Write down readme's for yourself asshole so you can remember what avenues are exhausted and which aren't yet explored. And solutions and shit.
This is based on a template + re-frame's generated template + other stuff.
When lein repl / fireplace
doesn't work it's prob just wrong connection
sequence. Most foolproof is open lein repl
, require empty core.clj
require core.cljs require what actually working on
Most important don't assume connection is broken just because errors
appear. Got stuck for hours and hours due to that. Tooling is buggy, try
evaling other forms -like basic println (except right after
cause then get errors about that lol
/dev/user.clj has som figwheel-sidecar cmds to start figwheel also standalone cljs-repl (bit useless)
Nuking profiles.clj (even tho its not looking suspicious... and why do things come and go?) and killing all running java processes eventually got things up and running after once more not working for days
kept lein repl
from launching despite everything related commented out in project.clj
no proper error msg, just a package.json etc in dir