Clone the repository and run yarn install
in the frontend
Run yarn start
for the react development server and
yarn build
for the production server. You will need an instance of the game
server to be running, and REACT_APP_GAME_SERVER_URI
.env must be pointing to it. If you want to play with other machines on
the local network, change the address in .env to your local IP address
instead of localhost
- clsx for constructing
strings conditionally - date-fns for date munging
- Material-UI for a high-quality Material Design framework built in React
- React for UI building
- React-Draggable for draggable UI components
- React Redux for React bindings to Redux for state management
- redux-websocket for Redux middleware that manages data over a WebSocket, facilitating communication with the game server
- SimpleBar for a custom-styled scrollbar
- Jest and Testing Library for UI testing
- Prettier for formatting