamp is assigned in the strict condition statements (e.g., require and assert), we label that the corresponding function does not exist the timestamp dependency vulnerability.

    1.contract Safe {
    2.    address public owner;
    3.    uint256 public lock;        
    4.    function withdrawal( address to, uint value) returns (bool) {
    5.        require(msg.sender == owner);
    6.        uint256 time = block.timestamp;
    7.        require(time >= lock);
    8.        require(to != address(0));
    9.        return true;
    10.    }

As can be seen, the block.timestamp is assigned to the variable time (line 6), and the variable time is assigned in the require statement (line 7). Thus, we label that the function withdrawal does not exist the timestamp dependency vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.


case 1:When the body of the conditional statement (e.g. if and while) involves the return value of the function, we label the corresponding function existing the timestamp dependency vulnerability.

    1.contract CrowdsaleExt {
    2.    uint public startsAt;
    3.    uint public endsAt;
    4.    bool public finalized;
    5.    enum State {PreFunding, Failure, Finalized}
    6.    function getState() public constant returns (State) {
    7.         if(finalized) return State.Finalized;
    8.         else if (block.timestamp < startsAt) return State.PreFunding;
    9.         else return State.Failure;
    10.   }

As can be seen, when the conditional statement else if satisfies block.timestamp < startsAt (line8), the return value of the function getState is State.PreFunding. Thus, we label the function getState existing the timestamp dependency vulnerability, i.e., label = 1.

Case 2:When the body of the conditional statement involves money operations (e.g.,transfers), we label the corresponding function existing the timestamp dependency vulnerability.

    1.contract FreezableToken {
    2.    function releaseAll() public returns (uint tokens) {
    3.         uint release;
    4.         uint balance;
    5.         while (release != 0 && block.timestamp > release) {
    6.                tokens += balance;
    7.      ;
    8.         }
    9.         return tokens;
    10.   }

As can be seen, when the conditional statement while satisfies release != 0 && block.timestamp > release (line 5), the function executes the call.value transfer operation (line 7). Thus, we label the function releaseAll existing the timestamp dependency vulnerability, i.e., label = 1.

Case 3:When the body of the conditional statement is not related to the return value of the function or money operations (e.g., transfer), we label that the corresponding function does not exist the timestamp dependency vulnerability.

    1.contract BirthdayGift {
    2.    address public recipient;
    3.    uint public birthday;
    4.    function Take () {
    5         if (msg.sender != recipient) throw;
    6.        if (block.timestamp < birthday) throw;
    7.        if (!recipient.send (this.balance)) throw;
    8.        return;
    9.    }

As can be seen, when the conditional statement if satisfies block.timestamp < birthday (line 6), the function Take throws an exception. Thus, we label that the function Take does not exist the timestamp dependency vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.

2 Reentrancy

Reentrancy vulnerability is considered as an invocation to call.value that can call back to itself through a chain of calls.

How to label the reentrancy vulnerability?

We refer to several expert patterns to label the reentrancy vulnerability.

  1. callValueInvocation that checks whether there exists an invocation to call.value in the function.
  2. balanceDeduction checks whether the user balance is deducted after money transfer using call.value, which considers the fact that the money stealing can be avoided if user balance is deducted each time before money transfer.
  3. zeroParameter checks whether the parameter of the call.value function itself is zero.
  4. ModifierConstrain checks whether the function is constrained by the onlyOwner modifier. We label a function with reentrancy vulnerability based on: callValueInvocation ∧ balanceDeduction ∧ zeroParameter ∧ (!ModifierConstrain).


Note that we treat those functions with an invocation to call.value as the research targets. As such, we utilize the pattern callValueInvocation to filter those functions without an invocation to call.value.


Case 1: When the call.value exists in the function and the parameter of the call.value is zero, we label that the corresponding function does not exist the reentrancy vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.

    1.contract HiroyukiCoinDark {
    2.    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
    3.    function transfer(address _to, uint _value, bytes _data) public returns (bool) {
    4.        require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= _value);
    5.        balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender] - _value;
    6.        balanceOf[_to] = balanceOf[_to] + _value;
    7.        assert(;
    8.        return true;
    9.    }

As can be seen, the parameter of call.value is zero (line 7). Thus, we label that the function transfer dose not exist the reentrancy vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.


Case 1: When the parameter of call.value is not zero and the user balance is deducted before money transfer using call.value, we label that the corresponding function does not exist the reentrancy vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.

    1.contract NIZIGEN {
    2.    mapping (address => uint) balances;  
    3.    function transfer(uint _value, bytes _data) public returns (bool) { 
    4.      if(true) {
    5.          if (balances[msg.sender] < _value) revert();
    6.          balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender] - _value;
    7.          assert(;
    8.          return true;
    9.      }
    10.      else {
    11.          return false;
    12.      }
    13.    }

As can be seen, the user balance balances[msg.sender](line 6) is deducted before money transfer using call.value (line 7). Thus, we label that the corresponding function does not exist the reentrancy vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.


Case 1: When a function has the onlyOwner modifier constraint, we label that the corresponding function does not exist the reentrancy vulnerability.

    1.contract CrowdsaleWPTByRounds {
    2.  mapping (address => uint) balances;
    3.  address wallet;
    4.  address owner;
    5.  modifier onlyOwner() {
    6.    require(msg.sender == owner);
    7.    _;
    8.  }   
    9.  function forwardFunds() internal onlyOwner {
    11.     balances[wallet] -= msg.value;
    12.  }

As can be seen, the function forwardFunds is constrained by the onlyOwner modifier(line 9). Thus, we label that the function forwardFunds does not exist the reentrancy vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.

Case 2: When a function has not the onlyOwner modifier constraint, we label the corresponding function existing the reentrancy vulnerability.

    1.contract CrowdsaleWPTByRounds {
    2.  mapping (address => uint) balances;
    3.  address wallet;
    4.  function forwardFunds() internal {
    6.    balances[wallet] -= msg.value;
    7.  }

As can be seen, the function forwardFunds is not constrained by the onlyOwner modifier(line 9). Thus, we label the function forwardFunds existing the reentrancy vulnerability, i.e., label = 1.

3 Integer Overflow/Underflow

Integer Overflow/Underflow is considered as using arithmetic operations *(e.g., +, -, ) between variables, which may lead to the value of variables out of range.

How to label the integer overflow/underflow vulnerability?

We refer to several expert patterns to label the integer overflow/underflow vulnerability.

  1. arithmeticOperation that checks whether there is arithmetic operation between variables.
  2. safeLibraryInvocation that checks whether the arithmetic operations between variables are constrained by a security library function.
  3. conditionDeclaration that checks whether the variable for the arithmetic operation is judged by the conditional statement. We label a function with integer overflow/underflow vulnerability based on: ArithmeticOperation ∧ (SafeLibraryInvoc ∨ ConditionDeclaration).


Note that we treat those functions with the arithmetic operations (e.g., +, -, *) as the research targets. As such, we utilize the pattern arithmeticOperation to filter those functions without the arithmetic operations.


Case 1: When there are arithmetic operations between the variables and the arithmetic operations are constrained by the security library function, we label that the corresponding function does not exist the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability.

    1.library SafeMath {
    2.    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    3.      assert(b <= a);
    4.      return a - b;
    5.    }
    6.    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
    7.      c = a + b;
    8.      assert(c >= a);
    9.      return c;
    10.    }
    12.contract StandardToken {
    13.    using SafeMath for uint256;
    14.    mapping(address => uint256) balances; 
    15.    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
    16.        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(value);
    17.        balances[to] = balances[to].add(value);
    18.        return true;
    19.    }

As can be seen, the subtraction operation between the balances[msg.sender] and the value (line 16) is constrained by the security library function (line 2). Thus, we label that the corresponding function transfer does not exist the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.


case 1: When the arithmetic operations and corresponding variables appear in the strict conditional statements (e.g., assert, require), we label that the corresponding function does not exist the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability.

    1.contract Overflow_fixed_assert {
    2.    uint8 sellerBalance = 0;
    3.    function add(uint8 value) returns (uint) {
    4.        sellerBalance += value;
    5.        assert(sellerBalance >= value);
    6.        return sellerBalance;
    7.    }

As can be seen, there is an addition operation between the sellerBalance and the value (line 4), and assert statement contains the comparison between the r_sellerBalance_ and the value (line 5). Thus, we label that the corresponding function add does not exist the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.

Case 2: When the subtraction operation appears in the strict conditional statement (e.g., assert, require) for comparison and the conditional statement appears before the subtraction operation, we label that the corresponding function does not exist the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability.

    1.contract HiroyukiCoinDark {
    2.    mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
    3.    function transfer(address to, uint value, bytes data) public returns (bool) {
    4.        require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= value);
    5.        balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender] - value;
    6.        balanceOf[to] = balanceOf[_to] + value;
    7.        assert(;
    8.        return true;
    9.    }

As can be seen, there is a subtraction operation between the balanceOf[msg.sender] and the value (line 5), and the require statement contains the comparison between the balanceOf[msg.sender] and the value (line 4). Thus, we label that the corresponding function dose not exist the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability, i.e., label = 0.

Case 3: When the function does not satisfy case 1 and case 2, we label the corresponding function existing the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability.

    1. contract Overflow_add {
    2.    uint8 sellerBalance = 0;
    3.    function add(uint8 value) returns (uint) {
    4.        sellerBalance += value;
    5.        return sellerBalance;
    6.    }
    7. }

As can be seen, there is an addition operation between the sellerBalance and the value (line 4), and no conditional statement used to constrain the two variables after the addition operation. Thus, we label the corresponding function add existing the Integer Overflow/Underflow vulnerability, i.e., label = 1.

4 Dangerous Delegatecall

Dangerous delegatecall vulnerability is considered as using delegate as part of the conditions to perform critical operations.

How to label the dangerous delegatecall vulnerability?

We refer to several expert patterns to label the dangerous delegatecall vulnerability.

  1. delegateInvocation models whether there exists an invocation to delegatecall in the function;
  2. ownerInvocation that checks whether the caller of delegatecall is the owner account; We label a function with dangerous delegatecall vulnerability based on: DelegatecallInvoc ∧ (!ownerInvocation).


Note that we treat those functions with the statemnet of delegatecall as the research targets. As such, we utilize the pattern delegateInvocation to filter those functions without the statemnet of delegatecall.


Case 1: When the delegatecall exists in the function and the caller is the owner account, we label that the corresponding function does not exist the dangerous delegatecall vulnerability.

    1.contract Proxy {
    2.     address callee;
    3.     address owner;
    4.     modifier onlyOwner {
    5.           require(msg.sender == owner);
    6.          _;
    7.     }
    8.     function setCallee(address newCallee) public onlyOwner {
    9.         callee = newCallee;
    10.   }
    11.   function forward(bytes _data) public {
    12.       require(callee.delegatecall(_data));
    13.   }

As can be seen, the caller of delegatecall is callee (line 12), and callee is the target address of the owner account, we thus label that the corresponding function forward does not exist the dangerous delegatecall vulnerability, i.e., label = 0;

Case 2: When the delegatecall exists in the function and the caller of delegatecall is not the owner account, we label the corresponding function existing the dangerous delegatecall vulnerability.

    1.contract Proxy { 
    2.    address owner;
    3.    function forward(address callee, bytes _data) public {
    4.       require(callee.delegatecall(_data));
    5.    }

As can be seen, the caller of delegatecall is callee (line 4), and callee is not the owner account, we thus label the function forward existing the dangerous delegatecall vulnerability, i.e., label = 1.