Object based file database
[Credit by terces]
Current Feature:
oput: [POST] upload a file to object database curl -XPOST -F "@f=filename" http://$HOST:$PORT/oput
oget: [GET] Get a file from object database curl http://$HOST:$PORT/oget/$HASHSTR
odelete: [POST] make delete tag on files from object database curl -XPOST http://$HOST:$PORT/odelete/$HASHSTR
opurge: [POST] REALLY delete files with delete tag curl -XPOST http://$HOST:$PORT/opurge
Future work:
ovalid: [GET] make sure your valid status Valid status: Valid: All method you can use; Allow: Allow you to do oput/oget Deny: Access deined [POST] Setup the valid/allow/deny sites curl -XPOST http://$HOST:$PORT/$VALID/$SITES