Built Stream provides:
- Concrete params and results type for the method
- SingleStream class wraps an asynchronous method
- ComposedStreams class wrap SingleStream objects
- A graceful error handler
For an Flutter example see the example
SingleStream and ComposedStreams types require a bit of boilerplate in order to connect it to generated code. Luckily, even this bit of boilerplate can be got automated using code snippets support in your favourite text editor. For example, in IntelliJ you can use following live template:
@SingleStream(UserRepository, '$METHOD$')
class $CAPITALIZED_METHOD$Stream extends _$CAPITALIZED_METHOD$StreamOrigin {
String get errorMessage => '';
@ComposedStreams(const [])
class $CAPITALIZED_METHOD$Stream extends _$CAPITALIZED_METHOD$StreamOrigin {
Stream<StreamState> process(_) async* {
// your logic code here
Using this template you would only have to manually enter a name of your data class name which is something that can't be automated.
While full, compiled examples are available in
a common usage example is shown here. This example assumes that you are writing
a client for method that login to the system in AuthRepository:
class AuthRepository {
Future<LoginResults> login(LoginParams params) async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
String token = "1234abc";
return LoginResults(token, firstLogin: false);
The corresponding SingleStream for the method login inside class AuthRepository is like this
import 'package:example/repositories/auth_repository.dart';
import 'package:built_stream/stream_annotations.dart';
import 'package:built_stream/stream_types.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:customized_streams/customized_streams.dart';
part "login_stream.g.dart";
@SingleStream(AuthRepository, 'login')
@StreamParam(String, 'email')
@StreamParam(String, 'password', optional: true)
@StreamResult(String, 'token')
@StreamResult(bool, 'firstLogin', optional: true)
class LoginStream extends _LoginStreamOrigin {
String get errorMessage => 'Cannot login';
This declaration will render two classes, one for method's params - LoginParams
and one for method's results - LoginResults
three class for each states of the stream: LoginStart
, LoginSuccess
and LoginError
one class that wrap the method: LoginStream
and one class that handle the life circle of
above stream class: LoginBloc
See the build_runner docs. You usually should not check in generated files, but you do need to publish them.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.