Command | Description |
$ git init [project name] |
From scratch -- Create a new local repository |
$ git clone my_url |
Download from an existing repository |
Command | Description |
$ git status |
List new or modified files not yet committed |
$ git dif |
Show the changes to files not yet staged |
$ git diff --cached |
Show the changes to staged files |
$ git diff HEAD |
Show all staged and unstaged file changes |
$ git diff commit1 commit2 |
Show the changes between two commit ids |
$ git blame [file] |
List the change dates and authors for a file |
$ git show [commit]:[file] |
Show the file changes for a commit id and/or file |
$ git log |
Show full change history |
$ git log -p [file/directory] |
Show change history for file/directory including diffs |
Command | Description |
$ git branch |
List all local branches |
$ git branch -av |
List all branches, local and remote |
$ git checkout my_branch |
Switch to a branch, my_branch, and update working directory |
$ git branch new_branch |
Create a new branch called new_branch |
$ git branch -d my_branch |
Delete the branch called my_branch |
$ git checkout branch_b & $ git merge branch_a |
Merge branch_a into branch_b |
$ git tag my_tag |
Tag the current commit |
Command | Description |
$ git add [file] |
Stages the file, ready for commit |
$ git add . |
Stage all changed files, ready for commit |
$ git commit -m 'commit message' |
Commit all staged files to versioned history |
$ git commit -am 'commit message' |
Commit all your tracked files to versioned history |
$ git reset [file] |
Unstages file, keeping the file changes |
$ git reset --hard |
Revert everything to the last commit |
Command | Description |
$ git fetch |
Get the latest changes from origin (no merge) |
$ git pull |
Fetch the latest changes from origin and merge |
$ git pull --rebase |
Fetch the latest changes from origin and rebase |
$ git push |
Push local changes to the origin |