Releases: thoughtbot/suspenders
Releases · thoughtbot/suspenders
1.32.0 (October 9, 2015)
- Install Foreman automatically during setup script
- Port always defaults to 3000
- Provide shoulda-matchers config
- Set CI auto-deploy for Heroku suspended apps
- Configure capybara-webkit to block unknown URLs
- Add mandatory environment variables to .sample.env
- Other bugfixes
1.31.0 (September 3, 2015)
- Update to Ruby 2.2.3
- Add ctags configuration dotfile
- Rename
for zsh compatibility - Update Bitters to 1.1
- Remove comments and newlines in config files
- Abort tests run if
env variable is set
1.30.0 (July 30, 2015)
- Update to RSpec 3.3
- Replace TravisCI with CircleCI
- Rename development data concept to avoid confusion with db/seeds
- Remove Unicorn in favor of Puma, as recommended by Heroku
1.29.0 (June 16, 2015)
- Generate rake, rails and rspec binstubs with Spring
- Remove Capybara and use RSpec 3.2 for development
- Improves suspenders' test suite speed
- Refills
1.28.0 (May 9, 2015)
- Require spec/support files in a certain order
- Use rack-canonical-host
- Swap
- Provide EXECJS_RUNTIME env variable (Node, as in Heroku)
- Removes .css file suffix from application stylesheet
- Add mention of Autoprefixer Rails gem to readme
- Use ruby 2.2.2
- Update gems
1.27.0 (April 10, 2015)
- Add Autoprefixer and browserslist config file
- Only display user-facing flashes
- Add code of conduct to CONTRIBUTING document
- Only use rack-timeout in staging and production
- Add SimpleCov
- Avoid generation of extra _flashes view
- Fix Travis CI install step
- Cache bundle in Travis CI runs
1.26.0 (March 23, 2015)
- Update Rails to 4.2.1
- Update Bitters to 1.0
- Fix .ruby-version (should have been 2.1.1)
- Enable
- Renames to Segment
- Removes New Relic unnecessary configuration setting
1.25.0 (March 7, 2015)
- Configure Active Job queue adapter for test env
- Use Ruby 2.2.1 (bug:
wasn’t updated in the package) - Dasherize heroku app names
- Update Bourbon to 4.2.0
- Add ASSET_HOST to sample.env (defaults to HOST)
- Set bin/deploy script as executable
- Set email deliver method to :test for development
- Include missing word in the Flutie description in README.
- Remove unused dev gems: aruba & cucumber
- Use skip_bundle class_option (rather than defining an empty run_bundle method)
- Use Bourbon 4.1.0.
- Use Neat 1.7.0.
- Remove parameter wrapping for every format, including JSON.
- Turn off TravisCI email notifications for Suspended apps.
- Run
rake dev:prime
on CI in order to test
has any regressions. - Fix
's value.
It now correctly usesENV.fetch("HOST")
in staging
and production.