Bug Fixes
added condition for changelog complets successfully (c6eed5a )
added github releaser token (ff7fadc )
changed myget feed (9007c1f )
changed step for getting artifact (2562e2d )
checkout to selected branch (7562fa1 )
fetch all tags and branches (8df0089 )
fetching all branches (2b6676e )
fixed artifact download path (ddd988c )
fixed branch condition (580ae74 )
fixed build trigger (b86f756 )
fixed getting tag branch (21c4a68 )
fixed github releaser generation (1db31d6 )
fixed issue with providing myget feed token (b79e2bc )
fixed linux powershell name (eb88a06 )
fixed multiline command (bf3bc8c )
fixed not closed if statement (7dd98d9 )
fixed pack location (75e2068 )
fixed release env names (2b5b6c3 )
fixed removing branch (4319bc6 )
fixed saving env variable (23ff488 )
fixed trigger gitflow (f0a5f34 )
fixed typo in nuget output path (85ca43c )
fixing uploading build artifact (84e5da4 )
multiline build (d040382 )
nuget output path location (436db1b )
nuget path location (606560b )
nuget restor (f7f1c5b )
remove gitflow depending job (a754990 )
removed typo (9f1a6fb )
added build workflow (24753ef )
added cache service (225dd8b )
added date time extensions (c5457a9 )
added datetime constants (8abea66 )
added dictionary extensions (cc9692b )
added enumerable extensions (d0c381d )
added essential project (212309b )
added github packages release (0dedb34 )
added helpers (513ec22 )
added intersect many method (6dd8b20 )
added MyGet release workflow (fcd5430 )
added nuspec (1164619 )
added object extensions (3019c6c )
added order type enum (1ec6f41 )
added our umbraco workflow (f554c61 )
added project solution items (32edbb4 )
added role principal extensions (3dccff9 )
added separators constants (4a648ad )
added social media constants (ddbebf4 )
added string extensions (e72dcda )
optimize release workflows (2f6ad3a )
trigger gitflow after changelog workflow (170f021 )
updated extensions (eff9095 )
updated string extensions (78ff961 )
updated video helper (7c8501e )
You can’t perform that action at this time.