Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Href | string | Network URI | [optional] [default to null] |
Uuid | string | Equinix-assigned network identifier | [default to null] |
Name | string | Customer-assigned network name | [optional] [default to null] |
State | *NetworkState | [optional] [default to null] | |
Account | *SimplifiedAccount | [optional] [default to null] | |
Change | *SimplifiedNetworkChange | [optional] [default to null] | |
Operation | *NetworkOperation | [optional] [default to null] | |
ChangeLog | *Changelog | [optional] [default to null] | |
Links | []Link | Network sub-resources links | [optional] [default to null] |
Type_ | *NetworkType | [optional] [default to null] | |
Scope | *NetworkScope | [optional] [default to null] | |
Location | *SimplifiedLocation | [optional] [default to null] |