Make sure you have setup the following
- Java Version 8
- .ork rocket file
- .csv flight variables file
Navigate to the file location using the command line
for the next command line input, there are 10 important arguments
- jarname.jar - the name of the simulation software jar file
- filepath/orkfile.ork - file path to your .ork file that has the rocket configuration
- filepath/csvfile.csv - file path to your .csv file that has average flight parameter values
- outputpath - the file path to the simulation output file that has a gaussian distribution
- numberOfSims - number of simulation you want to run
- standardDeviationFromAverage1 - double whole number representing the % away from the average csv value (can leave these at 0 for no variance)
- standardDeviationFromAverage2 - etc...
- etc...
- standardDeviationFromAverage5 - etc...
Type 'java -jar jarname.jar filepath/orkfile.ork filepath/csvfile.csv outputpath numberOfSims -v1 standardDeviationFromAverage1 -v2 standardDeviationFromAverage2 -v3... etc...'
e.g "java -jar SimulationGeneratorExecutable.jar src/main/resources/RocketDesign.ork src/main/resources/dummyData.csv output.csv 10 -v1 2"
FOR TESTING: If you would like to test our program, you can use find the above files in G16RocketMonteCarlo/src/main/resources/
- The command line will then output a lot of logging data and finally finish with "successfully written CSV data"
- Launch Rod Angle: Radians (°)/ Maximum Angle: 1/3 PI (60°) Minimum Angle: -1/3 PI (-60°)
- Launch Rod Length: Centimetres (cm)
- Launch Rod Direction: Degrees (°)
- Launch Altitude: Metres (m)
- Launch Latitude: Degrees North (°N)
- Launch Longitude: Degrees East (°E)
- Maximum Angle: Degrees (°)
- Wind Direction: Degrees (°)
- Wind Turbulence: Percentage (%)
- Launch Temperature: Degrees Celsius (°C)
- Launch Air Pressure: Millibar (mbar)
- Time (s)
- Altitude (m)
- Vertical velocity (m/s)
- Vertical acceleration (m/s²)
- Total velocity (m/s)
- Total acceleration (m/s²)
- Position East of launch (m)
- Position North of launch (m)
- Lateral distance (m)
- Lateral direction (°)
- Lateral velocity (m/s)
- Lateral acceleration (m/s²)
- Latitude (°)
- Longitude (°)
- Gravitational acceleration (m/s²)
- Angle of attack (°)
- Roll rate (°/s)
- Pitch rate (°/s)
- Yaw rate (°/s)
- Mass (g)
- Propellant mass (g)
- Longitudinal moment of inertia (kg·m²)
- Rotational moment of inertia (kg·m²)
- CG location (cm)
- Mach number (?)
- Reynolds number (?)
- Thrust (N)
- Drag force (N)
- Drag coefficient (?)
- Axial drag coefficient (?)
- Friction drag coefficient (?)
- Pressure drag coefficient (?)
- Base drag coefficient (?)
- Coriolis acceleration (m/s²)
- Reference length (cm)
- Reference area (cm²)
- Vertical orientation (zenith) (°)
- Lateral orientation (azimuth) (°)
- Wind velocity (m/s)
- Air temperature (°C)
- Air pressure (mbar)
- Speed of sound (m/s)
- Simulation time step (s)
- Computation time (s)