This project was inspired by these fine projects from-which much of the code you'll find here has been derived:
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! The use of this project or utility should not cause harm to your computer or any component(s). However, the project author nor the project maintainers make any guarantees against such harm and therefor cannot and will not be held liable for any damages. This project should not be considered conclusive evidince to the stability of any particular system tuning or configuration.
Installation is streamlined by the use of the script which you can execute simply:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install mprime:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/mprime
cd ~/.local/share/mprime
curl -o p95v303b6.linux64.tar.gz
tar -xzf p95v303b6.linux64.tar.gz
cd ~/.local/bin
ln -s ../share/mprime/mprime mprime
cd ${start_dir}
Install python-mprime:
pip install -q git+
Install curve_optimizer_util:
pip install -q git+
Start AMD Curve Optimizer Utility on your command prompt:
Feel free to fork and open a pull-request back to this project!