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72 lines (67 loc) · 1.99 KB

linux command line

File metadata and controls

72 lines (67 loc) · 1.99 KB

Thay doi timezone

sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC

Giai nen

tar -xzvf file-name.tar

Di chuyen file

mv path/ path/

Copy file

cp path/ path/

Kiem tra chuong trinh dang su dung port nao

 netstat -anp|grep programname

Kiem tra port dang su dung boi chuong trinh nao

netstat -anp|grep portnumber

Lay IP

EXTERNAL_IP=$(wget -qO-

Liet ke tat ca cac file va thu muc kem kich thuoc

du -h --max-depth=1 --block-size=1M .*

Xuat thong tin port dang duoc su dung

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

Cac lenh xu ly file

To copy all from Local Location to Remote Location (Upload)

scp -r /path/from/local username@hostname:/path/to/remote
To copy all from Remote Location to Local Location (Download)

scp -r username@hostname:/path/from/remote /path/to/local
Custom Port where xxxx is custom port number

 scp -r -P xxxx username@hostname:/path/from/remote /path/to/local
Copy on current directory from Remote to Local

scp -r username@hostname:/path/from/remote .

-r Recursively copy all directories and files
Always use full location from /, Get full location/path by pwd
scp will replace all existing files
hostname will be hostname or IP address
if custom port is needed (besides port 22) use -P PortNumber
. (dot) - it means current working directory, So download/copy from server and paste here only.
Note: Sometimes the custom port will not work due to the port not being allowed in the firewall, so make sure that custom port is allowed in the firewall for incoming and outgoing connection

user syslog chiếm nhiều cpu và dung lượng log quá lớn

Giảm kích thước tệp nhật ký hiện tại

sudo truncate -s 0 /var/log/syslog

Khởi động lại dịch vu

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
# Hoặc cho systemd-journald
sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

chỉnh sửa tệp cấu hình /etc/logrotate.conf