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File metadata and controls

1140 lines (927 loc) · 41.2 KB

Go Report Go Version KittyBot License KittyBot Version Server CLI Discord


gobin is a simple lightweight haste-server alternative written in Go, HTML, JS and CSS. It is aimed to be easy to use and deploy. You can find an instance running at

Table of Contents


  • Easy to deploy and use
  • Built-in rate-limiting
  • Create, update and delete documents
  • Document update/delete webhooks
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Social Media PNG previews
  • Document expiration
  • Supports PostgreSQL or SQLite
  • One binary and config file
  • Docker image available
  • Metrics (to be implemented)
  • base16 & chroma custom themes




The easiest way to deploy gobin is using docker with Docker Compose. You can find the docker image on Packages.

Create a new docker-compose.yml file with the following content:


You should change the password in the docker-compose.yml and gobin.toml file.

version: "3.8"

    container_name: gobin
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./gobin.toml:/var/lib/gobin/gobin.toml
      # use this for sqlite
      - ./gobin.db:/var/lib/gobin/gobin.db
      - 80:80

  # or use this for postgres
    image: postgres:latest
    container_name: postgres
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      POSTGRES_DB: gobin
      POSTGRES_USER: gobin
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password

For gobin.toml/database schema see Configuration.

docker-compose up -d


  • Go 1.21 or higher
git clone
cd gobin
go build -o gobin


go install
gobin --config=gobin.toml



You can find the latest release on Releases.


  • Go 1.21 or higher
git clone
cd gobin
go build -o gobin


go install
# rename binary to gobin
mv $(go env GOPATH)/bin/cli $(go env GOPATH)/bin/gobin
# or move binary into /usr/local/bin
mv $(go env GOPATH)/bin/cli /usr/local/bin/gobin
# change file ownership to root 
chown 0:0 /usr/local/bin/gobin
gobin help


The database schema is automatically created or migrated when you start gobin.

Create a new gobin.toml file with the following content:


Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".

  "log": {
    // level can be -4 (debug), 0 (info), 4 (warn), 8 (error)
    "level": 0,
    // log format, either "json" or "text"
    "format": "text",
    // whether to add the source file and line to the log output
    "add_source": false,
    // whether to add color to the log output (only for text format)
    "no_color": false
  // enable or disable debug profiler endpoint
  "debug": false,
  // enable or disable hot reload of templates and assets
  "dev_mode": false,
  "listen_addr": "",
  // secret for jwt tokens, replace with a long random string
  "jwt_secret": "...",
  "database": {
    // either "postgres" or "sqlite"
    "type": "postgres",
    "debug": false,
    "expire_after": "168h",
    "cleanup_interval": "10m",
    // path to sqlite database
    // if you run gobin with docker make sure to set it to "/var/lib/gobin/gobin.db"
    "path": "gobin.db",
    // postgres connection settings
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "username": "gobin",
    "password": "password",
    "database": "gobin",
    "ssl_mode": "disable"
  // max character count for all files in a document combined (0 to disable)
  "max_document_size": 0,
  // max_highlight_size is the max character count for a single file in a document to be highlighted (0 to disable)
  "max_highlight_size": 0,
  // omit or set values to 0 or "0" to disable rate limit
  "rate_limit": {
    // number of requests which can be done in the duration
    "requests": 10,
    // the duration of the requests
    "duration": "1m",
    // a list of ip addresses which are exempt from rate limiting
    "whitelist": [
    // a list of ip addresses which are blocked from rate limited endpoints
    "blacklist": [
  // settings for social media previews, omit to disable
  "preview": {
    // path to inkscape binary
    "inkscape_path": "/usr/bin/inkscape",
    // how many lines should be shown in the preview
    "max_lines": 10,
    // how high the resolution of the preview should be, 96 is the default
    "dpi": 96,
    // how many previews should be maximally cached
    "cache_size": 1024,
    // how long should previews be cached
    "cache_duration": "1h"
  // open telemetry settings, omit to disable
  "otel": {
    // the instance id of the server
    "instance_id": "1",
    // otel trace settings, omit to disable
    "trace": {
      // the address of the tempo instance
      "endpoint": "tempo:4318",
      // whether to use an insecure connection
      "insecure": true
    // otel metrics settings, omit to disable
    "metrics": {
      // the address where the metrics should be exposed
      "listen_addr": ":9100"
  // settings for webhooks, omit to disable
  "webhook": {
    // webhook reqauest timeout
    "timeout": "10s",
    // max number of tries to send a webhook
    "max_tries": 3,
    // how long to wait before retrying a webhook
    "backoff": "1s",
    // how much the backoff should be increased after each retry
    "backoff_factor": 2,
    // max backoff time
    "max_backoff": "5m"
  // load custom chroma xml or base16 yaml themes from this directory, omit to disable
  "custom_styles": "custom_styles",
  "default_style": "snazzy"

Alternatively you can use environment variables to configure gobin. The environment variables are prefixed with GOBIN_ and are in uppercase. For example GOBIN_DATABASE_TYPE or GOBIN_RATE_LIMIT_REQUESTS.

Here is a list of all environment variables










Custom Themes

You can add your own themes to gobin by adding the custom_styles directory to the config file and adding your themes to it.

The themes have to be in the following format:

scheme: "name"
author: "author"
theme: "dark" # or "light"
base00: "282a36"
base01: "34353e"
base02: "43454f"
base03: "78787e"
base04: "a5a5a9"
base05: "e2e4e5"
base06: "eff0eb"
base07: "f1f1f0"
base08: "ff5c57"
base09: "ff9f43"
base0A: "f3f99d"
base0B: "5af78e"
base0C: "9aedfe"
base0D: "57c7ff"
base0E: "ff6ac1"
base0F: "b2643c"

See base16 for more information.

Or you can use the chroma XML themes.

Rate Limits

All POST, PATCH and DELETE endpoints are rate limited. The rate limit can be configured in the config file. The bucket is based on the IP address and the path of the request. So each of these unique combinations has its own bucket/rate limit.

It's based on a sliding window algorithm, but instead of a fixed window the window will start at the first request and end after the duration. So if you set the duration to 1 minute and send 10 requests in the first 10 seconds you will be rate limited for 50 seconds. After that you can send 10 requests again.

Gobin will return these headers to help clients keep track of the rate limit:

Header Description
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum number of requests which can be done in the duration.
X-RateLimit-Remaining The number of remaining requests which can be done in the duration.
X-RateLimit-Reset The time when the rate limit will be reset in unix timestamp.
Retry-After The time when the rate limit will be reset in seconds. (only when hit a 429)


Fields marked with ? are optional and types marked with ? are nullable.


In case of an error gobin will return the following JSON body with the corresponding HTTP status code:

  "message": "document not found",
  // error message
  "status": 404,
  // HTTP status code
  "path": "/documents/7df3vw",
  // request path
  "request_id": "fbe0a365387f/gVAMGuraLW-003490"
  // request id

Formatter Enum

Document formatting is done using chroma. The following formatters are available:

Value Description
terminal8 8-bit terminal colors
terminal16 16-bit terminal colors
terminal256 256-bit terminal colors
terminal16m true terminal colors
html HTML
html-standalone Standalone HTML
svg SVG

Language Enum

The following languages are available:

Click to expand
Prefix Language
A ABAP, ABNF, ActionScript, ActionScript 3, Ada, Angular2, ANTLR, ApacheConf, APL, AppleScript, Arduino, Awk
B Ballerina, Bash, Batchfile, BibTeX, Bicep, BlitzBasic, BNF, Brainfuck, BQN
C C, C#, C++, Caddyfile, Caddyfile Directives, Cap'n Proto, Cassandra CQL, Ceylon, CFEngine3, cfstatement, ChaiScript, Chapel, Cheetah, Clojure, CMake, COBOL, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, Coq, Crystal, CSS, Cython
D D, Dart, Diff, Django/Jinja, Docker, DTD, Dylan
E EBNF, Elixir, Elm, EmacsLisp, Erlang
F Factor, Fish, Forth, Fortran, FSharp
G GAS, GDScript, Genshi, Genshi HTML, Genshi Text, Gherkin, GLSL, Gnuplot, Go, Go HTML Template, Go Text Template, GraphQL, Groff, Groovy
H Handlebars, Haskell, Haxe, HCL, Hexdump, HLB, HLSL, HTML, HTTP, Hy
I Idris, Igor, INI, Io
J J, Java, JavaScript, JSON, Julia, Jungle
K Kotlin
L Lighttpd configuration file, LLVM, Lua
M Makefile, Mako, markdown, Mason, Mathematica, Matlab, MiniZinc, MLIR, Modula-2, MonkeyC, MorrowindScript, Myghty, MySQL
N NASM, Newspeak, Nginx configuration file, Nim, Nix
O Objective-C, OCaml, Octave, OnesEnterprise, OpenEdge ABL, OpenSCAD, Org Mode
P PacmanConf, Perl, PHP, PHTML, Pig, PkgConfig, PL/pgSQL, plaintext, Pony, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, PostScript, POVRay, PowerShell, Prolog, PromQL, Properties, Protocol Buffer, PSL, Puppet, Python 2, Python
Q QBasic
R R, Racket, Ragel, Raku, react, ReasonML, reg, reStructuredText, Rexx, Ruby, Rust
S SAS, Sass, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, SCSS, Sed, Smalltalk, Smarty, Snobol, Solidity, SPARQL, SQL, SquidConf, Standard ML, stas, Stylus, Svelte, Swift, SYSTEMD, systemverilog
T TableGen, TASM, Tcl, Tcsh, Termcap, Terminfo, Terraform, TeX, Thrift, TOML, TradingView, Transact-SQL, Turing, Turtle, Twig, TypeScript, TypoScript, TypoScriptCssData, TypoScriptHtmlData
V, verilog, VHDL, VHS, VimL, vue
X XML, Xorg
Z Zig

Create a document

You can create a document with a single file or multiple files. When creating a document with a single file you can simply POST the content to /documents. When creating a document with multiple files you have to POST the content to /documents as multipart/form-data. See below for more information.

Single file

To create a document with a single file you have to send a POST request to /documents with the content as body.

Header Type Description
Content-Disposition? string The file name of the document.
Content-Type? string The content type of the document.
Language? string The language of the document.
Expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
Query Parameter Type Description
language? language The language of the document.
formatter? formatter With which formatter to render the document.
style? style name Which style to use for the formatter
expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
package main

func main() {
	println("Hello World!")

Multiple files

To create a document with multiple files you have to send a POST request to /documents with the content as multipart/form-data body. Each file has to be in its own part with the name file-{index}. The first file has to be named file-0, the second file-1 and so on.

Query Parameter Type Description
formatter? formatter With which formatter to render the document.
style? style name Which style to use for the formatter
expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
Header Type Description
Expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
Part Header Type Description
Content-Disposition string The form & file name of the document.
Content-Type? string The content type/language of the document.
Language? string The language of the document.
Expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format, overwrites the query param & header
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-0"; filename="main.go"
Content-Type: text/x-gosrc
Language: Go
Expires: 2023-10-10T10:10:10Z

package main

func main() {
	println("Hello World!")
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-1"; filename="untitled1"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello World!

A successful request will return a 201 Created response with a JSON body containing the document key and token to update the document.

  "key": "hocwr6i6",
  "version": 1,
  "files": [
      "name": "main.go",
      "content": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n    println(\"Hello World!\")\n}",
      // only if formatter is set
      "formatted": "...",
      "language": "Go",
      "expires_at": null
      "name": "untitled1",
      "content": "Hello World!",
      // only if formatter is set
      "formatted": "...",
      "language": "plaintext",
      "expires_at": null
  "token": "kiczgez33j7qkvqdg9f7ksrd8jk88wba"

Get a document (version)

To get a document you have to send a GET request to /documents/{key} or /documents/{key}/versions/{version}.

Query Parameter Type Description
formatter? formatter With which formatter to render the document
style? style name Which style to use for the formatter
file? file name Which file to return
language? language In which language the document should be rendered. Only works in combination with the file param

The response will be a 200 OK with the document content as application/json body.

  "key": "hocwr6i6",
  "version": 1,
  "files": [
      "name": "main.go",
      "content": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n    println(\"Hello World!\")\n}",
      // only if formatter is set
      "formatted": "...",
      "language": "Go",
      "expires_at": null
      "name": "untitled1",
      "content": "Hello World!",
      // only if formatter is set
      "formatted": "...",
      "language": "plaintext",
      "expires_at": null

In case you provide a file query param the response will be like from Get a document file

Get a document (version) file

To get a document (version) file you have to send a GET request to /documents/{key}/files/{fileName}or /documents/{key}/versions/{version}/files/{fileName}

Query Parameter Type Description
formatter? formatter With which formatter to render the document.
style? style name Which style to use for the formatter
language? language name Which language to use for the formatter

The response will be a 200 OK with the document content as application/json body.

  "name": "main.go",
  // only if withContent is set
  "content": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n    println(\"Hello World!\")\n}",
  // only if formatter is set
  "formatted": "...",
  "language": "Go",
  "expires_at": null

Get a documents versions

To get a documents versions you have to send a GET request to /documents/{key}/versions.

Query Parameter Type Description
formatter? formatter With which formatter to render the document
style? style name Which style to use for the formatter
withContent? bool If the content should be included in the response.

The response will be a 200 OK with the document content as application/json body.

    "key": "hocwr6i6",
    "version": 2,
    "files": [
        "name": "main.go",
        // only if withContent is set
        "content": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n    println(\"Hello World!\")\n}",
        // only if formatter is set
        "formatted": "...",
        "language": "Go",
        "expires_at": null
        "name": "untitled1",
        // only if withContent is set
        "content": "Hello World!",
        // only if formatter is set
        "formatted": "...",
        "language": "plaintext",
        "expires_at": null
    "key": "hocwr6i6",
    "version": 1,
    "files": [
        "name": "main.go",
        "content": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n    println(\"Hello!\")\n}",
        // only if formatter is set
        "formatted": "...",
        "language": "Go",
        "expires_at": null
        "name": "untitled1",
        "content": "Hello!",
        // only if formatter is set
        "formatted": "...",
        "language": "plaintext",
        "expires_at": null

Update a document

You can update a document with a single file or multiple files. When updating a document with a single file you can simply PATCH the content to /documents/{key}. When updating a document with multiple files you have to PATCH the content to /documents/{key} as multipart/form-data. See below for more information.

Single file

To create a document with a single file you have to send a PATCH request to /documents/{key} with the content as body.

Header Type Description
Content-Disposition string The form & file name of the document.
Content-Type? string The content type of the document.
Language? string The language of the document.
Authorization? string The update token of the document. (prefix with Bearer )
Expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
Query Parameter Type Description
language? language The language of the document.
formatter? formatter With which formatter to render the document.
style? style name Which style to use for the formatter
expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
package main

func main() {
	println("Hello World Updated!")

Multiple files

To update a document with multiple files you have to send a PATCH request to /documents/{key} with the content as multipart/form-data body. Each file has to be in its own part with the name file-{index}. The first file has to be named file-0, the second file-1 and so on.

Header Type Description
Authorization? string The update token of the document. (prefix with Bearer )
Expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
Query Parameter Type Description
formatter? formatter With which formatter to render the document.
style? style name Which style to use for the formatter
expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format
Part Header Type Description
Content-Disposition string The form & file name of the document.
Content-Type? string The content type of the document.
Language? string The language of the document.
Expires? Timestamp When the document file should expire in RFC 3339 format, overwrites the query param & header
Authorization: kiczgez33j7qkvqdg9f7ksrd8jk88wba
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-0"; filename="main.go"
Content-Type: text/x-gosrc
Language: Go
Expires: 2023-10-10T10:10:10Z

package main

func main() {
	println("Hello World!")
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-1"; filename="untitled1"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello World!

A successful request will return a 201 Created response with a JSON body containing the document key and token to update the document.


The update token will not change after updating the document. You can use the same token to update the document again.

  "key": "hocwr6i6",
  "version": 2,
  "files": [
      "name": "main.go",
      "content": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n    println(\"Hello World Updated!\")\n}",
      // only if formatter is set
      "formatted": "...",
      "language": "Go",
      "expires_at": null
      "name": "untitled1",
      "content": "Hello World Updated!",
      // only if formatter is set
      "formatted": "...",
      "language": "plaintext",
      "expires_at": null
  "token": "kiczgez33j7qkvqdg9f7ksrd8jk88wba"

Delete a document (version)

To delete a document you have to send a DELETE request to /documents/{key} or /documents/{key}/versions/{version} with the token as Authorization header.

Header Type Description
Authorization? string The update token of the document. (prefix with Bearer )

A successful request will return a 204 No Content response with an empty body or a 200 OK with a JSON body containing the count of remaining document versions:

  "versions": 1

Share a document

To share a document you have to send a POST request to /documents/{key}/share.

Header Type Description
Authorization? string The update token of the document. (prefix with Bearer )
  "permissions": [

A successful request will return a 200 OK response with a JSON body containing the share token. You can append the token to URLs like this:{key}?token={token} to make the frontend auto import the token for editing/deleting/sharing the document.

  "token": "kiczgez33j7qkvqdg9f7ksrd8jk88wba"

Document webhooks

You can listen for document changes using webhooks. The webhook will send a POST request to the specified url with the following JSON body:

  // the id of the webhook
  "webhook_id": "hocwr6i6",
  // the event which triggered the webhook (update or delete)
  "event": "update",
  // when the event was created
  "created_at": "2021-08-01T12:00:00Z",
  // the updated or deleted document
  "document": {
    // the key of the document
    "key": "hocwr6i6",
    // the version of the document
    "version": 2,
    // the files of the document
    "files": [
        "name": "main.go",
        "content": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n    println(\"Hello World Updated!\")\n}",
        "language": "Go",
        "expires_at": null

Gobin will include the webhook secret in the Authorization header in the following format: Secret {secret}.

When sending an event to a webhook fails gobin will retry it up to x times with an exponential backoff. The retry settings can be configured in the config file. When an event fails to be sent after x retries, the webhook will be dropped.


Authorizing for the following webhook endpoints is done using the Authorization header in the following format: Secret {secret}.

Create a document webhook

To create a webhook you have to send a POST request to /documents/{key}/webhooks with the following JSON body:

  // the url to send a request to
  "url": "",
  // the secret to include in the request
  "secret": "secret",
  // the events you want to receive
  "events": [
    // update event is sent when a document is updated. This includes content and language changes
    // delete event is sent when a document is deleted

A successful request will return a 200 OK response with a JSON body containing the webhook.

  // the id of the webhook
  "id": 1,
  // the url to send a request to
  "url": "",
  // the secret to include in the request
  "secret": "secret",
  // the events you want to receive
  "events": [
    // update event is sent when a document is updated. This includes content and language changes
    // delete event is sent when a document is deleted

Get a document webhook

To get a webhook you have to send a GET request to /documents/{key}/webhooks/{id} with the Authorization header.

A successful request will return a 200 OK response with a JSON body containing the webhook.

  // the id of the webhook
  "id": 1,
  // the url to send a request to
  "url": "",
  // the secret to include in the request
  "secret": "secret",
  // the events you want to receive
  "events": [
    // update event is sent when a document is updated. This includes content and language changes
    // delete event is sent when a document is deleted

Update a document webhook

To update a webhook you have to send a PATCH request to /documents/{key}/webhooks/{id} with the Authorization header and the following JSON body:


All fields are optional, but at least one field is required.

  // the url to send a request to
  "url": "",
  // the secret to include in the request
  "secret": "secret",
  // the events you want to receive
  "events": [
    // update event is sent when a document is updated. This includes content and language changes
    // delete event is sent when a document is deleted

A successful request will return a 200 OK response with a JSON body containing the webhook.

  // the id of the webhook
  "id": 1,
  // the url to send a request to
  "url": "",
  // the secret to include in the request
  "secret": "secret",
  // the events you want to receive
  "events": [
    // update event is sent when a document is updated. This includes content and language changes
    // delete event is sent when a document is deleted

Delete a document webhook

To delete a webhook you have to send a DELETE request to /documents/{key}/webhooks/{id} with the Authorization header.

A successful request will return a 204 No Content response with an empty body.

Other endpoints

  • GET/HEAD /{key}/files/{filename} - Get the content of a file in a document, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}.
  • GET/HEAD /{key}/versions/{version}/files/{filename} - Get the content of a file in a document with a specific version, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}.
  • GET/HEAD /assets/theme.css?style={style} - Get the css of a style, this is used for the syntax highlighting in the frontend.
  • GET/HEAD /{key}/preview - Get the preview of a document, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}.
  • GET/HEAD /{key}/{version}/preview - Get the preview of a document version, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}/versions/{version}.
  • GET/HEAD /raw/{key} - Get the raw content of a document, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}.
  • GET/HEAD /raw/{key}/files/{filename} - Get the raw content of a document file, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}.
  • GET/HEAD /raw/{key}/versions/{version} - Get the raw content of a document version, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}/versions/{version}.
  • GET/HEAD /raw/{key}/versions/{version}/files/{filename} - Get the raw content of a document version file, query parameters are the same as for GET /documents/{key}/versions/{version}.
  • GET /ping - Get the status of the server.
  • GET /debug - Proof debug endpoint (only available in debug mode).
  • GET /version - Get the version of the server.


gobin is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


Contributions are always welcome! Just open a pull request or discussion and I will take a look at it.

