- OpenShift Deployment
- oc cli
- Download the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 60-day trial
- How to Activate Ansible Tower using the Red Hat Subscription Manifest
ssh into bastion host
download script
curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tosin2013/openshift-4-deployment-notes/master/post-steps/configure-ansible-tower.sh
chmod +x configure-ansible-tower.sh
run script
# ./configure-tower.sh
./configure-tower.sh [OPTION]
-d Openshift API URL
-n Openshift Username
-p Openshift Password
-h Display this help and exit
-u Uninstall tower
To deploy ansible tower to OpenShift
./configure-tower.sh -d https://api.ocp4.example.com:6443 -n admin -p 123456789
To delete ansible tower from OpenShift
./configure-tower.sh -d https://api.ocp4.example.com:6443 -n admin -p 123456789 -u true
ssh into bastion host
Download ansible-tower-openshift-setup-latest.tar.gz
$ curl -OL https://releases.ansible.com/ansible-tower/setup_openshift/ansible-tower-openshift-setup-latest.tar.gz
Untar the contents of the Setup Script
tar -xzf ansible-tower-openshift-setup-latest.tar.gz
Modify the openshift_auth.yml file on line -name: Authenticate with OpenShift via user and password
Change to
--insecure-skip-tls-verify={{ openshift_skip_tls_verify | default(true) | bool }}
login to OpenShift cluster
oc login https://api.ocp4.example.com:6443 -u=admin -p=p@ssw@rD
Create PersistentVolumeClaim
for tower
$ cat >postgres-nfs-pvc.yml<<EOF
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: postgresql
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 20Gi
$ oc create -f postgres-nfs-pvc.yml
Run setup
./setup_openshift.sh -e openshift_host=https://YOUR-OCP-CLUSTER-API-API-URL -e openshift_project=tower -e openshift_user=YOUR-OCP-ADMIN-USERNAME -e openshift_password=YOUR-OCP-PASSWORD -e admin_password=r3dh4t1! -e secret_key=mysecret -e pg_username=admin -e pg_password=r3dh4t1! -e rabbitmq_password=r3dh4t1! -e rabbitmq_erlang_cookie=rabbiterlangpwd -e openshift_pg_pvc_name=postgresql