- Add handling for plpgsql LOOP and EXIT
- Fix plpgsql WHILE handling
- Add initial implemention for plpgsql ast traversal
- Add flag to ignore specific procedural languages (#185)
- Support @extschema:name@ placeholders introduced with PG16
- Warn about C security definer functions without search_path
- Fix handling of FOREACH IN ARRAY
- Update pglast to 6.1 which makes pgspot use the PostgreSQL 16 parser
- Ignore default values when comparing functions signatures #88
- Add --version flag #86
- Update pglast to 5.0 which makes pgspot use the PostgreSQL 15 parser #84
- Update pglast to 4.1 which makes pgspot use the PostgreSQL 14 parser #79
- Adjust documentation to mention PG upstream changes regarding CREATE OR REPLACE and CREATE IF NOT EXISTS
- Update pglast to >= 3.13 #74
- Add support for pg_catalog.set_config() for search_path tracking #66
- Fix RangeFunction handling #69
- Update pglast to >= 3.11 #71
- Fix counter reporting for append mode #56
- Update pglast to >= 3.10 #58
- Print line numbers in warnings and errors #44
- Don't raise exception on unknown DO block language #49
- Add per file counter tracking in multiple file mode #50
- Don't warn about search_path of C SECURITY DEFINER functions #52
- Fix search_path evaluation #53
- Add aggregate creation tracking #42
- Initial release