This is what I understand happend at low-level when you use interface parameters/vars
###Golang Interfaces###
A golang-Interface is a class with no fields and ONLY VIRTUAL methods.
type J interface
to-string() ( string )
dosomea ( x, J )
dosomeb ( x, k ) (J)
dosomec ( x, a string) ( int )
If a struct implements such methods, it “satisfies the interface”.
You can create a “var of type interface” or declare a function param of type interface.
- a
var x
of type interface is NIL until a concrete-type its assigned to it. - a
var x
of type interface is internally just 2 pointers. One pointer to an ITable and other to the concrete value stored.
so var x J-interface
internally is:
c-struct interface-var
ITable *ITable
concrete-value any_union
an ITable is:
c-struct ITable
concrete-type *type
interface-type *interface
jmp-table[] *function
When a concrete type is assigned to a interface-var, golang *creates a jmp-method table on the fly (and caches it). There is a jmp-table for each combination of J-Interface * concrete-type-implementing-J-interface
Let’s assume z is struct Z and there is a bunch of functions as func dosomex ( z ){...} so that struct Z implements interface J
When you do:
var x J-interface = z
golang constructs the ITable on the fly. The J-interface has 4 methods, so it needs to calculate x.ITable. Golang will search the method “to-string” of struct Z and put it in[0], then look for “dosomea (struct Z)” and put it in[1] and so on. Then it will store ITable->concrete = &struct-Z, and X.itable->interface= &interface-J”.
x, being an interface type, has two 32bit pointers, the first will point to the newly created ITable “&struct-Z, &interface-J, jmp-table[0...3]” (where the concrete-type-info is stored) and the second points to the concrete-value (in this case a copy of z)
for n:=1; n++<100 {
print( x.dosomea(x))
the call x.dosomea() is:
- x is var type interface -> struct Z, Interface J
- so x.ITable -> “struct-Z,interface-J,jmp-table[0..3]”
- x.dosomea() gets translated to call [x.ITable.jmps[1]] (since “dosomea” => index 1)
- this is a memory fetch and an indirect-call.
- interface values are passed by value, so x.ITable and x.value are always available in the stack. To know the concrete type stored in x.value golang must dereference c.ITable->concrete-type.