- Choose features that don't impact the model performance
- person's name when predicting if they like tea
- Makes model faster to train and more accurate
- Gaps in data. Remove? Keep? Infer?
Use domain knowledge, drop features with little correlation target, low variance or lots of missing data
Feature engineering
- Compute new features from existing features
- Time of day, from timestamp
- Country from city
Simplify features, remove irrelevant info, standardise ranges (0-10: 0-1 && -100-100: -1-1), transform data
Unsupervised dimension reduction while retaining all or most of the information
- Example is taking a photograph of a 3d object. You lose one dimension of the data, but the info is still there
- Often used as a data pre-processing step
- Can be used to plot high-dimensional data as groups of features
- Few datapoints missing: Replace missing data with average
- Few rows missing: Remove row
- Column missing most data: Remove column
How to deal with Unbalanced:
- Get more data (often overlooked)
- Oversample minority: Little variation
- Synthesize data: Take minority data, apply some variation to make new points
- Different algorithms
- Label-Encoding: Replace strings with values (brazil:0, USA: 1, UK: 2)
- One-hot-encoding: New columns with binary values if they match (Brazil: (brazil:1, usa:0, uk: 0) )
Train/test splits. ALways randomize data
Pipe mode instead of File mode. Faster start and better throughput. Streams the data to the model
- SageMaker works best with RecordIO, streams data directly from S3 without storing locally