🙌 HUGE credit to [secondstate] for his/her work on watchcubesburn.art.
Served using Yeetify 💨
I was really inspired by [secondstate]'s watchcubesburn.art website and decide to give it a try!
This is just an excercice for me, I got no intention to sell or promote things (other than my incredible skill 😜).
- ⚡️ Static website generation
- 💄 Responsive design
- 🎨 PurgeCSS
- 🏗️ Nuxt.js: https://nuxtjs.org
- ✨ Vue.js: https://vuejs.org
- 💄 Tailwind CSS: https://tailwindcss.com
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# dev server with hot reload
$ yarn run dev
# build for production
$ yarn run generate