People have non-linear thoughts, and yet our medium of information is optimized for linear thoughts. I'm particularly focused on computer note-taking, which usually happens in text.
I'm always disturbed by this way of organizing information. And my attempts to solve this, thus far, has been fruitless.
OneNote is a good example that you can somewhat create a non-linear notes. You can start a new box to contain a stray away thoughts. Or just another thoughts. I used it as it is easily shareable with my wife.
However, it bothers me that OneNote:
No vim keybinding
On particularly dense and long, technical notes, it breaks my train of thoughts having to move around with mouse
No syntax highlight
Enough said
graph notes
knowledge graph
- science knowledge graph, to help answer questions: what are available knowledge that make Benjamin Franklin deduce lightning is electricity?
- can we 'compile' these to static pages?
reference, e.g. Zotero style
progressive discovery, e.g. wiki / tv tropes style
miller column navigation
card-on-card-on-card navigation
browser with 'light-weight' navigation, e.g. no page-reload heavy.
use cases may be different: writing is more non-linear, reading is more linear? Nah, mine is also not linear :/
The program in this space is here:
One that looks simple: VSCode memo