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Porting Tock 1.x Capsules to Tock 2.0

This guide covers how to port Tock capsules from the 1.x system call API to the 2.x system call API. It outlines how the API has changed and gives code examples.


Version 2 of the Tock operating system changes the system call API and ABI in several ways. This document describes the changes and their implications to capsule implementations. It gives guidance on how to port a capsule from Tock 1.x to 2.0.

Tock 2.0 System Call API

The Tock system call API is implemented in the Driver trait. Tock 2.0 updates this trait to be more precise and correctly support Rust's memory semantics.


This is the signature for the 2.0 Driver trait:

pub trait SyscallDriver {
    fn command(&self, which: usize, r2: usize, r3: usize, caller_id: ProcessId) -> CommandResult {

    fn allow_readwrite(
        process_id: ProcessId,
        allow_num: usize,
        buffer: ReadWriteProcessBuffer,
    ) -> Result<ReadWriteProcessBuffer, (ReadWriteProcessBuffer, ErrorCode)> {
        Err((slice, ErrorCode::NOSUPPORT))

    fn allow_readonly(
        process_id: ProcessId,
        allow_num: usize,
        buffer: ReadOnlyProcessBuffer,
    ) -> Result<ReadOnlyProcessBuffer, (ReadOnlyProcessBuffer, ErrorCode)> {
        Err((slice, ErrorCode::NOSUPPORT))

    fn allocate_grant(&self, appid: ProcessId) -> Result<(), crate::process::Error>;

The first thing to note is that there are now two versions of the old allow method: one for a read/write buffer and one for a read-only buffer. They pass different types of slices.

The second thing to note is that the two methods that pass pointers, allow_readwrite and allow_readonly, return a Result. The success case (Ok) returns a pointer back in the form of an application slice. The failure case (Err) returns the same structure back but also has an ErrorCode.

These two methods follow a swapping calling convention: you pass in a pointer and get one back. If the call fails, you get back the one you passed in. If the call succeeds, you get back the one the capsule previously had. That is, you call allow_readwrite with an application slice A and it succeeds, then the next successful call to allow_readwrite will return A.

These swapping semantics allow the kernel to maintain an invariant that there is only one instance of a particular application slice at any time. Since an application slice represents a region of application memory, having two objects representing the same region of memory violates Rust's memory guarantees. When the scheduler calls allow_readwrite, allow_readonly or subscribe, it moves the application slice or callback into the capsule. The capsule, in turn, moves the previous one out.

The command method behaves differently, because commands only operate on values, not pointers. Each command has its own arguments and number of return types. This is encapsulated within CommandResult.

The third thing to note is that there is no longer a subscribe() method. This has been removed and instead all upcalls are managed entirely by the kernel. Scheduling an upcall is now done with a provided object from entering a grant.

The fourth thing to note is the new allocate_grant() method. This allows the kernel to request that a capsule enters its grant region so that it is allocated for the specific process. This should be implemented with a roughly boilerplate implementation described below.

Porting Capsules and Example Code

The major change you'll see in porting your code is that capsule logic becomes simpler: Options have been replaced by structures, and there's a basic structure to swapping application slices.

Examples of command and CommandResult

The LED capsule implements only commands, so it provides a very simple example of what commands look like.

 fn command(&self, command_num: usize, data: usize, _: usize, _: ProcessId) -> CommandResult {
            .map(|leds| {
                match command_num {
                    // on
                    1 => {
                        if data >= leds.len() {
                            CommandResult::failure(ErrorCode::INVAL) /* led out of range */
                        } else {

The capsule dispatches on the command number. It uses the first argument, data, as which LED to turn activate. It then returns either a CommandResult::Success (generated with CommandResult::success()) or a CommandResult::Failure (generated with CommandResult::failure()).

A CommandResult is a wrapper around a GenericSyscallReturnValue, constraining it to the versions of GenericSyscallReturnValue that can be returned by a command.

Here is a slightly more complex implementation of command, from the console capsule.

    fn command(&self, cmd_num: usize, arg1: usize, _: usize, appid: ProcessId) -> CommandResult{
        let res = match cmd_num {
            0 => Ok(Ok(())),
            1 => { // putstr
                let len = arg1;
                self.apps.enter(appid, |app, _| {
                    self.send_new(appid, app, len)
            2 => { // getnstr
                let len = arg1;
                self.apps.enter(appid, |app, _| {
                    self.receive_new(appid, app, len)
            3 => { // Abort RX
            _ => Err(ErrorCode::NOSUPPORT)
        match res {
            Ok(r) => {
            Err(e) => CommandResult::failure(e)

This implementation is more complex because it uses a grant region that stores per-process state. Grant::enter returns a Result<Result<(), ErrorCode>, grant::Error>. An outer Err return type means the grant could not be entered successfully and the closure was not invoked: this returns what grant error occurred. An Ok return type means the closure was executed, but it is possible that an error occurred during its execution. So there are three cases:

  • Ok(Ok(()))
  • Ok(Err(ErrorCode:: error cases))
  • Err(grant::Error)

The bottom match statement separates these two. In the Ok() case, it checks whether the inner Result contains an Err(ErrorCode). If not (Err), this means it was a success, and the result was a success, so it returns a CommandResult::Success. If it can be converted into an error code, or if the grant produced an error, it returns a CommandResult::Failure.

One of the requirements of commands in 2.0 is that each individual command_num have a single failure return type and a single success return size. This means that for a given command_num, it is not allowed for it to sometimes return CommandResult::Success and other times return Command::SuccessWithValue, as these are different sizes. As part of easing this transition, Tock 2.0 removed the SuccessWithValue variant of ReturnCode, and then later in the transition removed ReturnCode entirely, replacing all uses of ReturnCode with Result<(), ErrorCode>.

If, while porting, you encounter a construction of ReturnCode::SuccessWithValue{v} in command() for an out-of-tree capsule, replace it with a construction of CommandResult::success_u32(v), and make sure that it is impossible for that command_num to return CommandResult::Success in any other scenario.

ReturnCode versus ErrorCode

Because the new system call ABI explicitly distinguishes failures and successes, it replaces ReturnCode with ErrorCode to denote which error in failure cases. ErrorCode is simply ReturnCode without any success cases, and with names that remove the leading E since it's obvious they are an error: ErrorCode::FAIL is the equivalent of ReturnCode::EFAIL. ReturnCode is still used in the kernel, but may be deprecated in time.

Examples of allow_readwrite and allow_readonly

Because ReadWriteProcessBuffer and ReadOnlyProcessBuffer represent access to userspace memory, the kernel tightly constrains how these objects are constructed and passed. They do not implement Copy or Clone, so only one instance of these objects exists in the kernel at any time.

Note that console has one ReadOnlyProcessBuffer for printing/putnstr and one ReadWriteProcessBuffer for reading/getnstr. Here is a sample implementation of allow_readwrite for the console capsule:

pub struct App {
    write_buffer: ReadOnlyProcessBuffer,
	fn allow_readonly(
        process_id: ProcessId,
        allow_num: usize,
        mut buffer: ReadOnlyProcessBuffer,
    ) -> Result<ReadOnlyProcessBuffer, (ReadOnlyProcessBuffer, ErrorCode)> {
        let res = match allow_num {
            1 => self
                .enter(appid, |process_id, _| {
                    mem::swap(&mut process_id.write_buffer, &mut buffer);
            _ => Err(ErrorCode::NOSUPPORT),

        if let Err(e) = res {
            Err((slice, e))
        } else {

The implementation is quite simple: if there is a valid grant region, the method swaps the passed ReadOnlyProcessBuffer and the one in the App region, returning the one that was in the app region. It then returns slice, which is either the passed slice or the swapped out one.

The new subscription mechanism

Tock 2.0 introduces a guarantee for the subscribe syscall that for every unique subscribe (i.e. (driver_num, subscribe_num) tuple), userspace will be returned the previously subscribe upcall (or null if this is the first subscription). This guarantee means that once an upcall is returned, the kernel will never schedule the upcall again (unless it is re-subscribed in the future), and userspace can deallocate the upcall function if it so chooses.

Providing this guarantee necessitates changes to the capsule interface for declaring and using upcalls. To declare upcalls, a capsule now provides the number of upcalls as a templated value on Grant.

struct capsule {
    apps: Grant<T, NUM_UPCALLS>,

The second parameter tells the kernel how many upcalls to save. Capsules no longer can store an object of type Upcall in their grant region.

To ensure that the kernel can store the upcalls, a capsule must implement the allocate_grant() method. The typical implementation looks like:

fn allocate_grant(&self, processid: ProcessId) -> Result<(), kernel::procs::Error> {
   self.apps.enter(processid, |_, _| {})

Finally to schedule an upcall any calls to app.upcall.schedule() should be replaced with code like:

self.apps.enter(appid, |app, upcalls| {
    upcalls.schedule_upcall(upcall_number, (r0, r1, r2));

The parameter upcall_number matches the subscribe_num the process used with the subscribe syscall.

Using ReadOnlyProcessBuffer and ReadWriteProcessBuffer: console

One key change in the Tock 2.0 API is explicitly acknowledging that application slices may disappear at any time. For example, if a process passes a slice into the kernel, it can later swap it out with a later allow call. Similarly, application grants may disappear at any time.

This means that ReadWriteProcessBuffer and ReadOnlyProcessBuffer now do not allow you to obtain their pointers and lengths. Instead, they provide a map_or method. This is how console uses this, for example, to copy process data into its write buffer and call the underlying transmit_buffer:

  fn send(&self, process_id: ProcessId, app: &mut App) {
        if self.tx_in_progress.is_none() {
            self.tx_buffer.take().map(|buffer| {
                let len = app.write_buffer.map_or(0, |data| data.len());
                if app.write_remaining > len {
                    // A slice has changed under us and is now smaller than
                    // what we need to write -- just write what we can.
                    app.write_remaining = len;
				let transaction_len = app.write_buffer.map_or(0, |data| {
                    for (i, c) in data[data.len() -]
                        if buffer.len() <= i {
                            return i;
                        buffer[i] = *c;

                app.write_remaining -= transaction_len;
                let (_err, _opt) = self.uart.transmit_buffer(buffer, transaction_len);
        } else {
            app.pending_write = true;

Note that the implementation looks at the length of the slice: it doesn't copy it out into grant state. If a slice was suddenly truncated, it checks and adjust the amount it has written.

Using ReadOnlyProcessBuffer and ReadWriteProcessBuffer: spi_controller

This is a second example, taken from spi_controller. Because SPI transfers are bidirectional, there is an RX buffer and a TX buffer. However, a client can ignore what it receives, and only pass a TX buffer if it wants: the RX buffer can be zero length. As with other bus transfers, the SPI driver needs to handle the case when its buffers change in length under it. For example, a client may make the following calls:

  1. allow_readwrite(rx_buf, 200)
  2. allow_readonly(tx_buf, 200)
  3. command(SPI_TRANSFER, 200)
  4. (after some time, while transfer is ongoing) allow_readonly(tx_buf2, 100)

Because the underlying SPI tranfer typically uses DMA, the buffer passed to the peripheral driver is static. The spi_controller has fixed-size static buffers. It performs a transfer by copying application slice data into/from these buffers. A very long application transfer may be broken into multiple low-level transfers.

If a transfer is smaller than the static buffer, it is simple: spi_controller copies the application slice data into its static transmit buffer and starts the transfer. If the process rescinds the buffer, it doesn't matter, as the capsule has the data. Similarly, the presence of a receive application slice only matters when the transfer completes, and the capsule decides whether to copy what it received out.

The principal complexity is when the buffers change during a low-level transfer and then the capsule needs to figure out whether to continue with a subsequent low-level transfer or finish the operation. The code needs to be careful to not access past the end of a slice and cause a kernel panic.

The code looks like this:

    // Assumes checks for busy/etc. already done
    // Updates app.index to be index + length of op
    fn do_next_read_write(&self, app: &mut App) {
        let write_len = self.kernel_write.map_or(0, |kwbuf| {
            let mut start = app.index;
            let tmp_len = app.app_write.map_or(0, |src| {
                let len = cmp::min(app.len - start, self.kernel_len.get());
                let end = cmp::min(start + len, src.len());
                start = cmp::min(start, end);

                for (i, c) in src.as_ref()[start..end].iter().enumerate() {
                    kwbuf[i] = *c;
                end - start
            app.index = start + tmp_len;

The capsule keeps track of its current write position with app.index. This points to the first byte of untransmitted data. When a transfer starts in response to a system call, the capsule checks that the requested length of the transfer is not longer than the length of the transmit buffer, and also that the receive buffer is either zero or at least as long. The total length of a transfer is stored in app.len.

But if the transmit buffer is swapped during a transfer, it may be shorter than app.index. In the above code, the variable len stores the desired length of the low-level transfer: it's the minimum of data remaining in the transfer and the size of the low-level static buffer. The variable end stores the index of the last byte that can be safely transmitted: it is the minimum of the low-level transfer end (start + len) and the length of the application slice (src.len()). Note that end can be smaller than start if the application slice is shorter than the current write position. To handle this case, start is set to be the minimum of start and end: the transfer will be of length zero.