` (iX Security Team) on October 15, 2019 and is signed by an iXsystems account.
-### SHA256 Verification
-The command to verify the checksum varies by operating system:
-* BSD: `sha256 isofile`
-* Linux: `sha256sum isofile`
-* Mac: `shasum -a 256 isofile`
-Freeware or online checksum utilities are available for Windows users.
-The value produced by running the command must match the value shown in the sha256.txt file.
-Different checksum values indicate a corrupted installer file that you should not use.
-{{< /expand >}}
-Choose the install type to see specific instructions:
-## Install Types
-{{< expand "Physical Hardware" >}}
-TrueNAS is very flexible and can run on most x86 computers.
-However, there are many different hardware considerations when building a NAS!
-If you're still researching what kind of hardware to use with TrueNAS, read over the very detailed [CORE Hardware Guide]({{< relref "/CORE/GettingStarted/COREHardwareGuide.md" >}}).
-## Prepare the Install File
-Physical hardware typically requires burning the TrueNAS installer to a physical device. In general a CD or removable USB device is used. This device is temporarily attached to the system to install TrueNAS to the system's permanent boot device.
-Headless, or remote, installation is possible when the system has IPMI available and can create a virtual media CD-ROM using a locally stored .iso.
-The method of writing the installer to a device varies between operating systems.
-Click **Windows** or **Linux** to see instructions for your Operating System, or **CD** for generic CD burning guidance.
-### CD
-To use the installer with a CD, download your favorite CD burning utility and burn the .iso file to the CD.
-Insert the CD into the TrueNAS system and boot from the CD.
-### Windows
-To write the TrueNAS installer to a USB stick on Windows, plug the USB stick into the system and use a program like [Rufus](https://rufus.ie/) to write the .iso file to the memory stick.
-When Rufus prompts for which write method to use, make sure *dd mode* is selected.
-The USB stick is not recognized by Windows after the TrueNAS installer writes to it.
-To reclaim the USB stick after installing TrueNAS, use Rufus to write a "Non bootable" image, then remove and reinsert the USB stick.
-### Linux
-To write the TrueNAS installer to a USB stick on Linux, plug the USB stick into the system and open a terminal.
-Start by making sure the USB stick connection path is correct.
-### Headless Install
-Systems with IPMI connectivity, like the TrueNAS Mini, can use the Virtual Media feature with an .iso to create a virtual boot device for installation.
-Mounting the .iso in a virtual CD-ROM, allows installing or updating headless servers remotely through the console.
-Here is an example of setting up a virtual CD-ROM with a SUPERMICRO IPMI:
-1. From the **Virtual Media** menu, select **CD-ROM Image**.
-2. Fill in the details:
- 1. **Shared Host**: The IP address of the system storing the .iso.
- 2. **Path to Image**: The path to the image file. For example, *install/iso/SCALEAngelfish.iso*
-3. Click **Mount**.
-4. Click **Refresh Status** and confirm a disk is being emulated.
-5. Click **Save**.
-{{< /expand >}}
-## Install Process
-With the installer added to a device, you can now install TrueNAS onto the desired system.
-Insert the install media, or load the iso using IPMI, and reboot or boot the system.
-At the motherboard splash screen, use the hotkey defined by your motherboard manufacturer to boot into the motherboard UEFI/BIOS.
-Choose to boot in UEFI mode or legacy CSM/BIOS mode.
-When installing TrueNAS, make the matching choice for the installation.
-For Intel chipsets manufactured in 2020 or later, UEFI is likely the only option.
-If your system supports SecureBoot, you need to either disable it or set it to **Other OS** to be able to boot the install media.
-Select the install device as the boot drive, exit, and reboot the system.
-If the USB stick is not shown as a boot option, try a different USB slot.
-Which slots are available for boot differs by hardware.
-After the system has booted into the installer, follow these steps.
-Select Install/Upgrade.
-![InstallUpgrade](/images/CORE/Install/InstallMainScreen.png "Install Main Screen")
-Select the desired install drive.
-![InstallDrive](/images/CORE/Install/InstallDriveScreen.png "Install Drive Screen")
-Select Yes
-![InstallWarning](/images/CORE/Install/InstallWarningScreen.png "Install Warning Screen")
-Select Fresh Install to do a clean install of the downloaded version of TrueNAS.
-This erases the contents of the selected drive.!
-![InstallFresh](/images/CORE/Install/InstallWarningScreen.png "Upgrade or Fresh Install Screen")
-When the operating system device has enough additional space, you can choose to allocate some space for a swap partition to improve performance.
-![InstallPartition](/images/CORE/Install/InstallPartitionScreen.png "Install Partition Screen")
-Next, set a password for the TrueNAS administrative account, named `root` by default.
-This account has full control over TrueNAS and is used to log in to the web interface.
-Set a strong password and protect it.
-![InstallPassword](/images/CORE/Install/InstallPasswordScreen.png "Install Password Screen")
-After following the steps to install, reboot the system and remove the install media.
-{{< expand "Troubleshooting" "v">}}
-If the system does not boot into TrueNAS, there are several things you can check to resolve the situation:
-* Check the system BIOS and see if there is an option to change the USB emulation from CD/DVD/floppy to hard drive. If it still does not boot, check to see if the card/drive is UDMA compliant.
-* If the system BIOS does not support EFI with BIOS emulation, see if it has an option to boot using legacy BIOS mode.
-* If the system starts to boot but hangs with this repeated error message: **run_interrupt_driven_hooks: still waiting after 60 seconds for xpt_config**, go into the system BIOS and look for an onboard device configuration for a `1394 Controller`. If present, disable that device and try booting again.
-* If the burned image fails to boot and the image was burned using a Windows system, wipe the USB stick before trying a second burn using a utility such as [Active@ KillDisk](https://www.killdisk.com/eraser.html). Otherwise, the second burn attempt fails as Windows does not understand the partition written from the image file. Be very careful to specify the correct USB stick when using a wipe utility!
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Virtual Machine" >}}
-Because TrueNAS is built and provided as an .iso file, it works on all virtual machine solutions (VMware, VirtualBox, Citrix Hypervisor, etc).
-This section demonstrates installing with [VMware Workstation Player](https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html) on Windows.
-## Minimum Virtual Machine Settings
-Regardless of virtualization application, use these minimum settings:
-* RAM: at least 8192MB (8GB)
-* DISKS: one virtual disk with at least 8GB for the operating system
-and boot environments and at least one additional virtual disk with
-at least 4GB to be used as data storage.
-* NETWORK: Use NAT, Bridged, or Host-only depending on your host network configuration.
-{{< hint type="tip" title="FreeBSD UEFI Bug with ESXi" >}}
-**VMWare products and EFI boot mode:**
-A third party bug currently affects EFI (UEFI) booting on VMWare products.
-Install TrueNAS in BIOS mode until this is resolved.
-See VMware article [Host Fails to Boot After You Install ESXi in UEFI Mode](https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/com.vmware.esxi.install.doc/GUID-D1BD27AB-C432-454D-9B2B-DC04E7BA9979.html).
-{{< /hint >}}
-### Networking checks for VMware
-When installing TrueNAS in a VMware VM, double check the virtual switch and VMware port group.
-A misconfigured virtual switch or VMware port group can cause network connection errors for plugins or jails inside the TrueNAS VM.
-Enable **MAC spoofing** and **promiscuous mode** on the switch first, and then the port group the VM uses.
-{{< include file="/static/includes/VirtualMachinesJailNetworking.md" >}}
-## Generic VM Creation Process
-For most hypervisors, the procedure for creating a TrueNAS VM is the same:
-1. Create a new Virtual Machine as usual, taking note of the following settings.
- * The virtual hardware has a bootable CD/DVD device pointed to the TrueNAS installer image (this is usually an .iso).
- * The virtual network card is configured so your network can reach it.
- **bridged** mode is optimal as this treats the network card as if it is plugged into a simple switch on the existing network.
- * Some products require identifying the OS installed on the VM. The ideal option is **FreeBSD 12 64 bit**.
- If this is not available, try options like **FreeBSD 12**, **FreeBSD 64 bit**, **64 bit OS**, or **Other**.
- Do not choose a Windows or Linux related OS type.
- * For VMWare hypervisors, install in BIOS mode.
- * The VM has sufficient memory and disk space. TrueNAS needs at least 8 GB RAM and 20 GB disk space.
- Not all hypervisors allocate enough memory by default.
-2. Boot the VM and install TrueNAS as usual.
-3. After installation completes, shut down the VM instead of rebooting, and disconnect the CD/DVD from the VM before rebooting the VM.
-4. After rebooting into TrueNAS, install VM tools if applicable for your VM, and if they exist for FreeBSD 12, or ensure they are loaded on boot.
-## Example installation for VMWare Player 15.5
-Open VMware Player and click **Create a New Virtual Machine** to enter the New Virtual Machine Wizard.
-### 1. Installer disk image file
-Select the **Installer disk image file (iso)** option, click **Browse**, and upload the TrueNAS Core .iso downloaded earlier.
-### 2. Name the Virtual Machine
-In this step, you can change the virtual machine name and location.
-### 3. Specify Disk Capacity
-Specify the maximum disk size for the initial disk.
-The default **20GB** is enough for TrueNAS.
-Next, select **Store virtual disk as a single file**.
-### 4. Review Virtual Machine
-Review the virtual machine configuration before proceeding.
-By default, VMware Player doesn't set enough RAM for the virtual machine.
-Click ***Customize Hardware > Memory**.
-Drag the slider up to 8GB and click **Ok**.
-If you wish to power on the machine after creation, select **Power on this virtual machine after creation**.
-## Add Virtual Disks for Storage
-After creating the virtual machine, select it from the virtual machine list and click **Edit virtual machine settings**.
-Click **Add** and select **Hard Disk**. Select **SCSI** as the virtual disk type.
-Select **Create a new virtual disk**.
-Specify the maximum size of this additional virtual disk.
-This disk stores data in TrueNAS.
-If desired, allocate the disk space immediately by setting *Allocate all disk space now*.
-Select ***Store virtual disk as single file**.
-Finally, name and chose a location for the new virtual disk.
-Repeat this process until enough disks are available for TrueNAS to create ideal storage pools
-This depends on your specific TrueNAS use case.
-See [Pool Creation]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/_index.md" >}}) for descriptions of the various pool (vdev) types and layouts
-## TrueNAS Installer
-Select the virtual machine from the list and click **Play virtual machine**.
-The machine starts and boots into the TrueNAS installer.
-Select **Install/Upgrade**.
-![InstallVMMain](/images/CORE/Install/InstallVMMainScreen.png "Install VM Main Screen")
-Select the desired disk for the boot environments.
-![InstallVMMedia](/images/CORE/Install/InstallVMMediaScreen.png "Install VM Media Screen")
-Select **Yes**. This erases all contents on the disk!
-![InstallVMWarning](/images/CORE/Install/InstallVMWarningScreen.png "Install VM Warning Screen")
-Next, set a password for the TrueNAS administrative account, named `root` by default.
-This account has full control over TrueNAS and is used to log in to the web interface.
-Set a strong password and protect it.
-![InstallVMPassword](/images/CORE/Install/InstallVMPasswordScreen.png "Install VM Password Screen")
-Select **Boot via BIOS**.
-![InstallVMBootMode](/images/CORE/Install/InstallVMBootMode.png "Install VM Boot Mode Screen")
-After the TrueNAS installation is complete, reboot the system.
-The [Console Setup Menu]({{< relref "/CORE/GettingStarted/ConsoleSetupMenu.md" >}}) displays when the system boots successfully.
-{{< hint type="tip" title="VMWare post-install" >}}
-After installing TrueNAS in a VMware VM, it is recommended to configure and use the [vmx(4)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vmx) drivers on TrueNAS.
-To load the VMX driver when TrueNAS boots, log in to the web interface and go to **System > Tunables**.
-Click *Add* and create a new tunable.
-![SystemTunablesVmxload](/images/CORE/System/SystemTunablesVmxload.png "VMware Tunable in TrueNAS")
-{{< /hint >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-Congratulations, TrueNAS is now installed!
-The next step is to [log in to the web interface]({{< relref "/CORE/GettingStarted/LoggingIn.md" >}}) using the administrative account credentials and begin configuring the system.
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-title: "Logging In"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/loggingin/"
-description: "Describes how the logging in process works on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 50
-- gettingstarted
-Now that TrueNAS is installed, it's time to log in to the web interface and begin managing data!
-{{< expand "Can I configure TrueNAS using a CLI?" "v" >}}
-After installing TrueNAS, configuring and using the system is all managed through the web interface.
-It is important to only use the web interface to make configuration changes to the system.
-By default, using the command-line interface (CLI) to modify the system **does not modify the settings database**.
-Any changes made in the command line are lost and reverted to the original database settings whenever the system restarts.
-TrueNAS automatically creates a number of ways to access the web interface, but you might need to adjust the default settings to better fit the system in your network environment.
-{{< /expand >}}
-## Web Interface Access
-By default, TrueNAS provides a default address for logging in to the web interface.
-To view the web interface IP address or reconfigure web interface access, you will need to connect a monitor and keyboard to your TrueNAS system or connect with IPMI for out-of-band system management.
-{{< tabs "Web Interface Access Options" >}}
-{{< tab "CORE Defaults" >}}
-When powering on a TrueNAS system, the system attempts to connect to a DHCP server from all live interfaces and provide access to the web interface.
-On networks that support Multicast Domain Name Services (mDNS), a hostname and domain can be used to access the TrueNAS web interface.
-By default, TrueNAS is configured to use the hostname and domain *truenas.local*
-You can change this after logging in to the web interface by going to **Network > Global Configuration** and setting a new *Hostname* and *Domain*.
-If an IP address is needed, connect a monitor to the TrueNAS system and view the console setup menu that displays at the end of the boot process.
-![ConsoleSetupMenu](/images/CORE/ConsoleSetupMenu.png "TrueNAS Console Menu")
-When able to automatically configure a connection, the system shows the web interface IP address at the bottom of the console setup menu.
-If needed, you can reset the root password in the TrueNAS console setup menu or by clicking **Settings > Change Password** in the web interface.
-To require logging in to the system before showing the system console menu, go to **System > Advanced** and unset *Show Text Console without Password Prompt*.
-{{< /tab >}}
-{{< tab "Enterprise Defaults" >}}
-[TrueNAS Enterprise hardware]({{< relref "/Hardware/_index.md" >}}) from iXsystems is preconfigured with your provided networking details.
-The IP address of the TrueNAS web interface is provided on the system sales order or configuration sheet.
-Please contact iX Support if the TrueNAS web interface IP address has not been provided with these documents or cannot be identified from the TrueNAS system console.
-{{< include file="/static/includes/iXsystemsSupportContact.md" >}}
-{{< /tab >}}
-{{< tab "Configuring Web Interface Access" >}}
-If the TrueNAS system is not connected to a network with a DHCP server, you can use the console network configuration menu to manually *Configure Network Interfaces*.
-![ConsoleMenu](/images/CORE/ConsoleSetupMenu.png "TrueNAS Console Menu")
-This example shows configuring a single interface, *em0*:
-Enter an option from 1-12: 1
-1) em0
-Select an interface (q to quit): 1
-Remove the current settings of this interface? (This causes a momentary disconnec
-tion of the network.) (y/n) n
-Configure interface for DHCP? (y/n) n
-Configure IPv4? (y/n) y
-Interface name: (press enter, the name can be blank)
-Several input formats are supported
-Example 1 CIDR Notation:
-Example 2 IP and Netmask separate:
- IP:
- Netmask:, or /24 or 24
-IPv4 Address:
-Saving interface configuration: Ok
-Configure IPv6? (y/n) n
-Restarting network: ok
-The web user interface is at
-Depending on the network environment, review the *Configure Default Route* option to define your IPv4 or IPv6 default gateway.
-*Configure Static Routes* allows adding destination network and gateway IP addresses, one for each route.
-To change the DNS domain and add nameservers, select *Configure DNS*.
-These settings can be adjusted later in the various **Network** options available in the web interface.
-{{< /tab >}}
-{{< /tabs >}}
-## Logging In
-On a computer that can access the same network as the TrueNAS system, enter the hostname and domain or IP address in a web browser to connect to the web interface.
-{{< hint type=note >}}
-The quality of your user experience can be impacted by the browser that you use. We generally recommend using Firefox, Edge, or Chrome.
-{{< /hint >}}
-![LoginCORE](/images/CORE/LoginCORE.png "TrueNAS CORE Login Screen")
-Enter the administrative account credentials to log in.
-By default, the administrative account username is `root` and the password is set when installing TrueNAS.
-{{< expand "Troubleshooting" "v" >}}
-If the user interface is not accessible by IP address from a browser, check these things:
-* Are proxy settings enabled in the browser configuration?
- If so, disable the settings and try connecting again.
-* If the page does not load, make sure that a `ping` reaches the TrueNAS system IP address.
- If the address is in a private IP address range, it is only accessible from within that private network.
-If the web interface is shown but seems unresponsive or incomplete:
-* Make sure the browser allows cookies, Javascript, and custom fonts from the TrueNAS system.
-* Try a different browser. Firefox is recommended.
-If the UI becomes unresponsive after an upgrade or other system operation, clear the site data and refresh the browser (Shift+F5).
-{{< /expand >}}
-After logging in, the TrueNAS web interface present options across the top and left side of the screen.
-### Top Menu
-The horizontal menu at the top of the web interface contains status indicators, system alerts, UI theme options, and system power options.
-{{< expand "Top Menu Details" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CORETopMenu.md" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-### Side Menu
-The column on the left side of the screen contains some information about the system and links to the various TrueNAS configuration screens.
-The box at the top of the columns shows the current logged in user account and the system host name.
-Configuration screens are organized by feature.
-For example, to find options related to storing data, click the **Storage** option and to make data stored in TrueNAS available to client systems, go to the **Sharing** section.
-## Dashboard
-The system **Dashboard** is the default screen when logging in to TrueNAS.
-Basic information about the installed version, systems component usage and network traffic are all presented on this screen.
-For users with compatible TrueNAS Hardware, clicking the system image goes to the **System > View Enclosure** page.
-![DashboardCORE](/images/CORE/Dashboard/DashboardCORE.png "TrueNAS CORE Dashboard")
-The **Dashboard** provides access to all TrueNAS management options.
-Now that you can access the TrueNAS web interface and see all the management options, it is time to begin [storing data]({{< relref "StoringData.md" >}})!
diff --git a/content/CORE/GettingStarted/SharingStorage.md b/content/CORE/GettingStarted/SharingStorage.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-title: "Sharing Storage"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/sharingstorage/"
-description: "Describes sharing configurations on TrueNAS CORE."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 70
-- gettingstarted
-- storage
-With TrueNAS **Storage** configured and backed up, it's time to begin sharing data.
-There are several available sharing solutions, but we'll look at the most common in this article.
-Choose a tab to get started with simple sharing examples:
-## Sharing Data
-{{< tabs "Methods" >}}
-{{< tab "Windows (SMB)" >}}
-### Requirements
-* Dataset with *Share Type* set to *SMB*.
-* TrueNAS user accounts with *Samba Authentication* set.
-### Set Permissions
-Go to **Storage > Pools** and find the dataset to share.
-Click and *Edit Permissions*.
-![StoragePoolsEditACL](/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsEditACL.png "Editing SMB dataset permissions")
-Click *SELECT AN ACL PRESET*, open the drop down, and choose *OPEN*.
-Click *SAVE*.
-### Create the Share
-Go to **Sharing > Windows Shares (SMB)** and click *ADD*.
-![SMBShareAdd](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingSMBAdd.png "Basic SMB Share Options")
-Only the *Path* and *Name* are initially required.
-The *Path* is the directory tree on TrueNAS that is shared using the SMB protocol.
-The *Name* forms part of the "full share pathname" when SMB clients connect.
-![SharingSMBAddBasicExample](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingSMBAddBasicExample.png "SMB Share Example")
-Click *SUBMIT* to save the configuration to **Sharing > Windows Shares (SMB)**.
-### Activate the Service
-Go to **Services** and toggle **SMB**.
-Set *Start Automatically* when you want the share to become accessible immediately after TrueNAS boots.
-### Connecting to the Share
-On a Windows 10 system, open the **File Browser**.
-![WindowsFileBrowser](/images/CORE/WindowsFileBrowser.png "Windows 10 File Browser")
-In the navigation bar, enter `\\` and the TrueNAS system name.
-When prompted, enter the TrueNAS user account credentials and begin browsing the dataset.
-![WindowsSMBShareConnected](/images/CORE/WindowsSMBShareConnected.png "Viewing the SMB Dataset")
-{{< /tab >}}
-{{< tab "Unix-like (NFS)" >}}
-### Requirements
-* TrueNAS dataset to share.
-* Client systems might require additional packages like `nfs-common`.
-### Creating the Share
-Go to **Sharing > Unix Shares (NFS)** and click *ADD*.
-![SharingNFSAdd](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingNFSAdd.png "Creating a new NFS share")
-Use the file browser to select the dataset to be shared and click *SUBMIT*.
-When prompted, click *ENABLE SERVICE* to immediately begin sharing the dataset.
-### Accessing the Dataset
-On a Unix-like system, open a command line.
-Enter `showmount -e` *`IPADDRESS`*, replacing *IPADDRESS* with your TrueNAS system address:
-tmoore@ChimaeraPrime:~$ showmount -e
-Export list for
-/mnt/pool1/testds (everyone)
-Now make a local directory for the NFS mount:
-tmoore@ChimaeraPrime:~$ sudo mkdir nfstemp/
-Finally, mount the shared directory:
-tmoore@ChimaeraPrime:~$ sudo mount -t nfs nfstemp/
-From here, `cd` into the local directory and view or modify the files as needed.
-{{< /tab >}}
-{{< tab "Block Shares (iSCSI)">}}
-Block sharing is a complicated scenario that requires detailed configuration steps and knowledge of your network environment.
-A simple configuration is beyond the scope of this getting started guide, but detailed articles are available in [iSCSI Shares]({{< relref "iSCSIShare.md" >}}).
-{{< /tab >}}
-{{< /tabs >}}
-With simple sharing done, TrueNAS is now installed, accessible, and capable to receive or share data over your network.
-Now it is time to protect the TrueNAS storage by setting up [data backups]({{< relref "DataBackups.md" >}}).
diff --git a/content/CORE/GettingStarted/StoringData.md b/content/CORE/GettingStarted/StoringData.md
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@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-title: "Storage Configuration"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/storingdata/"
-description: "Describes how to configure storage on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 60
-- gettingstarted
-- storage
-Now that you have logged in to the web interface, it's time to set up TrueNAS storage.
-These instructions demonstrate a simple *mirrored* pool setup, where you use one disk for storage and the other for data protection.
-However, there are many configuration possibilities for your storage environment!
-You can read more about these options in the in-depth [Pool Creation article]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/_index.md" >}}).
-You can also use the [ZFS Capacity Calculator]({{< relref "/References/ZFSCapacityCalculator.md" >}}) and [ZFS Capacity Graph]({{< relref "/References/ZFSCapacityGraph.md" >}}) to compare configuration options.
-## Requirements
-The system needs at least two identically sized disks to create a mirrored storage pool.
-While a single-disk pool is technically allowed, we do not recommend it.
-The disk you used for the TrueNAS installation does not count toward this limit.
-You can configure data backups in several ways and have different requirements.
-Backing data up in the Cloud requires a 3rd party Cloud Storage provider account.
-Backups with Replication require either additional storage on the TrueNAS system or (ideally) another TrueNAS system in a different location.
-## Simple Storage Setup
-Go to **Storage > Pools** and click **ADD**.
-Set **Create a new pool** and click **CREATE POOL**
-![StoragePoolsAddCreateManager](/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsAddCreateManager.png "TrueNAS Pool Manager")
-For the **Name**, enter *tank* or any other preferred name.
-In the **Available Disks**, set two identical disks and click the to move them to the **Data VDevs** area.
-{{< hint type=note >}}
-If the disks used have non-unique serial numbers, they do not populate the **Available Disks** section until you enable the **Show disk with non-unique serial numbers** checkbox.
-{{< /hint >}}
-![StoragePoolsAddCreateTank](/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsAddCreateTank.png "Creating the tank pool")
-TrueNAS automatically suggests **Mirror** as the ideal layout for maximized data storage and protection.
-Review the **Estimated total raw data capacity** and click **CREATE**.
-TrueNAS wipes the disks and adds *tank* to the **Storage > Pools** list.
-![StoragePoolsListTank](/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsListTank.png "Finding the tank pool")
-### Adding Datasets or Zvols
-New pools have a root dataset that allows further division into new datasets or zvols.
-A *dataset* is a file system that stores data and has specific permissions.
-A *zvol* is a virtual block device with a predefined storage size.
-To create either one, go to **Storage > Pools**, click , and select **Add Dataset** or **Add Zvol**.
-![StoragePoolsAddDataset](/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsAddDataset.png "Adding a new dataset or zvol")
-Users create datasets and zvols as part of configuring specific data-sharing situations:
-* A dataset with a **Share Type** set to **SMB** optimizes that dataset for the Windows sharing protocol.
-* Block device sharing (iSCSI) requires a zvol.
-Organize the pool with additional datasets or zvols according to your access and data-sharing requirements before moving any data into the pool.
-When you finish building and organizing your TrueNAS pools, move on to configuring how the system [shares data]({{< relref "SharingStorage.md" >}}).
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-title: "TrueNAS CORE EULA"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/useragreements/coreeula/"
-description: "End User License Agreement for TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 1
- - /core/introduction/coreeula/
- - /core/notices/coreeula/
-## TrueNAS CORE End User License Agreement
-**Important - Please Read This EULA Carefully**
-This agreement is provided in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA Rules”) under confidential binding arbitration held in Santa Clara County, California. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitration under this EULA will be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to this EULA, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. Any litigation relating to this EULA shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of California and the state courts of the State of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California. All matters arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule.
-### 1.0 Definitions
- 1.1 “Company”, “iXsystems” and “iX” means iXsystems, Inc., on behalf of themselves, subsidiaries, and affiliates under common control.
- 1.2 “TrueNAS CORE Software” means the TrueNAS CORE storage management software.
- 1.3 “TrueNAS Device” means the TrueNAS storage appliances and peripheral equipment provided by iXsystems or a third party.
- 1.4 “Product” means, individually and collectively, the TrueNAS CORE Software and the TrueNAS Device provided by iXsystems.
- 1.5 “Open Source Software” means various open source software components licensed under the terms of applicable open source license agreements, each of which has its own copyright and its own applicable license terms.
- 1.6 “Licensee”, “You” and “Your” refers to the person, organization, or entity that has agreed to be bound by this EULA including any employees, affiliates, and third party contractors that provide services to You.
- 1.7 “Agreement” refers to this document, the TrueNAS End User License Agreement.
-### 2.0 License
-Subject to the terms set forth in this Agreement, iXsystems grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual, limited license without the option to sublicense, to use TrueNAS CORE Software on Your TrueNAS Device(s). This use includes but is not limited to using or viewing the instructions, specifications, and documentation provided with the Product.
-TrueNAS CORE software is made available as Open Source Software, subject to the license conditions contained within that Open Source Software.
-### 3.0 License Restrictions
-TrueNAS CORE Software is authorized for use on any TrueNAS Device. TrueNAS Devices can include hardware provided by iXsystems or third parties. TrueNAS Devices may also include virtual machines and cloud instances. TrueNAS CORE software may not be commercially distributed or sold without an addendum license agreement and express written consent from iXsystems.
-The TrueNAS CORE Software is protected by copyright laws and international treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws, statutes, and treaties. The TrueNAS CORE Software is licensed, not sold to You, the end user. You do not acquire any ownership interest in the TrueNAS CORE Software, or any other rights to the TrueNAS CORE Software, other than to use the TrueNAS CORE Software in accordance with the license granted under this Agreement, subject to all terms, conditions, and restrictions. iXsystems reserves and shall retain its entire right, title, and interest in and to the TrueNAS CORE Software, and all intellectual property rights arising out of or relating to the TrueNAS CORE Software, subject to the license expressly granted to You in this Agreement.
-The TrueNAS CORE Software may contain iXsystems’ proprietary trademarks and collateral. By agreeing to this license agreement for TrueNAS CORE, You agree to use reasonable efforts to safeguard iXsystems’ intellectual property and hereby agree to not use or distribute iXsystems’ proprietary intellectual property and collateral commercially without the express written consent of iXsystems. Official iXsystems Channel Partners are authorized to use and distribute iXsystems’ intellectual property through an addendum to this license agreement.
-By accepting this Agreement, You are responsible and liable for all uses of the Product through access thereto provided by You, directly or indirectly.
-The TrueNAS CORE software includes Open Source components and some proprietary extensions which are available through additional licences You agree to not alter the source code to take advantage of the proprietary extensions without a license to those proprietary extensions, including the TrueNAS Enterprise features sets.
-### 4.0 General
- 4.1 Entire Agreement - This Agreement, together with any associated purchase order, service level agreement, and all other documents and policies referenced herein, constitutes the entire and only agreement between You and iXsystems for use of the TrueNAS CORE Software and all other prior negotiations, representations, agreements, and understandings are superseded hereby. No agreements altering or supplementing the terms hereof may be made except by means of a written document signed by Your duly authorized representatives and those of iXsystems.
- 4.2 Waiver and Modification - No failure of either party to exercise or enforce any of its rights under this EULA will act as a waiver of those rights. This EULA may only be modified, or any rights under it waived, by a written document executed by the party against which it is asserted.
- 4.3. Severability - If any provision of this EULA is found illegal or unenforceable, it will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the legality and enforceability of the other provisions of this EULA will not be affected.
- 4.4 United States Government End Users - For any TrueNAS CORE Software licensed directly or indirectly on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, this paragraph applies. Company’s proprietary software embodied in the Product: (a) was developed at private expense and is in all respects Company’s proprietary information; (b) was not developed with government funds; (c) is Company’s trade secret for all purposes of the Freedom of Information Act; (d) is a commercial item and thus, pursuant to Section 12.212 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and DFAR Supplement Section 227.7202, Government’s use, duplication or disclosure of such software is subject to the restrictions set forth by the Company and Licensee shall receive only those rights with respect to the Product as are granted to all other end users.
- 4.5 Title - iXsystems retains all rights, titles, and interest in TrueNAS CORE Software and all related copyrights, trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and any other intellectual and industrial property and proprietary rights, including registrations, applications, registration keys, renewals, and extensions of such rights.
-Contact Information - If You have any questions about this Agreement, or if You want to contact iXsystems for any reason, please email legal@ixsystems.com.
- 4.8 Termination - iXsystems may cease any and all support, services, or maintenance under this Agreement without prior notice, or liability, and for any reason whatsoever, without limitation, if any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement are breached. Other provisions of this Agreement will survive termination including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.
- 4.9 Open Source Software Components - iXsystems uses Open Source Software components in the development of the TrueNAS CORE Software. Open Source Software components that are used in the TrueNAS CORE Software are composed of separate components each having their own trademarks, copyrights, and license conditions.
- 4.10 Assignment - Licensee shall not assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights, or delegate or otherwise transfer any of its obligations or performance, under this Agreement, in each case whether voluntarily, involuntarily, by operation of law, or otherwise, without iXsystems’ prior written consent. No delegation or other transfer will relieve Licensee of any of its obligations or performance under this Agreement. Any purported assignment, delegation, or transfer in violation of this Section is void. iXsystems may freely assign or otherwise transfer all or any of its rights, or delegate or otherwise transfer all or any of its obligations or performance, under this Agreement without Licensee's consent. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns.
-### 5.0 Export Control Regulations
-"The Product may be subject to export control laws. You shall not, directly or indirectly, export, re-export, or release the Product to, or make the Product accessible from, any jurisdiction or country to which export, re-export, or release is prohibited by law, rule, or regulation. You shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules, and complete all required undertakings (including obtaining any necessary export license or other governmental approval)."
-### 6.0 Data Collection and Privacy
-TrueNAS CORE Software may collect non-sensitive system information relating to Your use of the Product, including information that has been provided directly or indirectly through automated means. Usage of TrueNAS CORE Software, device status and system configuration are allowed according to iXsystems’ privacy policy.
-TrueNAS CORE Software will not collect sensitive User information including email addresses, names of systems, pools, datasets, folders, files, credentials.
-By accepting this Agreement and continuing to use the Product, you agree that iXsystems may use any information provided through direct or indirect means in accordance with our privacy policy and as permitted by applicable law, for purposes relating to management, compliance, marketing, support, security, update delivery, and product improvement.
-### 7.0 Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
-You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understand this Agreement and voluntarily accept the duties and obligations set forth herein by clicking accept on this Agreement.
diff --git a/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/DataCollectionStatement.md b/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/DataCollectionStatement.md
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-title: "TrueNAS Data Collection Statement"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/useragreements/datacollectionstatement/"
-description: "TrueNAS CORE Data Collection Statement."
-weight: 5
-TrueNAS collects non-sensitive system data and relays the data to a collector managed by iXsystems.
-This system data collection is enabled by default and can be disabled in the web interface under **System > General > Usage collection**.
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TNDataCollection.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/EnterpriseEULA.md b/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/EnterpriseEULA.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-title: "TrueNAS Enterprise EULA"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/useragreements/enterpriseeula/"
-description: "TrueNAS Enterprise End User License Agreement."
-weight: 2
- - /core/introduction/enterpriseeula/
- - /core/notices/enterpriseeula/
-## TrueNAS Enterprise End User License Agreement
-**Important - Please Read This EULA Carefully**
-This agreement is provided in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA Rules”) under confidential binding arbitration held in Santa Clara County, California.
-To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitration under this EULA will be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to this EULA, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. Any litigation relating to this EULA shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of California and the state courts of the State of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California.
-All matters arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule.
-### 1.0 Definitions
-**1.1 “Company”, “iXsystems”** and **“iX”** means iXsystems, Inc., on behalf of themselves, subsidiaries, and affiliates under common control.
-**1.2 “TrueNAS Software”** means the TrueNAS Enterprise storage management software.
-**1.3 “TrueNAS Device”** means the TrueNAS hardware storage appliances and peripheral equipment.
-**1.4 “Product”** means, individually and collectively, the TrueNAS Software and the TrueNAS Device.
-**1.5 “Open Source Software”** means various open source software components licensed under the terms of applicable open source license agreements, each of which has its own copyright and its own applicable license terms.
-**1.6 “Licensee”**, **“You”** and **“Your”** refers to the person, organization, or entity that has agreed to be bound by this EULA including any employees, affiliates, and third party contractors that provide services to You.
-**1.7 “Agreement”** refers to this document, the TrueNAS End User License Agreement.
-### 2.0 License
-Subject to the terms set forth in this Agreement, iXsystems grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual, limited license without the option to sublicense, to use TrueNAS Software on Your TrueNAS Device(s) in accordance with Your authorized purchase and use of a TrueNAS Device(s) for Your internal business purposes.
-This use includes but is not limited to using or viewing the instructions, specifications, and documentation provided with the Product.
-### 3.0 License Restrictions
-TrueNAS Software is only authorized for use with a TrueNAS Device identified by a specific serial number and manufactured by iXsystems.
-This license may be extended to a second TrueNAS Device if an additional TrueNAS Device was purchased for high availability data protection.
-The license is provided as a digital license key that is installed on the TrueNAS Device.
-The TrueNAS Software is protected by copyright laws and international treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws, statutes, and treaties.
-The TrueNAS Software is licensed, not sold to You, the end user.
-You do not acquire any ownership interest in the TrueNAS Software, or any other rights to the TrueNAS Software, other than to use the TrueNAS Software in accordance with the license granted under this Agreement, subject to all terms, conditions, and restrictions.
-iXsystems reserves and shall retain its entire right, title, and interest in and to the TrueNAS Software, and all intellectual property rights arising out of or relating to the TrueNAS Software, subject to the license expressly granted to You in this Agreement.
-The TrueNAS Software may contain iXsystems’ trademarks, trade secrets, and proprietary collateral.
-iXsystems strictly prohibits the acts of decompiling, reverse engineering, or disassembly of the TrueNAS Software.
-You agree to use commercially reasonable efforts to safeguard iXsystems’ intellectual property, trade secrets, or other proprietary information You may have access to, from infringement, misappropriation, theft, misuse, or unauthorized access.
-You will promptly notify iXsystems if You become aware of any infringement of the TrueNAS Software and cooperate with iXsystems in any legal action taken by iXsystems to enforce its intellectual property rights.
-By accepting this Agreement, You agree You will not disclose, copy, transfer, or publish benchmark results relating to the Product without the express written consent of iXsystems.
-You agree not to use, or permit others to use, the TrueNAS Software beyond the scope of the license granted under [Section 2](#20-license), unless otherwise permitted by iXsystems, or in violation of any law, regulation or rule, and you will not modify, adapt, or otherwise create derivative works or improvements of the TrueNAS Software.
-You are responsible and liable for all uses of the Product through access thereto provided by You, directly or indirectly.
-### 4.0 General
-**4.1 Entire Agreement** - This Agreement, together with any associated purchase order, service level agreement, and all other documents and policies referenced herein, constitutes the entire and only agreement between You and iXsystems for use of the TrueNAS Software and all other prior negotiations, representations, agreements, and understandings are superseded hereby.
-No agreements altering or supplementing the terms hereof may be made except by means of a written document signed by Your duly authorized representatives and those of iXsystems.
-**4.2 Waiver and Modification** - No failure of either party to exercise or enforce any of its rights under this EULA will act as a waiver of those rights.
-This EULA may only be modified, or any rights under it waived, by a written document executed by the party against which it is asserted.
-**4.3 Severability** - If any provision of this EULA is found illegal or unenforceable, it will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the legality and enforceability of the other provisions of this EULA will not be affected.
-**4.4 United States Government End Users** - For any TrueNAS Software licensed directly or indirectly on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, this paragraph applies.
-Company’s proprietary software embodied in the Product: (a) was developed at private expense and is in all respects Company’s proprietary information; (b) was not developed with government funds; (c) is Company’s trade secret for all purposes of the Freedom of Information Act; (d) is a commercial item and thus, pursuant to Section 12.212 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and DFAR Supplement Section 227.7202, Government’s use, duplication or disclosure of such software is subject to the restrictions set forth by the Company and Licensee shall receive only those rights with respect to the Product as are granted to all other end users.
-**4.5 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act** - You will comply with the requirements of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (the “FCPA”) and will refrain from making, directly or indirectly, any payments to third parties which constitute a breach of the FCPA.
-You will notify Company immediately upon Your becoming aware that such a payment has been made.
-You will indemnify and hold harmless Company from any breach of this provision.
-**4.6 Title** - iXsystems retains all rights, titles, and interest in TrueNAS Software and all related copyrights, trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and any other intellectual and industrial property and proprietary rights, including registrations, applications, registration keys, renewals, and extensions of such rights.
-**4.7 Contact Information** - If You have any questions about this Agreement, or if You want to contact iXsystems for any reason, please email legal@ixsystems.com.
-**4.8 Maintenance and Support** - You may be entitled to support services from iXsystems after purchasing a TrueNAS Device or a support contract.
-iXsystems will provide these support services based on the length of time of the purchased support contract.
-This maintenance and support is only valid for the length of time that You have purchased with Your TrueNAS Device.
-iXsystems may from time to time and at their sole discretion vary the terms and conditions of the maintenance and support agreement based on different business environmental and personnel factors.
-Any variations will be notified via email and the support portal.
-For more information on our Maintenance and Support contract, refer to https://www.ixsystems.com/support/.
-**4.9 Force Majeure** - iXsystems will not be deemed to be in default of any of the provisions of this Agreement or be liable for any delay or failure in performance due to Force Majeure, which shall include without limitation acts of God, earthquake, weather conditions, labor disputes, changes in law, regulation or government policy, riots, war, fire, epidemics, acts or omissions of vendors or suppliers, equipment failures, transportation difficulties, malicious or criminal acts of third parties, or other occurrences which are beyond iXsystems’ reasonable control.
-**4.10 Termination** - iXsystems may terminate or suspend Your license to use the TrueNAS Software and cease any and all support, services, or maintenance under this Agreement without prior notice, or liability, and for any reason whatsoever, without limitation, if any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement are breached.
-Upon termination, rights to use the TrueNAS Software will immediately cease.
-Other provisions of this Agreement will survive termination including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability.
-**4.11 Open Source Software Components** - iXsystems uses Open Source Software components in the development of the TrueNAS Software.
-Open Source Software components that are used in the TrueNAS Software are composed of separate components each having their own trademarks, copyrights, and license conditions.
-**4.12 Assignment** - Licensee shall not assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights, or delegate or otherwise transfer any of its obligations or performance, under this Agreement, in each case whether voluntarily, involuntarily, by operation of law, or otherwise, without iXsystems’ prior written consent.
-No delegation or other transfer will relieve Licensee of any of its obligations or performance under this Agreement.
-Any purported assignment, delegation, or transfer in violation of this Section is void.
-iXsystems may freely assign or otherwise transfer all or any of its rights, or delegate or otherwise transfer all or any of its obligations or performance, under this Agreement without Licensee's consent.
-This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns.
-### 5.0 Export Control Regulations
-The Product may be subject to US export control laws, including the US Export Administration Act and its associated regulations.
-You shall not, directly or indirectly, export, re-export, or release the Product to, or make the Product accessible from, any jurisdiction or country to which export, re-export, or release is prohibited by law, rule, or regulation.
-You shall comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations, and rules, and complete all required undertakings (including obtaining any necessary export license or other governmental approval), prior to exporting, re-exporting, releasing, or otherwise making the Product available outside the US.
-### 6.0 Data Collection and Privacy
-TrueNAS Software may collect non-sensitive system information relating to Your use of the Product, including information that has been provided directly or indirectly through automated means.
-Usage of TrueNAS Software, device status and system configuration are allowed according to iXsystems’ [privacy policy](https://www.ixsystems.com/privacy-policy/).
-TrueNAS Software will not collect sensitive User information including email addresses, names of systems, pools, datasets, folders, files, credentials.
-By accepting this Agreement and continuing to use the Product, you agree that iXsystems may use any information provided through direct or indirect means in accordance with our privacy policy and as permitted by applicable law, for purposes relating to management, compliance, marketing, support, security, update delivery, and product improvement.
-### 7.0 Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
-You hereby acknowledge that you have read and understand this Agreement and voluntarily accept the duties and obligations set forth herein by clicking accept on this Agreement.
diff --git a/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/SofDevLifecycle.md b/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/SofDevLifecycle.md
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-title: "Software Development Life Cycle"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/useragreements/sofdevlifecycle/"
-description: "Description of the general process of development, release, and patching of TrueNAS CORE versions."
-weight: 4
- - /core/introduction/sofdevlifecycle/
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TNLifecycle.md" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/LifecycleTable.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/_index.md b/content/CORE/GettingStarted/UserAgreements/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2732af0647..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-title: "User Agreements"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/useragreements/"
-description: "Different User agreement statements related to using TrueNAS."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 10
- - _target:
- related: false
-This section contains the various legal agreements and notices pertaining to TrueNAS CORE software.
-## Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/GettingStarted/_index.md b/content/CORE/GettingStarted/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-title: "Getting Started"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/gettingstarted/"
-description: "This configuration guide provides step-by-step tutorials for installing and setting up TrueNAS CORE."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 10
- - _target:
- book: "COREGettingStarted"
-related: false
-This guide introduces TrueNAS and walks through installing and accessing TrueNAS, storing and backing up data, sharing data over a network, and expanding TrueNAS with different applications solutions.
-## Table of Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/Groups.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/Groups.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/Groups.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-title: "Groups"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/accounts/groups/"
-description: "Describes the fields on the Groups screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- groups
-- accounts
-The **Groups** screen lets you create and manage UNIX-style groups.
-## Groups List
-![UIRefGroupsList](/images/CORE/Accounts/UIRefGroupsList.png "Accounts Groups List")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Filter Groups** | Filters groups by keyword. |
-| **COLUMNS** | Lets users display/hide list columns. |
-| **ADD** | Opens the **Group Configuration** form |
-| | Displays/hides built-in groups |
-| **Group** | Group name. |
-| **GID** | Group ID number. |
-| **Builtin** | Whether or not the group is built-in. |
-| **Permit Sudo** | Whether or not the group has **Permit Sudo** enabled. |
-| **Samba Authentication** | Whether or not the group has Samba Authentication enabled. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Groups Configuration
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CORERequiredFields.md" >}}
-![UIRefGroupsAdd](/images/CORE/Accounts/UIRefGroupsAdd.png "Accounts Groups Add")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **GID** | A unique number used to identify a Unix group. |
-| **Name** | Descriptive name for the group. |
-| **Permit Sudo** | Allows group members to act as the root account with sudo. Group members are prompted for their password when using sudo. |
-| **Samba Authentication** | Allows group to be used for Samba permissions and authentication. |
-| **Allow Duplicate GIDs** | Allows more than one group to have the same group ID. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/Users.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/Users.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/Users.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-title: "Users"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/accounts/users/"
-description: "Describes the fields on the Users screens in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-- users
-- accounts
-The **Users** screen lets you create and manage user accounts.
-## Users List
-![UIRefUsersList](/images/CORE/Accounts/UIRefUsersList.png "Accounts Users List")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Filter Users | Filters users by keyword. |
-| COLUMNS | Lets users display/hide list columns. Username, UID, Builtin, and Full Name are default. |
-| ADD | Opens the **User ID and Groups** form |
-| | Displays/hides built-in users |
-| Username | Descriptive name for the user. |
-| UID | User ID number. |
-| Builtin | Whether or not the user is built-in. |
-| Full Name | Shows the saved **Full Name** of the account. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## User Configuration
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CORERequiredFields.md" >}}
-![UIRefUsersAdd](/images/CORE/Accounts/UIRefUsersAdd.png "Accounts Users Add or Edit")
-### Identification
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Full Name | Descriptive name for the user. |
-| Username | User login name. |
-| Email | User email address. |
-| Password | User login password. |
-| Confirm Password | Re-enter user password. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### User ID and Groups
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| User ID | A unique number used to identify a user. |
-| New Primary Group | Creates a new group with the same name as the user. |
-| Primary Group | Primary group to add the user to. |
-| Auxiliary Groups | Additional groups to add the user to. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Directories and Permissions
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Home Directory | Path to the user home directory. |
-| Home Directory Permissions | Default user home directory Unix permissions. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Authentication
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| SSH Public Key | Public SSH key for key-based authentication. |
-| Disable Password | Enables/Disables password field. |
-| Shell | The shell to use for local and SSH logins. |
-| Lock User | Prevents user from logging in or using password-based services. |
-| Permit Sudo | Enable or disable issuing commands as the root account with `sudo`. |
-| Microsoft Account | Allows Windows authentication methods. |
-| Samba Authentication | Lets users authenticate to Samba shares. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Accounts/_index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-title: "Accounts"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/accounts/"
-description: "CORE UI User and Group screens documentation."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 50
-related: false
-This section has articles documenting the TrueNAS local User and Group screens.
-## Accounts Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Dashboard/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Dashboard/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e9ff294cef..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-title: Dashboard
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/dashboard/"
-description: "CORE Dashboard reference."
-weight: 5
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-related: false
-The web interface dashboard provides system details and shortcuts to various configuration screens.
-![DashboardCORE](/images/CORE/Dashboard/DashboardCORE.png "TrueNAS CORE Dashboard")
-## Dashboard Cards
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Card | Description |
-| **System Information** | Shows simple system-level information about TrueNAS, including hardware name (with compatible systems), TrueNAS version, system hostname, and system uptime. Includes a button to update the installed version of TrueNAS. |
-| **CPU** | Shows current CPU utilization and heat (with compatible hardware). Includes a shortcut icon to the in-depth CPU reporting screen. |
-| **Memory** | Shows total memory available to the system and the current breakdown of memory usage. Includes a shortcut icon to the in-depth memory utilization screen. |
-| **Pool** | Shows details about a configured storage pool. One card is created for each storage pool on the system. Includes shortcut icons to the pool configuration and statistics screens. |
-| **Interface** | Shows details about system network interfaces, including current status and configuration details. Includes shortcut icons to the interface configuration and statistics screens. |
-| **TrueNAS Help** | Contains links to verious documentation and assistance portals. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/ADScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/ADScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c95aecb990..0000000000
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-title: "Active Directory Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/directoryservices/adscreen/"
-description: "Use the AD screen to configure Active Directory (AD) on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- activedirectory
-The Active Directory (AD) service shares resources in a Windows network environment. Go to **Directory Services > Active Directory** to set up AD on TrueNAS. The first Active Directory screen is a list of basic options.
-![ActiveDirectoryScreen](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/ActiveDirectoryScreen.png "Active Directory Screen")
-## Basic Options
-![ActiveDirectoryScreenBasicOptions](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/ActiveDirectoryScreenBasicOptions.png "Active Directory Basic Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Domain Name** | Enter the Active Directory domain (*example.com*) or child domain (*sales.example.com*). Required field. |
-| **Domain Account Name** | Enter the Active Directory administrator account name. Required field. |
-| **Domain Account Password** | Enter the password for the Active Directory administrator account. Required when configuring a domain for the first time. After initial configuration, the password is not needed to edit, start or stop the service. |
-| **Enable (requires password or Kerberos principle)** | Enable the Active Directory services. Must enter the **Domain Account Password** when selecting this option for the first time. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **ADVANCED OPTIONS** to access extra options shown below.
-Click **REBUILD DIRECTORY SERVICE CACHE** to resync the cache if it becomes out of sync. Or if fewer users than expected are available or visible in the permissions editors.
-## Advanced Options
-![ActiveDirectoryScreenAdvancedOptions](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/ActiveDirectoryScreenAdvancedOptions.png "Active Directory Advanced Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Verbose logging** | Select to log attempts to join the domain to /var/log/messages. |
-| **Allow Trusted Domains** | Selected if you do not want the username to include a domain name. Clear the checkbox to force the domain names to be prepended to usernames. One possible reason to not select this value is to prevent username collisions when this is selected and there are identical usernames across multiple domains. |
-| **Use Default Domain** | Leave checkbox clear to prepend the domain name to the user name. When not selected prevents name collisions when **Allow Trusted Domains** is set and multiple domains use the same user name. |
-| **Allow DNS Updates** | Select to enable Samba to do DNS updates when joining a domain. |
-| **Disable FreeNAS Cache** | Select to disable caching AD users and groups. This can help when unable to bind to a domain with a large number of users or groups. |
-| **Restrict PAM** | Select to restrict SSH access in certain circumstances. When selected only members of BUILTIN\\Administrators have SSH access. |
-| **Site Name** | Enter the relative distinguished name of the site object in the Active Directory. |
-| **Kerberos Realm** | Select an existing realm added in **Directory Services > Kerberos Realms**. |
-| **Kerberos Principal** | Select the location of the principal in the keytab. Keytab created in **Directory Services > Kerberos Keytabs**. |
-| **Computer Account OU** | The organizational unit where new computer accounts get created. OU strings read from top to bottom without RDNs. Use slashes (/) as delimiters, like *Computers/Servers/NAS*. Use the backslash (\\) to escape characters but not as a separator. Backslash interpretation takes place at many levels. Backslashes might need doubling or even quadrupling to take effect. When left blank, new computer accounts get created in the Active Directory default OU. |
-| **AD Timeout** | Number of seconds before timeout. To view the AD connection status, open the interface **Task Manager**. |
-| **DNS Timeout** | Number of seconds before a timeout. Increase this value if AD DNS queries time out. |
-| **Winbind NSS Info** | Select the schema to use when querying AD for user/group info from the dropdown list. **rfc2307** uses the schema support included in Windows 2003 R2. **sfu** is for Service For Unix 3.0 or 3.5. **sfu20** is for Service For Unix 2.0. |
-| **Netbios Name** | The Netbios name of this NAS is **truenas**. This name must differ from the Workgroup name and be no greater than 15 characters. |
-| **NetBIOS alias** | Alternative names that SMB clients can use when connecting to this NAS. Can be no greater than 15 characters. |
-| **LEAVE DOMAIN** | Disconnects the TrueNAS system from the Active Directory. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **SAVE** to save settings.
-Click **BASIC OPTIONS** to return to the **Active Directory** display of basic options only.
-Click **EDIT IDMAP** to navigate to the **Directory Services > Idmap** screen.
-Click **REBUILD DIRECTORY SERVICE CACHE** to resync the cache if it becomes out of sync. Or if fewer users than expected are available in the permissions editors.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/IdmapScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/IdmapScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b578f7468..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/IdmapScreen.md
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-title: "Idmap Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/directoryservices/idmapscreen/"
-description: "Use the Idmap screen to configure Identity Mapping (Idmap) on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- idmap
-- activedirectory
-On a system running Unix or a Unix-like OS, Idmap acts as a translator. Windows Security Identifier (SID)s convert to a user ID (UID) and group ID (GID). Use the Identity Mapping (Idmap) screen to configure Idmap service on the TrueNAS.
- Click **Edit IDMAP** on the **Active Directory > Advanced Options** screen. The **Edit Idmap** screen displays. It lists all domains configured on the TrueNAS.
-![DirectoryServicesldmapScreenn](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/DirectoryServicesldmapScreen.png "Directory Services Idmap Screen")
-You can customize the information displayed in the **Idmap** table. Click the blue **COLUMNS** button to display a dropdown list of options. A check mark next to the option name means the column is currently visible. Select from **Unselect All**, **Backend**, **DNS Domain Name**, **Range Low**, **Range High**, **Certificate** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Click **ADD** to open the **Idmap Add** screen. Enable Active Directory before attempting to add new domains.
-Click the more_vert icon to display the options for each domain, **Edit** or **Delete**.
-## Idmap Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Idmap Backend** | Select the plugin interface for Windbind to use from the dropdown list. Plugin interfaces for Windbind use varying backends. These backends store SID/uid/gid mapping tables. The correct setting depends on the NAS deployment environment. |
-| **Name** | Enter the pre-Windows 2000 domain name or select from the dropdown list. |
-| **DNS Domain Name** | Enter the DNS name of the domain. |
-| **Range Low** | Determines the range of UID/GID numbers which this Idmap backend translates. External credentials like a Windows SID must map to a UID or GID number inside this range. Ignores external credentials outside this range. |
-| **Range High** | Determines the range of UID/GID numbers which this Idmap backend translates. External credentials like a Windows SID must map to a UID or GID number inside this range. Ignores external credentials outside this range. |
-| **SSSD Compat** | Select to generate Idmap low range based on same algorithm that SSSD uses by default. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **SAVE** to save settings and return to the **Idmap** screen.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit without saving and return to the **Idmap** screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/KerberosScreens.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/KerberosScreens.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c31ae06213..0000000000
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-title: "Kerberos Screens"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/directoryservices/kerberosscreens/"
-description: "Use the Kerberos screen to configure to configure Kerberos realms and keytabs on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 40
-- kerberos
-Kerberos is an authentication protocol. It allows nodes on a network to perform identity checks in a secure manner.
-Kerberos uses realms and keytabs to authenticate clients and servers.
-Go to **Directory Services > Kerberos** to configure Kerberos. These screens configure Kerberos realms and keytabs on your TrueNAS.
-![KerberosRealmsScreen](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/KerberosRealmsScreen.png "Kerberos Realms Screen")
-Both **Kerberos Realms** and **Kerberos Keytabs** display a table of what is currently on the system.
-Click the blue **Columns** button to display a list of options. These options customize the table display. This button is available for both the realms and keytabs screens.
-Click **ADD** to display the settings screens for either realms or keytabs.
-Select **Kerberos Settings** to open the settings screen but no table.
-## Kerberos Realms
-Your network must contain a Key Distribution Center (KDC) to add a realm.
-A Kerberos realm is an authorized domain that a Kerberos server can use to authenticate a client.
-By default, TrueNAS creates a Kerberos realm for the local system.
-Click **ADD** to create a realm on the TrueNAS. Click **SUBMIT** to save changes.
-![KerberosRealmAdvancedOptions](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/KerberosRealmAdvancedOptions.png "Kerberos Realm Add Screen")
-**Basic Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Realm** | Enter a name for the realm. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Advanced Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **KDC** | Enter the name of the Key Distribution Center. If there is more than one value separate the values by pressing Enter. |
-| **Admin Server** | Define the server that performs all changes to the database. If there is more than one value separate the values by pressing Enter. |
-| **Password Server** | Define the server that performs all password changes. If there is more than one value separate the values by pressing Enter. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Kerberos Keytabs
-A [keytab (key table)](https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-devel/doc/basic/keytab_def.html) is a file that stores encryption keys for various authentication scenarios.
-Kerberos keytabs allow systems and clients to join an Active Directory or LDAP. Keytabs make it possible to join without entering a password.
-After generating the keytab, use the **Add Kerberos Keytab** screen to add it to your TrueNAS.
-![KerberosKeytabAddScreen](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/KerberosKeytabAddScreen.png "Kerberos Keytab Add Screen")
-**Kerberos Keytab**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Name** | Enter a name for the keytab. |
-| **Choose File** | Opens a file explorer window where you can locate and select the keytab file. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **SUBMIT** to save settings or **CANCEL** to exit without saving.
-## Kerberos Settings
-Use the **Directory Services > Kerberos Settings** screen to enter any extra settings.
-![KerberosSettingsScreen](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/KerberosSettingsScreen.png "Kerberos Settings")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Appdefaults Auxiliary Parameters** | Define any extra settings for use by some Kerberos applications. [[appdefaults] section of krb.conf(5)](https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-1.12/doc/admin/conf_files/krb5_conf.html#appdefaults) lists the available settings and syntax. |
-| **Libdefaults Auxiliary Parameters** | Define any settings used by the Kerberos library. [[libdefaults] section of krb.conf(5)](https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-1.12/doc/admin/conf_files/krb5_conf.html#libdefaults) lists the available settings and their syntax. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/LDAPScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/LDAPScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a41a7bcded..0000000000
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-title: "LDAP Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/directoryservices/ldapscreen/"
-description: "Use the LDAP screen to configure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server settings on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-- ldap
-- idmap
-Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an industry standard. Directory information services deployed over an Internet Protocol (IP) network can use LDAP. Configure LDAP server settings on your TrueNAS using the **Directory Services > LDAP** screen.
-![DirectoryServicesLDAPScreen](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/DirectoryServicesLDAPScreen.png "Directory Services LDAP Screen")
-Click **SAVE** to save settings.
-Click **ADVANCED OPTIONS** to display extra **LDAP** configuration options.
-Click **REBUILD DIRECTORY SERVICE CACHE** to resync the cache if it becomes out of sync. Or if fewer users than expected are available in the permissions editors.
-## Basic Options
-![LDAPBasicOptions](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/LDAPBasicOptions.png "LDAP Basic Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Hostname** | Enter the LDAP server host names or IP addresses. Separate entries with an empty space. To create an LDAP failover priority list, enter more than one host name or IP address. If a host does not respond, the system tries the next host on the list. This continues until the new connection succeeds. |
-| **Base DN** | Top level of the LDAP directory tree to use when searching for resources. For example, *dc=test,dc=org*. |
-| **Bind DN** | Enter an administrative account name on the LDAP server. For example, *cn=Manager,dc=test,dc=org*. |
-| **Bind Password** | Enter the password for the administrative account in **Bind DN**. |
-| **Enable** | Select to activate the configuration. Leave checkbox clear to disable the configuration without deleting it. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Advanced Options
-![LDAPAdvancedOptions](/images/CORE/DirectoryServices/LDAPAdvancedOptions.png "LDAP Advanced Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Allow Anonymous Binding** | Select to disable authentication and allow read and write access to any client. |
-| **Kerberos Realm** | Select an option configured on your system from the dropdown list. |
-| **Kerberos Principle** |Select an option configured on your system from the dropdown list. |
-| **Encryption Mode** | Select an encryption mode for the LDAP connection from the dropdown list. Select **OFF** to not encrypt the LDAP connection. Select **ON** to encrypt the LDAP connection with SSL on port **636**. Select **START_TLS** to encrypt the LDAP connection with STARTTLS. This option uses the default LDAP port **389**. |
-| **Certificate** | A certificate is not required when using a username and password. A certificate is not required when using Kerberos authentication. Select a certificate added to your system from the dropdown list. The default option is **freenas_default**. Or add a new LDAP certificate-based authentication for the LDAP provider to sign. See [Certificate Signing Requests]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/SystemConfiguration/CreatingCAsandCertificates/CreatingCertificates.md" >}}) for more information. |
-| **Validate Certificates** | Select to validate the authenticity of the certificate. |
-| **Disable LDAP User/Group Cache** | Select to disable caching LDAP users and groups in large LDAP environments. When disabled, LDAP users and groups do not display on dropdown lists. They are still accepted when typed into fields. |
-| **LDAP timeout** | Default value is **10** seconds. Increase if Kerberos ticket queries are not responding within the default time. |
-| **DNS timout** | Default value is **10** seconds. Increase if DNS queries take too long to respond. |
-| **Samba Schema (DEPRECATED - see help text)** | Select if SMB shares need LDAP authentication and the LDAP server is already configured with Samba attributes. If selected, specify the type of schema from the **Schema** dropdown list. |
-| **Auxiliary Parameters** | Enter for [nslcd.conf](https://arthurdejong.org/nss-pam-ldapd/nslcd.conf.5). |
-| **Schema** | Select the LDAP NSS schema from the dropdown list. Options are **RFC2307** or **RFC2307BIS**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Support for LDAP **Samba Schema** is deprecated in TrueNAS 13.0 or later.
-Users with LDAP and SMB shares configured should begin to migrate legacy Samba domains to Active Directory.
-{{< /hint >}}
-Click **SAVE** to save settings and return to the **LDAP** screen.
-Click **BASIC OPTIONS** to return to the **LDAP** display of basic options only.
-Click **EDIT IDMAP** to navigate to the **Directory Services > Idmap** screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/NISScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/NISScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 40bda33c58..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-title: "NIS Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/directoryservices/nisscreen/"
-description: "Use the NIS screen to configure Network Information System (NIS) on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 30
-- nis
-NIS is a client–server directory service protocol. Usage scenarios include the distribution of user and host names between networked computers.
-Use the **Directory Services > NIS** screen to configure [Network Information Service](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/practical-unix-and/0596003234/ch14s01.html) on your TrueNAS.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-NIS is limited in scalability and security.
-For modern networks, [LDAP]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/LDAPScreen.md" >}}) has replaced NIS.
-{{< /hint >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **NIS Domain** | Enter a name and list any NIS domain host names or IP addresses. Press Enter to separate server entries. |
-| **NIS Servers** |Enter a name and list any NIS server host names or IP addresses. Press Enter to separate server entries. |
-| **Secure Mode** | Select to have [ypbind(8)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ypbind) refuse to bind to any NIS server not running as *root* on a TCP port over **1024**. |
-| **Manycast** | Select for `ypbind` to bind to the fastest responding server. |
-| **Enable** | Select to enable the configuration. Leave checkbox clear to disable the configuration without deleting it. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **SAVE** to save configuration settings.
-Click **REBUILD DIRECTORY SERVICE CACHE** to resync the cache if it becomes out of sync. Or if fewer users than expected are available in the permissions editors.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/DirectoryServices/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 371f946ecc..0000000000
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-title: "Directory Services"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/directoryservices/"
-description: "Reference documentation of the Directory Services screens."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 100
-related: false
-## Directory Services Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/JailsScreens.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/JailsScreens.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 17aed60c0a..0000000000
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-title: "Jails Screens"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/jailspluginsvms/jails/jailsscreens/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Jails screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- jails
-{{< hint type=important title="Unsupported Feature" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/COREFeatureSupport.md" >}}
-{{< /hint >}}
-The Jails screen displays a list of jails installed on your system. Use to add, edit or delete jails.
-![JailsScreen](/images/CORE/Jails/JailsScreen.png "Jails Screen")
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display options to change the information displayed in the list of tables. Options are **Select All**, **JID**, **Boot**, **State**, **Release**, **IPv4**, **IPv6**, **Type**, **Template**, **Basejail** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Use the settings icon to set the pool to use for jail storage.
-Use **ADD** to display the first configuration **Wizard** screen and to access the **ADVANCED JAIL CREATION** button to display advanced jail configuration screens.
-## Individual Jail Screen
-Click the chevron_right icon to display the individual jail screen, the primary settings and additional action options for that jail.
-Click the expand_more icon to collapse the individual jail screen.
-![Jails Options](/images/CORE/Jails/JailsOptions.png "Jails Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **EDIT** | Used to modify the settings described in **Advanced Jail Creation** below. You cannot edit a jail while it is running. You can only view read only settings until you stop the jail operation. |
-| **MOUNT POINTS** | Select an existing mount point to edit. Either click **EDIT** or **ACTIONS > Add Mount Point** to create a mount point for the jail. A mount point gives a jail access to storage located elsewhere on the system. You must stop a jail before adding, editing, or deleting a mount point. |
-| **RESTART** | Stops and immediately starts a jail that is running or **up**. |
-| **START** | Starts a jail that has a current **STATE** of **down**. |
-| **STOP** | Stops a jail in the current **STATE** of **up**. |
-| **UPDATE** | Runs [freebsd-update](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=freebsd-update) to update the jail to the latest patch level of the installed FreeBSD release. |
-| **SHELL** | Displays the **Shell** screen with access to a root command prompt where you can interact with a jail directly from the command line. Type `exit` to leave the command prompt or click **Jails** on the breadcrumb at the top of the screen to return to the **Jails** screen. |
-| **DELETE** | Deletes the selected jail. Caution: deleting the jail also deletes all of the jail contents and all associated snapshots. Back up the jail data, configuration, and programs first. There is no way to recover the contents of a jail after deleting it! |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< hint type=note >}}
-Action options change based on the jail state. For example, a stopped jail does not have a **STOP** or **SHELL** option.
-{{< /hint >}}
-## Jail Creation Options
-TrueNAS has two options to create a jail, the **Wizard** or the **Advanced Jail Creation** option at the bottom of the **Wizard** screen.
-The Jail **Wizard** makes it easy to create a jail.
-**ADVANCED JAIL CREATION** opens the advanced configuration screen with all possible jail configuration settings.
-We recommend that only advanced users with specific requirements for a jail use this form.
-{{< expand "Jail Wizard" "v" >}}
-Use the jail-creation **Wizard** to add a new jail by following and completing required fields in a pre-determined order.
-The wizard is the simplest process to create and configure a new jail.
-Click **ADD** to display the first of three **Wizard** configuration screens.
-### Name Jail and Choose FreeBSD Release Screen
-This screen includes the jail name, type, and release settings.
-![JailsWizardNameJailChooseFreeBSDRelease](/images/CORE/Jails/JailsWizardNameJailChooseFreeBSDRelease.png "Jails Wizard NameJail Choose FreeBSD Release")
-{{< expand "Name Jail and Choose FreeBSD Release Settings" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Name** | Required. Enter a name using letters, numbers, or the period (.), dash (-), or underscore (_) special characters. You can rename a jail after creating and saving it. |
-| **Jail Type** | Select an option from the dropdown list. Options are **Default (Clone Jail)** or **Basejail**. Use **Default (Clone Jail)** to clone jails that are clones of the value specified in **Release**. These are linked to that release, even if they are upgraded. Use **Basejails** to mount the specified release directories as nullfs mounts over the jail directories. Basejails are not linked to the original release when upgraded. Versions of FreeBSD are downloaded the first time they are used in a jail. Additional jails created with the same version of FreeBSD are created faster because the download is already complete. |
-| **Release** | Select the FreeBSD release to use as the jail operating system option from the dropdown list. Options are **12.4-RELEASE** or **13.2-RELEASE**. Jails can run FreeBSD versions up to the same version as the host system. Newer releases are not shown. |
-| **Advanced Jail Creation** | Opens the **Advanced Jail Creation** screens. This form is only recommended for advanced users with very specific requirements for a jail. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-### Configure Networking Screen
-This screen includes DHCP, NAT or VNET, IPV4 IP or IPv6 interface, address, and netmask, and default router, and the IPv6 prefix.
-![JailsWizardConfigureNetworking](/images/CORE/Jails/JailsWizardConfigureNetworking.png "Jails Wizard Configure Networking")
-{{< expand "Configure Networking Settings" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **DHCP Autoconfigure IPv4** | Select to auto-configure jail networking with the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Select **VNET** and **Berkeley Packet Filter** with this option. |
-| **NAT** | Network Address Translation (NAT) to transform local network IP addresses into a single IP address. Select when the jail shares a single connection to the Internet with other systems on the network. |
-| **VNET** | Select to use [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) to emulate network devices for the jail. A fully virtualized per-jail network stack is installed. |
-| **vnet_default_interface** | Select the default VNET interface from options on the dropdown list. Options are **none**, **auto**, or specific interfaces on your system. Only takes effect when **VNET** is selected. Choose a specific interface or set to **auto** to use the interface that has the default route. Choose **none** to not set a default VNET interface. |
-| **IPv4 Interface** | Select the IPv4 interface for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv4 Address** | Enter the IPv4 address for [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) and shared IP jails. |
-| **IPv4 Netmask** | Select the IPv4 netmask for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv4 Default Router** | Enter a valid IPv4 address to use as the default route. Enter **none** to configure the jail with no IPv4 default route. A jail without a default route is not be able to access any networks. |
-| **AutoConfigure IPv6** | Select to use Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC) to auto-configure IPv6 in the jail. |
-| **IPv6 Interface** | Select the IPv6 interface for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv6 Address** | Enter the IPv6 address for [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) and shared IP jails. |
-| **IPv6 Prefix** | Select the IPv6 prefix for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv6 Default Router** | Enter a valid IPv6 address to use as the default route. Enter **none** to configure the jail without an IPv6 default route. A jail without a default route is not able to access any networks. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-### Confirm Options Screen
-This screen shows a summary of the jail settings entered or selected on the **Wizard** screens.
-![JailsWizardConfirmOptions](/images/CORE/Jails/JailsWizardConfirmOptions.png "Jails Wizard Confirm Options")
-### Wizard Navigation
-**Next** advances to the next screen.
-**Back** returns to the previous screen.
-**SUBMIT** saves all settings and creates the Jail.
-**Cancel** closes the current screen and exits the configuration process without saving.
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Advanced Jail Creation" "v" >}}
-The **Advanced Jail Creation** screen has four expandable configuration areas:
-* [Basic Properties](#basic-properties)
-* [Jail Properties](#jail-properties)
-* [Network Properties](#network-properties)
-* [Custom Properties](#custom-properties)
-Click the expand_more icon to collapse any area of configuration settings.
-Use **Next** to advance to the next configuration settings section, or click the expand_less icon to expand a configuration settings area.
-#### Basic Properties
-The **Basic Properties** area includes the jail name, type, FreeBSD release, and network settings.
-![AdvancedJailCreationBasicProperties](/images/CORE/Jails/AdvancedJailCreationBasicProperties.png "Advanced Jail Creation Jail Basic Properties")
-{{< expand "Jail Basic Properties Settings" "v" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/JailsBasicPropertiesFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-#### Jail Properties
-The **Jail Properties** area includes the jail ruleset to follow, commands to run in the system or jail environment, jail user, allow or deny SYSV IPC message, shared memory primitives, or semaphore primitives, VNET interfaces, and other jail settings.
-![AdvancedJailCreationJailProperties](/images/CORE/Jails/AdvancedJailCreationJailProperties.png "Advanced Jail Creation Jail Properties")
-{{< expand "Jail Properties Settings" "v" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/JailsPropertiesFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-#### Network Properties
-The **Network Properties** area includes the assigned interface(s), host name, domain name, resolver, rounding table to use, and IP address type (v4 or v6), mac prefix, and NAT interface and port forwarding settings.
-![AdvancedJailCreationNetworkProperties](/images/CORE/Jails/AdvancedJailCreationNetworkProperties.png "Advanced Jail Creation Network Properties")
-{{< expand "Network Properties Settings" "v" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/JailNetworkPropertiesFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-#### Custom Properties
-The **Custom Properties** area includes the priority for the jail at boot time, jail host ID, setting this jail as a template, system host time to synchronize time between the jail and host, enabling ZFS jailing inside the jail, defining the dataset to be jailed and to be fully handed over to a jail, entering a mount point for the **jail_zfs_dataset**, tun settings, and other local host, IP host name, and IPV6 autoconfigure settings.
-![AdvancedJailCreationCustomProperties](/images/CORE/Jails/AdvancedJailCreationCustomProperties.png "Advanced Jail Creation Custom Properties")
-{{< expand "Custom Properties Settings" "v" >}}
-{{< include file="archive/JailsCustomPropertiesFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/PluginsScreens.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/PluginsScreens.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e334f0cc5d..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/PluginsScreens.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-title: "Plugins Screens"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/jailspluginsvms/plugins/pluginsscreens/"
-description: "Describes how to install and maintain 3rd party applications on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-- apps
-- plugins
-{{< hint type=important title="Unsupported Feature" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/COREFeatureSupport.md" >}}
-{{< /hint >}}
-Use the **Plugins** screen to install and maintain 3rd party applications on your TrueNAS storage systems.
-![PluginsScreen](/images/CORE/Plugins/PluginsScreen.png "Plugins Screen")
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display options to change the information displayed in the lis to of tables. Options are **Select All**, **Status**, **Admin Portals**, **IPv4 Address**, **IPv6 Address**, **Version**, **Plugin**, **Release**, **Boot**, **Collection** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Use the settings icon to set the pool to use for **Plugin and Jail Manager** storage.
-Use **Browse a Collection** to select 3rd party applications from either the **iXsystems** or **Community** libraries.
-Use **REFRESH INDEX** to update the index of applications.
-Use **INSTALL** to display the **Plugins Add** configuration screen and to access the **ADVANCED PLUGIN INSTALLATION** button to display advanced Plugin and jail configuration screens.
-## Individual Plugin Screen
-Click the chevron_right icon to display the individual plugin screen with the IP address and name for the plugin, the release and version and Github location for the collection. It includes additional action options for that plugin.
-Click the expand_more icon to collaspe the individual plugin screen.
-![PluginDetailScreen](/images/CORE/Plugins/PluginDetailScreen.png "Plugin Detail Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Manage** | Displays the **System Overview** screen for that application. For example, the **netdatajail** system overview with CPU and load graphics and options to view other information about this application. |
-| **MOUNT POINTS** | Displays the **Jails Mount Points of *nameofpluginjail*** screen. Click **ACTIONS** and select either **Add** to create a mount point for the jail used by the plugin, or **Go Back to Jails** to open the **Jails** screen. A mount point gives a jail access to storage located elsewhere on the system. You must stop a jail before adding, editing, or deleting a mount point. See Additional Storage for more details. |
-| **RESTART** | Starts a stopped plugin. |
-| **STOP** | Stops a plugin and the associated jail. |
-| **UPDATE** | Displays the **Update plugin** dialog where you can select the option to **Update jail as well**. Select **Confirm** to activate the **UPDATE** button. |
-| **Uninstall** | Displays a verification dialog for the plugin and related jail. Type the name displayed in the dialog and select **Confirm** to activate the **DELETE** button. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Plugin Add Screen
-Use the **Add** screen to install the plugin highlighted on the **Plugins** screen for a simple basic install of a third party application.
-Use the **ADVANCED PLUGIN INSTALLATION** button to open the advanced configuration screens with all possible configuration settings for the plugin and related jail.
-This form is recommended only for advanced users with very specific requirements for a jail.
-![PluginsAddScreen](/images/CORE/Plugins/PluginsAddScreen.png "Plugins Add Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Plugin Name** | Displays the name of the plugin highliged on the **Plugin** screen. |
-| **Jail Name** | Required field. Enter a name that can include letters, numbers, periods (.), dashes (-), and underscores (_). |
-| **DHCP** | Select to allow DHCP to configure networking for the jail. |
-| **NAT** | Network Address Translation (NAT) to transform local network IP addresses into a single IP address. Select when the jail shares a single connection to the Internet with other systems on the network. |
-| **IPv4 Interface** | Select the IPv4 interface for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv4 Address** | Enter the IPv4 address for [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) and shared IP jails. |
-| **IPv4 Netmask** | Select the IPv4 netmask for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv6 Interface** | Select the IPv6 interface for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv6 Address** | Enter the IPv6 address for [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) and shared IP jails. |
-| **IPv6 Prefix** | Select the IPv6 prefix for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **Advanced Plugin Installation** | Opens the advanced configuration screens. This form is recommended only for advanced users with very specific requirements for a jail. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Advanced Plugin Installation
-The **Advanced Plugin Installation** screens include four expandable configuration areas:
-* Basic Properties
-* Jail Properties
-* Network Properties
-* Custom Properties
-Click the expand_more icon to collaspe any area of configuration settings.
-Use **Next** to advance to the next configuration settings section, or click the expand_less icon to expand the configuration settings area.
-{{< expand "Jail Basic Properties Screen" "v" >}}
-![PluginsAdvancedAddBasicProperties](/images/CORE/Plugins/PluginsAdvancedAddBasicProperties.png "Plugins Advanced Add Basic Properties")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Plugins Name** | Displays the name of the plugin highlighed on the **Plugins** screen. This field is not editable. |
-| **Name** | Required field. Enter a name that can include letters, numbers, periods (.), dashes (-), and underscores (_). |
-| **DHCP Autoconfigure IPv4** | Select to auto-configure jail networking with the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Also select **VNET** and **Berkeley Packet Filter** with this selected option. |
-| **NAT** | Network Address Translation (NAT) to transform local network IP addresses into a single IP address. Select when the jail shares a single connection to the Internet with other systems on the network. |
-| **VNET** | Select to use [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) to emulate network devices for the jail. A fully virtualized per-jail network stack is installed. |
-| **Berkeley Packet Filter** | Select to use the [Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF(4))](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=bpf) to data-link layers in a protocol independent fashion. |
-| **vnet_default_interface** | Select the default VNET interface from options on the dropdown list. Options are **none**, **auto**, or specific interfaces on your system. Only takes effect when **VNET** is selected. Choose a specific interface or set to **auto** to use the interface that has the default route. Choose **none** to not set a default VNET interface. |
-| **IPv4 Interface** | Select the IPv4 interface for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv4 Address** | Enter the IPv4 address for [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) and shared IP jails. |
-| **IPv4 Netmask** | Select the IPv4 netmask for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv4 Default Router** | Enter a valid IPv4 address to use as the default route. Enter **none** to configure the jail with no IPv4 default route. A jail without a default route is not be able to access any networks. |
-| **AutoConfigure IPv6** | Select to use Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC) to autoconfigure IPv6 in the jail. |
-| **IPv6 Interface** | Select the IPv6 interface for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv6 Address** | Enter the IPv6 address for [VNET(9)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=vnet) and shared IP jails. |
-| **IPv6 Netmask** | Select the IPv6 prefix for the jail from the dropdown list. |
-| **IPv6 Default Router** | Enter a valid IPv6 address to use as the default route. Enter **none** to configure the jail without an IPv6 default route. A jail without a default route is not be able to access any networks. |
-| **Auto Start** | Select to auto-start the jail at system boot time. Jails are started and stopped based on iocage priority. Set in the **Custom Properties priority** field. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Jail Properties Screen" "v" >}}
-![PluginsAdvancedAddJailProperties](/images/CORE/Plugins/PluginsAdvancedAddJailProperties.png "Plugins Advanced Add Jail Properties")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/JailsPropertiesFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Network Properties Screen" "v" >}}
-![PluginsAdvancedAddNetworkProperties](/images/CORE/Plugins/PluginsAdvancedAddNetworkProperties.png "Plugins Advanced Add Network Properties")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/JailNetworkPropertiesFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Custom Properties Screen" "v" >}}
-![PluginsAdvancedAddCustomProperties](/images/CORE/Plugins/PluginsAdvancedAddCustomProperties.png "Plugins Advanced Add Custom Properties")
-{{< include file="archive/JailsCustomPropertiesFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/VirtualMachines.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/VirtualMachines.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e41fc1f2c..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/VirtualMachines.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-title: "Virtual Machines"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/jailspluginsvms/virtualmachines/virtualmachines/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Virtual Machines screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- vm
-- plugins
-{{< hint type=important title="Unsupported Feature" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/COREFeatureSupport.md" >}}
-{{< /hint >}}
-The Virtual Machines screen displays a list of virtual machines (VM) configured on your system.
-![VirtualMachinesScreen](/images/CORE/VirtualMachines/VirtualMachinesScreen.png "Virtual Machines")
-Use the blue **COLUMNS** button to display a list of options to customize the list view. Options are **Select All**, **Autostart**, **Virtual CPUs**, **Cores**, **Threads**, **Memory Size**, **Boot Loader Type**, **System Clock**, **VNC Port**, **Com Port**, **Description**, **Shutdown Timeout** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Use **ADD** to display the Virtual Machines configuration Wizard.
-The **State** toggle indicates the current state of the VM. Hover over the toggle with your mouse to see the state as **STOPPED** or **RUNNING**. The toggle turns blue when it is running.
-Select the **Autostart** checkbox to set the VM to start automatically after a system reboot, or clear the checkbox to require manually starting the VM after a system reboot.
-## Virtual Machine Wizard
-The **Wizard** consists of six individual configuration screens.
-**Confirmation Options** displays the summary of settings. You can use **BACK** to return to previous screens to make changes or use **SUBMIT** to save settings and create the virtual machine.
-To make changes after saving the VM, select the VM on the list, expand it, and select **EDIT**.
-### VM Wizard Navigation
-You cannot advance to the next screen if the current screen has required fields.
-After entering all required information you can advance to the next screen.
-Use **Next** to advance to the next wizard configuration form.
-Use **Back** to return to a previous wizard configuration form.
-Use **Cancel** to exit the configuration wizard.
-The blue edit icons preceding each **Wizard** screen name, at the top of the screen, allow you to jump to the screen you selected but only if you have populated all required fields on the current screen and any screen that follows in the sequence of screens.
-If you select a screen that follows a **Wizard** screen that has required fields and you have not provided the information those required fields wants, the screen you selected does not display.
-You must enter all required fields before you can freely move around in the Wizard screens.
-{{< expand "Operating System Settings" "v" >}}
-![VMAddOperatingSystemScreen](/images/CORE/VirtualMachines/VMAddOperatingSystemScreen.png "VM Add: OS")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Guest Operating System** | Required field. Select the VM operating system type from the dropdown list three operating systems listed **Windows**, **Linux** or **FreeBSD**. |
-| **Name** | Enter an alphanumeric name for the virtual machine. |
-| **Description** | (optional) Enter a description for the OS. |
-| **System Clock** | Required field. Specifies the VM system time. Select from the dropdown list options **Local** or **UTC**. Default is **Local**. |
-| **Boot Method** | Select from the dropdown list options **UEFI**, **UEFI-CSM** or **Grub**. Select **UEFI** for newer operating systems or **UEFI-CSM (Compatibility Support Mode)** for older operating systems that only support BIOS booting. Grub is not recommended but can be used when the other options do not work. |
-| **Shutdown Timeout** | The time in seconds the system waits for the VM to cleanly shut down. During system shutdown, the system initiates power-off for the VM after the shutdown timeout expires. |
-| **Start on Boot** | Select to start this VM when the system boots. |
-| **Enable VNC** | Select to enable a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) remote connection. Requires UEFI booting. |
-| **Delay VM Boot Until VNC Connects** | Select to wait to start VM until VNC client connects. |
-| **Bind** | Required field. Select from the dropdown list options ****, **::**, **::1** or the system IP addresses provided on the list. VNC network interface IP address. The primary interface IP address is the default. A different interface IP address can be chosen. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "CPU and Memory Settings" "v" >}}
-![VMAddCPUandMemoryScreen](/images/CORE/VirtualMachines/VMAddCPUandMemoryScreen.png "VM Add: CPU and Memory")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Virtual CPUs** | Number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the virtual machine. The maximum is 16, or fewer if the host CPU limits the maximum. The VM operating system might also have operational or licensing restrictions on the number of CPUs. |
-| **Cores** | Specify the number of cores per virtual CPU socket. The product of vCPUs, cores, and threads must not exceed 16. |
-| **Threads** | Specify the number of threads per core. The product of vCPUs, cores, and threads must not exceed 16. |
-| **Memory Size** | Allocate RAM for the VM. Minimum value is 256 MiB. This field accepts human-readable input (Ex. 50 GiB, 500M, 2 TB). If units are not specified, the value defaults to bytes. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Disk Settings" "v" >}}
-![VMAddDisksScreen](/images/CORE/VirtualMachines/VMAddDisksScreen.png "VM Add: Disks")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Create new disk image** | Select to create a new zvol on an existing dataset. This is used as a virtual hard drive for the VM. Select Use existing disk image to use an existing zvol or file for the VM. |
-| **Select Disk Type** | Select desired disk type from the dropdown list options **AHIC** or **VirtIO**. |
-| **Zvol Location** | Rerquired field. Select a dataset for the new zvol. |
-| **Size** | Allocate space for the new zvol. (Examples: 500 KiB, 500M, 2 TB) MiB. Units smaller than MiB are not allowed. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Network Interface Settings" "v" >}}
-![VMAddNetworkInterfaceScreen](/images/CORE/VirtualMachines/VMAddNetworkInterfaceScreen.png "VM Add: Network Interface")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Adapter Type** | Required field. Select an adapter from the dropdown list. **Intel e82545 (e1000)** emulates the same Intel Ethernet card. This provides compatibility with most operating systems. **VirtIO** provides better performance when the operating system installed in the VM supports VirtIO paravirtualized network drivers. |
-| **Mac Address** | Enter the desired address into the field to override the randomized MAC address. |
-| **Attach NIC** | Required field. Select the physical interface to associate with the VM from the dropdown list options. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Installation Media Settings" "v" >}}
-![VMAddInstallationMediaScreen](/images/CORE/VirtualMachines/VMAddInstallationMediaScreen.png "VM Add: Installation Media")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Choose Installation Media Image** | Browse to the operating system installer image file. |
-| **Upload an Installer Image File** | Set to display image upload options. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-## Individual Virtual Machine Screen
-The individual virtual machine screens display the VM settings and provide optional operation buttons for that VM.
-Click the icon to expand that virtual machine and access current settings and operation actions.
-![VMScreenExpanded](/images/CORE/VirtualMachines/VMScreenExpanded.png "Virtual Machine Screen")
-The following operations are available on each VM screen:
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Operation | Icon | Description |
-| **RESTART** | replay | Retarts the VM. |
-| **POWER OFF** | power_settings_new | Powers off and halts the VM, similar to turning off a computer power switch. |
-| **STOP** | stop | Stops a running VM. Because a virtual machine does not always respond well to **STOP** use the option to force the stop when prompted. |
-| **START** | | Starts a VM. The toggle turns blue when the VM switches to running. |
-| **EDIT** | mode_edit | Displays the **Virtual Machines > Edit** screen. You cannot edit a VM while it is running. You must first stop the VM and then you can edit the properties and settings. |
-| **DELETE** | delete | Deletes a VM. You cannot delete a virtual machine that is running. You must first stop the VM and then you can delete it. |
-| **DEVICES** | device_hub | Displays the list of devices for this virtual machine. |
-| **CLONE** | | Makes an exact copy or *clone* of the VM that you can select and edit. A **Name** dialog displays where you can enter a name for the cloned VM. Naming the clone VM is optional. The cloned VM displays on the virtual machines list with the extension **_clone0**. If you clone the same VM again the extension for the second clone is **clone1**. |
-| **VNC** | settings_ethernet | Opens a **noVNC** window that allows you to connect to a VNC client. |
-| **SERIAL** | keyboard_arrow_right | Opens the shell. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< hint type=note >}}
-The **STOP** button and the system **State** toggle both try to send an ACPI power-down command to the VM operating system. Sometimes the commands time out, so it is better to use the **POWER OFF** button instead.
-{{< /hint >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb1fadcf4..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/JailsPluginsVMs/_index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-title: "Jails, Plugins and Virtual Machines"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/jailspluginsvms/"
-description: "Reference documentation for the Jails, Plugins, and Virtual Machines screens."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 130
-related: false
-{{< hint type=important title="Unsupported Feature" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/COREFeatureSupport.md" >}}
-{{< /hint >}}
-This section describes the various screens and options available for deploying resource-minimal FreeBSD jails or fully virtualized operating systems.
-## Jails, Plugins, and Virtual Machine Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/GlobalConfigScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/GlobalConfigScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 62df946591..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/GlobalConfigScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-title: "Global Configuration Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/network/globalconfigscreen/"
-description: "Describes how to use the Global Configuration screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-aliases: /core/network/globalconfig/
-- network
-The **Network > Global Configuration** screen has all the general TrueNAS networking settings that *are not* specific to any [interface]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/Network/InterfacesScreen.md" >}}).
-{{< hint type=warning >}}
-**Disruptive Change**
-Making changes to the network interface the web interface uses can result in losing connection to TrueNAS!
-Fixing any misconfigured network settings might require command line knowledge or physical access to the TrueNAS system.
-{{< /hint >}}
-## Global Configuration Settings
-![NetworkGlobalConfigurationScreen](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkGlobalConfigurationScreen.png "Network Global Configuration Screen")
-Options are organized into several categories.
-{{< expand "Can these options be configured elsewhere?" "v" >}}
-Many of these interface, DNS, and gateway options are also configured in the [Console Setup Menu]({{< relref "CORE/GettingStarted/ConsoleSetupMenu.md" >}}).
-Be sure to check both locations when troubleshooting network connectivity issues.
-{{< /expand >}}
-### Hostname and Domain
-Many of these fields have default values you can change to meet requirements of the local network.
-The **Hostname** and **Domain** field values display on the **Dashboard > System Information** card.
-Some options only display when the appropriate hardware is present.
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Hostname** | Enter the system host name. If an Enterprise system with two controllers, this is the first TrueNAS controller host name. Upper and lower case alphanumeric, (.) and (-) characters are allowed. |
-| **Hostname (TrueNAS Controller 2)** | Enter the host name of second TrueNAS controller (for HA only). Upper and lower case alphanumeric, (.) and (-) characters are allowed. |
-| **Hostname (Virtual)** | Enter the virtual host name. When using a virtual host, this is also used as the Kerberos principal name. Enter the fully qualified host name plus the domain name. Upper and lower case alphanumeric, (.) and (-) characters are allowed. |
-| **Domain** | Enter the system domain name. |
-| **Additional Domains** | Enter additional domains to search. Separate entries by pressing Enter. Adding search domains can cause slow DNS lookups |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Service Announcement
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **NetBIOS-NS** | Select to advertise the SMB service NetBIOS name. Legacy NetBIOS name server. Can be required for legacy SMB1 clients to discover the server. When advertised, the server appears in Network Neighborhood. |
-| **mDNS** | Select to use the system host name (in **Hostname**) to advertise enabled and running services. Multicast DNS. For example, this controls if the server appears under **Network** on MacOS clients.|
-| **WS-Discovery** | Select to use the SMB Service **NetBIOS Name** to advertise the server to WS-Discovery clients. This causes the computer to appear in the **Network Neighborhood** of modern Windows OSes. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### DNS Servers
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting |Description |
-| **Nameserver 1** | Enter the primary DNS server IP address. |
-| **Nameserver 2** | Enter the secondary DNS server IP address. |
-| **Nameserver 3** | Enter the tertiary DNS server IP address. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Default Gateway
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **IPv4 Default Gateway** | Enter the IP address to use instead of the default gateway provided by DHCP for IPv4 service. Typically not set. |
-| **IPv6 Default Gateway** | Enter the IP address to use instead of the default gateway provided by DHCP for IPv6 service. Typically not set. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Other Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **HTTP Proxy** | Enter the proxy information for the network in the format http://*my.proxy.server:3128* or http://*user:password@my*.*proxy.server:3128*. |
-| **Enable Netwait Feature** | Select to prevents network services from starting until the interface can ping the addresses listed in the **Netwait IP list**. |
-| **Netwait IP List** | Select only appears when **Enable Netwait Feature** is set. Enter a list of IP addresses to ping. Separate entries by pressing Enter. Each address is tried until one is successful or the list is exhausted. Leave empty to use the default gateway. |
-| **Host Name Database** | Enter the database host name. Used to add one entry per line which is appended to /etc/hosts. Separate entries by pressing Enter. Use the format *IP_address space hostname* where multiple host names can be used if separated by a space. Hosts defined here are still accessible by name even when DNS is not available. See hosts for additional information. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/IPMIScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/IPMIScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a2af038953..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/IPMIScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-title: "IPMI Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/network/ipmiscreen/"
-description: "Describes the fields on the IPMI screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 50
-- ipmi
-- network
-- interfaces
-Use the **Network > IPMI** screen to configure the TrueNAS for an IPMI connection. The IPMI configuration screen provides a shortcut to the most basic IPMI configuration.
-![NetworkIPMIScreen](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkIPMIScreen.png "Network IPMI Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **TrueNAS Controller** | Select a TrueNAS controller from the dropdown list. All IPMI changes are applied to that TrueNAS controller. |
-| **Channel** | Select the communications channel to use from the dropdown list. Available channel numbers vary by hardware. |
-| **Password** | Enter a password for connecting to the IPMI interface from a web browser. The password must include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one digit, and one special character (punctuation, e.g. ! # $ %, etc.). It must also be 8-16 characters long. |
-| **DHCP** | Select to use DHCP to set the IPv4 Address, IPv4 Netmask, and Ipv4 Default Gateway. If checkbox is clear you must manually enter these settings. |
-| **IPv4 Address** | Enter the static IP address of the IPMI web interface. This is the address TrueNAS connects to when you click the **MANAGE** button. |
-| **IPv4 Netmask** | Enter the subnet mask associated with the IP address. |
-| **IPv4 Default Gateway** | Enter the default gateway of the IPv4 connection. This is associated with the IP address. |
-| **VLAN ID** | Enter the VLAN identifier if the IPMI out-of-band management interface is not on the same VLAN as management networking. |
-| **IDENTIFY LIGHT** | Displays a dialog to activate an IPMI identify light on the compatible connected hardware. |
-| **MANAGE** | Connects the TrueNAS to the IPMI web interface login screen. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **SAVE** to save the IPMI settings.
-See [IPMI]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Network/IPMI.md" >}}) for more information.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/InterfacesScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/InterfacesScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 22d7125e18..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/InterfacesScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-title: "Interfaces Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/network/interfacesscreen/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Network Interface screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- network
-- interfaces
-Use the **Network > Interface** Screen to add various network interfaces to your TrueNAS.
-![NetworkInterfacesScreen](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkInterfacesScreen.png "Network Interfaces Screen")
-Use the **COLUMNS** button to display options to modify the information displayed in the **Interfaces** table. Options are **Type**, **Link State**, **DHCP**, **IPv6 Auto Configure**, **IP Addresses**, **Description**, **Active Media Type**, **Active Media Subtype**, **VLAN Tag**, **VLAN Parent Interface**, **Bridge Members**, **LAGG Ports**, **LAGG Protocol**, **MAC Address**, **MTU** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Use **ADD** to display the [**Interface Add**](#interface-add-screen) screen.
-To see the details for any interface click the chevron_right symbol to the right of the interface.
-## Interface Detail Screen
-Each interface has a detailed view with the current interface settings and additional actions available for the interface.
-![NetworkInterfaceDetailsScreen](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkInterfaceDetailsScreen.png "Network Interface Details Screen")
-Use **EDIT** to display the [**Network Interface Edit**](#interface-edit-screen) screen. Several settings are not editable and do not appear on the **Edit** screen.
-Use **RESET CONFIGURATION** to reset the selected interface. Resetting the configuration interrupts network connectivity. The **Reset Configuration** dialog displays. You must select **Confirm** to activate the **RESET CONFIGURATION** button.
-## Interface Add Screen
-The **Interface Add** screen displays additional configuration settings based on the type of interface selected.
-![NetworkInterfaceAddScreen](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkInterfaceAddScreen.png "Network Interface Add Screen")
-**Interface Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Type** | Select the type of interface from the dropdown list. Select **Bridge** to create a logical link between mutliple networks. Select **Link Aggregation** to combine multiple network connections into a single interface. Select **VLAN** for a virtual LAN to partition and isolate a segment of the connection. |
-| **Name** | Enter a name for the interface. Use the format **bridge***X* **lagg***X* or **vlan***X* where *X* is a number representing a non-parent interface. |
-| **Description** |Enter a description for the interface. For example, what it is used for. |
-| **DHCP** | Select to enable DHCP. Leave checkbox clear to crate a static IPv4 or IPv6 configuration. Only one interface can be configured for DCHP. |
-| **Autoconfigure IPv6** | Select to automatically configure the IPv6 address with [rtsol(8)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=rtsol). Only one interface can be configured this way. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Other Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Disable Hardware Offloading** | Select to turn off hardware offloading for network traffice processing. Warning! Disabling hardware offloading can reduce network performance, and is only recommended when the interface is managing jails, plugins or virtual machines. |
-| **MTU** | A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the largest protocol data unti that can be communicated. The largest workable MTU size varies with network interfaces and equipment. 1500 and 9000 are standard Ethernet MTU sizes. Leave blank restores this field to the default value of **1500**. |
-| **Options** | Enter additional parameters from [ifconfig(8)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ifconfig). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Other Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **IP Addresses** | Select an IP address from the dropdown list to define an alias for the interface on this TrueNAS controller. The alias can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
-| **ADD** | Adds a row to configure another IP address. A **DELETE** button displays to allow you to delete the extra IP address. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Bridge Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Bridge Members** | Select network interfaces to include in the bridge from the dropdown list. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Link Aggreation Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Lagg Protocol** | Select the lagg protocol from the dropdown list. This determines the outgoing and incoming traffic ports. **LACP** is the recommended protocol if the network switch is capable of active LACP. **Failover** is the default protocol choice and should be used if the network switch does not support active LACP. See [lagg(4)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=lagg) for more details. |
-| **Lagg Interfaces** | Select the interfaces on your TrueNAS to use in the aggregation from the dropdown list. Warning! Lagg creation fails if any of the selected interfaces have been manually configured. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**VLAN Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Parent Interface** | Select the VLAN parent interface on your TrueNAS from the dropdown list. Usually Ethernet card connected to a switch port configured for the VLAN. New link aggregations are not available until the system is restared. |
-| **Vlan Tag** | Enter the numeric tag configured in the switched network. This is a required field. |
-| **Priority Code Point** | Select the [Class of Service](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4761#section-4.2.7) from the dropdown list. The available 802.1p class of service ranges from **Best effort (default) to **Network control (highest)**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Interface Edit Screen
-The **Interface Edit** screen displays only the editable configuration settings for the inface selected.
-![NetworkInterfacesEditScreen](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkInterfacesEditScreen.png "Network Interfaces Edit Screen")
-**Interface Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Name** | Displays the name for the selected interface. This field cannot be edited. |
-| **Description** |Enter a description for the interface. For example, what it is used for. |
-| **DHCP** | Select to enable DHCP. Leave checkbox clear to crate a static IPv4 or IPv6 configuration. Only one interface can be configured for DCHP. |
-| **Autoconfigure IPv6** | Select to automatically configure the IPv6 address with [rtsol(8)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=rtsol). Only one interface can be configured this way. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Other Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Disable Hardware Offloading** | Select to turn off hardware offloading for network traffic processing. Warning! Disabling hardware offloading can reduce network performance, and is only recommended when the interface is managing jails, plugins, or virtual machines. |
-| **MTU** | A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the largest protocol data unti that can be communicated. The largest workable MTU size varies with network interfaces and equipment. 1500 and 9000 are standard Ethernet MTU sizes. Leave blank restores this field to the default value of **1500**. |
-| **Options** | Enter additional parameters from [ifconfig(8)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ifconfig). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Other Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **IP Addresses** | Select an IP address from the dropdown list to define an alias for the interface on this TrueNAS controller. The alias can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
-| **ADD** | Adds a row to configure another IP address. A **DELETE** button displays to allow you to delete the extra IP address. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **APPLY** to save changes to settings and return to the **Interfaces** screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/NetworkSummaryScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/NetworkSummaryScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cc4c5873b4..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/NetworkSummaryScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-title: "Network Summary Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/network/networksummaryscreen/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Network Summary screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
- - /core/network/networksummary/
- - /core/uireference/network/networksummary/
-- network
-- interfaces
-It is recommended to set up your system connections before setting up data sharing.
-This allows integrating TrueNAS into your specific security and network environment before attempting to store or share critical data.
-## Network Summary
-The Network Summary gives a concise overview of the current network setup.
-Information about the currently active **Interfaces**, **Default Routes**, and **Nameservers** is provided.
-These areas are not editable.
-![**NetworkSummaryScreen**](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkSummaryScreen.png "Network Summary Screen")
-* [**Interfaces**]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/Network/InterfacesScreen.md" >}}) shows any configured physical [bridge]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Network/Interfaces/BridgeCreate.md" >}}), [LAGG]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Network/Interfaces/LAGGCreate.md" >}}), and [vlan]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Network/Interfaces/VLANCreate.md" >}}) interfaces.
-All detected physical interfaces are listed, even when unconfigured.
-The IPv4 or IPv6 address displays when a [static IP]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Network/Interfaces/SettingStaticIP.md" >}}) is saved for an interface.
-* **Default Routes** lists all saved TrueNAS Default Routes.
- Go to **Network > Global Configuration** to configure Default Routes.
-* **Nameservers** lists any configured DNS name servers that TrueNAS uses. To change this list, go to **Network > Global Configuration**.
- The TrueNAS **Hostname and Domain**, **Default Gateway**, and other options are available in **Network > Global Configuration**.
-## Additional Network Configuration Screens
-Define any Static Routes in **Network > [Static Routes]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/Network/StaticRoutesScreen.md" >}})**.
-Out-of-band management is managed from **Network > [IPMI]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Network/IPMI.md" >}})**. This option is visible only when TrueNAS detects the appropriate physical hardware.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/StaticRoutesScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/StaticRoutesScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e9ad69dd2..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/StaticRoutesScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-title: "Static Routes Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/network/staticroutesscreen/"
-description: "Describes the Static Routes screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 40
-- staticroutes
-- network
-- interfaces
-Use the **Network Static Routes** screen to define static routes on your TrueNAS. By default, no static routes are defined on a default TrueNAS system.
-![NetworkStaticRoutesScreen](/images/CORE/Network/NetworkStaticRoutesScreen.png "Network Static Routes Screen")
-Use the blue **Columns** button to display options to change the information displayed in the **Static Routes** table. Options are **Unselect All**, **Gateway**, **Description** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Use **Add** to dispay the **Static Routes Add** screen.
-## Static Route Add Screen
-![StaticRouteAddScreen](/images/CORE/Network/StaticRouteAddScreen.png "Static Route Add Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Destination** | Enter the desination IP using the format *A.B.C.D/E* where *E* is the CIDR mask. |
-| **Gateway** | Enter the IP address of the gateway. |
-| **Description** | Enter any notes or identifiers describing the static route. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-The **SUBMIT** button activates after entering values in the required fields. Use **CANCEL** to exit without saving and retun to the **Static Routes** screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6b62e3fa..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Network/_index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-title: "Network"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/network/"
-description: "Reference documentation of the various Network menu screens."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 80
-related: false
-The TrueNAS CORE **Network** screens control how the system integrates into the overall network environment.
-## Network Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/ReportingGraphs.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/ReportingGraphs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 168c2feba7..0000000000
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@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-title: "Reporting"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/reportinggraphs/"
-description: "Contains information about the graphs displayed on the Reporting screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 135
-Aliases: /core/system/reporting/
-- reporting
-The **Reporting** screen displays graphs of system information for CPU, disk, memory, network, NFS, partition, target, UPS, ZFS and system functions.
-{{< expand "What does TrueNAS use for reporting?" "v" >}}
-TrueNAS uses [Graphite](https://graphiteapp.org/ "Graphite Homepage") for metric gathering and visualizations.
-TrueNAS uses [collectd](https://collectd.org/) to provide reporting statistics.
-{{< /expand >}}
-Reporting data is saved to permit viewing and monitoring usage trends over time.
-This data is preserved across system upgrades and restarts.
-Data files are saved in /var/db/collectd/rrd/.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Because reporting data is frequently written it should not be stored on the boot pool or operating system device.
-{{< /hint >}}
-![ReportingScreenDisplayOptions](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingScreenDisplayOptions.png "Reporting Screen Display Options")
-## Reporting Screen Display Options
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **CPU** | Displays the **CPU Temperature**, **CPU Usage**, and **System Load** graphs. |
-| **Disk** | Displays graphs for each disk in the system. |
-| **Memory** | Displays both the **Physical memory utilization** and **Swap utilization** graphs. |
-| **Network** | Displays an **Interface Traffic** graph for each interface in the system. |
-| **NFS** | Displays the **NFS Stats (Operations)** and **NFS Stats (Byptes)** graphs. |
-| **Partition** | Displays graphs showing disk space allocations. |
-| **System** | Displays both the **Processes** and **Uptime** graphs. |
-| **Target** | Displays graphs only for systems with iSCSI ports configured and shows the bandwidth statistics for iSCSI ports. |
-| **UPS** | Displays the graphs only if the system is configured for and uses a UPS. |
-| **ZFS**| Displays the **ARC Size**, **ARC Hit Ratio**, **ARC Requests demand_data**, **ARC Requests demand_metadata**, **ARC Requests prefetch_data**, and **ARC Requests prefetch_metadata** graphs with the Arc and L2 gigabytes and hits (%), and the hits, misses and total number of requests. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Interacting with Graphs
-Click on and drag a certain range of the graph to expand the information displayed in that selected area in the Graph.
-Click on the icon to zoom in on the graph.
-Click on the icon to zoom out on the graph.
-Click the to move the graph forward.
-Click the to move the graph backward.
-## Graphs
-{{< expand "CPU Graphs" "v" >}}
-[CPU](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:CPU) graphs shows the amount of time spent by the CPU in various states such as executing user code, executing system code, and being idle.
-Graphs of short-, mid-, and long-term load are shown, along with CPU temperature graphs.
-![ReportingCPUTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingCPUTab.png "CPU Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Disk Graphs" "v" >}}
-[Disk](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:Disk)graphs shows read and write statistics on I/O, percent busy, latency, operations per second, pending I/O requests, and disk temperature.
-Use the **Devices** dropdown list to select one or all system disks for which you want to display a graph. Use the **Metrics** dropdown list to select one or all disk measurements to display.
-![ReportingDisksTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingDisksTab.png "Disks Reporting")
-### Disk Metrics Options
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Select All** | Displays all available graphs for any or all disks selected on the **Devices** dropdown list. |
-| **Disk Temperature** | Diplays the minimum, maximum and mean temperature reading for the disk selected. |
-| **Disk Busy** | Displays the percent the selected disk is busy. |
-| **Disk Latency** | Displays the disk latency in time (msec) for read, write and delete operations. |
-| **Disk Operations detailed** | Displays the read, write and delete operations for the selected disk. |
-| **Pending I/O** | Displays then length of pending I/O requests for the selected disk. |
-| **Disk I/O** | Displays the disk read and write I/O stats in bytes/s. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Temperature monitoring for the disk is disabled if **HDD Standby** is enabled. Check the **Storage > Disks** **Edit Disk*** configuration form for any or all disks in the system if you do not see the temperature monitoring graph.
-{{< /hint >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Memory Graphs" "v" >}}
-[Memory](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:Memory) graphs display memory usage and [swap](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:Swap) graphs display the amount of free and used swap space.
-![ReportingMemoryTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingMemoryTab.png "Memory Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Network Graphs" "v" >}}
-[Network](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:Interface) graphs report received and transmitted traffic in megabytes per second for each configured interface.
-![ReportingNetworkTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingNetworkTab.png "Network Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "NFS Graphs" "v" >}}
-[NFS](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:NFS) graphs show information about the number of procedure calls for each procedure and whether the system is a server or client.
-![ReportingNFSTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingNFSTab.png "NFS Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Partition Graphs" "v" >}}
-[Partition](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:DF) graphs displays free, used, and reserved space for each pool and dataset. However, the disk space used by an individual zvol is not displayed as it is a block device.
-![ReportingPartitionTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingPartitionTab.png "Partition Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "System Graphs" "v" >}}
-[System](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:Processes) graphs displays the number of processes. It is grouped by state.
-![ReportingSystemTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingSystemTab.png "System Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Target Graphs" "v" >}}
-![ReportingTargetTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingTargetTab.png "iSCSI Target Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "UPS Graphs" "v" >}}
-[UPS](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:NUT) graphs show statistics about an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) using [Network UPS tools](https://networkupstools.org/). Statistics include voltages, currents, power, frequencies, load, and temperatures.
-![ReportingUPSTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingUPSTab.png "UPS Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "ZFS Graphs" "v" >}}
-[ZFS](https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Plugin:ZFS_ARC) graphs shows compressed physical ARC size, hit ratio, demand data, demand metadata, and prefetch data.
-![ReportingZFSTab](/images/CORE/Reporting/ReportingZFSTab.png "ZFS Reporting")
-{{< /expand >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/AFPScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/AFPScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8f8de8a4..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/AFPScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-title: "AFP Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/afpscreen/"
-description: "Describes the AFP screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- afp
-The Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) is a network protocol that allows file sharing over a network.
-It is like SMB and NFS, but it is for Apple systems.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Apple began using the SMB sharing protocol as the default option for file sharing in 2013. At that time Apple ceased development of the AFP sharing protocol. The recommendation is to use SMB sharing instead of AFP. AFP sharing is still used if files are being shared with legacy Apple products. Please see https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/APFS_Guide/FAQ/FAQ.html
-{{< /hint >}}
-Use the **Services AFP** screen to configure Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) service on your TrueNAS.
-![Services AFP Edit](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesAFPEdit.png "Services AFP Edit")
-Click **SAVE** to save settings.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit without saving and return to the **Services** screen.
-**General Option**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Database Path** | The database information stored in the path. If the pool has read-only status, the path must still be writable. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Guest Account** | Select an account to use for guest access. This account must have permissions to the shared pool or dataset. Any client connecting to the guest service has the privileges of the guest account user. This user must exist in the password file, but does not need a valid login. Root user cannot be the guest account. |
-| **Guest Access** | Select to disable the password prompt that displays before clients access AFP shares. |
-| **Max Connections** | Maximum number of simultaneous connections permitted via AFP. The default limit is **50**. |
-| **Chmod Request** | Indicates how to handle access control lists. Select **Ignore** to disregard requests. Selecting **Ignore** also gives the parent directory ACL inheritance full control over new items. Select **Preserve** to preserve ZFS ACEs for named users and groups or the POSIX ACL group mask. Select **Simple** to configure chmod() as requested without any extra steps. |
-| **Map ACLs** | Maps permissions for authenticated users. Select **Rights** (default, Unix-style permissions), **None**, or **Mode (ACLs)**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Other Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Log Level** | Record AFP service messages up to the specified log level in the system log. The system logs severe and warning level messages by default. |
-| **Bind Interfaces** | Specify the IP addresses to listen for AFP connections. Leave blank to bind to all available IPs. If no IP addresses specified, advertise the first IP address of the system. If no IP addresses specified, listen for any incoming request. |
-| **Global Auxiliary** | Additional [afp.conf(5)](https://netatalk.sourceforge.net/3.0/htmldocs/afp.conf.5.html) parameters. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/DynamicDNSScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/DynamicDNSScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b5376445..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/DynamicDNSScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-title: "Dynamic DNS Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/dynamicdnsscreen/"
-description: "Describes the DDNS screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-aliases: core/services/dynamicdns/
-- ddns
-ISPs often change the IP address of the system. With [Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2136) the current IP address continues to point to a domain name. This provides uninterrupted access to TrueNAS.
-![ServicesDynamicDNSOptions](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesDynamicDNSOptions.png "Dynamic DNS Service Options")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/ServicesDynamicDNSFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-The **SAVE** button activates after you enter your domain name in **Domain Name**. Click to save all settings.
-After configuring your DDNS service, turn the service on using the **Services** screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/FTPScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/FTPScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 615eeca4ea..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/FTPScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-title: "FTP Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/ftpscreen/"
-description: "Describes the FTP screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 30
-- ftp
-File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a communication protocol. It transfers data across a computer network. Configure FTP service settings on TrueNAS using the **FTP** services screen.
-![FTPBasicOption](/images/CORE/Services/FTPBasicOption.png "Services FTP Basic Options")
-After making changes to settings click **SAVE** to confirm and save your changes.
-Click **ADVANCED OPTIONS** to display advanced settings options. Click **BASIC OPTIONS** to return to the basic settings options.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit without saving.
-## General Options Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Port** | Enter the port the FTP service listens on. |
-| **Clients** | Enter the maximum number of simultaneous clients. |
-| **Connections** | Enter the maximum number of connections per IP address. **0** is unlimited. |
-| **Login Attempts** | Enter the greatest number of attempts client permitted before disconnect. Increase if users are prone to misspellings or typos. |
-| **Timeout** | Enter the maximum client idle time in seconds before disconnect. Default value is **600** seconds. |
-| **Certificate** | Select from the dropdown list the SSL certificate to use for TLS FTP connections. Currently listed as **freenas_default**. To create a certificate, go to **System > Certificates**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Advanced Option Settings
-Click **Advanced Options** if you need to customize your FTP service. **Advanced Options** are more detailed than the **Basic Options** settings.
-### Access and TLS Settings
-![FTPAdvancedOptionsAccessTLS](/images/CORE/Services/FTPAdvancedOptionsAccessTLS.png "Services FTP Advanced Options Access and TLS")
-**Access Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Always Chroot** | Select to only allow users access their home directory if they are in the **wheel** group. This option increases security risk. |
-| **Allow Root Login** | Select to allow root logins. Selecting this option increases security risk. Not recommended. |
-| **Allow Anonymous Login** | Select to allow anonymous FTP logins with access to the directory specified in *Path*. |
-| **Allow Local User Login** | By default, only members of the *ftp* group can to log in. Select this checkbox to allow any local user to log in. |
-| **Require IDENT Authentication** | Select to require IDENT authentication. Selecting this option results in timeouts when ident (or in shell `identd`) is not running on the client. |
-| **File Permissions** | Select to define default permissions for newly created files. |
-| **Directory Permissions** | Select to define default permissions for newly created directories. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**TLS Settings**
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Unless necessary, do not allow anonymous or root access.
-For better security, enable TLS when possible.
-This is effectively [FTPS](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4217).
-When FTP is exposed to a WAN, enable TLS.
-{{< /hint >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Enable TLS** | Select to allow encrypted connections. Requires a certificate. To create or import a certificate go to **System > Certificates**. |
-| **TLS Policy** | Select the policy from the dropdown list of options. Options are **On**, **Off**, **Data**, **!Data**, **Auth**, **Ctrl**, **Ctrl + Data**, **Ctrl +!Data**, **Auth + Data** or **Auth +!Data**. Defines whether the control channel, data channel, both channels, or neither channel of an FTP session must occur over SSL/TLS. The policies are described [here](http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/TLS.html). |
-| **TLS Allow Client Renegotiations** | Select to allow client renegotiation. This option is not recommended. Selecting this option breaks several security measures. See [mod_tls](http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_tls.html) for details. |
-| **TLS Allow Dot Login** | If selected, TrueNAS checks the user home directory for a .tlslogin file. This file must contain one or more PEM-encoded certificates. System prompts user for password authentication if file not found. |
-| **TLS Allow Per User** | If selected, allows sending a user password unencrypted. |
-| **TLS Common Name Required** | Select to require the common name in the certificate match the FQDN of the host. |
-| **TLS Enable Diagnostics** | Select to make logs more verbose. Useful in troubleshooting a connection. |
-| **TLS Export Certificate Data** | Select to export the certificate environment variables. |
-| **TLS No Certificate Request** | Select if the client cannot connect due to a problem with the certificate request. Example: the client server is unable to handle the server certificate request. |
-| **TLS No Empty Fragments** | Not recommended. This option bypasses a security mechanism. |
-| **TLS No Session Reuse Required** | This option reduces connection security. Only select if the client does not understand reused SSL sessions. |
-| **TLS Export Standard Vars** | Select to put in place several environment variables. |
-| **TLS DNS Name Required** | Select to require the client DNS name resolve to its IP address, and the cert contain the same DNS name. |
-| **TLS IP Address Required** | Select to require the client certificate IP address match the client IP address. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Bandwidth and Other Settings
-![FTPAdvancedOptionsBandwidthOther](/images/CORE/Services/FTPAdvancedOptionsBandwidthOther.png "Services FTP Advanced Options Bandwidth and Other")
-**Bandwitdth Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Local User Upload Bandwidth: (Examples: 500 KiB, 500M, 2 TB)** | Enter a value. If measurement is not specified it defaults to KiB. This field accepts human-readable input in KiBs or greater (M, GiB, TB, etc.). The unlimited default is **0 KiB**. |
-| **Local User Download Bandwidth** | Enter a value. If measurement is not specified it defaults to KiB. This field accepts human-readable input in KiBs or greater (M, GiB, TB, etc.). The unlimited default is **0 KiB**. |
-| **Anonymous User Upload Bandwidth** | Enter a value. If measurement is not specified it defaults to KiB. This field accepts human-readable input in KiBs or greater (M, GiB, TB, etc.). The unlimited default is **0 KiB**. |
-| **Anonymous User Download Bandwidth** | Enter a value. If measurement is not specified it defaults to KiB. This field accepts human-readable input in KiBs or greater (M, GiB, TB, etc.). The unlimited default is **0 KiB**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Other Options Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Minimum Passive Port** | Used by clients in PASV mode. A default of **0** means any port above 1023. |
-| **Maximum Passive Port** | Used by clients in PASV mode. A default of **0** means any port above 1023. |
-| **Enable FXP** | Select to enable the File eXchange Protocol (FXP). Not recommended as this leaves the server vulnerable to FTP bounce attacks. |
-| **Allow Transfer Resumption** | Select to allow FTP clients to resume interrupted transfers. |
-| **Perform Reverse DNS Lookups** | Select to allow performing reverse DNS lookups on client IPs. Causes long delays if reverse DNS isn't configured. |
-| **Masquerade Address** | Public IP address or host name. Select if FTP clients cannot connect through a NAT device. |
-| **Display Login** | Specify the message displayed to local login users after authentication. This is not displayed to anonymous login users. |
-| **Auxiliary Parameters** | Select to add additional [proftpd(8](https://linux.die.net/man/8/proftpd) parameters. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/LLDPScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/LLDPScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d095452a1..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/LLDPScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-title: "LLDP Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/lldpscreen/"
-description: "Describes the LLDP screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 50
-- network
-Network devices often use Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) to communicate information. This information includes their identities, abilities and peers on a LAN. The LAN is typically wired Ethernet. The TrueNAS **LLDP** services screen configures LLDP on the system.
-![ServicesLLDPOptions](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesLLDPOptions.png "LLDP Service Options")
-**General Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Interface Description** | Select to enable receive mode. Interface description stores any peer information received. |
-| **County Code** | Select the two-letter [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/) code used to enable LLDP location support. The dropdown list is a comprehensive list of two-character country codes. |
-| **Location** | Enter the physical location of the host. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/NFSScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/NFSScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a6fc017eb6..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/NFSScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-title: "NFS Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/nfsscreen/"
-description: "Describes the NFS screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 60
-- nfs
-Network File System (NFS) is an open IETF standard remote file access protocol. Use the **Services NFS** screen to enable NFS services on your TrueNAS.
-![NFSServicesScreen](/images/CORE/Services/NFSServicesScreen.png "Services NFS Add")
-Click **SAVE** to save settings and return to the **Services** screen.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit without saving and return to the **Services** screen.
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Number of servers** | Enter a number to specify how many servers to create. Increase if NFS client responses are slow. Keep this less than or equal to the number of CPUs reported by `sysctl -n kern.smp.cpus` to limit CPU context switching. |
-| **Bind IP Addresses** | Select IP addresses from dropdown list to listen to for NFS requests. Leave empty for NFS to listen to all available addresses. |
-| **Enable NFSv4** | Select checkbox to switch from NFSv3 to NFSv4. |
-| **NFSv3 ownership model for NFSv4** | Select checkbox to provide specific NFSv4 ACL support. This does not require the client and the server to sync users and groups. |
-| **Require Kerberos for NFSv4** | Select checkbox to force NFS shares to fail if the Kerberos ticket is unavailable. |
-| **Serve UDP NFS clients** | Select checkbox if NFS clients need to use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). |
-| **Allow non-root mount** | Select checkbox only if required by the NFS client. Select to allow serving non-root mount requests. |
-| **Support >16 groups** | Select checkbox when a user is a member of more than 16 groups. Requires correct configuration of group membership on the NFS server. |
-| **Log mountd(8) requests** | Select checkbox to log [mountd](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=mountd) syslog requests. |
-| **Log rpc.statd(8) and rpc.lockd(8)** | Select checkbox to log [rpc.statd](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=rpc.statd) and [rpc.lockd](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=rpc.lockd) syslog requests. |
-| **mountd(8) bind port** | Enter a number to bind [mountd](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=mountd) only to that port. |
-| **rpc.statd(8) bind port** | Enter a number to bind [rpc.statd](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=rpc.statd) only to that port. |
-| **rpc.lockd(8) bind port** | Enter a number to bind [rpc.lockd](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=rpc.lockd) only to that port. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-The recommendation is to use the default settings for the NFS service. Make changes if there is a need for a specific setting.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/OpenVPNScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/OpenVPNScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 377f32b0d8..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/OpenVPNScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-title: "OpenVPN Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/openvpnscreen/"
-description: "Describes the OpenVPN screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 70
-- vpn
-OpenVPN is an open source connection protocol. OpenVPN creates a secure connection between 2 points in a network. VPN services use OpenVPN to safeguard data integrity and provide anonymity. There two OpenVPN services on TrueNAS, the **OpenVPN Client** and **OpenVPN Server**.
-## OpenVPN Client
-Use **OpenVPN Client** to configure the client settings.
-![ServicesOpenVPNClientOptions](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesOpenVPNClientOptions.png "OpenVPN Client Options")
-**General Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Client Certificate** | Select a valid client certificate from the dropdown list. The option is **freenas_default**. A certificate must exist on this system that is current and not revoked. Find more about generating certificates and CAs for OpenVPN [here](https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/HOWTO#SettingupyourownCertificateAuthorityCAandgeneratingcertificatesandkeysforanOpenVPNserverandmultipleclients). |
-| **Root CA** | Select the root Certificate Authority used to sign the Client and Server certificates. Find more about generating certificates and CAs for OpenVPN [here](https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/HOWTO#SettingupyourownCertificateAuthorityCAandgeneratingcertificatesandkeysforanOpenVPNserverandmultipleclients). |
-| **Remote** | Enter a valid IP address or domain name to which OpenVPN connects. |
-| **Port** | Enter a port number to use for the connection. |
-| **Authentication Algorithm** | Select an algorithm to authenticate packets. The dropdown list provides a list of algorithms to choose from. This is used to confirm packets sent over the network connection. Your network environment might need a specific algorithm. If not, select **SHA1 HMAC** which is a good standard algorithm to use. |
-| **Cipher** | Select a cipher algorithm to encrypt data channel packets sent through the connection. While not required, using a cipher increases connection security. Verify if your networking environment requires a particular cipher. If not, **AES-256-GCM** is a good default choice. The dropdown list provides a list of encryption ciphers to choose from. |
-| **Compression** | Select a compression algorithm from the dropdown list. Dropdown list options are **LZ0** or **LZ4**. Leave the field empty to send data uncompressed. **LZ0** is the standard compression algorithm. It is backwards compatible with previous (pre-2.4) versions of OpenVPN. **LZ4** is a newer option that is typically faster with less system resources required. |
-| **Protocol** | Select the protocol to use when connecting with the remote system. Select from the dropdown list options **UDP**, **UDP4**, **UDP6**, **TCP**, **TCP4** or **TCP6**. Select **UDP** or **TCP**. UDP sends packets in a continuous stream. It is generally faster and less strict about dropped packets than TCP. TCP sends packets sequentially. To force the connection to be IPv4 or IPv6 choose the UDP or TCP version with the 4 or 6 respectively. |
-| **Device Type** | Select a virtual network interface from the dropdown list. Options are **TUN** or **TAP**. The client and server **Device Type** must be the same. For information see [here](https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/BridgingAndRouting). |
-| **Nobind** | Select to enable and to prevent binding to local address and port. Required if running OpenVPN client and server at the same time. |
-| **TLS Crypt Auth Enabled** | Select to enable or clear checkbox to disable TLS Web Client Authentication. |
-| **Additional Parameters** | Enter any extra parameters for the client. This manually configures any of the core OpenVPN config file options. Refer to the OpenVPN [Reference Manual](https://openvpn.net/community-resources/reference-manual-for-openvpn-2-4/) for descriptions of each option. |
-| **TLS Crypt Auth** | Encrypts all TLS handshake messages to add another layer of security. OpenVPN server and clients share a required static key. Enter the static key for authentication/encryption of all control channel packets. Must enable tls_crypt_auth_enabled. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## OpenVPN Server
-Use **OpenVPN Server** to configure the server settings.
-![ServicesOpenVPNServerOptions](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesOpenVPNServerOptions.png "OpenVPN Server Options")
-Configure and save your OpenVPN server settings. Click **DOWNLOAD CLIENT CONFIG** to generate the certificate file you need from the client system.
-Click **Client Certificate** to generate the configuration file you need from the client system already imported on the system.
-**General Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Server Certificate** | Select a valid server certificate from the dropdown list. The option is **freenas_default**. A certificate must exist on this system that is current and not revoked. Find more about generating certificates and CAs for OpenVPN [here](https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/HOWTO#SettingupyourownCertificateAuthorityCAandgeneratingcertificatesandkeysforanOpenVPNserverandmultipleclients). |
-| **Root CA** | Select the root Certificate Authority used to sign the Client and Server certificates. Find more about generating certificates and CAs for OpenVPN [here](https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/HOWTO#SettingupyourownCertificateAuthorityCAandgeneratingcertificatesandkeysforanOpenVPNserverandmultipleclients). |
-| **Server** | Enter the IP address and netmask of the server. |
-| **Port** | Enter a port number to use for the connection. |
-| **Authentication Algorithm** | Select an algorithm to authenticate packets. The dropdown list provides a list of algorithms to choose from. Your network environment might require a specific algorithm. If not, select **SHA1 HMAC** which is a good standard algorithm to use. |
-| **Cipher** | Select a cipher algorithm to encrypt data channel packets sent through the connection. While not required, using a cipher increases connection security. Verify if your networking environment requires a particular cipher. If not, **AES-256-GCM** is a good default choice. The dropdown list provides a list of encryption ciphers to choose from. |
-| **Compression** | Select a compression algorithm from the dropdown list. Dropdown list options are **LZ0** or **LZ4**. Leave the field empty to send data uncompressed. **LZ0** is the standard compression algorithm. It is backwards compatible with previous (pre-2.4) versions of OpenVPN. **LZ4** is a newer option that is typically faster with less system resources required. |
-| **Protocol** | Select the protocol to use when connecting with the remote system. Select from the dropdown list options **UDP**, **UDP4**, **UDP6**, **TCP**, **TCP4** or **TCP6**. Select **UDP** or **TCP**. UDP sends packets in a continuous stream. It is generally faster and less strict about dropped packets than TCP. TCP sends packets sequentially. To force the connection to be IPv4 or IPv6 choose the UDP or TCP version with the 4 or 6 respectively. |
-| **Device Type** | Select a virtual network interface from the dropdown list. Options are **TUN** or **TAP**. The client and server **Device Type** must be the same. For more information see [here](https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/BridgingAndRouting). |
-| **Topology** | Select to configure virtual addressing topology when running in TUN mode. Dropdown list options are **NET30**, **P2P** or **SUBNET**. TAP mode always uses a SUBNET topology. |
-| **TLS Crypt Auth Enabled** | Select to enable or clear checkbox to disable TLS Web Client Authentication. |
-| **Additional Parameters** | Enter any extra parameters. |
-| **TLS Crypt Auth** | Encrypting TLS handshake messages adds another layer of security. OpenVPN server and clients share a required static key. Enabling tls_crypt_auth_enabled generates a static key if tls_crypt_auth is not provided. The generated static key is for use with OpenVPN client. Enter that key here. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/S3Screen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/S3Screen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e3e5a940..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-title: "S3 Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/s3screen/"
-description: "Describes the S3 screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 100
-- s3
-{{< include file="/static/includes/S3Deprecation.md" >}}
-S3 manages data using object storage architecture.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Having large numbers of files (>100K for instance) in a single bucket with no sub-directories is not recommended. It can harm performance and cause stability issues.
-{{< /hint >}}
-Use the **S3** screen to configure S3 on your TrueNAS.
-![ServicesS3Options](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesS3Options.png "S3 Service Options")
-The **SAVE** button activates after entering the required settings.
-**CANCEL** closes the **S3** screen without saving changes and displays the **Services** screen.
-{{< include file="/static/includes/ServicesS3Fields.md" >}}
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-MinIO deprecated Access key and Secret key. MINIO_ROOT USER arguments and their values replace Access key. MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD arguments and their values replace Secret key. For the ROOT_USER value, use a name up to 20 characters. For the ROOT_PASSWORD, use a string of 8 to 40 randomized characters. MinIO recommends using a long password string of unique random characters.
-{{< /hint >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SMARTScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SMARTScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a02f666d58..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SMARTScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-title: "S.M.A.R.T. Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/smartscreen/"
-description: "Describes the S.M.A.R.T. screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 100
-- smart
-Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) is an industry standard. S.M.A.R.T. performs disk monitoring and testing. It checks drive reliability and predicts hardware failures.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-S.M.A.R.T. tests run on disks.
-Running tests can reduce drive performance. We recommend scheduling tests when the system is in a low-usage state.
-Avoid scheduling disk-intensive tests at the same time!
-For example, do not schedule S.M.A.R.T. tests on the same day as a disk [scrub]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Tasks/CreatingScrubTasks.md" >}}) or [resilver]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Tasks/UsingResilverPriority.md" >}}).
-{{< /hint >}}
-![ServicesSMARTOptions](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesSMARTOptions.png "S.M.A.R.T. Options")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/ServicesSMARTFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SMBScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SMBScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe5fac2ea..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SMBScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-title: "SMB Service Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/smbscreen/"
-description: "Describes the SMB screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 110
-- smb
-Use the **Services SMB** screen to configure SMB service settings.
-Unless a specific setting is needed or configuring for a specific network environment, it is recommended to use the default settings for the SMB service.
-![SMBServiceOptions](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesSMBOptions.png "SMB Service Options")
-## Basic Options
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **NetBIOS Name** | Populates with the original host name of the system **truenas**. Limited to 15 characters and cannot be the same name in **Workgroup**. |
-| **NetBIOS Alias** | Enter any aliases, separated by spaces. Each alias can be up to 15 characters long. |
-| **Workgroup** | Value must match Windows workgroup name. If unconfigured, TrueNAS uses Active Directory or LDAP to detect and select the correct workgroup. Active Directory or LDAP must be active for TrueNAS to do this. |
-| **Description** | Optional. Enter a server description. |
-| **Enable SMB1 support** | Select to allow legacy SMB clients to connect to the server. Note that SMB1 is being deprecated. The recommendation is to upgrade the client OS. The OS upgrade should support modern versions of the SMB protocol. |
-| **NTLMv1 Auth** | Select to allow [smbd(8)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=smbd) attempts to authenticate users with NTLMv1 encryption. NTLMv1 is not secure and is a vulnerability. NTLMv1 authentication is off by default. This setting allows backward compatibility with older versions of Windows. It is not recommended. Do not use on untrusted networks. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Advanced Options
-![SMBServiceAdvanced](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesSMBOptionsAdvanced.png "Advanced Options for the SMB Service")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Unix Charset** | Select an option from the dropdown list. Default is **UTF-8** which supports all characters in all languages. |
-| **Log Level** | Select an option from the dropdown list. Options are **None**, **Minimum**, **Normal**, **Full** or **Debug**. Records SMB service messages up to the specified log level. Logs error and warning level messages by default. |
-| **Use Syslog Only** | Select to log authentication failures in /var/log/messages instead of the default /var/log/samba4/log.smbd. |
-| **Local Master** | Select to determine if the system participates in a browser election. Leave checkbox clear when the network contains an AD or LDAP server. Leave checkbox clear when Vista or Windows 7 machines are present. |
-| **Enable Apple SMB2/3 Protocol Extensions** | Select to allow macOS to use these [protocol extensions](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210803). Improves the performance and behavioral characteristics of SMB shares. Required for Apple Time Machine support. |
-| **Administrators Group** | Select an option from the dropdown list. Members of this group are local admins. Local admins have privileges to take ownership of any file in the SMB share. They can reset permissions. Local admins can administer the SMB server through the Computer Management MMC snap-in. |
-| **Guest Account** | Select an account to use for guest access from the dropdown list. Default is **nobody**. The selected account must have permissions to the shared pool or dataset. To adjust permissions, edit the dataset Access Control List (ACL). Add a new entry for the selected guest account, and configure the permissions in that entry. Deleting the selected user in **Guest Account** resets the field to **nobody**. |
-| **File Mask** | Overrides default file creation mask of **0666**. File creation mask **0666** creates files with read and write access for everybody. |
-| **Directory Mask** | Overrides default directory creation mask of **0777**. Directory creation mask **0777** grants directory read, write and execute access for everybody. |
-| **Bind IP Addresses** | Select from the dropdown list. These are the static IP addresses which SMB listens on for connections. If not selected, defaults to listen on all active interfaces. |
-| **Auxiliary Parameters** | Enter additional smb.conf options. See the [Samba Guide](https://www.oreilly.com/openbook/samba/book/appb_02.html) for more information on these settings. To log more details when a client attempts to authenticate to the share, add *log level = 1, auth_audit:5*. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SNMPScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SNMPScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 20cec41730..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/SNMPScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-title: "SNMP Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/snmpscreen/"
-description: "Describes the SNMP screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 120
-aliases: /core/services/snmp/
-- snmp
-Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet Standard protocol. SNMP gathers and sorts data about managed devices on IP networks, such as LANs and WANs. Use the **SNMP** screen to configure SNMP service on your TrueNAS.
-![ServicesSNMPScreen](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesSNMPScreen.png "SNMP Service Options")
-After selecting **SNMP v3 Support** more configuration fields display.
-![ServicesSNMPScreenSNMPv3.png](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesSNMPScreenSNMPv3.png "SNMP Screen SNMPv3")
-After filling in all required fields with appropriate values, the **SAVE** button activates. Click **SAVE** to save settings.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit without saving and display the **Services** screen.
-**Field Descriptions**
-{{< include file="/static/includes/ServicesSNMPFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/ServicesSSH.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/ServicesSSH.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5b9d9e50..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/ServicesSSH.md
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-title: "SSH Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/servicesssh/"
-description: "Describes the SSH screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 130
- - /core/uireference/services/sshscreen/
- - /core/services/servicesssh/
-- ftp
-- tftp
-- sftp
-- ssh
-Secure Socket Shell (SSH) is a network communication protocol. It provides encryption to secure data. Use the SSH services screen to configure SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). SFTP is available by enabling SSH remote access to the TrueNAS system.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Allowing external connections to TrueNAS is a security vulnerability!
-Enable SSH only when there is a need for external connections.
-See [Security Recommendations]({{< relref "Security.md" >}}) for more security considerations when using SSH.
-{{< /hint>}}
-![SSHBasicOptionsScreen](/images/CORE/Services/SSHBasicOptionsScreen.png "SSH Basic Options")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/ServicesSSHFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-**ADVANCED OPTIONS** displays additional configuration fields to set up SSH for specific uses cases.
-![SSHAdvancedOptionsScreen](/images/CORE/Services/SSHAdvancedOptionsScreen.png "SSH Advanced Options")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/ServicesSSHAdvancedFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/TFTPScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/TFTPScreen.md
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-title: "TFTP Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/tftpscreen/"
-description: "Describes the TFTP screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 140
-- ftp
-- tftp
-- sftp
-Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a basic protocol designed for simple file transfer. It provides no user authentication or the ability to browse a directory hierarchy. Use the **TFTP** service screen to configure TFTP service on the TrueNAS.
-![TFTPScreen](/images/CORE/Services/TFTPScreen.png "TFTO Service Options")
-## TFTP Service Screen Settings
-{{< include file="/static/includes/ServicesTFTPFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/UPSScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/UPSScreen.md
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-title: "UPS Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/upsscreen/"
-description: "Describes the UPS screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 150
-- /core/services/ups/
-- ups
-An uninterruptible power supply is a hardware device that provides a backup source of power in the event of a power outage. Use the **UPS** services screen to configure a UPS for your TrueNAS.
-{{< include file="/static/includes/HAUninterruptiblePowerSupplyNotice.md" >}}
-**SAVE** activates after all required fields are populated.
-**CANCEL** exits without saving and returns you to the **Services** screen.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Services/ServicesUPSScreenTop.png" alt="UPS Options" id="UPS Options (Top)" >}}
-**General Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Identifier** | Type a description for the UPS device. You can use alphanumeric, period (.), comma (,), hyphen (-), and underscore (_) characters. This is a required field. |
-| **UPS Mode** | Select mode from the dropdown list. **Master** is an option if the UPS plugs directly into the system serial port. Select **Slave** to have this system shut down before the master system. The UPS remains the last item to shut down. See the [Network UPS Tools Overview](https://networkupstools.org/docs/user-manual.chunked/ar01s02.html#_monitoring_client). |
-| **Driver** | Select the device driver from the dropdown list. See the [Network UPS Tools compatibility list](https://networkupstools.org/stable-hcl.html) for a list of supported UPS devices. This is a required field. |
-| **Port or Hostname** | Select the serial or USB port connected to the UPS from the dropdown list. Options include a list of ports on your system and **auto**. Select **auto** to automatically detect and manage the USB port settings. Enter the IP address or host name of the SNMP UPS device when selecting an SNMP driver. If the **UPS Mode** field is set as **Master**, this is a required field. If set to **Slave** this field is not required. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Monitor User** | Enter a user to associate with this service. Keeping the default is recommended. |
-| **Monitor Password** | Change the default password to improve system security. The new password cannot include a space or #. |
-| **Extra Users** | Enter accounts that have administrative access. See [upsd.users(5)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=upsd.users) for examples. |
-| **Remote Monitor** | Select to have the default configuration listen on all interfaces using the known values of user: **upsmon** and password: **fixmepass**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Services/ServicesUPSScreenBottom.png" alt="UPS Options" id="UPS Options (Bottom)" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Shutdown Mode** | Select the battery option to use when the UPS initiates shutdown. Dropdown list options are **UPS reaches low battery** or **UPS goes on battery**. |
-| **Shutdown Timer** | Enter a value in seconds for the UPS to wait before initiating shutdown. Shutdown does not occur if power is restored while the timer is counting down. This value only applies when **Shutdown Mode** is set to **UPS goes on battery**. |
-| **Shutdown Command** | Enter a command to shut down the system when either battery power is low or the shutdown timer ends. |
-| **Power off UPS** | Select for the UPS to power off after shutting down the system. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Send Email Status Updates** | Select to enable sending messages to the address defined in the **Email** field. |
-| **Email** | Enter any email addresses to receive status updates. Separate entries by pressing Enter. |
-| **Email Subject** | Enter the subject for status emails. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Other Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **No Communication Warning Time** | Enter the number of seconds to wait before alerting that the service cannot reach any UPS. Warnings continue until situation resolved. |
-| **Host Sync** | Length of time in seconds for upsmon to wait while in master mode for the slaves to disconnect. This applies during a shutdown situation. |
-| **Description** | Enter a description for this service. |
-| **Auxiliary Parameters (ups.conf)** | Enter any extra options from [ups.conf](https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/ups.conf.html). |
-| **Auxiliary Parameters (upsd.conf)** | Enter any extra options from [upsd.conf](https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/upsd.conf.html). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/WebDAVScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/WebDAVScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a36d955cd..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/WebDAVScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-title: "WebDAV Services Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/webdavscreen/"
-description: "Describes the WebDAV screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 160
-- webdav
-The WebDAV protocol contains extensions to HTTP. These extensions expand the capabilities of a webserver. It can act as a collaborative authoring and management tool for web content. Use the **Services WebDAV** screen to enable WebDAV services on your TrueNAS.
-Click **ADD** to open the WebDAV settings screen.
-![ServicesWebDAVSettings](/images/CORE/Services/ServicesWebDAVSettings.png "Services WebDAV Settings Screen")
-**General Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Protocol** | Select the protocol from the dropdown list. **HTTP** keeps the connection unencrypted. **HTTPS** encrypts the connection. **HTTP+HTTPS** allows both types of connections. |
-| **HTTP Port** | Specify a port for unencrypted connections. The default port **8080** is recommended. Do not reuse a port. |
-| **HTTP Authentication** | Select the HTTP authentication type from the dropdown list. **Basic Authentication** is unencrypted. **Digest Authentication** is encrypted. Select **No Authentication** when you don't want to use authentication. |
-| **Webdav Password** | Change the default of **davtest** as davtest is a known value. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d00963716..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Services/_index.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-title: "Services"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/services/"
-description: "Provides information on the Services screen and lists other services UI reference articles."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 120
-related: false
-{{< include file="/static/includes/COREServices.md" >}}
-[Sharing]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/_index.md" >}}) provides documentation for services related to data sharing. [Tasks]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/_index.md" >}}) provides documentation for services related to automated tasks.
-## Services Contents
-{{< children depth="2" sort="Name" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/AFPShareScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/AFPShareScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 25b0d219b4..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/AFPShareScreen.md
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-title: "AFP Share Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/afpsharescreen/"
-description: "Provides information about the AFP Share screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- /core/uireference/sharing/afp/afpsharescreen/
-- /core/uireference/sharing/afp/
-- afp
-Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) facilitates workgroup and Internet file sharing. It does this in a mixed-platform environment. Go to **Sharing > AFP** to set up an AFP share. Click **ADD** to edit AFP share settings.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-AFP share creation is deprecated in CORE 13.0. A **Recommendation** dialog displays when accessing this screen and suggests sharing data with a different protocol.
-{{< /hint >}}
-{{< hint type=note >}}
-* Click **CREATE AN SMB SHARE** to display the **SMB BASIC OPTIONS** configuration screen.
-* Click **CONTINUE WITH AFP SETUP** to continue to the **AFP > ADD** **BASIC OPTIONS** configuration screen.
-{{< /hint >}}
-![Sharing AFP Add](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingAFPAdd.png "Sharing AFP Add")
-Click **ADVANCED OPTIONS** to display extra configuration settings. These configuration settings allow modifying the share **Permissions** and adding a **Description**. You can also specify any **Auxiliary Parameters**.
-![Sharing AFP Add Advanced](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingAFPAddAdvanced.png "Sharing AFP Add Advanced")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SharingAFPAddFields.md" markdown="true" >}}
-Click **SUBMIT** to save settings and create the share.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit the **Add** screen without saving and return to the **AFP** screen.
-To edit an existing AFP share, go to **Sharing > Apple Shares (AFP)** and click .
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/NFSShareScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/NFSShareScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c629b810e..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/NFSShareScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-title: "NFS Share Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/nfssharescreen/"
-description: "Use the NFS share screen to configure Network File System (NFS) shares on your TrueNAS."
-weight: 30
-- /core/uireference/sharing/nfs/nfssharescreen/
-- /core/uireference/sharing/nfs/
-- nfs
-Unix and Unix-like operating systems often use the Network File System (NFS) protocol. NFS shares data across a network as part of a distributed file system. Go to **Sharing > Unix Shares (NFS)** to access the **NFS** screen to create a Network File System (NFS) share on TrueNAS.
-![NFSScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/NFSScreen.png "Sharing NFS Screen")
-Click **COLUMNS** to change the NSF table view. Options include **Unselect All**, **Description**, **Enabled** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Click **ADD** to open the **BASIC OPTIONS** configuration screen.
-### NFS Share Basic Option Settings
-![NFSBasicOptionsScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/NFSBasicOptionsScreen.png "Services NFS Basic Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Path** | Type or browse to the full path to the pool or dataset to share. Click **ADD** to add another **Path** setting field. Repeat to configure multiple paths. |
-| **Description** | Enter any notes or reminders about the share. |
-| **All dirs** | Select checkbox to allow the client to mount any subdirectory within the **Path**. Clear to only allow clients to mount the **Path** endpoint. |
-| **Quiet** | Select to suppress some syslog diagnostics to avoid error messages. See [exports(5)](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=exports) for examples. Clear checkbox to allow all syslog diagnostics. This can lead to additional cosmetic error messages. |
-| **Enabled** | Select checkbox to enable this NFS share. Clear checkbox to disable this NFS share without deleting the configuration. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **ADVANCED OPTIONS** to display extra settings. These settings allow tuning the share access permissions and defining authorized networks.
-### NFS Share Advanced Option Settings
-![NFSAdvancedOptionsScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/NFSAdvancedOptionsScreen.png "Services NFS Advanced Options")
-**Access Settings**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Read Only** | Select checkbox to prohibit writing to the share. Clear checkbox to allow writing to the share. |
-| **Maproot User** | Enter a new string or select a user to apply that user permissions to the root user. Dropdown list displays a list of all users on the system. |
-| **Maproot Group** | Enter a new string or select a group to apply that group permissions to the root user. Dropdown list displays a list of all groups on the system. |
-| **Mapall User** | Enter a new string or select a user to apply permissions for the chosen user to all clients. |
-| **Mapall Group** | Enter a new string or select a group to apply permissions for the chosen group to all clients. |
-| **Authorized Networks** | Enter an allowed network in network/mask CIDR notation. Click **ADD** to define another authorized network. Defining an authorized network restricts access to all other networks. Leave empty to allow all networks. |
-| **Authorized Hosts and IP addresses** | Enter a host name or IP address to allow that system access to the NFS share. Click **ADD** to define another allowed system. Defining authorized systems restricts access to all other systems. Leave field empty to allow all systems access to the share. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **SUBMIT** to save NFS share settings.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit without saving and return to the NFS Shares screen.
-To edit an existing NFS share click the more_vert for the share and select **Edit**.
-The options available are identical to the **ADD** share setting options.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/SMBShareScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/SMBShareScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e300b19c..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/SMBShareScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-title: "SMB Share Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/smbsharescreen/"
-description: "Desctibes the SMB sharing screen in TrueNAS CORE"
-weight: 50
-- /core/uireference/sharing/smb/smbsharescreen/
-- /core/uireference/sharing/smb/
-- smb
-Server Message Block (SMB) is a file sharing protocol. Windows and other operating systems use SMB.
-Go to **Sharing > Windows Shares (SMB)** to display the **SMB** screen and setup SMB shares on your TrueNAS.
-![SharingSMBScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingSMBScreen.png "SMB Share Screen")
-Click **Columns** to change the information displayed in the table. Options are **Unselect All**, **Path**, **Description**, **Enabled** and **Reset to Defaults**.
-Click **Add** to display the **BASIC Options** settings screen.
-## Basic Options
-![SharingSMBBasicOptions](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingSMBBasicOptions.png "SMB Share Basic Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Path** | Use the file browser or click the **/mnt** to select the pool, dataset or directory to share. |
-| **Name** | Enter a name for the SMB share. |
-| **Purpose** | Select a preset purpose configuration. This locks in predetermined values for the share. This includes **Advanced Options**, as well as the **Path Suffix**. Select from the dropdown list. Options are:
**No presets**
**Default share parameters**
**Multi-user time machine**
**Multi-protocol (AFP/SMB) shares**
**Multi-protocol (NFSv3/SMB) shares**
**Private SMB Datasets and Shares**
**SMB WORM. Files become readonly via SMB after 5 minutes**. Note: The **SMB WORM** preset only impacts writes over the SMB protocol. Prior to deploying this option in a production environment the user needs to determine whether the feature meets his / her requirements.
See "What do all the presets do?" for more information on presets. |
-| **Description** | Optional. Explains the purpose of the share. |
-| **Enabled** | Select to enable this SMB share. Clear checkbox to disable the share without deleting the configuration. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< expand "What do all the presets do?" "v" >}}
-The following table shows the preset options for the different **Purposes** and if those options are locked.
-An [x] indicates the option is enabled, [ ] means the option is disabled, and [text] indicates a specific value:
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Default share parameters | Multi-user time machine | Multi-protocol (AFP/SMB) shares | Multi-protocol (NFSv3/SMB) shares | Private SMB Datasets and Shares | Files become readonly of SMB after 5 minutes |
-| [x] Enable ACL (locked) | [x] Enable ACL (unlocked) | [x] Enable ACL (locked) | [ ] Enable ACL (locked) | [ ] Enable ACL (unlocked) | [ ] Enable ACL (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Export Read Only (locked) | [ ] Export Read Only (unlocked) | [ ] Export Read Only (unlocked) | [ ] Export Read Only (unlocked) | [ ] Export Read Only (unlocked) | [ ] Export Read Only (unlocked) |
-| [x] Browsable to Network Clients (locked) | [x] Browsable to Network Clients (unlocked) | [x] Browsable to Network Clients (unlocked) | [x] Browsable to Network Clients (unlocked) | [x] Browsable to Network Clients (unlocked) | [x] Browsable to Network Clients (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Allow Guest Access (unlocked) | [ ] Allow Guest Access (unlocked) | [ ] Allow Guest Access (unlocked) | [ ] Allow Guest Access (unlocked) | [ ] Allow Guest Access (unlocked) | [ ] Allow Guest Access (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Access Based Share Enumeration (locked) | [ ] Access Based Share Enumeration (unlocked) | [ ] Access Based Share Enumeration (unlocked) | [ ] Access Based Share Enumeration (unlocked) | [ ] Access Based Share Enumeration (unlocked) | [ ] Access Based Share Enumeration (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Hosts Allow (locked) | [ ] Hosts Allow (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Allow (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Allow (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Allow (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Allow (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Hosts Deny (locked) | [ ] Hosts Deny (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Deny (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Deny (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Deny (unlocked) | [ ] Hosts Deny (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Use as Home Share (locked) | [ ] Use as Home Share (unlocked) | [ ] Use as Home Share (unlocked) | [ ] Use as Home Share (unlocked) | [ ] Use as Home Share (unlocked) | [ ] Use as Home Share (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Time Machine (locked) | [ ] Time Machine (unlocked) | [ ] Time Machine (unlocked) | [ ] Time Machine (unlocked) | [ ] Time Machine (unlocked) | [ ] Time Machine (unlocked) |
-| [x] Enable Shadow Copies (locked) | [x] Enable Shadow Copies (unlocked) | [x] Enable Shadow Copies (unlocked) | [x] Enable Shadow Copies (unlocked) | [x] Enable Shadow Copies (unlocked) | [x] Enable Shadow Copies (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Export Recycle Bin (locked) | [ ] Export Recycle Bin (unlocked) | [ ] Export Recycle Bin (unlocked) | [ ] Export Recycle Bin (unlocked) | [ ] Export Recycle Bin (unlocked) | [ ] Export Recycle Bin (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Use Apple-style Character Encoding (locked) | [ ] Use Apple-style Character Encoding (unlocked) | [x] Use Apple-style Character Encoding (locked) | [x] Use Apple-style Character Encoding (unlocked) | [x] Use Apple-style Character Encoding (unlocked) | [x] Use Apple-style Character Encoding (unlocked) |
-| [x] Enable Alternate Data Streams (locked) | [x] Enable Alternate Data Streams (unlocked) | [x] Enable Alternate Data Streams (locked) | [ ] Enable Alternate Data Streams (locked) | [ ] Enable Alternate Data Streams (unlocked) | [ ] Enable Alternate Data Streams (unlocked) |
-| [x] Enable SMB2/3 Durable Handles (locked) | [x] Enable SMB2/3 Durable Handles (unlocked) | [ ] Enable SMB2/3 Durable Handles (locked) | [ ] Enable SMB2/3 Durable Handles (locked) | [ ] Enable SMB2/3 Durable Handles (unlocked) | [ ] Enable SMB2/3 Durable Handles (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Enable FSRVP (locked) | [ ] Enable FSRVP (unlocked) | [ ] Enable FSRVP (locked) | [ ] Enable FSRVP (unlocked) | [ ] Enable FSRVP (unlocked) | [ ] Enable FSRVP (unlocked) |
-| [ ] Path Suffix (locked) | [%U] Path Suffix (locked) | [%U] Path Suffix (unlocked) | [%U] Path Suffix (unlocked) | [%U] Path Suffix (locked) | [ ] Path Suffix (locked) |
-| [ ] Auxiliary Parameters (unlocked) | [ ] Auxiliary Parameters (unlocked) | [ ] Auxiliary Parameters (unlocked) | [ ] Auxiliary Parameters (unlocked) | [ ] Auxiliary Parameters (unlocked) | [ ] Auxiliary Parameters (unlocked) |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-## Advanced Options
-![SharingSMBAdvancedOptions](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingSMBAdvancedOptions.png "SMB Share Advanced Options")
-**Access** and **Other Options** are the two options groups.
-**Access** settings allow systems or users to access or change the shared data.
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Enable ACL** | Select to add Access Control List (ACL) support to the share. Leave checkbox clear to disable ACL support and delete any existing ACL for the share. |
-| **Export Read Only** | Select to prohibit writes to the share. Leave checkbox clear to allow writes to the share. |
-| **Browsable to Network Clients** | Select to include this share name when browsing shares. Home shares are only visible to the owner regardless of this setting. |
-| **Allow Guest Access** | Select to make privileges the same as the guest account. Windows 10 version 1709 and Windows Server version 1903 have disabled guest access. Guest access for these clients requires extra client-side configuration.
**MacOS clients**: Trying to connect as a user that does not exist in TrueNAS does not default to the guest account. The **Connect As: Guest** option must be specifically chosen in MacOS to log in as the guest account. See the [Apple documentation](https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/connect-mac-shared-computers-servers-mchlp1140/mac) for more details. |
-| **Access Based Share Enumeration** | Select to restrict share visibility to users with read or write access to the share. See the [smb.conf](https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/current/man-html/smb.conf.5.html) manual page. |
-| **Hosts Allow** | Enter a list of allowed host names or IP addresses. Separate entries by pressing Enter. A more detailed description with examples see [here](https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/current/man-html/smb.conf.5.html#HOSTSALLOW). |
-| **Hosts Deny** | Enter a list of denied host names or IP addresses. Separate entries by pressing Enter. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< expand "Host Allow and Hosts Deny Fields" >}}
-The **Hosts Allow** and **Hosts Deny** fields set up different access scenarios:
-* If neither **Hosts Allow** or **Hosts Deny** contain an entry, then allow SMB share access for any host.
-* If there is an entry in **Hosts Allow** list but none in **Hosts Deny** list, then only allow hosts on the **Hosts Allow** list.
-* If there is an entry in **Hosts Deny** list but none in **Hosts Allow** list, then allow all hosts that are not on the **Hosts Deny** list.
-* If there are both an entry in **Hosts Allow** and **Hosts Deny** list, then allow all hosts that are on the **Hosts Allow** list. If there is a host not on the **Hosts Allow** and not on the **Hosts Deny** list, then allow it.
-{{< /expand >}}
-The **Other Options** have settings for improving Apple software compatibility. There are also ZFS snapshot features, and other advanced features.
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Use as Home Share** | Select to allow the share to host user home directories. Gives each user a personal home directory when connecting to the share. This personal home directory is not accessible by other users. This allows for a personal, dynamic share. It is only possible to use one share as the home share. See the configuring [Home Share article]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Sharing/SMB/HomeShare.md" >}}) for detailed instructions. |
-| **Time Machine** | Select to enable [Apple Time Machine](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201250) backups on this share. |
-| **Enable Shadow Copies** | Select to allow export ZFS snapshots as [Shadow Copies](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/vss/shadow-copies-and-shadow-copy-sets) for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) clients. |
-| **Export Recycle Bin** | When selected, moves files deleted from the same dataset to a recycle bin located in that dataset. These files do not take any extra space. |
-| **Use Apple-style Character Encoding** | Select to convert NTFS illegal characters in the same manner as MacOS SMB clients. By default, Samba uses a hashing algorithm for NTFS illegal characters. |
-| **Enable Alternate Data Streams** | Select to allow multiple [NTFS data streams](https://www.ntfs.com/ntfs-multiple.htm). Disabling this option causes MacOS to write streams to files on the file system. |
-| **Enable SMB2/3 Durable Handles** | Select to allow using open file handles that can withstand short disconnections. Support for POSIX byte-range locks in Samba is also disabled. This option is not recommended when configuring multi-protocol or local access to files. |
-| **Enable FSRVP** | Select to enable support for the File Server Remote VSS Protocol ([FSVRP](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-fsrvp/dae107ec-8198-4778-a950-faa7edad125b)). This protocol allows Remote Procedure Call (RPC) clients to manage snapshots for a specific SMB share. The share path must be a dataset mountpoint. Snapshots have the prefix `fss-` followed by a snapshot creation timestamp. A snapshot must have this prefix for an RPC user to delete it. |
-| **Path Suffix** | Appends a suffix to the share connection path. This provides unique shares on a per-user, per-computer, or per-IP address basis. Suffixes can contain a macro. See the [smb.conf](https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/current/man-html/smb.conf.5.html) manual page for a list of supported macros. The connectpath must be preset before a client connects. |
-| **Auxiliary Parameters** | Additional [smb.conf](https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/current/man-html/smb.conf.5.html) settings. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **Submit** to save setings. This creates the share and adds it to the **Sharing > Windows Shares (SMB)** list.
-Click **CANCEL** to exit without saving and return to the main **SMB** screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/WebDAVShareScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/WebDAVShareScreen.md
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-title: "WebDAV Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/webdavsharescreen/"
-description: "Use the Sharing WebDAV screen to configure Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) on your TrueNAS."
-weight: 40
-- /core/uireference/sharing/webdav/webdavsharescreen/
-- /core/uireference/sharing/webdav/
-- webdav
-Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an extension of HTTP. It is a protocol designed to help with web content authoring and management. Use the **Sharing WebDAV** screen to configure WebDAV on your TrueNAS.
-![WebDAVShareScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/WebDAVShareScreen.png "Sharing WebDAV Screen")
-Click **COLUMNS** to change the columns displayed in the table. Options are **Select All**, **Description**, **Path**, **Enabled**, **Read Only**, **Change User and Group Owners** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Click **ADD** to open the WebDAV configuration screen.
-![WebDAVAddScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/WebDAVAddScreen.png "Sharing WebDAV Add Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Name** | Enter a name for the share. |
-| **Description** | Optional. |
-| **Path** | Browse to the pool or dataset to share. |
-| **Read Only** | Select to prohibit users from writing to this share. |
-| **Change User & Group Ownership** | Change existing ownership of all files in the share to user webdav and group webdav. Clearing the check mark means you must manually set ownership of the files accessed through WebDAV to the **webdav** or **www** user/group. |
-| **Enabled** | Select to enable this WebDAV share. Leave checkbox clear to disable this WebDAV share without deleting it. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/_index.md
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-title: "Sharing"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/"
-description: "Reference documentation for all screens within the Sharing menu option."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 110
-related: false
-File sharing is a core benefit of a NAS. TrueNAS helps foster collaboration between users through network shares.
-TrueNAS can use AFP, iSCSI shares, Unix NFS shares, Windows SMB shares, and WebDAV shares.
-## Sharing Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/iSCSI/FibreChannel.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/iSCSI/FibreChannel.md
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-title: "Fibre Channel"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/iscsi/fibrechannel/"
-description: "Provides information about using Fibre Channel with TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-aliases: /core/sharing/iscsi/fibrechannel/
-- iscsi
-{{< enterprise >}}
-Fibre Channel is an Enterprise feature in TrueNAS CORE.
-Only TrueNAS systems licensed for Fibre Channel have the **Fibre Channel Ports** tab on the **Sharing > Block Shares (iSCSI)** screen.
-{{< /enterprise >}}
-Fibre Channel is a high-speed data transfer protocol providing in-order, lossless delivery of raw block data.
-Fibre Channel is primarily used to connect computer data storage to servers in storage area networks in commercial data centers.
-The Fibre Channel protocol is fast, cost effective, and reliable over a wide variety of storage workloads.
-{{< expand "Which TrueNAS Products can use Fibre Channel?" "v" >}}
-* [TrueNAS R-Series](https://www.truenas.com/r-series/)(4x16 Gbps)
-* [TrueNAS X-10](https://www.truenas.com/x-series/)(2x8 Gbps)
-* [TrueNAS X-20](https://www.truenas.com/x-series/)(2x8 Gbps)
-* [TrueNAS M-40](https://www.truenas.com/m-series/)(4x16 Gbps)
-* [TrueNAS M-50](https://www.truenas.com/m-series/)(4x16 Gbps or 2x32 Gbps)
-* [TrueNAS M-60](https://www.truenas.com/m-series/)(4x32 Gbps)
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< hint type=note >}}
-**Initiators** and **Authorized Access** screens only apply to iSCSI block shares and can be ignored when configuring Fibre Channel ports.
-{{< /hint >}}
-## Fibre Channel Ports
-The **Fibre Channel Ports** screen displays a table of ports configured on the TrueNAS.
-![FibreChannelPortsScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/FibreChannelPortsScreen.png "Fibre Channel Ports Screen")
-Use the blue **Columns** button to display options to can change the **Fibre Channel** table display. Options are **Unselect All**, **WWPN**, **State** or **Reset to Defaults**.
-Click chevron_right to expand the **Fibre Channel Ports** options.
-![FibreChannelPortsScreenExpanded](/images/CORE/Sharing/FibreChannelPortsScreenExpanded.png "Fibre Channel Ports Screen Expanded")
-### Fibre Channel Mode Settings
-The **Mode** radio buttons display additional information on the screen based on the selection made.
-![FibreChannelPortConnectedInitiators12U8](/images/CORE/Sharing/FibreChannelPortConnectedInitiators12U8.png "Fibre Channel Port Connected Initiators")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Initiator** | Sets the port as an initiator. Displays Connected Initiators on the right side of the screen for the selected target. |
-| **Target** | Sets the port as a target. Dipslays the **Targets** dropdown list field on the right side of the screen. Select the port from the list. Connected Initiators for the selected target display below the dropdown field. |
-| **Disabled** | Disables the selected Fibre Channel port. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**SAVE** after making any setting change.
-## Targets Settings for Fibre Channels
-![Sharing ISCSI Targets Add Fibre](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSITargetsAddFibre.png "ISCSI Targets: Fibre")
-The **Targets > Add** screen **Target Mode** dropdown list includes options to select **iSCSI**, **Fibre Channel**, or **Both**.
-## Associated Target Settings for Fibre Channels
-![FibreChannelAssoicatedTargetsScreen](/images/CORE/Sharing/FibreChannelAssoicatedTargetsScreen.png "Fibre Channel Assoicated Targets Screen")
-The **Targets > Add** screen **Target Mode** dropdown list includes options to select **iSCSI**, **Fibre Channel**, or **Both**.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/iSCSI/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/iSCSI/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-title: "Block Shares (iSCSI)"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/iscsi/"
-description: "Provides information about iSCSI terminology and configuration for TrueNAS CORE."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 20
-aliases: /core/sharing/iscsi/
-related: false
-{{< include file="/static/includes/iSCSIRef.md" >}}
-## Block Share (iSCSI) Contents
-For more information on iSCSI shares also see:
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/iSCSI/iSCSIShare.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Sharing/iSCSI/iSCSIShare.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 991b40157d..0000000000
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-title: "iSCSI Shares"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/sharing/iscsi/iscsishare/"
-description: "Describes how to configure iSCSI block share on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-aliases: /core/sharing/iscsi/iscsishare/
-- iscsi
-Users can configure an iSCSI block share using either the wizard or the individual configuration screens. The wizard steps users through the configuration process in an ordered sequence. Using the seven tabs on the **iSCSI** screen allows users to configure settings in any order they choose (a manual process).
-## iSCSI Wizard Configuration Screens
-The iSCSI Wizard configuration forms guide users through the process of setting up an iSCSI block share. Click **WIZARD** to display the first configuration screen.
-### Wizard Navigation
-Use **Next** to advance to the next wizard configuration form.
-Use **Back** to return to a previous wizard configuration form.
-Use **Cancel** to exit the configuration wizard.
-{{< expand "Wizard Configuration Screens and Settings" >}}
-{{< expand "Create or Choose Block Device Screen Settings">}}
-### Create or Choose Block Device
-![SharingISCSIWizardDevice](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIWizardDevice.png "iSCSI Wizard: Block Device")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Name** | Type a lower case alphanumeric character string that can include a dot (.), dash (-), or colon (:). Keep the string short and do not exceed 63 characters. |
-| **Extent Type** | Choose either **Device** or **File**. If selecting **Device** use a zvol created for the share. If selecting **File** also select the path to the extent and include the file size. |
-| **Device** | Required field. Create New or select from devices listed |
-| **Sharing Platform** | Select from the options provided:
**VMware: extent block size 512b, TCP enabled, no Xen compat mode, SSD speed**
**Xen: Extent block size 512b, TCP enabled, Xen compat mode enabled, SSD speed**
**Legacy OS: Extent block size 512b, TCP enabled, no Xen compat mode, SSD speed**
**Modern OS: Extent block size 4k, TCP enabled, no Xen compat mode, SSD speed**
Use Moderon OS for updated operating systems like Linux OS. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Portal Screen Settings" >}}
-### Portal
-The Wizard **Portal** configuration form includes only the **Portal** field unless you select **Create New** on the dropdown list.
-![iSCSIWizardPortalAfterCreateNewAndAddIPAddress](/images/CORE/Sharing/iSCSIWizardPortalAfterCreateNewAndAddIPAddress.png "iSCSI Wizard: Portal")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Portal** | Select either **Create New** or an existing portal from the dropdown list. Selecting **Create New** displays the **Discovery Authentication Method**, **Discovery Authentication Group**, **IP Address** and **Port** fields. |
-| **Discovery Authentication Method** | Required if creating a new portal. Select either **NONE**, **CHAP** or **Mutual CHAP** from the dropdown list. If **NONE** you can leave **Discovery Authentication Group** set to **NONE** as well. |
-| **Discovery Authentication Group** | Required if the discovery authentication method is set to CHAP or MUTUAL CHAP. Select either **NONE** or **Create New** on the dropdown list. If **Discovery Authentication Method** is set to **NONE** you can select **NONE** here but if **Discovery Authentication Method** is set to **CHAP** or **MUTUAL CHAP** select **CREATE NEW**. This displays the **Group ID**, **User**, **Secret** and **Secret (Confirm)** configuration fields. |
-| **Group ID** | Displays after selecting **Create New** in the **Discovery Authentication Group** field. Group IDs allow you to configure different groups with different authentication profiles. For example, all users with a group ID of 1 inherits the authentication profile associated with group 1. Type a number for the group ID. |
-| **User** | Displays after selecting **Create New** in for the discovery authentication group. Type the name of the user account to create for the CHAP authentication with the user on the remote system. For example, you could use the initiator name as the user name. |
-| **Secret** | Displays after selecting **Create New** as the discovery authentication group. Type a user password of at least 12 but no more than 16 characters. |
-| **Secret (Confirm)** | Displays after selecting **Create New** as the discovery authentication group. Retype the user password entered into the **Secret** field. Click the icon to display the characters you typed to verify you typed the desired password string. Click to hide the password string. |
-| **IP Address** | Select the IP address from the dropdown list. This is the IP address to list on the portal. Click **ADD** to add more IP addresses if desired or necessary. Click **DELETE** to remove any IP addresses and ports you added after clicking **ADD**. Use **** to listen on all IPv4 addresses or use **::** to listen on all IPv6 IP addresses. |
-| **Port** | Type the TCP port used to access the iSCSI target. The default port is **3260**. |
-| **ADD** | Saves the selected IP address and allows the user to add another IP address. New IP address and port entry fields includes the **DELETE** button allows you to remove the new entry if necessary. |
-| **DELETE** | Displays after clicking **ADD**. Removes the new IP address and port line created after clicking **ADD**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Initiator Screen Settings" >}}
-### Initiator
-![SharingISCSIWizardInitiator](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIWizardInitiator.png "iSCSI Wizard: Initiator")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Initiators** | Leave blank to allow all host names or to enter a list of initiator host names. Use the keyboard Enter after entering each host name to save. |
-| **Authorized Networks** | Network addresses allowed to use this initiator. Leave blank to allow all networks or list all network addresses with a CIDR mask. Separate each entry with the keyboard Enter. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Confirm Options Screen Settings" >}}
-### Confirm Options Form
-![SharingISCSIWizardSummary](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIWizardSummary.png "iSCSI Wizard: Summary")
-Use **Back** to return to a previous configuration form to make any changes on that form.
-Use **SUBMIT** to save the settings and the new iSCSI share.
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-## Manual Setup Screens
-The manual configuration screens allow you to add or edit an iSCSI block share.
-There are seven configuration screens accessed from tabs at the top of the **iSCSI** screen.
-Unlike the wizard configuration option, you can move from one screen to another in any sequence.
-{{< expand "Manual Configuration Screens and Settings" >}}
-{{< expand "Target Global Configuration Tab" >}}
-The **Target Global Configuration** screen allows user to add or edit global configuration settings that apply to all iSCSI shares.
-![SharingISCSIManualTargetGlobalConfig](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualTargetGlobalConfig.png "iSCSI Target Global Configuration")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Base Name** | Lowercase alphanumeric characters plus dot (.), dash (-), and colon (:) are allowed. See the "Constructing iSCSI names using the *iqn.format*" section of [RFC3721](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3721.html). |
-| **ISNS Servers** | Host names or IP addresses of the ISNS servers to register with the iSCSI targets and portals of the system. Use keyboard Enter. to separate entries. |
-| **Pool Available Space Threshold (%)** | Generates an alert when the pool has this percent space remaining. It is typical to configure this at the pool level when using zvols or at the extent level for both file and device-based extents. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **SAVE** before leaving the global configuration settings screen.
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Portals Tab" >}}
-The **Portals** screen displays a list of configured portals. It lets users create new portals or edit the existing ones in the list.
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display a list of available options to add or remove columns in the **Portals** table. Select from **Unselect All**, **Listen**, **Description**, **Discovery Auth Method**, **Discover Auth Group** or **Reset to Defaults** to reverse any changes you made to the table.
-![SharingISCSIManualPortals](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualPortals.png "iSCSI Portal")
-Use **ADD** to display the **Portals Add** configuration form.
-Click the more_vert icon for the portal and select **Edit** to display the **Portal Edit** configuration form.
-Both the **Add** and **Edit** forms have the same settings fields.
-![SharingISCSIManualPortalsForm](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualPortalsForm.png "iSCSI Portals Form")
-**Basic Info**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Description** | Optional description. Portals are automatically assigned a numeric group. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Authentication Method and Group**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Discovery Authentication Method** | iSCSI supports multiple authentication methods that the target uses to discover valid devices. **None** allows anonymous discovery while **CHAP** and **Mutual CHAP** require authentication. |
-| **Discovery Authentication Group** | Group ID created in Authorized Access. Required when the discovery authentication method is CHAP or Mutual CHAP. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**IP Address**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **IP Address** | Select the IP addresses the portal uses to listened on. Click **ADD** to add IP addresses with a different network port. **** listens on all IPv4 addresses and **::** listens on all IPv6 addresses. |
-| **Port** | TCP port used to access the iSCSI target. Default is **3260**. |
-| **ADD** | Adds another IP address row. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Initiators Groups Tab" >}}
-The **Initiators Groups** screen displays a lis of configured initiators. It lets users create new authorized access client groups or edit existing ones on the list.
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display a list of available options to add or remove columns in the **Initiator Groups** table. Select from **Unselect All**, **Initiators**, **Authorized Networks**, **Description** or **Reset to Defaults** to reverse any changes you made to the table.
-![SharingISCSIManualInitiators](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualInitiators.png "iSCSI Initiators Groups")
-Use **ADD** to display the **Initiators Add** configuration screen.
-Click the more_vert icon for the initiator and select **Edit** to display the **Initiators Edit** configuration form.
-Both the **Add** and **Edit** forms have the same settings fields.
-![iSCSIAddInitiators](/images/CORE/Sharing/iSCSIAddInitiators.png "iSCSI Add Initiators")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Connected Initiators** | Initiators currently connected to the system, displayed in the IQN format with an IP address. Set initiators and click an to add the initiators to either the **Allowed Initiators** or **Authorized Networks** lists. Click **Refresh** to update the list of connected initiators. |
-| **Allow All Initiators** | Allows all initiators when selected. If not selected, configure your own allowed initiators and authorized networks. |
-| **Allowed Initiators (IQN)** | Initiators allowed access to this system. Enter an [iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3720#section-3.2.6) and click the to add it to the list. Example: *iqn.1994-09.org.freebsd:freenas.local*. |
-| **Authorized Networks** | Network addresses allowed use this initiator. Each address can include an optional [CIDR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing) netmask. Click to add the network address to the list. Example: **. |
-| **Description** | Enter any notes about initiators. |
-| **REFRESH** | Refreshes the list displayed in **Connected Initiators**.|
-| **SAVE** | Saves changes made on the **Add** or **Edit** initiator screens. |
-| **CANCEL**| Discards changes made on and closes the **Add** or **Edit** initiator screens. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Authorized Access Tab" >}}
-The **Authorized Access** screen displays a list of authorized access networks. It lets users create new authorized access networks or edit existing ones in the list.
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display a list of available options to add or remove columns in the **Initiator Groups** table. Select from **Unselect All**, **User**, **Peer User** or **Reset to Defaults** to reverse any changes you made to the table.
-![SharingISCSIManualAuthorizedAccess](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualAuthorizedAccess.png "iSCSI Authorized Access")
-Use **ADD** to display the **Authorized Access Add** configuration screen.
-Click the more_vert icon for the authorized access and select **Edit** to display the **Authorized Access Edit** configuration form.
-Both the **Add** and **Edit** forms have the same settings fields.
-![SharingISCSIManualAuthorizedAccessForm](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualAuthorizedAccessForm.png "iSCSI Authorized Access Form")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Group ID** | Allow you to configure different groups with different authentication profiles. For example, all users with a group ID of *1* inherit the authentication profile associated with Group *1*. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **User** | User account to create for CHAP authentication with the user on the remote system. Many initiators use the initiator name as the user name. |
-| **Secret** | User password of at least 12 but no more than 16 characters. Click the icon to display the characters you typed to verify you typed the desired password string. Click to hide the password string. |
-| **Secret (Confirm)** | Confirm the user password. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Peer User**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Peer User** | Only entered when configuring mutual CHAP. Usually the same value as **User**. |
-| **Peer Secret** | Mutual secret password. Required when Peer User is set up. Must be different than the password used in **Secret**. Click the icon to display the characters you typed to verify you typed the desired password string. Click to hide the password string. |
-| **Peer Secret (Confirm)** | Confirm the mutual secret password. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Targets Tab" >}}
-The **Targets** screen displays a list of storage resources configured in the system. It lets users create new TrueNAS storage resources or edit existing ones in the list.
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display a list of available options to add or remove columns in the **Targets** table. Select from **Unselect All**, **Target Alias** or **Reset to Defaults** to reverse any changes you made to the table.
-![SharingISCSIManualTargets](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualTargets.png "iSCSI Targets")
-Use **ADD** to display the **Targets Add** configuration screen.
-Click the more_vert icon for the target and select **Edit** to display the **Targets Edit** configuration form.
-Both the **Add** and **Edit** forms have the same settings fields.
-![SharingISCSIManualTargetsForm](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualTargetsForm.png "iSCSI Targets Form")
-**Basic Info**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Target Name** | The base name for the target. It is automatically prepended if the target name does not start with **iqn**. Allowed characters are lowercase alphanumeric characters plus dot (.), dash (-), and colon (:). See the "Constructing iSCSI names using the iqn.format" section of [RFC3721](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3721.html). |
-| **Target Alias** | Optional user-friendly name for the **Target Name**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**iSCSI Group**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Portal Group ID** | Leave empty or select an existing portal to use. If you click the dropdown arrow, you must select a portal group ID from the list. |
-| **Initiator Group ID** | Select the existing initiator group that has access to the target. Leave empty if **Portal Group ID** is empty. |
-| **Authentication Method** | Select **None**, **CHAP**, or **Mutual CHAP**. |
-| **Authentication Group Number** | Select **None** or an integer. This value represents the number of existing authorized accesses. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Extents Tab" >}}
-The **Extents** screen displays a list of available shared storage units configured on the system. It lets users create new shared storage units or edit existing ones in the list.
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display a list of available options to add or remove columns in the **Extents** table. Select from **Unselect All**, **Description**, **Serial**, **NAA**, **Enabled** or **Reset to Defaults** to reverse any changes you made to the table.
-![SharingISCSIManualExtents](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualExtents.png "iSCSI Extents")
-Use **ADD** to display the **Extents Add** configuration screen.
-Click the more_vert icon for the shared storage unit and select **Edit** to display the **Extents Edit** configuration form.
-Both the **Add** and **Edit** forms have the same settings fields.
-![SharingISCSIManualExtentsForm](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualExtentsForm.png "iSCSI Extents Form")
-**Basic Info**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Name** | Name of the extent. An extent with a size of zero can be an existing file within the pool or dataset. An extent with a size other than zero cannot be an existing file within the pool or dataset. |
-| **Description** | Type any notes about this extent. |
-| **Enabled** | Select to enable the iSCSI extent. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Extent Type** | Specify the storage unit type. Select **Device** or **File** from the dropdown list. **Device** provides virtual storage access to zvols, zvol snapshots, or physical devices. **File** provides virtual storage access to a single file. |
-| **Device** | Only displays only if **Device** is the selected in **Extent Type**. Select the unformatted disk, controller, or zvol snapshot. |
-| **Path to the Extent** | Only displays if the **Extent Type** is set to **File**. Browse to an existing file. Create a new file by browsing to a dataset and appending /\{filename.ext\} to the path. Users cannot create extents inside a jail root directory. |
-| **Filesize** | Only displays if the **Extent Type** is set to **File**. Enter **0** to use the actual file size and it requires that the file already exists. Otherwise, specify the file size for the new file. |
-| **Logical Block Size** | Leave at the default of **512** unless the initiator requires a different block size. Select from **512**, **1024**, **2048** or **4096** on the dropdown list.|
-| **Disable Physical Block Size Reporting** | Select if the initiator does not support physical block size values over 4K (MS SQL). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Enable TPC** | Select to allow an initiator to bypass normal access control and access any scannable target. This allows [xcopy](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-R2-and-2012/cc771254(v=ws.11)) operations that are otherwise blocked by access control. |
-| **Xen initiator compat mode** | Select when using Xen as the iSCSI initiator. |
-| **LUN RPM** | *Do not* change this setting when using Windows as the initiator! Only change the default **SSD** setting if in a large environment where you need a number of systems using a specific RPM for accurate reporting statistics. Options are **SSD**, **5400**, **7200**, **10000** or **15000**. |
-| **Read-only** | Select to prevent the initiator from initializing this LUN. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Associated Targets Tab" >}}
-The **Associated Targets** screen displays a list of associated TrueNAS storage resources configured on the system. It lets users create new associated TrueNAS storage resources or edit existing ones in the list.
-Use the blue **Columns** dropdown list to display a list of available options to add or remove columns in the **Associated Targets** table. Select from **Unselect All**, **LUN ID**, **Extent** or **Reset to Defaults** to reverse any changes you made to the table.
-![SharingISCSIManualAssociatedTargets](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualAssociatedTargets.png "iSCSI Associated Targets")
-Use **ADD** to display the **Associated Targets Add** configuration screen.
-Click the more_vert icon for the associated TrueNAS storage resource and select **Edit** to display the **Associated Targets Edit** configuration form.
-Both the **Add** and **Edit** forms have the same settings fields.
-![SharingISCSIManualAssociatedTargetsForm](/images/CORE/Sharing/SharingISCSIManualAssociatedTargetsForm.png "iSCSI Associated Targets Form")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Target** | Select an existing target. This is a required field. |
-| **LUN ID** | Select the value or enter a value between 0 and 1023. Some initiators expect a value below 256. Leave this field blank to automatically assign the next available ID. |
-| **Extent** | Select an existing extent. This is a required field. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/DisksScreens.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/DisksScreens.md
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-title: "Disks Screens"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/disksscreens/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Disk Screens in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 40
-- /core/uireference/storage/disks/disksscreens/
-- /core/uireference/storage/disks/
-- disks
-- storage
-Use the **Storage > Disks** screen to add or manage disks in your TrueNAS.
-![StorageDisksScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/StorageDisksScreen.png "Storage Disks Screen")
-Use the blue **Columns** button to display a list of options to modify the information displayed in the list of disks.
-Use the arrow_forward_ios expand symbol to the right of any disk on the list to expand that disk to show settings and actions for that disk.
-## Disk Information Screen
-The **Disks** individual disk information screen includes details about the disk settings and status. It also provides access to disk actions the user can take.
-![StorageDiskInformationScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/StorageDiskInformationScreen.png "Storage Disk Information Screen")
-Use **EDIT** to display the **Edit Disk** screen.
-Use **MANUAL TEST** to display the **Manual S.M.A.R.T. Tests** dialog where you can specify the type of test as **LONG**, **SHORT**, **CONVEYANCE** or **OFFLINE**.
-Use **S.M.A.R.T. TEST RESULTS** to display the results of any S.M.A.R.T. tests executed on the system.
-Use **WIPE** to delete obsolete data off an unused disk. This option does not display unless your disk is unused. See [Wiping a Disk]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Disks/DiskWipe.md" >}}) for more information on how to use this function.
-## Edit Disk Screen
-The settings on the **Edit Disk** are the same as those on the **Add Disk** screen.
-![StorageDisksEditScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/StorageDisksEditScreen.png "Storage Disks Edit Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description|
-| **Name** | Enter the FreeBSD disk device name. For example, *ada0*. |
-|**Serial** | Enter the serial number for this disk. |
-| **Description** | Enter notes or a description for this disk. For example, where it is located or what it is used for. |
-| **HDD Standby** | Select the option from the dropdown list for the minutes of inactivity before the drive enters standby mode. Select from **Always On** or the minutes in a range from **5** to **330**. See [this forum post](https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/how-to-find-out-if-a-drive-is-spinning-down-properly.2068/) for information on identifying spun down drives. Temperature monitoring is disabled for standby disks. |
-| **Force HDD Standby** | Select to allow the drive to enter standby, even when non-physical S.M.A.R.T. operations could prevent the drive from sleeping. |
-| **Advanced Power Management** | Select an option from the dropdown list to select a power management profile from the menu. Options are **Disabled**, **Level 1 - Minimum power usage with Standby (spindown)**, **Level 64 - Intermediate power usage with Standby**, **Level 127 - Maximum power usage with Standby**, **Level 128 - Minimum with power usage without Standby (no spindown)**, **Level 192 - Intermediate power usage without Standby**, **Level 254 - Maximum performance, maximum power usage**. |
-| **Acoustic Level** | Select the option from the dropdown list to modify disks that understand [AAM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_acoustic_management) Options are **Disabled**, **Minimum**, **Medium** or **Maximum**. |
-| **Enable S.M.A.R.T.** | Select to enable allowing the system to conduct periodic [S.M.A.R.T. tests](https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/coretutorials/tasks/runningsmarttests/). |
-| **S.M.A.R.T. extra opitons** | Enter additional [smartctl(8)](https://www.unix.com/man-page/suse/8/smartctl/) options. |
-| **Critical** | Enter a numeric value to set the threshold temperature in Celsius. If the drive temperature is higher than this value, a LOG_CRIT level log entry is created and an email i s sent. **0** disables this check. |
-| **Difference** | Enter a value where the the system reports if the drive temperature changed by this many degrees Celsius since the last report. **0** disables the report. |
-| **Informational** | Enter a value where the system reports if the drive temperature is at or above this temperature in Celsius. **0** disables this report. |
-| **SED Password** | Use to set or change the password of this SED. This password is used insead of the global SED password. |
-| **Clear SED Password** | Select to chear the SED password for this disk. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **SAVE** to save settings and return the **Disks** screen or use **CANCEL** to exit without saving.
-## Import Disk Screen
-Use the **Import Disk** screen to perform a one time disk import, only one disk at a time, on you TrueNAS system.
-![StorageImportDiskScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/StorageImportDiskScreen.png "Storage Import Disk Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description|
-| **Disk** | Select the disk to import from the dropdown list. The import copies the data from the selected disk to an existing ZFS dataset. Only one disk can be imported at a time. This is a required field. |
-| **Filesystem type** | Select one radio button option to specity the file system type that is on the disk to import. Options are **UFS**, **NTFS**, **MSDOSFS** or **EXT2FS**. |
-| **Destination Path** | Browse to locate the dataset on the TrueNAS that is to hold the copied data. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-The **SAVE** button activates after required fields are populated.
-See [Import Disks]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/ImportDisk.md" >}}) for more information on importing a disk into your TrueNAS.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/COREQuotaScreens.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/COREQuotaScreens.md
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@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-title: "User and Group Quota Screens"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/pools/corequotascreens/"
-description: "Describes CORE Dataset User and Group Quota screen settings and functions."
-weight: 18
- - accounts
-TrueNAS allows setting data or object quotas for user accounts and groups cached on or connected to the system.
-Go to **Storage > Pools**, find the desired dataset, and click to open the **Dataset Actions** menu and see the **User Quota** and **Group Quota** options.
-## User Quotas Screen
-Clicking **User Quotas** from the **Dataset Actions** menu shows the **User Quotas** screen.
-![UserQuotasScreenNoQuotas](/images/CORE/Storage/UserQuotasScreenNoQuotas.png "User Quotas Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| Filter User Quotas | Enter a string to show saved quotas that match the string. |
-| Columns | Displays options to customize the table view to add or remove information. Options are **Select All**, **ID**, **Data Quota**, **DQ Used**, **DQ % Used**, **Object Quota**, **Objects Used**, **OQ % Used**, and **Reset to Defaults**. After selecting **Select All** the option toggles to **Unselect All**. |
-| Actions | Shows additional options to manage or add entries to this screen. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Actions
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| Toggle Display | Changes the view between filter and list views. By default, only user accounts with a quota are shown (filter view). Switching to the list view shows all available users, even if the user has no quota assigned. |
-| Set Quotas (Bulk) | Opens the **Set User Quotas** screen to add quotas. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### User Expanded View
-Click the expand_more icon to display a detailed individual user quota view.
-![UserQuotasRootUserExpanded](/images/CORE/Storage/UserQuotasRootUserExpanded.png "User Quota Expanded View")
-Click the edit **Edit** button to display the **[Edit User](#edit-user-configuration-window)** window.
-### Edit User Configuration Window
-The **Edit User** window allows modifying individual user data and object quota values.
-![EditUserQuotaWindow](/images/SCALE/Credentials/EditUserQuotaWindow.png "Edit User Quota")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **User** | Displays the name of the selected user. |
-| **User Data Quota (Examples: 500KiB, 500M, 2 TB)** | Enter the amount of disk space the selected user can use. Entering **0** allows the user to use all disk space. You can enter human-readable values such as 50 GiB, 500M, 2 TB, etc.). If units are not specified, the value defaults to bytes. |
-| **User Object Quota** | Enter the number of objects the selected user can own. Entering **0** allows unlimited objects. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **Set Quota** to save changes or **Cancel** to close the window without saving.
-## Set User Quotas Screen
-Click **Actions > Set Quotas (Bulk)** to see the **Set User Quotas** screen.
-![SetUserQuotasScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/SetUserQuotasScreen.png "Set User Quotas")
-### Set Quotas Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **User Data Quota (Examples: 500KiB, 500M, 2 TB)** | Enter the amount of disk space the selected user can use. Entering **0** allows the user to use all disk space. You can enter human-readable values such as 50 GiB, 500M, 2 TB, etc.). If units are not specified, the value defaults to bytes. |
-| **User Object Quota** | Enter the number of objects the selected user can own. Entering **0** allows unlimited objects. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Apply Quotas to Selected Users Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Select Users Cached by this System** | Select the users from the dropdown list of options. |
-| **Search for Connected Users** | Click in the field to see the list of users on the system or type a user name and press Enter. A clickable list displays of found matches as you type. Click on the user to add the name. A warning dialog displays if there are not matches found. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **Submit** to set the quotas or **Cancel** to exit without saving.
-## Group Quotas Screens
-Clicking **Group Quotas** from the **Dataset Actions** menu shows the **Edit Group Quotas** screen.
-![EditGroupQuotasNoGroups](/images/CORE/Storage/EditGroupQuotasNoGroups.png "Group Quotas Screen")
-The **Edit Group Quotas** screen displays the names and quota data of any groups cached on or connected to the system.
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| Filter Group Quotas | Enter a string to show saved quotas that match the string. |
-| Columns | Displays options to customize the table view to add or remove information. Options are **Select All**, **ID**, **Data Quota**, **DQ Used**, **DQ % Used**, **Object Quota**, **Objects Used**, **OQ % Used**, and **Reset to Defaults**. After selecting **Select All** the option toggles to **Unselect All**. |
-| Actions | Shows additional options to manage or add entries to this screen. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Actions
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| Toggle Display | Changes the view between filter and list views. By default, only group accounts with a quota are shown (filter view). Switching to the list view shows all available groups, even if the group has no quota assigned. |
-| Set Quotas (Bulk) | Opens the **Set Group Quotas** screen to add quotas. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Group Expanded View
-Click the expand_more icon to display a detailed individual group quota view.
-![EditGroupQuotasExpandedView](/images/CORE/Storage/EditGroupQuotasExpandedView.png "Group Quotas Expanded View")
-Click the edit **Edit** button to display the **[Edit Group](#edit-group-configuration-window)** window.
-### Edit Group Configuration Window
-The **Edit Group** window allows you to modify the group data quota and group object quota values for an individual group.
-![EditGroupQuotaWindow](/images/SCALE/Credentials/EditGroupQuotaWindow.png "Edit Group Quota")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Group** | Displays the name of the selected group(s). |
-| **Group Data Quota (Examples: 500KiB, 500M, 2 TB)** | Enter the amount of disk space the selected group can use. Entering **0** allows the group to use all disk space. You can enter human-readable values such as 50 GiB, 500M, 2 TB, etc.). If units are not specified, the value defaults to bytes. |
-| **Group Object Quota** | Enter the number of objects the selected group can own or use. Entering **0** allows unlimited objects. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **Set Quota** to save changes or **Cancel** to close the window without saving.
-### Set Group Quotas Screen
-Click **Actions > Set Quotas (Bulk) ** to see the **Set Group Quotas** screen.
-![SetGroupQuotasScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/SetGroupQuotasScreen.png "Set Group Quotas")
-#### Set Quotas Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Group Data Quota (Examples: 500KiB, 500M, 2 TB)** | Enter the amount of disk space the selected group can use. Entering **0** allows the group to use all disk space. You can enter human-readable values such as 50 GiB, 500M, 2 TB, etc.). If units are not specified, the value defaults to bytes. |
-| **Group Object Quota** | Enter the number of objects the selected group can own or use. Entering **0** allows unlimited objects. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-#### Apply Quotas to Selected Groups Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Settings | Description |
-| **Select Groups Cached by this System** | Select the users from the dropdown list of options. |
-| **Search for Connected Groups** | Click in the field to see the list of groups on the system or type a group name and press Enter. A clickable list displays of found matches as you type. Click on the group to add the name. A warning dialog displays if there are no matches found. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Click **Submit** to set the quotas or **Cancel** to exit without saving.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/DatasetsScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/DatasetsScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d42f9577..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/DatasetsScreen.md
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@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-title: "Datasets Screens"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/pools/datasetsscreen/"
-description: "Describes how to configure a dataset on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 17
-- datasets
-- acl
-Use the **Storage > Pools Add Dataset** screen to add a dataset to your TrueNAS. A TrueNAS dataset is a file system that is created within a data storage pool. There are two settings options, **BASIC OPTIONS** and **ADVANCED OPTIONS**. Use the basic option unless you want to customize your dataset for specific uses cases.
-## Add Dataset Screen
-### Dataset Basic Options
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/AddDatasetBasicOptionsScreen.png" alt="Add Dataset Screen" id="Add Dataset Screen" >}}
-Use **SUBMIT** without entering settings to quickly create a dataset with the default options or after entering settings to save and create the dataset.
-#### Name and Options
-The **Name and Options** fields are required to create the dataset.
-Datasets typically inherit most of these settings from the root or parent dataset, only a dataset name is required before clicking **SUBMIT**.
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Name** | Enter a unique identifier for the dataset. The name cannot be changed after the dataset is created. |
-| **Comments** | Enter notes about the dataset. |
-| **Sync** | Select an option from the dropdown list. Select **Standard** uses the sync settings requested by the client software. Select **Always** to wait for data writes to complete, or select **Disabled** to never wait for writes to complete. |
-| **Compression level** |Select an option to encode information in less space than the original data occupies. It is recommended to choose a compression algorithm that balances disk performance with the amount of saved space:
**lz4** is generally recommended as it maximizes performance and dynamically identifies the best files to compress.
**zstd** is the [Zstandard](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8478) compression algorithm that has several options for balancing speed and compression.
**gzip** options range from **1** for least compression, best performance, through **9** for maximum compression with greatest performance impact.
**zle** is a fast algorithm that only eliminates runs of zeroes.
**lzjb** is a legacy algorithm that is not recommended for use. |
-| **Enable Atime**| Select an option from the dropdown list. **Inherit (off)** inherits from the pool. **on** updates the access time for files when they are read. **off** disables creating log traffic when reading files to maximize performance. |
-| **Encryption** | Select **Inherit (non-encrypted)** to inherit the root or parent dataset encryption properties. Clear the checkmark to either not encrypt the dataset or to configure encryption settings other than those used by the root or parent dataset. See [Encryption]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/StorageEncryption.md" >}}) for more information on encryption. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-#### Other Options
-Use the **Other Options** to help tune the dataset for particular data sharing protocols:
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **ZFS Deduplication** | Select an option to transparently reuse a single copy of duplicated data to save space from the dropdown list. Options are **Inherit (off)**, **on**, **verify** or **off**. Deduplication can improve storage capacity, but is RAM intensive. Compressing data is generally recommended before using deduplication. Deduplicating data is a one-way process. *Deduplicated data cannot be undeduplicated! |
-| **Case Sensitivity** | Select an option from the dropdown list. **Sensitive** assumes file names are case sensitive. **Insensitive** assumes file names are not case sensitive. **Mixed** understands both types of file names. Case sensitivity cannot be changed after the dataset is created! |
-| **Share Type** | Select an option from the dropdown list to define the type of data sharing the dataset uses to optimize the dataset for that sharing protocol. Options are **Generic** or **SMB**. AFP type shares use **SMB** unless directed to select **Generic**. The type of share cannot be changed after the dataset is created! |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Dataset Advanced Options
-Use **ADVANCED OPTIONS** to add additional dataset settings such as quota management tools, basic ACL permissions and a few additional **Other Options** settings fields.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/AddDatasetAdvancedOptionsTop.png" alt="Add Dataset Advanced Options" id="Add Dataset Advanced Options" >}}
-#### Quota Settings for this dataset and/or this dataset and its child datasets
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Quota for this datset** | Enter an integer to define the maximum allowed space for the dataset. **0** disables quotas. |
-| **Quota warning alert at, %** | Enter an integer to generate a warning level [alert]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertSettings.md" >}}) when consumed space reaches the defined percentage. By default, **Inherit** is selected and the dataset inherits this value from the parent dataset. Clear the checkmark to change the value. |
-| **Quota critical alert at, %** | Enter an integer to generate a critical level [alert]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertSettings.md" >}}) when consumed space reaches the defined percentage. By default, **Inherit** is selected and the dataset inherits this value from the parent dataset. Clear the checkmark to change the value. |
-| **Reserved space for this dataset** | Enter an integer to reserve additional space for datasets that contain logs which could eventually take up all the available free space. **0** is unlimited. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/AddDatasetAdvancedOptionsScreenBottom.png" alt="Add Dataset Advanced Options 2" id="Add Dataset Advanced Options 2" >}}
-#### Other Options
-Additional **Other Options** settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Read-only** | Select an option from the dropdown list. **On** prevents the dataset being modified. **Off** allows users accessing the dataset to modify its contents. |
-| **Exec** | Select an option from the dropdown list. **On** allows processes to executd from within this dataset. **Off** prevents processes from executing in the dataset. It is recommended to set to **On**. |
-| **Snapshot directory** | Select an option to control visibility of the .zfs directory on the dataset. Options are **Visible** or **Invisible**. |
-|**Copies** | Select an option from the dropdown list to specify the number of duplicate ZFS user data copies stored on this dataset. Choose between **1**, **2**, or **3** redundant data copies. This can improve data protection and retention, but is not a substitute for storage pools with disk redundancy. |
-| **Record Size** | Select an option from the dropdown list for the Logical block size in the dataset. Matching the fixed size of data, as in a database, could result in better performance. |
-| **ACL Mode**| Select an option from the dropdown list to determine how [chmod](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=chmod) behaves when adjusting file ACLs. See the [zfs](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=zfs) `aclmode` property.
**Passthrough** only updates ACL entries that are related to the file or directory mode.
**Restricted** does not allow chmod to make changes to files or directories with a non-trivial ACL. An ACL is trivial if it can be fully expressed as a file mode without losing any access rules. **Restricted** is typically used to optimize a dataset for SMB sharing, but can require further optimizations. For example, configuring an [rsync task]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Tasks/CreatingRsyncTasks.md" >}}) with this dataset could require adding `--no-perms` in the Rsync task **Auxiliary Parameters** field. |
-| **Metadata (Special) Small Block Size** | Enter an integer for the threshold block size for including small file blocks into the [special allocation class (fusion pools)]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/FusionPool.md" >}}). Blocks smaller than or equal to this value are assigned to the special allocation class while greater blocks are assigned to the regular class. Valid values are zero or a power of two from 512B up to 1M. The default size **0** means no small file blocks are allocated in the special class. Add a [special class vdev]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/FusionPool.md" >}}) to the pool before setting this property. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Edit Datasets Screen
-Use the **Storage > Pools Edit Dataset** screen to change setting for an existing dataset. The settings are identical to the **Add Dataset** screens above. to access the **Edit Dataset** screens, click the for a dataset and select **Edit Options**.
-### Dataset Edit Permissions Screen
-Use the **Storage > Pools Edit Permissions** screen to change permissions settings for a parent dataset. To access the **Edit Permissions** screens, click the for a dataset and select **Edit Options**.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/DatasetEditPermissionsScreen.png" alt="Edit Permissions Screen" id="Edit Permissions Screen" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Dataset Path** | Displays the dataset path for the selected dataset. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-#### Owner Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **User** | Either type to search for or use dropdown list to select an existing user on the system that controls this dataset. Dropdown list displays all user on the TrueNAS system. |
-| **Apply User** | Select to confirm selected user. As a check on errors, if not selected the user is not submitted. |
-| **Group** | Either type to search for or use dropdown list to select an existing group on the system that controls this dataset. Dropdown list displays all user on the TrueNAS system. |
-| **Apply Group** | Select to confirm selected group. As a check on errors, if not selected the group is not submitted. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-#### Access Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Access Mode** | Select the **Read**, **Write** and **Execute** checkboxes for **User**, **Group**, and **Other** to set the permissions levels. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-#### Advanced Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Apply Permissions Recursively** | Select to apply permissions recursively to all directories and files within the current dataset. |
-| **Traverse** | Select to apply permissions recursively to all child datasets of the current dataset. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### USE ACL Manager Screen
-Click **USE ACL MANAGER** to open the ACL editor to further customize permissions. After selecting the **Select a preset ACL** radio buttons on the **Create an ACL** dialog, select a **Default ACL Option** from the dropdown list. Options are **OPEN**, **Restricted** or **HOME**. Or **Create a custom ACL** and then click **CONTINUE** to display the **Edit ACL** screen with the default permissions for the option you selected.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsEditACLTop.png" alt="Edit ACL Screen Top" id="Edit ACL Screen Top" >}}
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsEditACLBottom.png" alt="Edit ACL Screen Bottom" id="Edit ACL Screen Bottom" >}}
-#### File Information Settings
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Path** | Displays the dataset path for the selected dataset. |
-| **User** | Either type to search for or use dropdown list to select an existing user on the system that controls this dataset. Dropdown list displays all user on the TrueNAS system. |
-| **Apply User** | Select to confirm selected user. As a check on errors, if not selected the user is not submitted. |
-| **Group** | Either type to search for or use dropdown list to select an existing group on the system that controls this dataset. Dropdown list displays all user on the TrueNAS system. |
-| **Apply Group** | Select to confirm selected group. As a check on errors, if not selected the group is not submitted. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-#### Access Control List Settings - owner@, group@ and everyone@
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Who** | Select from the dropdown list of options. Default for each of the three groups of settings is **owner@**, **group@** and **everyone@** but you can change this to either of these additional options **User** or **Group**. Selection modifies values displayed in other settings. |
-| **ACL Type** | Select either **Allow** or **Deny** from the dropdown list to specify how permissions apply to the value selected in **Who**. Select **Allow** to grant the specified permissions or **Deny** to restrict the specified permissions. |
-| **Permissions Type** | Select either **Basic** or **Advanced** from the dropdown list. **Basic** shows general permissions. **Advanced** shows each specific type of permission for finer control. |
-| **Permissions** | Select the permissions to apply to the selected value in **Who**. The list of permissions changes based on the value selected in **Permissions Type**. See [Permissions]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/Permissions.md" >}}) for more information on permissions by permissions type (**Basic** and **Advanced**). |
-| **Flags Type** | Select the set of ACE inheritance flags to display. Options are **Basic** or **Advanced**. If **Basic** non-specific inheritance options show in the list. If **Advanced** the dropdown list shows specific inheritance settings for finer control. |
-| **Flags** | Select how this ACE applies to newly created directories and files within the dataset. If **Flag Type** is set to **Basic** options are **Inherit** or **No Inherit**. If **Flag Type** is set to **Advanced** flags are **File Inherit**, **Directory Inherit**, **No Propagate Inherit**, **Inherit Only**, or **Inherited**. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **ADD ACL ITEM** to add another set of the ACL permission settings.
-Select **Apply permissions recursively** to apply the ACL settings recursively to all directories and files in the current dataset.
-**USE PERMISSIONS EDITOR** opens the [**Edit Permissions**](#dataset-edit-permissions-screen) screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/ZvolsScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/ZvolsScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a32813be2..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/ZvolsScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-title: "Zvols Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/pools/zvolsscreen/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Storage Pools Add Zvol screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 19
-- zvol
-- storage
-Use the **Storage > Pools Add Zvol** screen to add a zvol to a pool.
-![AddZvolAdvancedOptionScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/AddZvolAdvancedOptionScreen.png "Add Zvol Advanced Options Screen")
-**Basic Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Zvol name** | Enter a short name for the zvol. Using a zvol name longer than 63-characters can prevent accessing zvols as devices. For example, a zvol with a 70-character filename or path cannot be used as an iSCSI extent. This setting is required. |
-| **Comments** | Enter any notes about this zvol. |
-| **Size for this zvol** | Specify size and value. Units like **t**, **TiB**, and **G** can be used. The size of the zvol can be increased later, but cannot be reduced. If the size is more than 80% of the available capacity, the creation fails with an **out of space** error unless **Force size** is also selected. |
-| **Force size** | Select to force the system to create a zvol that brings a pool to over 80% capacity (not recommended). By default, the system does not create a zvol if that operation brings the pool to over 80% capacity. |
-| **Sync** | Select an option from the dropdown list that sets the data write synchronization. **Inherit** sets zvol to get sync settings from the parent dataset, **Standard** uses the sync settings requested by the client software, **Always** that waits for data writes to complete,or **Disabled** that never waits for writes to complete. |
-| **Compression level** | Select a compression option from the dropdown list. Select **Off** to not compress data to save space. Refer to Compression for a description of the available algorithms. |
-| **ZFS Deduplication** | Do not change this setting unless instructed to do so by your iXsystems support engineer. |
-| **Sparse** | Select to provide [thin provisioning]({{< relref "thinprovisioning.md" >}}). Use with caution as writes fail when the pool is low on space. |
-| **Read-only** | Select an option from the dropdown list to set whether the zvol can be modified. Options are **Inherit** to get and use the parent pool or root dataset settings, **On** to prevent modifying the zvol, or **Off** to allow the zvol to be modified. |
-| **Inherit** (**Encryption Options**) | Select to enable the zvol to use the encryption properties of the root dataset. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Selecting **ADVANCED OPTIONS** adds one additional setting.
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Block size** | select the default **Inherit** or select from the other dropdown list options **4KiB**, **8KiB**, **16KiB**, **32KiB**, **64KiB** or **128KiB**. See [Creating a Zvol]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/zvols.md" >}}) for more information on these options and block sizes. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**SUBMIT** activates after all required fields are populated. Use to save settings.
-Use **CANCEL** to exit without saving settings and display the **Pools** screen.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b8bf1dc64e..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/_index.md
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@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-title: "Pools"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/pools/poolsscreens/"
-description: "Lists the screens related to Pools in TrueNAS CORE."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 10
-aliases: /core/uireference/storage/pools/poolsscreens/
-related: false
-- datasets
-- pools
-Use the **Storage Pools** screens to add or manage storage pools on your TrueNAS.
-The **Pools** screen displays a table of all the pools and datasets configured in your TrueNAS.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsScreen.png" alt="Storage Pools Screen" id="Storage Pools Screen" >}}
-Use the to display the [**Pools Actions**](#pools-actions-dropdown-list) dropdown list of pool operations.
-Use **ADD** to display the [**Import Pool**](#import-pools-screens) configuration wizard screens.
-Use the for the root dataset to display the **Action Menu** for the root dataset which is different than the options for nested datasets.
-Use the for nested datasets to display the **Action Menu** for nested datasets.
-See [Datasets Screen]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/DatasetsScreen.md" >}}) for more information on dataset screens.
-## Import Pools Screens
-The import pool wizard has four configuration screens that allow you to add a new pool or import an existing pool based on the selection made.
-### Create or Import Pool Screen
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/CreateImportPoolScreen.png" alt="Create or Import Pool Screenr" id="Create or Import Pool Screen" >}}
-Select the **Create new Pool** radio button to add a new pool and configure each setting.
-Select the **Import an existing pool** to import an existing pool. See [Importing a Pool]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/PoolImport.md" >}}) for more information.
-Use the **CREATE POOL** button to display the **Create Pool** screen which is the [**Pool Manager**](#pool-manager-screen) screen.
-## Pools Actions Dropdown List
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/StoragePoolsActionOptions.png" alt="Storage Pools Action Options" id="Storage Pools Action Options" >}}
-### Pools Options
-Displays a dialog with the **Auto TRIM** and **Confirm** checkoboxes. Auto TRIM allows TrueNAS to periodically check the pool disks for storage blocks it can reclaim.
-### Export/Disconnect
-Displays a dialog with a warning about unavailable data, backing up data before exporting/disconnecting, and lists services that could be disrupted by the process. Select from the three options:
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description|
-| **Destroy data on this pool?** | Select to destroy data on the pool disks. |
-| **Delete configuration of shares that used this pool?** | Selected by default to delete share configurations listed. |
-| **Confirm Export/Disconnect** | Activates the **Export/Disconnect** button. |
-| **Export/Disconnect** | Use to display the confirmation dialog where you must enter the name of the pool and confirm you want to proceed with this operation. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **CANCEL** to exit the process and close the dialog.
-### Add Vdev
-Displays the [**Pool Manager**](#pool-manager-screen) screen.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/AddVdevsScreen.png" alt="Add Vdevs Screen" id="Add Vdevs Screen" >}}
-Use **CANCEL** to exit without saving and display the **Pools** screen.
-Use **ADD VDEVS** to add vdevs to the exiting pool.
-### Scrub Pool
-Displays a start-scrub confirmation dialog. Select **Confirm** to activate the **START SCRUB** button. Use **CANCEL** to exit back to the **Pools** screen without starting the scrub.
-### Expand Pool
-Displays the [**Pool Status**](#pool-status-screen) screen which displays the status of the pool, the datasets and the disks for the selected pool. Select the to display the options available to datasets and disks.
-Use the **Expand Pool** function to add a new disk to a single-disk stripe pool in order to create or re-create a mirror pool, if the disk capacity of the new disk meets the requirements.
-## Pool Manager Screen
-The **Pool Manager** screen displays after selecting either the **Create new Pool** radio button on the **Create or Import Pool** screen or the **Add Vdev** option for an existing pool.
-**Pool Manager** adds the initial vdev when you create the pool or want to add to an existing pool.
-At initial creation you have the option to select the type of vdev for this pool.
-When accessing **Pool Manager** for an existing pool from the **Pool Actions** dropdown and selecing **Add Vdev**, the pool vdev type is already specified and limits what you can add as a **Data** type vdev. For example, a pool with a mirror vdev requires you to add a minimum of two disks to the existing mirror. In order to transform a single disk stripe to a mirror, use [**Expand Pool**](#expand-pool).
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/CreatePoolScreen.png" alt="Storage Create Pool Screen" id="Storage Create Pool Screen" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description|
-| **Name** | Displays the name of the pool for which you are adding the vdev. |
-| **Encryption** | Select to apply encryption to the storage pool. All datasets created on an encrypted pool inherit encryption from this root dataset. |
-| **RESET LAYOUT** | Click to reset the proposed layout displayed. Click before you save to remove any vdev types selected and move disks assigned to any vdev back to the **Available Disks** list. |
-| **ADD VDEV** | Displays a dropdown list of the types of vdevs on the system. Vdev types are **Data**, **Cache**, **Log**, **Hot Spare**, **Metadata** or **Dedup**. Click to add vdev types to an existing or new pool vdev setup. |
-| **Available Disks** | List of available disks on the TrueNAS. Select the checkbox to the left of the disk and then select the blue to the right of the vdev type (if more than one vdev type exists or is added with the **ADD VDEV** button) to move the disks to that vdev. To move it back to the **Available Disks** list select the disk checkbox(es) and the blue . |
-| **Data VDevs** | List of disks assigned to the vdev(s). To move disks back to the **Available Disks** list select the disk checkbox(es) and the blue symbol. |
-| **vdev type** | Displays under the **Data Vdevs** table(s). For an existing pool, the default vdev type is the vdev type for that existing pool. For initial pool creation, the default type is **Stripe**. After adding disks to the **Data VDevs** a expand symbol displays with avaialbe options to change the default type of vdev (for example, if two disks are moved to a Data VDev, the **Mirror** option displays along with **Strip**). |
-| **Estimated raw capacity: 0 B** | Displays the raw storage capacity of the disks for the data vdev type. |
-| **Filter disks by name** | Click on to display the field where you enter the filter or search parameters. |
-| **Filter disks by capacity** | Click on to display the field where you enter the filter or search parameters. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **CANCEL** to exit without saving and display the **Pools** screen.
-Use **CREATE** to add the pool vdev.
-Use **ADD VDEVS** to add vdevs to the exiting pool.
-## Pool Status Screen
-The **Pool Status** screen which displays the status of the pool, the datasets and the disks for the selected pool.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/PoolStatusScreen.png" alt="Pool Status Screenr" id="Pool Status Screen" >}}
-Each Dataset has two options available from the . Select either **Extend** which displays the **Extend Vdev** dialog that allows you to select a new disk from a dropdown list, or **Remove** which displays a confirmation dialog before you remove the dataset from the pool.
-Each disk has four options available from the :
-**Edit** displays the [**Edit Pool Disk**](#edit-pool-disk-screen) screen where you can change disk settings.
-**Offline** displays the **Offline Disk** conformation dialog where you confirm you want to offline the disk. Select the **Confirm** checkbox to activate the **OFFLINE** button or click **CANCEL** to exit the dialog and return to the **Pool Status** screen.
-**Replace** displays the **Replacing disk** dialog where you select the member disk from a dropdown list. Use **Force** to override safety checks and add the disk to the pool. Warning, this erases data on the disk!
-**Detach** displays the **Detach Disk** dialog where you must select **Confirm** before the **DETACH** button activates. This detaches the disk from the pool.
-## Edit Pool Disk Screen
-The **Edit Pool Disk** screen displays disk configutation settings.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/Storage/StorageDiskEditPoolDiskScreen.png" alt="Edit Pool Disk Screen" id="Edit Pool Disk Screen" >}}
-Settings on the **Edit Pool Disk** screen are the same as those on the **Storage > Disks > Edit Disk** screen. See [Disk Screens]({{< relref "DisksScreens.md" >}}) for more information on disk settings.
-## Pools Edit Permissions Screen
-Use the **Edit Permissions** option on the parent dataset **Dataset Actions** menu to display the **Edit Permissions** screen. This option is only availble on the parent dataset. See [Dataset Screens]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/Storage/Pools/DatasetsScreen.md" >}}) and [Setting Up Permissions]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/Permissions.md" >}}) for more information on pool and dataset permissions.
-## Pools Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/SnapshotsScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/SnapshotsScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 893937fded..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/SnapshotsScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-title: "Snapshots Screens"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/snapshotsscreen/"
-description: "Describes the Snapshots screens on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-- snapshots
-Use the **Storage > Snapshots** screens to create and manage snapshots on your TrueNAS.
-![StorageSnapshotsScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/StorageSnapshotsScreen.png "Stprage Snapshots Screen")
-Use the to display the **Show Extra Columns** dialog, and after clickng **SHOW**, the **Snapshot** screen changes to dipslay the blue **COLUMNS** button with options to modify the table information.
-It also changes the individual snapshots listed to show the individual snapshot action options from the more_vert rather than the navigate_next expand symbol that, after clicking on it, expands the selected snapshot to show details with the action options on the bottom of the expanded view of the snapshot.
-To return to the previous display click the to display the **Hide Extra Columns** dialog, and after clickng **HIDE**, the blue **COLUMNS** button no longer displays and the list of snapshots displays the navigate_next expand symbol.
-Use **ADD** to display the **Snapshot > Add** screen.
-## Snapshot Add Screen
-![AddSnapShotScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/AddSnapShotScreen.png "Add Snapshot Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Dataset** | Select a dataset or zvol from the dropdown list to use as the storage location for snapshots. |
-| **Name** | Enter a unique name. This cannot be used with the value in **Naming Schema** |
-| **Naming Schema** | Used to generate a name for the snapshot from a previously created periodic snapshot task. This allows replication of the snapshot. Value cannot be used with a value specified in **Name**. |
-| **Recursive** | Select to include child datasets of the selected dataset. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **SUBMIT** to save settings.
-Use **CANCEL** to exit without saving and display the **Snapshots** screen.
-## Snapshot Details Screen
-The expanded snapshot view includes date created, space used, and the amount of data accessible by this dataset.
-![StorageSnapshoExpandedtInfoScreen](/images/CORE/Storage/StorageSnapshoExpandedtInfoScreen.png "Snapshot Expanded Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Icon | Description |
-| **Delete** | delete | Displays a delete confirmation dialog. Select **Confirm** to activate the **DELETE** button. |
-| **Clone to New Dataset** | | Displays the **Clone to New Dataset** screen. |
-| **Rollback** | restore | Displays the **Dataset Rollback From Snapshot** dialog. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Dataset Rollback from Snapshot Dialog
-{{< hint type=warning >}}
-WARNING: Rolling the dataset back destroys data on the dataset and can destroy additional snapshots that are related to the dataset.
-This can result in permanent data loss!
-Do not roll back until all desired data and snapshots are backed up.
-{{< /hint >}}
-![DatasetRollbackFromSnapshot](/images/CORE/Storage/DatasetRollbackFromSnapshot.png "Dataset Rollback from Snapshot")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Stop Roolback if Snapshot Exists** | Select the safety level for the rollback action. Select the radio button that best fits. Rollback is cancelled when the safety check finds additional snapshots that are directly related to the dataset being rolled back. |
-| **Newer intermeidate, Child, and clone** | Select to stop rollback when the safety check finds any related intermediate, child dataset, or clone snapshots that are newer than the rollback snapshots. |
-| **Newer Clone** | Select to stop rollbck when the safety check finds any related clone snapshots that are newer than the rollback snapshot. |
-| **No Safety Check (CAUTION)** | Select to stop rollback if snapshot exists. The rollback destroys any related intermediate, child dataset, and cloned snapshots that are newer than the rollback snapshot. |
-| **Confirm** | Select to confirm the selection and activate the **ROLLBACK** button. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-See [Creating Snapshots]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Snapshots.md" >}}) for more information on creating and managing snapshots.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/VMware-SnapshotsScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/VMware-SnapshotsScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 91fa7e5181..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/VMware-SnapshotsScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-title: "VMware-Snapshots Screen"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/vmware-snapshotsscreen/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the VMware Snapshot screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 30
-- snapshots
-Use **Storage** > **VMware-Snapshots** to add a VMWare snapshot that coordinates ZFS snapshots when using TrueNAS as a VMware datastore.
-![StorageVMwareSnapshotsAdd](/images/CORE/Storage/StorageVMwareSnapshotsAdd.png "Creating a VMware Snapshot")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Hostname** | Enter the IP address or host name of the VMware host. When clustering, use the IP address or host name of the vCenter server for the cluster. |
-| **Username** |Enter a user account name created on the VMware host. The account must have permission to snapshot virtual machines. |
-| **Password** | Enter the password associated with the value in **Username**. |
-| **ZFS Filesystem** | Select a file system to snapshot from the dropdown list. Values populate from the VMWare host response. |
-| **Datastore** | Select an option from the dropdown list after entering the **Hostname**, **Username**, and **Password**, click **FETCH DATASTORES** to populate the menu. Select the datastore to synchronize. Selecting a datastore also select any previously mapped datasets. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-Use **FETCH DATASTORES** to have TrueNAS connect to the VMware host.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Storage/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e02a0026e0..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-title: "Storage"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/storage/"
-description: "Reference documentation for the various screens within the Storage menu option."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 90
-related: false
-## Storage Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/2FA.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/2FA.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a6a58bcc3..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/2FA.md
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-title: "2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/2fa/"
-description: "Describes the Two-Factor Authentication User Settings screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 190
-- 2fa
-TrueNAS offers Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to ensure that a compromised administrator (*root*) password cannot be used by itself to gain access to the administrator interface.
-![UIRef2FA](/images/CORE/System/UIRef2FA.png "2FA Configuration")
-## 2FA Configuration
-{{< include file="/static/includes/System2FAFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/ACMEDNS.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/ACMEDNS.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3426702fee..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/ACMEDNS.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-title: "ACME DNS"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/acmedns/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Add ACME DNS Authenticators screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 170
-- acme
-- certificates
-[Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)](https://ietf-wg-acme.github.io/acme/draft-ietf-acme-acme.html) is available for automating certificate issuing and renewal.
-## Add DNS Authenticators
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Name**| Internal identifier for the authenticator. |
-| **Authenticator** | DNS provider for the authenticator. Amazon Route 53 is the only supported DNS provider in TrueNAS CORE. |
-| **Access ID Key** | Key generated by the Amazon Web Services account. See the [AWS Access Key documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_access-keys.html) for instructions to generate the key. |
-| **Secret Access Key** | Key generated by the Amazon Web Services account. See the [AWS Access Key documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_access-keys.html) for instructions to generate the key. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Advanced.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Advanced.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d19299b7f..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Advanced.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-title: "Advanced"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/advanced/"
-description: "Describes the System > Advanced screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 40
-- settings
-**System > Advanced** contains advanced options for configuring system settings.
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-These options have reasonable defaults in place.
-Make sure you are comfortable with ZFS, FreeBSD, and system [configuration backup and restoration]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/SystemConfiguration/UsingConfigurationBackups.md" >}}) before making any changes.
-{{< /hint >}}
-![SystemAdvancedSyslogTransportTLS](/images/CORE/System/SystemAdvancedSyslogTransportTLS.png "Advanced Syslog Transport TLS Settings")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemAdvancedFields.md" >}}
-**SAVE DEBUG** generates text files that contain diagnostic information.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertServices.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertServices.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 526226d5ef..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertServices.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-title: "Alert Services"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/alertservices/"
-description: "Describes the fields on the Alert Services screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 80
-- alerts
-![SystemAlertServicesAdd](/images/CORE/System/SystemAlertServicesAdd.png "New Alert Service")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemAlertServicesAddEditFields.md" >}}
-{{< expand "AWS" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **AWS Region** | Enter the [AWS account region](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/sms_supported-countries.html). |
-| **ARN** | Topic [Amazon Resource Name (ARN)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/CreateTopic.html) for publishing. Example: `arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:111122223333:MyTopic`. |
-| **Key ID** | Access Key ID for the linked AWS account. |
-| **Secret Key** | Secret Access Key for the linked AWS account. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Email" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Email Address** | Enter a valid email address to receive alerts from this system. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "InfluxDB" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Host** | Enter the [InfluxDB](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/) hostname. |
-| **Username** | Username for this service. |
-| **Password** | Enter password. |
-| **Database** | Name of the InfluxDB database. |
-| **Series** | InfluxDB time series name for collected points. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Mattermost" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Webhook URL** | Enter or paste the [incoming webhook](https://docs.mattermost.com/developer/webhooks-incoming.html) URL associated with this service. |
-| **Username** | Mattermost username. |
-| **Channel** | Name of the [channel](https://docs.mattermost.com/messaging/managing-channels.html) to receive notifications. This overrides the default channel in the incoming webhook settings. |
-| **Icon Url** | Icon file to use as the profile picture for new messages. Example: https://mattermost.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/icon.png. Requires configuring Mattermost to [override profile picture icons](https://docs.mattermost.com/configure/configuration-settings.html#enable-integrations-to-override-profile-picture-icons). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "OpsGenie" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **API Key** | Enter or paste the [API key](https://docs.opsgenie.com/v1.0/docs/api-integration). Find the API key by signing into the OpsGenie web interface and going to Integrations/Configured Integrations. Click the desired integration, Settings, and read the API Key field. |
-| **API URL** | Leave empty for default OpsGenie API. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "PagerDuty" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Service Key** | Enter or paste the "integration/service" key for this system to access the [PagerDuty API](https://v2.developer.pagerduty.com/v2/docs/events-api). |
-| **Client Name** | PagerDuty client name. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "Slack" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Webhook URL** | Paste the [incoming webhook](https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks) URL associated with this service. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "SNMP Trap" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Hostname** | Hostname or IP address of the system to receive SNMP trap notifications. |
-| **Port** | UDP port number on the system receiving SNMP trap notifications. The default is 162. |
-| **SNMPv3 Security Model** | Enable the SNMPv3 security model. |
-| **SNMP Community** | Network community string. The community string acts like a user ID or password. A user with the correct community string has access to network information. The default is public. For more information, see this helpful [SNMP Community Strings tutorial](https://www.dnsstuff.com/snmp-community-string). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
-{{< expand "VictorOps" "v" >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **API Key** | Enter or paste the [VictorOps API key](https://help.victorops.com/knowledge-base/api/). |
-| **Routing Key** | Enter or paste the [VictorOps routing key](https://portal.victorops.com/public/api-docs.html). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< /expand >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertSettings.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertSettings.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a379dcf5a0..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/AlertSettings.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-title: "Alert Settings"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/alertsettings/"
-description: "Describes the Alert Settings screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 90
-- alerts
-- topmenu
-![System Alert Settings](/images/CORE/System/SystemAlertSettings.png "Alert Settings")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemAlertSettingsFields.md" >}}
-**Alert Warning Levels**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Level | Icon | Alert Notification? |
-| 1 INFO | ![COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency](/images/CORE/System/COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency.png "Alert Levels") | No |
-| 2 NOTICE | ![COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency](/images/CORE/System/COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency.png "Alert Levels") | Yes |
-| 3 WARNING | ![COREAlertLevelWarning](/images/CORE/System/COREAlertLevelWarning.png "Alert Levels") | Yes |
-| 4 ERROR | ![COREAlertLevelErrorCritical](/images/CORE/System/COREAlertLevelErrorCritical.png "Alert Levels") | Yes |
-| 5 CRITICAL | ![COREAlertLevelErrorCritical](/images/CORE/System/COREAlertLevelErrorCritical.png "Alert Levels") | Yes |
-| 6 ALERT | ![COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency](/images/CORE/System/COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency.png "Alert Levels") | Yes |
-| 7 EMERGENCY | ![COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency](/images/CORE/System/COREAlertLevelInfoNoticeAlertEmergency.png "Alert Levels") | Yes |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/BootScreen.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/BootScreen.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c91563f5c..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/BootScreen.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-title: "Boot"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/bootscreen/"
-description: "Provides information about the Boot screen for the TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 30
-- /core/uireference/system/boot/bootscreen/
-- /core/uireference/system/boot/
-- boot
-![UIRefBootScreen](/images/CORE/System/UIRefBootScreen.png "Boot Screen")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Actions | Lets users add boot environments and check their stats/settings, as well as manage and scrub the boot pool. |
-| Name | The name of the boot entry as it appears in the boot menu. |
-| Active | Indicates which entry boots by default if a boot environment is not active. |
-| Created | Indicates the boot environment creation date and time. |
-| Space | Shows boot environment size. |
-| Keep | Indicates whether or not TrueNAS deletes this boot environment when a [system update]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/System/Update.md" >}}) does not have enough space to proceed. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/CAs.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/CAs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c0899163a2..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/CAs.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-title: "CAs"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/cas/"
-description: "Describes the Certificate Authorities screen settings and functions."
-weight: 155
-- certificates
-![CAInternalIntermediate](/images/CORE/System/CAInternalIntermediate.png "CA Internal and Intermediate")
-## Identifier and Type
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Setting | Description |
-| **Name** | Descriptive identifier for this certificate authority. |
-| **Type** | Select the CA type from the dropdown list of options. Select **Internal CA** for a certificate authority that functions like a publicly-trusted CA used to sign certificates for an internal network. This CA is not trusted outside the private network. Select **Intermediate CA** for a CA that lives between the root and end-entity certificates. Its main purpose is to define and authorize the types of certificates requested from the root CA. Select **Import CA** for a CA that allows importing an existing CA onto the system. For more information, see [What are Subordinate CAs and Why Would You Want Your Own?](https://www.globalsign.com/en/blog/what-is-an-intermediate-or-subordinate-certificate-authority). |
-| **Profiles** | Select predefined certificate extensions from the dropdown list. Options are **Opentvpn Root CA** and **CA**. Choose a profile that best matches your certificate usage scenario. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Internal and Intermediate CAs
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CertificateAuthorityIdentifierType.md" >}}
-## Import CAs
-![CAImport](/images/CORE/System/CAImport.png "CA Import")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CertificateAuthorityImport.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Certificates.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Certificates.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fd600d329..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Certificates.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-title: "Certificates"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/certificates/"
-description: "Explains the fields located on the Certificates screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 160
-- certificates
-![CAInternalIntermediate](/images/CORE/System/CAInternalIntermediate.png "CA Internal and Intermediate")
-## Identifier and Type
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Name | Descriptive identifier for this certificate. |
-| Type | Internal Certificate is used for internal or local systems. Certificate Signing Request is used to get a CA signature. Import Certificate allows an existing certificate to be imported onto the system. Import Certificate Signing Request allows an existing CSR to be imported onto the system. |
-| Profiles | Predefined certificate extensions. Choose a profile that best matches your certificate usage scenario. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Internal Certificate and Certificate Signing Request
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CertificatesInternalandCSR.md" >}}
-## Import Certificate and Import Certificate Signing Request
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CertificatesImportCertificateCSR.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/CloudCredentials.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/CloudCredentials.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e819a7f506..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/CloudCredentials.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-title: "Cloud Credentials"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/cloudcredentials/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Cloud Credentials screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 100
-- cloud
-- credentials
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CloudServiceProvidersCORE.md" >}}
-![SystemCloudCredentialsAddS3](/images/CORE/System/SystemCloudCredentialsAddS3.png "Adding new Cloud Credential: S3")
-## Name and Provider
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Name** | Enter a name for the new credential. |
-| **Provider** | Third-party Cloud service providers. Choose a provider to configure connection credentials. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Authentication
-### Amazon S3 Advanced Options
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Endpoint URL** | [S3 API endpoint URL](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteEndpoints.html). When using AWS, the endpoint field can be empty to use the default endpoint for the region, and available buckets are automatically fetched. Refer to the AWS Documentation for a list of [Simple Storage Service Website Endpoints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_website_region_endpoints%20%20target=). |
-| **Region** | [AWS resources in a geographic area](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande-manage.html). Leave empty to automatically detect the correct public region for the bucket. Entering a private region name allows interacting with Amazon buckets created in that region. For example, enter us-gov-east-1 to discover buckets created in the eastern [AWS GovCloud](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/govcloud-us/latest/UserGuide/whatis.html) region. |
-| **Disable Endpoint Region** | Select to prevent automatic detection of the bucket region. Select only if your AWS provider does not support regions. |
-| **User Signature Version 2** | Select to force using [Signature Version 2](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-2.html) to sign API requests. Select only if your AWS provider does not support default version 4 signatures. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### BackBlaze B2
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Key ID** | Alphanumeric [Backblaze B2](https://www.backblaze.com/b2/cloud-storage.html) Application Key ID. To generate a new application key, log in to the Backblaze account, go to the App Keys page, and add a new application key. Copy the application keyID string to this field. |
-| **Application Key** | [Backblaze B2](https://www.backblaze.com/b2/cloud-storage.html) Application Key. To generate a new application key, log in to the Backblaze account, go to the App Keys page, and add a new application key. Copy the applicationKey string to this field. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Box
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Access Token** | A User Access Token for [Box](https://developer.box.com/). An [access token](https://developer.box.com/reference/) enables Box to verify a request belongs to an authorized session. Example token: T9cE5asGnuyYCCqIZFoWjFHvNbvVqHjl. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### DropBox
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Access Token** | Access Token for a Dropbox account. A [token must be generated](https://dropbox.tech/developers/generate-an-access-token-for-your-own-account) by the [Dropbox account](https://www.dropbox.com/) before adding it here. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### FTP
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Host** | FTP Host to connect to. Example: ftp.example.com. |
-| **Port** | FTP Port number. Leave blank to use the default port 21. |
-| **Username** | A username on the FTP Host system. This user must already exist on the FTP Host. |
-| **Password** | Password for the user account. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Google Cloud Storage
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Preview JSON Service Account Key** | Contents of the uploaded Service Account JSON file. |
-| **Choose File** | Upload a Google [Service Account credential file](https://rclone.org/googlecloudstorage/#service-account-support). The file is created with the [Google Cloud Platform Console](https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Google Drive
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Access Token** | Token created with [Google Drive](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/about-auth). Access Tokens expire periodically and must be refreshed. |
-| **Team Drive ID** | Only needed when connecting to a Team Drive. The ID of the top level folder of the Team Drive. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### HTTP
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **URL** | HTTP host URL. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Hubic
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Access Token** | Access Token [generated by a Hubic account](https://api.hubic.com/sandbox/). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Mega
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Username** | [MEGA](https://mega.nz/) account username. |
-| **Password** | MEGA account password. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Account Name** | [Microsoft Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-create-storage-account) account name. |
-| **Account Key** | Base64 encoded key for Azure Account |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Microsoft One Drive
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Access Token** | Microsoft Onedrive [Access Token](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/getting-started/authentication). Log in to the Microsoft account to add an access token. |
-| **Drives List** | Drives and IDs registered to the Microsoft account. Selecting a drive also fills the Drive ID field. |
-| **Drive Account Type** | Type of Microsoft acount. Logging in to a Microsoft account automatically chooses the correct account type. Options: Personal, Business, Document_Library |
-| **Drive ID** | Unique drive identifier. Log in to a Microsoft account and choose a drive from the Drives List drop-down to add a valid ID. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### OpenStack Swift
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **User Name** | Openstack user name for login. This is the OS_USERNAME from an [OpenStack credentials file](https://rclone.org/swift/#configuration-from-an-openstack-credentials-file). |
-| **API Key or Password** | Openstack API key or password. This is the OS_PASSWORD from an [OpenStack credentials file](https://rclone.org/swift/#configuration-from-an-openstack-credentials-file). |
-| **Authentication URL** | Authentication URL for the server. This is the OS_AUTH_URL from an [OpenStack credentials file](https://rclone.org/swift/#configuration-from-an-openstack-credentials-file). |
-| **Auth Version** | AuthVersion - optional - set to (1,2,3) if your auth URL has no version ([rclone documentation](https://rclone.org/swift/#standard-options)). |
-| **Authentication Advanced Options** | |
-| **Tenant Name** | This is the OS_TENANT_NAME from an [OpenStack credentials file](https://rclone.org/swift/#configuration-from-an-openstack-credentials-file). |
-| **Tenant ID** | Tenant ID - optional for v1 auth, this or tenant required otherwise ([rclone documentation](https://rclone.org/swift/#standard-options)). |
-| **Auth Token** | Auth Token from alternate authentication - optional ([rclone documentation](https://rclone.org/swift/#standard-options)). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-**Advanced Options**
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Region Name** | Region name - optional ([rclone documentation](https://rclone.org/swift/#standard-options)). |
-| **Storage URL** | Storage URL - optional ([rclone documentation](https://rclone.org/swift/#standard-options)). |
-| **Endpoint Type** | Endpoint type to choose from the service catalogue. Public is recommended, see the [rclone documentation](https://rclone.org/swift/#standard-options). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### pCloud
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Access Token** | [pCloud Access Token](https://docs.pcloud.com/methods/intro/authentication.html). These tokens can expire and require extension. |
-| **Hostname** | Enter the hostname to connect to. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### SFTP
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Host** | SSH Host to connect to. |
-| **Port** | SSH port number. Leave empty to use the default port 22. |
-| **Username** | SSH Username. |
-| **Password** | Password for the SSH Username account. |
-| **Private Key ID** | Import the private key from an existing SSH keypair or select Generate New to create a new SSH key for this credential. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### WebDav
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **URL** | URL of the HTTP host to connect to. |
-| **WebDav Service** | Name of the WebDAV site, service, or software being used. |
-| **Username** | WebDAV account username. |
-| **Password** | WebDAV account password. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Yandex
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Access Token** | Yandex [Access Token](https://yandex.com/dev/direct/doc/dg-v4/concepts/auth-token.html). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Email.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Email.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2713aa8b2f..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Email.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-title: "Email"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/email/"
-description: "Describes the Email screen and settings on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 50
-- email
-## General Options
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemEmailFields.md" >}}
-## Send Mail Method
-### SMTP
-![System Email SMTP Options](/images/CORE/System/SystemEmailSMTPOptions.png "System Email SMTP Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Outgoing Mail Server** | Hostname or IP address of SMTP server used for sending email. |
-| **Mail Server Port** | SMTP port number. Typically 25/465 (secure SMTP), or 587 (submission). |
-| **Security** | Choose an encryption type. Choices are *Plain (No Encryption)*, *SSL (Implicit TLS)*, or *TLS (STARTTLS)*. |
-| **SMTP Authentication** | Set when the SMTP server uses authentication credentials. Shows additional credentials options. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### GMail OAuth
-![SystemEmailGMailOAuth](/images/CORE/System/SystemEmailGMailOAuth.png "GMail OAuth Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **LOG IN TO GMAIL** | Login to Gmail using OAuth. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Failover.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Failover.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2441da4fe1..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Failover.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-title: "Failover (HA)"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/failover/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Failover Configuration screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 178
-- HA
-- failover
-{{< enterprise >}}
-This article only applies to licensed TrueNAS Enterprise High availability (HA) systems.
-Contact the [iXsystems Sales Team](mailto:sales@ixsystems.com) to inquire about purchasing TrueNAS Enterprise licenses.
-{{< /enterprise >}}
-## Failover Configuration
-![System Failover Enterprise](/images/CORE/System/SystemFailoverEnterprise.png "HA Failover Options")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Disable Failover** | Disable automatic failover. |
-| **Default TrueNAS Controller** | Make the currently active TrueNAS controller the default when both TrueNAS controllers are online and HA is enabled. To change the default TrueNAS controller, unset this option on the default TrueNAS controller and allow the system to fail over. This briefly interrupts system services. |
-| **Network Timeout Before Initiating Failover** | The number of seconds to wait after a network failure before triggering a failover. 0 means a failover occurs immediately or after two seconds when the system is using a link aggregation. |
-| **SYNC TO/FROM PEER** | Synchronizes the active and standby TrueNAS controllers. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/General.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/General.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 741349cc19..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/General.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-title: "General"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/general/"
-description: "Describes the fields for the general system settings for TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
- - /core/system/general/settings
-- settings
-![System General](/images/CORE/System/SystemGeneral.png "System General")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemGeneralFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/KMIP.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/KMIP.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2120fd372f..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/KMIP.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-title: "KMIP"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/kmip/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the KMIP Key Status screen on TrueNAS CORE Enterprise."
-weight: 175
- - /core/system/kmip
-- kmip
-- enterprise
-{{< enterprise >}}
-KMIP is only available for TrueNAS Enterprise licensed systems.
-Contact the [iXsystems Sales Team](mailto:sales@ixsystems.com) to inquire about purchasing TrueNAS Enterprise licenses.
-{{< /enterprise >}}
-KMIP on TrueNAS Enterprise is used to integrate the system within an existing centralized key management infrastructure and use a single trusted source for creating, using, and destroying SED passwords and ZFS encryption keys.
-![SystemKMIP](/images/CORE/System/SystemKMIP.png "KMIP Options")
-## KMIP Server
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Server** | Host name or IP address of the central key server. |
-| **Port** | Connection port number on the central key server. |
-| **Certificate** | Certificate to use for key server authentication. A valid certificate is required to verify the key server connection. WARNING: for security reasons, please protect the Certificate used for key server authentication. |
-| **Certificate Authority** | Certificate Authority (CA) to use for connecting to the key server. A valid CA public certificate is required to authenticate the connection. WARNING: for security reasons, please protect the Certificate Authority used for key server authentication. |
-| **Manage SED Passwords** | Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) passwords can be managed with KMIP. Enabling this option allows the key server to manage creating or updating the global SED password, creating or updating individual SED passwords, and retrieving SED passwords when SEDs are unlocked. Disabling this option leaves SED password management with the local system. |
-| **Manage ZFS Keys** | Use the KMIP server to manage ZFS encrypted dataset keys. The key server stores, applies, and destroys encryption keys whenever an encrypted dataset is created, when an existing key is modified, an encrypted dataset is unlocked, or an encrypted dataset is removed. Unsetting this option leaves all encryption key management with the local system. |
-| **Enabled** | Activate KMIP configuration and begin syncing keys with the KMIP server. |
-| **Change Server** | Move existing keys from the current key server to a new key server. To switch to a different key server, key synchronization must be Enabled, then enable this setting, update the key server connection configuration, and click SAVE. |
-| **Validate Connection** | Tests the server connection and verifies the chosen Certificate chain. To test, configure the Server and Port values, select a Certificate and Certificate Authority, enable this setting, and click SAVE. |
-| **Force Clear** | Cancel any pending Key synchronization. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/NTPServers.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/NTPServers.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2134395f01..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/NTPServers.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "NTP Servers"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/ntpservers/"
-description: "Describes the fields for the NTP Server Settings screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-- ntp
-![SystemNTPServersAdd](/images/CORE/System/SystemNTPServersAdd.png "Adding a new NTP Server")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemNTPServersAddFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Reporting.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Reporting.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b1577ad8..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Reporting.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-title: "Reporting"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/reporting/"
-description: "Contains information about the Reporting screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 70
-aliases: /core/administration/reporting/
-- reporting
-TrueNAS has a built in reporting engine that displays helpful graphs and information about the system processes.
-TrueNAS uses [Graphite](https://graphiteapp.org/ "Graphite Homepage") for metric gathering and visualizations.
-Configure system reporting on the **System > Reporting** screen.
-![SystemReporting](/images/CORE/System/SystemReporting.png "Reporting Options")
--{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Graph Age in Months** | Maximum time (in months) TrueNAS stores a graph. Allowed values are 1-60. Changing this value causes the **Confirm RRD Destroy** dialog to display. Changes do not take effect until TrueNAS destroys the existing reporting database. |
-| **Number of Graph Points** | The number of points for each hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly graph. Allowed values are 1-4096. Changing this value displays the **Confirm RRD Destroy** dialog. Changes do not take effect until TrueNAS destroys the existing reporting database. |
-| **Reset to Defaults** | Resets all entered values and settings back to defaults. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< hint type=important >}}
-Report history is cleared after changing and saving CPU reporting, graph age, or graph points.
-{{< /hint >}}
-For information on the **Reporting** screen graphs see [System Reporting]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/ReportingGraphs.md" >}}).
-Reporting data is saved and preserved across system upgrades and reboots.
-This allows viewing usage trends over time.
-This data is frequently written and should not be stored on the boot pool or operating system device.
-Reporting data is saved in /var/db/collectd/rrd/.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SSHConnections.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SSHConnections.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4440549d09..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SSHConnections.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "SSH Connections"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/sshconnections/"
-description: "Describes the SSH screen fields on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 110
-- ssh
-![SystemSSHConnectionsAddSemiAuto](/images/CORE/System/SystemSSHConnectionsAddSemiAuto.png "Semi-Auto Connection")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemSSHConnectionsAddSemiAutoFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SSHKeypairs.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SSHKeypairs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd3b9f660..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SSHKeypairs.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-title: "SSH Keypairs"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/sshkeypairs/"
-description: "Describes the SSH Keypair screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 120
- - /core/system/systemssh
-- ssh
-![System SSH Keypairs Add](/images/CORE/System/SystemSSHKeypairsAdd.png "System SSH Keypairs Add")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Name | A unique name to identify this keypair. Automatically generated keypairs are named after the object that generated the keypair with " Key" appended to the name. |
-| Private Key | See Public key authentication in [SSH/Authentication](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ssh). |
-| Public Key | See Public key authentication in [SSH/Authentication](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ssh). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Support.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Support.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8398f25316..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Support.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-title: "Support"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/support/"
-description: "Describes the Support screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 180
-- support
-The **Support** screen displays system information. Users may also manage thier Enterprise license and create support tickets.
-## TrueNAS CORE
-![UIBugReport](/images/CORE/System/UIBugReport.png "Writing a Bug Report")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Username | Your JIRA username. |
-| Password | Your JIRA password. |
-| Type | Select Bug when reporting an issue or Feature when requesting new functionality. |
-| Category | Category that best describes the bug or feature. |
-| Attach Debug | Generates and attaches an overview of the system hardware, build string, and configuration. |
-| Subject | A descriptive title for the new issue. |
-| Description | A one to three paragraph summary of the issue. |
-| Browse... | Attaches screenshots that illustrate the problem. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## TrueNAS Enterprise
-{{< enterprise >}}
-Proactive Support and the Contact Support fields below are only available on TrueNAS Enterprise licensed systems.
-Contact the [iXsystems Sales Team](mailto:sales@ixsystems.com) to inquire about purchasing TrueNAS Enterprise licenses.
-{{< /enterprise >}}
-### Proactive Support
-![System Support Proactive Enterprise](/images/CORE/System/SystemSupportProactiveEnterprise.png "Proactive Support: Enterprise")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Name | Primary/Secondary Contact name. |
-| Email | Primary/Secondary Contact email address. |
-| CC | Primary/Secondary Contact email address. |
-| Phone Number | Primary/Secondary Contact phone number. |
-| Enable iXsystems Proactive Support | Set to enable the Enterprise Proactive Support feature. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Contact Support
-![SystemSupportContactEnterprise](/images/CORE/System/SystemSupportContactEnterprise.png "Support Contact: Enterprise")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Name | Contact name. |
-| Email | Contact email address. |
-| Phone | Contact phone number. |
-| Type | Select Bug when reporting an issue or Feature when requesting new functionality. |
-| Environment | Select the appropriate environment. |
-| Criticality | Select the appropriate level of criticality. |
-| Attach Debug | Generates and attaches an overview of the system hardware, build string, and configuration. |
-| Subject | A descriptive title for the new issue. |
-| Description | A one to three paragraph summary of the issue. |
-| Choose Files | Attaches screenshots that illustrate the problem. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SystemDataset.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SystemDataset.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b1b94e05e5..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/SystemDataset.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-title: "System Dataset"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/systemdataset/"
-description: "Describes the System Dataset screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 60
-- systemdataset
-- datasets
-The system dataset stores debugging core files, encryption keys for encrypted pools, and Samba4 metadata such as the user and group cache and share level permissions.
-![ConfigureSystemDataset](/images/CORE/System/ConfigureSystemDataset.png "Configure System Dataset")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| System Dataset Pool | Select the pool to contain the system dataset. |
-| Syslog | Store system logs on the system dataset. Unset to store system logs in /var/ on the operating system device. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Tunables.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Tunables.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 52e69ad6dd..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Tunables.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-title: "Tunables"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/tunables/"
-description: "Describes the Tunable screen fields on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 140
-- tunables
-Tunables manage TrueNAS [sysctls](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=sysctl), loaders, and [rc.conf](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=rc.conf) options.
-![SystemTunablesAdd](/images/CORE/System/SystemTunablesAdd.png "Adding a Tunable")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/SystemTunablesFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Update.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Update.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d3f4f9370..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/Update.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-title: "Update"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/update/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Update screen in TrueNAS CORE."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 150
-- update
-![System Update](/images/CORE/System/SystemUpdate.png "System Update")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| Check for Updates Daily and Download if Available | Check the update server daily for any updates on the chosen train. Automatically download an update if one is available. Click **APPLY PENDING UPDATE** to install the downloaded update. |
-| (Refresh) | Check for updates. |
-| Operation | Lists operations TrueNAS performs during the update. |
-| Name | Operation name and version comparison. |
-| Change log | Lists software changes based on [TrueNAS project JIRA tickets](https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/projects/NAS/issues/NAS-104367?filter=allopenissues). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/ViewEnclosure.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/ViewEnclosure.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ec30c4ec47..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/ViewEnclosure.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-title: "View Enclosure"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/viewenclosure/"
-description: "Provides information about the View Enclosure screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 45
-- enclosure
-{{< enterprise >}}
-The **View Enclosure** screen only displays on TrueNAS CORE Enterprise systems with compatible hardware.
-The UI options to select **System > View Enclosure** is not present on incompatible non-Enterprise systems.
-{{< /enterprise >}}
-The **System Information** widget on the main **Dashboard** displays an image of the specific TrueNAS system. Hover the mouse over the image to see the **View Enclosure** label.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureWidget.png" alt="View Enclosure Widget" id="View Enclosure Widget" >}}
-Click anywhere on the system image to open the **View Enclosure** screen.
-## View Enclosure Screen
-The **View Enclosure** screen displays an image of the TrueNAS platform.
-Additional information about storage pools, drives, and other hardware components is available through clickable elements and buttons.
-### Enclosure Elements
-The top of the **View Enclosure** screen displays options to view information about the system or expansion shelf.
-The options vary by TrueNAS platform, whether or not the system has expansion shelves, and if you have an expansion shelf image selected instead of the TrueNAS system.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureElements.png" alt="View Enclosure Elements" id="Enclosure Elements" >}}
-All TrueNAS systems include the **Disks** option. TrueNAS systems with expansion shelves include the **Temperature**, **Power Supply**, and **Voltage** options.
-Expansion shelves include the **Disks**, **Cooling**, **Services**, **Power Supply**, **SAS Expander**, **Temperature Sensors**, and **Voltage Sensor** options.
-Each option displays a table with readings from the system's internal components taken over time.
-## System Image Screens
-System images display the front view of the server by default.
-If the system model includes a rear view, **REAR** changes the image to the back of the system. **FRONT** switches to the front view of the system chassis.
-**EDIT LABEL** displays for system models other than the Mini.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureEditLabel.png" alt="View Enclosure Edit Label" id="Enclosure Edit Label" >}}
-**EDIT LABEL** opens the **Change Enclosure Label** window. Type a name or description for the system and click **SAVE** to apply the label. **Reset to default** restores the default name for the system.
-System image screens include three options to change the information on the screen:
-* **SHOW POOLS** that highlights disks in pools on the system image.
-* **SHOW STATUS** that shows healthy disks in the system and a status indicator color legend.
-* **SHOW EXPANDER STATUS** that shows the status of SAS expanders in the system or expansion shelf (only systems with an expansion shelf).
-### Disk Image Screens
-Click on a drive image to display a screen with information for that drive. Disk drive information includes the system pool, status, hardware details, and stats.
-**IDENTIFY DRIVE** on disk detail screens turns on the LED indicator on a physical drive bay in the system server.
-**IDENTIFY DRIVE** helps to identify the physical drive bay corresponding to the CORE identification number for that drive.
-Select the drive on the image and then click **IDENTIFY DRIVE**. Go to the location of the system server to locate the drive bay with the LED indication turned on, then check the drive location on the **View Enclosure** screen.
-{{< hint type=note >}}
-TrueNAS Mini and R30 systems do not include the **IDENTIFY DRIVE** function.
-{{< /hint >}}
-### Mini Enclosure Screen Example
-TrueNAS Mini systems only display the front view of the system hardware.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureMiniExample.png" alt="View Enclosure Mini" id="Mini Enclosure" >}}
-Pool information displays at the top of the screen. The drive bay number and disk label display to the left of the image, and the status is to the right. A disk image screen shows details for the drive you click on.
-The **Disks Overview** section displays the system drive hardware and capacity.
-The **Drive Temperatures** section displays current readings for each drive in the system.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureMiniDisks.png" alt="View Enclosure Mini Disks" id="Mini Enclosure Disks" >}}
-### R20 Enclosure Screen Example
-Larger TrueNAS hardware system images include a front and rear view of the chassis to show all drive bays and installed disk drives.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureR20Front.png" alt="View Enclosure R20 Front" id="R20 Front" >}}
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureR20Rear.png" alt="View Enclosure R20 Rear" id="R20 Rear" >}}
-Click on a drive to display details for that selected drive and to access the **IDENTIFY DRIVE** option.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureR20Disks.png" alt="View Enclosure R20 Disks" id="R20 Disks" >}}
-### M40 and Expansion Shelf Enclosure Screen Examples
-The screen shows the front view of the system by default. Both the system and expansion shelf images show the locations of installed disks.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureM40WithShelf.png" alt="View Enclosure M40 With Shelf" id="M40 with Expansion Shelf" >}}
-The right side of the screen includes smaller images of both the system and expansion shelves connected to it. The selected system has a blue vertical line next to it.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/CORE/System/ViewEnclosureExpansionShelf.png" alt="View Enclosure Expansion Shelf" id="Expansion Shelf" >}}
-The system and expansion shelf image screens include three options to change the information shown on the screen:
-* **SHOW POOLS** that highlights disks in pools on the system image.
-* **SHOW STATUS** that shows healthy disks in the system and a status indicator color legend.
-* **SHOW EXPANDER STATUS** that shows the status of SAS expanders in the system or expansion shelf (only systems with an expansion shelf).
-Click on a drive image in the system or an expansion shelf image to display a drive information screen for that drive. Disk drive information includes the system pool, disk status, hardware details, and stats.
-The expansion shelf image varies based on the type of expansion shelf installed, but the disk information displayed is the same as for disks in other system disks.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/System/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e3d9b202..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/System/_index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-title: "System"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/system/"
-description: "Reference documentation for the screens within the System menu option."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 60
-related: false
-The TrueNAS CORE web interface **System** section has numerous features related to configuring the system and integrating it with specific environments or external accounts.
-## System Content
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/AdvancedScheduler.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/AdvancedScheduler.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b684fc16f5..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/AdvancedScheduler.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-title: "Advanced Scheduler"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/advancedscheduler/"
-description: "Describes the fields in the Advanced Scheduler in TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 100
-- advancedscheduler
-![Tasks Advanced Scheduler](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksAdvancedScheduler.png "Tasks Advanced Scheduler")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Choose a preset** | Populates the rest of the fields. |
-| **Minutes** | Minutes when the task runs. |
-| **Hours** | Hours when the task runs. |
-| **Days** | Days when the task runs. |
-| **Months** | Months when the task runs. |
-| **Days of Week** | Days of the week when the task runs. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/CloudSyncTasks.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/CloudSyncTasks.md
deleted file mode 100644
index df285b6928..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/CloudSyncTasks.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-title: "Cloud Sync Tasks"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/cloudsynctasks/"
-description: "Describes the Cloud Sync Tasks screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 90
-- cloud
-TrueNAS can send, receive, or synchronize data with a Cloud Storage provider.
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CloudServiceProvidersCORE.md" >}}
-![TasksCloudSyncAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksCloudSyncAdd.png "Creating a Cloud Sync Task")
-## Transfer
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Description** | Enter a description of the Cloud Sync Task. |
-| **Direction** | **PUSH** sends data to cloud storage. **PULL** receives data from cloud storage. Changing the direction resets the **Transfer Mode** to **COPY**. |
-| **Transfer Mode** | **SYNC**: Files on the destination are changed to match those on the source. If a file does not exist on the source, it is also deleted from the destination. **COPY**: Files from the source are copied to the destination. If files with the same names are present on the destination, they are overwritten. **MOVE**: After files are copied from the source to the destination, they are deleted from the source. Files with the same names on the destination are overwritten. |
-| **Directory/Files** | Select the directories or files to be sent to the cloud for **Push** syncs, or the destination to be written for **Pull** syncs. Be cautious about the destination of **Pull** jobs to avoid overwriting existing files. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Remote
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Credential** | Select the cloud storage provider credentials from the list of available Cloud Credentials. |
-| **Folder** | Enter or select the cloud storage location to use for this task. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Control
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Schedule** | Select a schedule preset or choose **Custom** to open the advanced scheduler. |
-| **Enable** | Enable this Cloud Sync Task. Clear to disable this Cloud Sync Task without deleting it. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Advanced Options
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Follow Symlinks** | Follow symlinks and copy the items to which they link. |
-| **Pre-script** | Script to execute before running sync. |
-| **Post-script** | Script to execute after running sync. |
-| **Exclude** | List of files and directories to exclude from sync. Separate entries by pressing Enter. See [rclone](https://rclone.org/filtering/) filtering for more details about the `--exclude` option. |
-| **Upload Chunk Size** | Files are split into chunks of this size before upload. The number of chunks that can be simultaneously transferred is set by the **Transfers** number. The single largest file being transferred must fit into no more than 10,000 chunks. |
-| **Remote Encryption** | Use [rclone crypt](https://rclone.org/crypt/) to manage data encryption during PUSH or PULL transfers: PUSH: Encrypt files before transfer and store the encrypted files on the remote system. Files are encrypted using the *Encryption Password* and *Encryption Salt* values. PULL: Decrypt files that are being stored on the remote system before the transfer. Transferring the encrypted files requires entering the same Encryption Password and Encryption Salt that was used to encrypt the files. Additional details about the encryption algorithm and key derivation are available in the [rclone crypt File formats documentation](https://rclone.org/crypt/#file-formats). |
-| **Transfers** | Number of simultaneous file transfers. Enter a number based on the available bandwidth and destination system performance. See [rclone --transfers](https://rclone.org/docs/#transfers-n). |
-| **Bandwidth Limit** | A single bandwidth limit or bandwidth limit schedule in rclone format. Separate entries by pressing Enter. Example: *08:00,512 12:00,10MB 13:00,512 18:00,30MB 23:00,off*. Units can be specified with the beginning letter: *b, k (default), M, or G*. See [rclone --bwlimit](https://rclone.org/docs/#bwlimit-bandwidth-spec). |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Dry Run
-TrueNAS connects to the Cloud Storage Provider and simulates a file transfer without sending or receiving data.
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/CronJobs.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/CronJobs.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dabd4f8d5..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/CronJobs.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "Cron Jobs"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/cronjobs/"
-description: "Describes the fields on the Cron Jobs screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 10
-- cronjobs
-![TasksCronJobsAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksCronJobsAdd.png "Creating a new Cron Job")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksCronJobsAddFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/InitShutdownScripts.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/InitShutdownScripts.md
deleted file mode 100644
index df19fd352d..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/InitShutdownScripts.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "Init/Shutdown Scripts"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/initshutdownscripts/"
-description: "Explains the fields on the Init/Shutdown Script screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 20
-- initshutdown
-![TasksInitShutdownScriptsAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksInitShutdownScriptsAdd.png "Creating a new script")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksInitShutdownScriptsAddFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/PeriodicSnapshotTasks.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/PeriodicSnapshotTasks.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dd05c9d07..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/PeriodicSnapshotTasks.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "Periodic Snapshot Tasks"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/periodicsnapshottasks/"
-description: "Defines the fields in the Periodic Snapshot Tasks Screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 50
-- snapshots
-![TasksPeriodicSnapshotAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksPeriodicSnapshotAdd.png "Creating a new Snapshot Task")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksPeriodicSnapshotAddFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ReplicationTasks.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ReplicationTasks.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e4dd08281..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ReplicationTasks.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-title: "Replication Tasks"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/replicationtasks/"
-description: "Decribes the fields on the Replication Tasks screen for TrueNAS CORE."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 60
-- replication
-## Basic Creation
-![TasksReplicationTasksAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksReplicationTasksAdd.png "Add Replication Task")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksReplicationAddWizardFields.md" >}}
-![TasksReplicationTasksAddLocalSourceRemoteDestWeeklyCustomLife](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksReplicationTasksAddLocalSourceRemoteDestWeeklyCustomLife.png "Description")
-## Advanced Creation
-![TasksReplicationAddAdvanced](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksReplicationAddAdvanced.png "Add Replication Task")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksReplicationAddAdvancedFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ResilverPriority.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ResilverPriority.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e8ec1deef..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ResilverPriority.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "Resilver Priority"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/resilverpriority/"
-description: "Describes the Resilver Priority screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 70
-- resilver
-![TasksResilverPriority](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksResilverPriority.png "Scheduling Resilver Priority Times")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksResilverPriorityFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/Rsync.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/Rsync.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e65589dbe..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/Rsync.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-title: "Rsync Tasks"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/rsync/"
-description: "Provides information about the Rsync Tasks screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 30
-- rsync
-Remote sync is a utility that copies data across a network. Rsync first copies the initial data. Later copies contain only the data that is different between the source and destination files. This reduces network traffic. Use Rsync to create backups, and to synchronize data across systems.
-## Create a New Rsync Task
-Go to **Tasks > Rsync Tasks**. The Rsync Tasks menu displays.
-![RsyncTaskAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/RsyncTaskAdd.png "Rsync Task: Add Module")
-Click **ADD**.
-![TasksRsyncTasksAddModeModule](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksRsyncTasksAddModeModule.png "Rsync Task: Module Mode")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksRsyncAddFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/SMARTTests.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/SMARTTests.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f243e0e525..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/SMARTTests.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "S.M.A.R.T. Tests"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/smarttests/"
-description: "Describes the fields on the S.M.A.R.T. Test screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 40
-- smart
-![TasksSMARTTestsAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksSMARTTestsAdd.png "Add recurring S.M.A.R.T. test")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksSMARTAddFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ScrubTasks.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/ScrubTasks.md
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-title: "Scrub Tasks"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/scrubtasks/"
-description: "Describes the fields on the Scrub Task screen on TrueNAS CORE."
-weight: 80
-- scrub
-![TasksScrubTasksAdd](/images/CORE/Tasks/TasksScrubTasksAdd.png "Creating a new Scrub Task")
-{{< include file="/static/includes/TasksScrubTasksAddFields.md" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/Tasks/_index.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-title: "Tasks"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/tasks/"
-description: "Reference documentation of screens within the Tasks menu option."
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 70
- - /hub/tasks/
-related: false
-TrueNAS includes an easy-to-use interface for common tasks a sysadmin needs to preform on a NAS on a regular basis.
-These can roughly be broken down into three groups: system level, data backup, and ZFS tasks.
-## Tasks Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/Alerts.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/Alerts.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-title: "Alert Notifications"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/topmenu/alerts/"
-description: "Displays system alerts and provides options to dismiss or reopen dismissed alerts on your TrueNAS."
-weight: 20
-- topmenu
-- alerts
-The **Alert Notifications** panel displays system alerts. It provides options to dismiss or reopen dismissed alerts on your TrueNAS.
-![AlertsPanel](/images/CORE/Dashboard/AlertsPanel.png "Alerts Panel")
-## Alerts Panel Options
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Dismiss** | Dismisses a single alert. |
-| **Re-Open** | Re-opens a recently dismissed alert. |
-| **Dismiss All Alerts** | Dismisses all alerts. |
-| **Re-Open All Alerts** | Displays at the bottom of the panel if you dismiss more than one alert. Click to re-open all dismissed alerts if they are still active. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Alert Levels
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Level | Icon |
-| **Notification** | |
-| **Warning** | |
-| **Critical** | |
-| **One-shot Critical** | |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/TaskManager.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/TaskManager.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d3750f9308..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/TaskManager.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-title: "Task Manager"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/topmenu/taskmanager/"
-description: "Displays a list of tasks performed by your TrueNAS."
-weight: 10
-- topmenu
-- taskmanager
-The **Task Manager** displays a list of tasks performed by the TrueNAS system. It starts with the most recent. Click the assignment to open the **Task Manager**.
-![TaskManager](/images/CORE/Dashboard/TaskManager.png "Task Manager")
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Filter** | Search function to locate or filter the list for a particular running task. |
-| **View Logs** | Tasks with log file output have a **View Logs** button to show the log files. |
-| **State** | Column header for tasks that shows the current condition of the task. Indicates whether the task completed or is still in progress. Click **State** to sort by this column. |
-| **Method** | Column header for tasks that indicates both the name of the task and the method used. Click **Method** to sort by this column. |
-| **Progress** | Column header for tasks that indicates the progress of the the task. Measured by percentage from start to completion. Click **Progress** to sort by this column. |
-| **CLOSE** | Closes the **Task Manager** dialog. Click anywhere off the dialog or use the Esc to close this dialog. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/UIPreferences.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/UIPreferences.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-title: "Interface Preferences"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/topmenu/uipreferences/"
-description: "Displays a list of general preferences for your TrueNAS."
-weight: 30
-aliases: /core/administration/uipreferences/
-- topmenu
-- ui
-{{< include file="/static/includes/COREUIPreferencesIntro.md" >}}
-## General Preferences
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Choose Theme** | Select a preferred theme from the dropdown list. Prebuilt and custom themes are visible here. |
-| **Prefer buttons with icons only** | Select checkbox to preserve screen space. Displays icons and tooltips instead of text labels. |
-| **Enable Password Toggle** | Select checkbox to make an eye icon appear next to password fields. Click the icon to reveal the password. |
-| **Reset Table Columns to Default** | Select checkbox to reset the display of all table columns as system default. |
-| **Retro Logo** | Select checkbox to revert branding back to FreeNAS. |
-| **Reset All Preferences to Default** | Select checkbox to reset all user preferences to their default values. Does not reset custom themes. |
-| **UPDATE PREFERENCES** | Cick button to apply the current checkbox settings to the web interface. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Manage Custom Themes
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **theme name (variable)** | Use checkbox to select a custom theme if listed. |
-| **DELETE SELECTED** | Click button to remove each selected custom theme from the system. |
-| **CREATE NEW THEME** | Click button to open the theme editor. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-## Custom Theme Editor
-![Preferences Custom Theme](/images/CORE/Settings/PreferencesCustomTheme.png "Custom UI Theme")
-### Create Theme
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Load colors from existing theme** | Select the theme option from the dropdown list. Imports settings into the **Create Theme** and **Preview** tabs. |
-| **GENERAL** | Click to display the **GENERAL** tab with the primary options for a new theme. |
-| **COLORS** | Click to display the **COLORS** tab with color options for a new theme. |
-| **PREVIEW** | Click to display the **PREVIEW** tab. The **PREVIEW** updates to reflect current selections. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Custom Theme Name** | Enter a name to identify the new theme. |
-| **Menu Label** | Enter a short name to use in the TrueNAS web interface menus. |
-| **Description** | Enter a short description of the new theme. |
-| **Choose Primary** | Select a generic color from the dropdown list to use as the primary theme color. Or import a specific color setting. |
-| **Choose Accent** | Select a generic color from the dropdown list to use as the accent color for the theme. Or import a specific color setting. |
-| **Choose Topbar** | Select a color from the dropdown list to use as the color for the top menu bar in the web interface. |
-| **SUBMIT** | Click to save the current selections and create the new theme. |
-| **CANCEL** | Click to return to the **Preferences** screen without creating a new theme. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-#### COLORS
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Background 1** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **bg1** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Background 2** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **bg2** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Foreground 1** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **fg1** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Foreground 2** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **fg2** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Alt Background 1** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **alt-bg1** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Alt Background 2** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **alt-bg2** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Alt Foreground 1** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **alt-fg1** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Alt Foreground 2** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **alt-fg2** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Yellow** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **yellow** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Orange** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **orange** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Red** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **red** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Magenta** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **magenta** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Violet** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **violet** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Blue** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **blue** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Cyan** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **cyan** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **Green** | Either click on the color swatch or enter a hex value. This value applies to the **green** option in the **GENERAL** tab. |
-| **SUBMIT** | Click the button to save the current selections and create the new theme. |
-| **CANCEL** | Click the button to return to the **Preferences** screen without creating a new theme. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Global Preview** | Color selections display in the **PREVIEW**. Click the toggle to turn the display of the **PREVIEW** widget on or off. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
-### Preview
-{{< truetable >}}
-| Name | Description |
-| **Buttons** | This tab shows examples of web interface buttons. The buttons display with the current theme settings applied. |
-| **Forms** | This tab shows examples of web interface form options. The options display with the current theme settings applied. |
-{{< /truetable >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/_index.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 81aa2e24a9..0000000000
--- a/content/CORE/UIReference/TopMenu/_index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-title: Top Menu
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/topmenu/"
-description: "Reference documentation for the options panel that displays at the top of the TrueNAS UI."
-weight: 2
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-- topmenu
-- alerts
-- taskmanager
-- ui
-related: false
-{{< include file="/static/includes/CORETopMenu.md" >}}
-## Top Menu Contents
-{{< children depth="2" sort="Name" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/UIReference/UIReferencePrint.md b/content/CORE/UIReference/UIReferencePrint.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d656496ba..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-title: "⎙ Download or Print"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/printview/"
-description: "View all CORE UI Reference content as a single page for download or print."
-weight: 1
-no_print: "true"
\ No newline at end of file
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index a243de951b..0000000000
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-title: UI Reference Guide
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/uireference/"
-description: "This book contains descriptions of the various screens and fields available in the TrueNAS User Interface."
-weight: 50
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
- - _target:
- book: "COREUIReference"
-related: false
-Welcome to the TrueNAS CORE UI Reference Guide!
-{{< include file="/static/includes/UIReferenceIntro.md" >}}
-## Table of Contents
-{{< children depth="2" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/CORE/_index.md b/content/CORE/_index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-title: "TrueNAS CORE"
-redirect: "https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/"
-geekDocHidden: true
-geekdocCollapseSection: true
-weight: 10
-related: false
- - _target:
- volume: "CORE"
- - _target:
- volume: "Appendices"
-{{< columns size="small" >}}
-**TrueNAS CORE** is free and Open Source and is the successor to the wildly popular FreeNAS.
-It runs on virtually any x86_64 system and provides a broad set of features for many users.
-Plugin applications like Plex, NextCloud, and Asigra allow the functionality of a system to be customized for many use cases.
-{{< /columns >}}
-{{< columns size="small" >}}
-**TrueNAS CORE Enterprise** is provided as part of an [iXsystems hardware](/hardware) purchase or extended iXsystems Support Contract.
-Systems can have either single or dual controllers to enable High Availability (HA).
-It can also be provided with Enterprise-grade support from iXsystems.
-{{< /columns >}}
-## Nightly Development Featured Content
-To view documentation for historical or the latest stable TrueNAS CORE major versions, use the **Version** dropdown at the top of this page.
diff --git a/content/Contributing/Documentation/NewArticles/_index.md b/content/Contributing/Documentation/NewArticles/_index.md
index b2bf739f96..8e2cf8c902 100644
--- a/content/Contributing/Documentation/NewArticles/_index.md
+++ b/content/Contributing/Documentation/NewArticles/_index.md
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Be sure to have unique names for each image file.
## Uploading the Article Bundle
-Open the [User Recommendations]({{< ref "/CORE/CORETutorials/CommunityGuides/_index.md" >}}) section of the repository.
+Open the appropriate repository section for the new content article.
[![UploadImages](/images/Contribute/UploadingNewArticleBundle.png "Uploading Images")](/images/Contribute/UploadingNewArticleBundle.png)
diff --git a/content/References/ConceptsAndTerms.md b/content/References/ConceptsAndTerms.md
index df5088cf49..6ccfda9f22 100644
--- a/content/References/ConceptsAndTerms.md
+++ b/content/References/ConceptsAndTerms.md
@@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ While TrueNAS is designed for and ever-evolving towards increased user friendlin
The main ARC resides in system memory.
The L2ARC is 2nd layer ARC assigned to a disk to expand ARC capability.
-* [**ZFS Datasets**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/Datasets.md" >}}): similar to a conventional mounted filesystem.
+* [**ZFS Datasets**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/Datasets/_index.md" >}}): similar to a conventional mounted filesystem.
It appears in casual inspection as "just another folder".
However, unlike conventional mounted filesystems, each ZFS dataset has its own set of properties.
-* [**ZFS Pools**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/_index.md" >}}): filesystem container that is composed of one or more vdevs.
+* [**ZFS Pools**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/Storage/_index.md" >}}): filesystem container that is composed of one or more vdevs.
* [**ZFS vdev**]({{< relref "/references/ZFSPrimer.md" >}}): ZFS virtual device.
A ZFS pool is made up by one or more vdevs.
A vdev can be created using a single disk or many.
A vdev has many configurations: single disk, stripe, RAIDz1, RAIDz2, RAIDz3, or mirror.
-* [**ZFS zvols**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/Zvols.md" >}}): datasets that represent block devices.
+* [**ZFS zvols**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/Datasets/AddManageZvols.md" >}}): datasets that represent block devices.
* [**ZIL**](https://www.truenas.com/blog/zfs-zil-and-slog-demystified/) (or ZFS Intent Log): special vdev class.
This is also sometimes referred to as a SLOG or Separate Intent Log.
-* [**Fusion Pool**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/FusionPool.md" >}}) (or metadata vdev): is a special class of vdev.
+* [**Fusion Pool**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/Storage/FusionPoolsScale.md" >}}) (or metadata vdev): is a special class of vdev.
This special vdev can store meta data such as file locations and allocation tables.
Using a special vdev drastically speeds up random I/O and can cut the average number of spinning-disk I/Os needed to find and access a file by up to half.
@@ -95,21 +95,21 @@ While TrueNAS is designed for and ever-evolving towards increased user friendlin
As a result, the checksum no longer matches.
When ZFS identifies a disk block checksum error on a pool that is mirrored or uses RAIDZ, it replaces the corrupted data with the correct data.
-* [**ZFS Snapshots**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Snapshots.md" >}}): read-only copy of a file system or volume.
+* [**ZFS Snapshots**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/Datasets/CreatingSnapshots.md" >}}): read-only copy of a file system or volume.
When a snapshot of a dataset is made, ZFS records the timestamp of when the snapshot was made.
No data is copied and no extra storage is consumed.
Only when changes occur in the filesystem and the data in it diverges from the snapshot does the snapshot start using additional storage.
-* [**ZFS Scrub**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Tasks/CreatingScrubTasks.md" >}}): the process that ZFS uses to verify the data on disk.
+* [**ZFS Scrub**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/DataProtection/ScrubTasksSCALE.md" >}}): the process that ZFS uses to verify the data on disk.
All of the data is read and checked against the computed checksums to verify that no corruption has occurred.
-* [**ZFS Resilver**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Tasks/UsingResilverPriority.md" >}}): process to reconstruct data on a disk when that disk has replaced a failed disk.
+* [**ZFS Resilver**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/DataProtection/ScrubTasksSCALE.md" >}}): process to reconstruct data on a disk when that disk has replaced a failed disk.
-* [**ZFS Replication**]({{< relref "ReplicationTasks.md" >}}): copying a ZFS dataset to another dataset.
+* [**ZFS Replication**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/DataProtection/Replication/_index.md" >}}): copying a ZFS dataset to another dataset.
The receiving dataset can be on the same machine or on another machine in a remote location.
Replication works with snapshots so only the changes to the stored data need to be sent to the receiving dataset.
-* [**Cloud Sync**]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Tasks/CreatingCloudSyncTasks.md" >}}): TrueNAS sending, receiving, or synchronizing data with a Cloud Storage provider like Amazon S3, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.
+* [**Cloud Sync**]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/DataProtection/CloudSyncTasks/_index.md" >}}): TrueNAS sending, receiving, or synchronizing data with a Cloud Storage provider like Amazon S3, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.
## Networking Terminology
diff --git a/content/References/SMB.md b/content/References/SMB.md
index 133c762f83..f4d824b088 100644
--- a/content/References/SMB.md
+++ b/content/References/SMB.md
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Another helpful reference is [Methods For Fine-Tuning Samba Permissions](https:/
{{< include file="/static/includes/SMBShareMSDOSalert.md" >}}
-Note: the [SMB1 protocol is disabled by default]({{< relref "/CORE/CORESecurityReports/SMB1Advisory.md" >}}).
+Note: the [SMB1 protocol is disabled by default](https://www.truenas.com/docs/core/13.0/coresecurityreports/smb1advisory/).
By default, Samba disables NTLMv1 authentication for security.
Standard configurations of Windows XP and some configurations of later clients like Windows 7 are not able to connect with NTLMv1 disabled.
diff --git a/content/References/ZFSDeduplication.md b/content/References/ZFSDeduplication.md
index 7402e7240f..87c895b505 100644
--- a/content/References/ZFSDeduplication.md
+++ b/content/References/ZFSDeduplication.md
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ It is recommended to use SSDs that do not rely on a limited amount of fast cache
Most SSDs performance (latency) drops when the onboard cache is fully used and more writes occur.
Always review the steady state performance for 4K random mixed read/write.
-[Special vdev]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Storage/Pools/FusionPool.md" >}}) SSDs receive continuous, heavy I/O.
+[Special vdev]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/Storage/FusionPoolsScale.md" >}}) SSDs receive continuous, heavy I/O.
HDDs and many common SSDs are inadequate.
As of 2021, some recommended SSDs for deduplicated ZFS include Intel Optane 900p, 905p, P48xx, and better devices.
Lower cost solutions are high quality consumer SSDs such as the Samsung EVO and PRO models.
@@ -107,8 +107,6 @@ Also, the more duplicated the data, the fewer entries and smaller DDT.
Pools suitable for deduplication, with deduplication ratios of 3x or more (data can be reduced to a third or less in size), might only need 1-3 GB of RAM per 1 TB of data.
The actual DDT size can be estimated by deduplicating a limited amount of data in a temporary test pool.
-Use the [tunable]({{< relref "CORE/UIReference/System/Tunables.md" >}}) **vfs.zfs.arc.meta_min** (*type*=*LOADER*, *value*=*bytes*) to force ZFS to reserve no less than the given amount of RAM for metadata caching.
### CPU
Deduplication consumes extensive CPU resources and it is recommended to use a high-end CPU with 4-6 cores at minimum.
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ If deduplication is used in an inadequately built system, these symptoms might b
* **Cause**: When ZFS has fast special vdev SSDs, sufficient RAM, and is not limited by disk I/O, then hash calculation becomes the next bottleneck.
Most of the ZFS CPU consumption is from attempting to keep hashing up to date with disk I/O.
When the CPU is overburdened, the console becomes unresponsive and the web UI fails to connect. Other tasks might not run properly because of timeouts.
- This is often encountered with [pool scrubs]({{< relref "CORE/CORETutorials/Tasks/CreatingScrubTasks.md" >}}) and it can be necessary to pause the scrub temporarily when other tasks are a priority.
+ This is often encountered with [pool scrubs]({{< relref "SCALE/SCALETutorials/DataProtection/ScrubTasksSCALE.md" >}}) and it can be necessary to pause the scrub temporarily when other tasks are a priority.
* **Diagnose**: An easily seen symptom is that console logins or prompts take several seconds to display.
Generally, multiple entries with command kernel {z_rd_int_[NUMBER]}
can be seen using the CPU capacity, and the CPU is heavily (98%+) used with almost no idle.
* **Solutions**: Changing to a higher performance CPU can help but might have limited benefit. 40 core CPUs have been observed to struggle as much as 4 or 8 core CPUs.
diff --git a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigrateCOREHAtoSCALEHA.md b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigrateCOREHAtoSCALEHA.md
index 15aac5ddfe..2af87c31a4 100644
--- a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigrateCOREHAtoSCALEHA.md
+++ b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigrateCOREHAtoSCALEHA.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: "Enterprise HA Migrations"
-description: "Discusses migrating a TrueNAS High Availability (HA) system from FreeBSD- to Linux-based TrueNAS software."
+title: "Enterprise Migrations"
+description: "Instructions for TrueNAS Enterprise users to migrate from FreeBSD- to Linux-based TrueNAS software."
weight: 25
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ keywords:
- enterprise data storage solution
- data migration
- nas data storage
+slug: migrate-enterprise
**TrueNAS Enterprise customers should consult with iXsystems Support before attempting to migrate.**
diff --git a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigratingFromCORE.md b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigratingFromCORE.md
index c05ec0fc8e..705b833cf9 100644
--- a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigratingFromCORE.md
+++ b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/MigratingFromCORE.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: "Migrating TrueNAS"
-description: "Provides instructions on migrating from FreeBSD- to Linux-based TrueNAS versions. Migration methods include using an ISO or manual update file."
+title: "Community Migrations"
+description: "Provides instructions for TrueNAS community users to migrate from FreeBSD- to Linux-based TrueNAS versions. Migration methods include using an ISO or manual update file."
weight: 15
- /scale/gettingstarted/migratingfromcore/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ keywords:
- nas data storage
- spinning disk
+slug: migrate-community
## Migration Overview
diff --git a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/_index.md b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/_index.md
index 6d8d388cca..47fd268abb 100644
--- a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/_index.md
+++ b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/Migrate/_index.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: "TrueNAS Migrations"
-description: "Instructions for migrating from FreeBSD to Linux-based TrueNAS versions."
+title: "Migrating from CORE"
+description: "Instructions for migrating from FreeBSD TrueNAS CORE to Linux-based TrueNAS versions."
geekdocCollapseSection: true
weight: 40
@@ -20,7 +20,19 @@ keywords:
- data migration
+On March 20, 2024, iXsystems [announced](https://www.truenas.com/blog/truenas-core-13-3-plans/) that the FreeBSD-based TrueNAS CORE platform has entered "sustaining engineering phase within the TrueNAS project."
+With this transition, TrueNAS 13.0 and 13.3 continue to receive bug fixes related to stability and security.
+New feature development and component improvement continues on Linux-based TrueNAS versions.
+Existing TrueNAS 13.0 and 13.3 users who are comfortable with their TrueNAS system can remain on that major version.
+Users looking for new feature development can sidegrade to the Linux-based TrueNAS platform at any time, preserving data and essential NAS functionality.
{{< include file="/static/includes/MigrateCOREtoSCALE24_04.md" >}}
+## Contents
+{{< children depth="1" description="true" >}}
diff --git a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/SCALEReleaseNotes.md b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/SCALEReleaseNotes.md
index 5be565c490..775a0960c8 100644
--- a/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/SCALEReleaseNotes.md
+++ b/content/SCALE/GettingStarted/SCALEReleaseNotes.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- /scale/scalenextversion/
- /scale/scale22.12/
- /scale/25.04/gettingstarted/scalereleasenotes/
+ - /releasenotes/
weight: 10
related: false
@@ -15,13 +16,21 @@ related: false
{{< hint type="tip" title="25.04 Nightly Development Documentation" >}}
This page tracks the latest development roadmap and notes for the future TrueNAS major version 25.04 (Fangtooth).
-See the stable [24.04 (Dragonfish)](https://www.truenas.com/docs/scale/24.04/gettingstarted/scalereleasenotes/) or early development [24.10 (Electric Eel)](https://www.truenas.com/docs/scale/24.10/gettingstarted/scalereleasenotes/) release notes for information relating to that version.
+See the stable [24.10 (Electric Eel)](https://www.truenas.com/docs/scale/24.10/gettingstarted/scalereleasenotes/) release notes for information relating to that version.
{{< /hint >}}
## Features
{{< include file="/static/includes/25.04FeatureList.md" >}}
+## Obtaining a Release
+{{< include file="/static/includes/EarlyReleaseWarning.md" >}}
+For adventurous users that want to experiment with the latest feature development, 25.04 (Fangtooth) nightly images are available from the [the TrueNAS downloads server](https://download.truenas.com/truenas-scale-fangtooth-nightly/).
+More details are available from [Software Releases]({{< relref "/TrueNASUpgrades/_index.md" >}}).
## Release Schedule
{{< include file="/static/includes/ReleaseScheduleWarning.md" >}}
@@ -33,23 +42,6 @@ See the stable [24.04 (Dragonfish)](https://www.truenas.com/docs/scale/24.04/get
{{< include file="/static/includes/SoftwareStatusPage.md" >}}
{{< /expand >}}
-## 25.04 Nightly Development Changelog
-Coming soon
-{{< include file="/static/includes/RESTAPIDeprecationNotice.md" >}}
-Update the system to the latest maintenance release of the installed major version before attempting to upgrade to a new TrueNAS major version.
-include file="/static/includes/SCALEUpgradePaths.md"
+{{< include file="/static/includes/SCALEUpgradePaths.md" >}}
-### TrueNAS Migrations
## Component Versions
Click the component version number to see the latest release notes for that component.
@@ -96,8 +94,9 @@ Click the component version number to see the latest release notes for that comp
{{< truetable >}}
| Component | Version |
-| Linux Kernel | [_._.__](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/tag/?h=v_._.__) |
-| OpenZFS | [_._.__](https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/tree/zfs-_._.__) |
+| Linux Kernel | [6.12](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/tag/?h=v6.12) |
+| OpenZFS | [2.3.0-2](https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/tree/zfs-2.3.0-rc3) |
+| Docker Engine | [27.3.1](https://docs.docker.com/engine/release-notes/27/#2731) |
{{< /truetable >}}
### OpenZFS Feature Flags
@@ -107,12 +106,21 @@ Any new feature flags introduced since the previous OpenZFS version that was int
{{< truetable >}}
| Feature Flag | GUID | Notes |
-| | [org.openzfs:raidz_expansion](https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/7/zpool-features.7.html#raidz_expansion) | |
-| | [com.delphix:redaction_list_spill](https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/7/zpool-features.7.html#redaction_list_spill) | |
+| fast deduplication | [com.klarasystems:fast_dedup](https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/7/zpool-features.7.html#fast_dedup) | This flag is present in 24.10, but is now generally available through the TrueNAS UI. |
{{< /truetable >}}
For more details on feature flags, see [OpenZFS Feature Flags](https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Basic%20Concepts/Feature%20Flags.html) and [OpenZFS zpool-feature.7](https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/7/zpool-features.7.html).
+## 25.04 Nightly Development Changelog
+* The TrueNAS REST API is deprecated in TrueNAS 25.04 and replaced by the [TrueNAS websocket client](https://github.com/truenas/api_client). Full removal of the REST API is planned for a future release.
+* The default libvirt account UID & GID is changed to a less common value to avoid clashing with user created UID/GIDs. See Upgrade Notes above for more information ([NAS-131695](https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/browse/NAS-131695)).
+* Improved API key mechanism with support for user-linked API keys ([NAS-131396](https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/browse/NAS-131396)).
+ Existing API keys created via the TrueNAS API (not UI or TrueCommand) that specify an allow list with white-listed API methods are revoked upon upgrade because there is no clean way to migrate to the new system.
+ Legacy API keys from TrueNAS 24.10 or earlier migrate to the root, admin, or truenas_admin account, depending on server configuration
-TrueCommand is a multi-system management application that helps control and monitor your TrueNAS fleet.
-TrueCommand assists in managing TrueNAS systems through REST APIs, WebSocket APIs, and a web user interface.
-The TrueCommand web interface provides single sign-on functionality and unified administration of users and TrueNAS systems.
-TrueCommand can monitor an entire fleet of TrueNAS systems and thousands of online storage devices simultaneously.
-This includes displaying statistics on storage usage, network activity, active services, and more.
-TrueCommand also has the ability to create custom reports about individual systems or a combination of many systems.
-{{< /columns >}}
-## Nightly Development Featured Content
diff --git a/content/TrueNASUpgrades/_index.md b/content/TrueNASUpgrades/_index.md
index 59d4397724..9757a5fe03 100644
--- a/content/TrueNASUpgrades/_index.md
+++ b/content/TrueNASUpgrades/_index.md
@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ See the [Documentation Archive](https://www.truenas.com/docs/archive/) for conte
{{< include file="/static/includes/SCALEUpgradePaths.md" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/COREUpgradePaths.md" >}}
## Release Schedules
**The release names and dates provided here are tentative and can change at any time.**
diff --git a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNetdataApp.md b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNetdataApp.md
index cf91ba59cf..0a8aca67c6 100644
--- a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNetdataApp.md
+++ b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNetdataApp.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ keywords:
The TrueNAS Netdata app provides an easy way to install and access the Netdata infrastructure monitoring solution.
-TrueNAS deploys the Netdata app in a Kubernetes container using the Helm package manager.
+TrueNAS deploys the Netdata app in a Docker container using Docker Compose.
After successfully deploying the app, you can access the Netdata web portal from TrueNAS.
The Netdata web portal opens on the local dashboard, and where you can create new dashboards, add plugins, metric databases, physical and virtual systems, containers, and other cloud deployments you want to monitor.
The portal also provides access to the Netdata Cloud sign-in screen.
@@ -24,119 +24,140 @@ The portal also provides access to the Netdata Cloud sign-in screen.
{{< include file="/static/includes/AppsUnversioned.md" >}}
## Before You Begin
-The TrueNAS Netdata app does not require advance preparation.
+Prepare TrueNAS before installing the app by:
-You can allow TrueNAS to automatically create storage volumes for the Netdata app or you can create specific datasets to use for configuration, cache, and library storage and extra storage volumes in the container pod.
-If using specific datasets, create these before beginning the app installation.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginStableApps.md" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginRunAsUser.md" >}}
-The administrator account must have sudo permissions enabled.
-To verify, go to **Credentials > Local User**.
-Click on the administrator user (e.g., admin), then click **Edit**. Scroll down to the sudo permissions.
-Select either **Allow all sudo commands** to permit changes after entering a password (not recommended in this instance) or **Allow all sudo commands with not password** to permit changes without requiring a password.
-If you upgraded from Angelfish or early releases of Bluefin that do not have an admin user account, see [Creating an Admin User Account]({{< relref "ManageLocalUsersSCALE.md" >}}) for instructions on correctly creating an administrator account with the required permissions.
+{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataAppDetailsScreen.png" alt="Netdata Information Screen" id="Netdata Information Screen" >}}
-You can create a Netdata account before or after installing and deploying the Netdata app.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasets.md" >}}
-## Installing Netdata on TrueNAS
-To install the **Netdata** application, go to **Apps**, click on **Discover Apps**, then either scroll down to the **Netdata** app widget or begin typing Netdata in the search field to filter the list to find the Netdata app widget.
+Netdata uses three datasets: config, lib, and cache.
+Follow the instruction below in **Creating Datasets for Apps** to correctly set up these datasets.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataWidget.png" alt="Netdata App Widget" id="Netdata App Widget" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasetsProcedure.md" >}}
-Click on the widget to open the **Netdata** application details screen.
+* (Optional) Create a Netdata account.
+ The app install wizard allows you to create a new Netdata account when configuring the app in TrueNAS, or to configure it to use a preexisting account.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataAppDetailsScreen.png" alt="Netdata App Details Screen" id="Netdata App Details Screen" >}}
+## Installing Netdata in TrueNAS
+{{< hint info >}}
+This basic procedure covers the required Netdata app settings.
+For optional settings, see [Understanding App Installation Wizard Settings](#understanding-app-installation-wizard-settings).
+{{< /hint >}}
-Click **Install** to open the **Install Netdata** screen.
+{{< include file="static/includes/apps/MultipleAppInstancesAndNaming.md" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/LocateAndOpenInstallWizard.md" >}}
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataScreen.png" alt="Install Netdata Screen" id="Install Netdata Screen" >}}
-Application configuration settings presented in several sections, are explained in [Understanding Netdata Settings](#understanding-netdata-wizard-settings) below.
-To find specific fields click in the **Search Input Fields** search field, scroll down to a particular section or click on the section heading on the navigation area in the upper-right corner.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardAppNameAndVersion.md" >}}
-Accept the default values in **Application Name** and **Version**.
+The TrueNAS app is configured with all the required environment variables, but if you want to further customize the container, click **Add** to the right of **Additional Environment Variables** for each to enter the variable(s) and values(s).
+See [Netdata Configuration](#netdata-configuration-settings) below for more information.
-Accept the default settings in **Netdata Configuration** and the default port in **Node Port to use for Netdata UI**.
+Accept the default values in **Network Configurations**.
The TrueNAS Netdata app uses the default port **20489** to communicate with Netdata and show the Netdata local dashboard.
+Accept the default settings in **Advanced DNS Settings**.
+See [Network Configuration](#network-configuration-settings) below for more information.
-Make no changes in the **Storage** section to allow TrueNAS to create the storage volumes for the app, or to use datasets created for Netdata configuration storage, select **Enable Host Path for Netdata** to show the **Host Path for Netdata Configuration** settings.
+Add your **Storage Configuration** settings.
+Set **Type** for **Netdata Config Storage** to **Host Path (Path that already exists on the system)**.
+Select **Enable ACL**, and then enter or browse to and select the **config** dataset to populate the **Host Path** field.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataStorageEnableHostPath.png" alt="Install Netdata Storage Enable Host Path" id="Install Netdata Storage Enable Host Path" >}}
+{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataStorageConfigACLandACE.png" alt="Add Netdata Config Storage ACL and ACE Settings" id="Add Netdata Config Storage ACL and ACE Settings" >}}
-Enter or browse to select the dataset created for Netdata configuration storage to populate the mount path.
-If using datasets created for cache and library storage, enable these options, then enter or browse to the datasets for each.
+Click **Add** to the right of **ACL Entries** to show the block of permissions settings.
+Change **ID Type** to user, enter **0** in **ID**, and set **Access** to full control.
-Accept the default settings in **Advanced DNS Settings**.
+Next, select **Force Flag**.
+Repeat the above for the **lib** and **cache** storage volumes.
-Accept the default values in **Resources Limits** or select **Enable Pod Resource limits** to show resource configuration options for CPU and memory and enter new values to suit your use case.
+Accept the defaults in **Resources Configuration**.
-Click **Install**.
+Click **Install**. A progress dialog displays before switching to the **Installed** applications screen.
The system opens the **Installed Applications** screen with the Netdata app in the **Deploying** state.
When the installation completes it changes to **Running**.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataInstalled.png" alt="Netdata Installed" id="Netdata Installed" >}}
+{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataSignInScreen.png" alt="Nextcloud Sign In Screen" id="Nextcloud Sign In Screen" >}}
Click **Web Portal** on the **Application Info** widget to open the Netdata web interface showing the local dashboard.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataWebPortalLocalDashboard.png" alt="Netdata Web Portal Local Dashboard" id="Netdata Web Portal Local Dashboard" >}}
-## Understanding Netdata Wizard Settings
-The following sections provide more detail explanations of the settings found in each section of the **Install Netdata** screen.
+Refer to Netdata user guides and documentation for more information on configuring Netdata dashboards.
+## Understanding App Installation Wizard Settings
+The following section provides more detailed explanations of the settings in each section of the **Install Netdata** wizard.
### Application Name Settings
-{{< include file="/static/includes/InstallWizardAppNameAndVersion.md" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardAppNameAndVersion.md" >}}
### Netdata Configuration Settings
-You can accept the defaults in the **Netdata Configuration** settings or enter the settings you want to use.
-Click **Add** to the right of **Netdata image environment** to display the environment variable **Name** and **Value** fields.
+Accept defaults in the **Netdata Configuration** settings, or to customize the container deployment click **Add** to the right of **Additional Environment Variables** to show the **Name** and **Value** fields used to enter variables.
Netdata does not require using environment variables to deploy the application but you can enter any you want to use to customize your container.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataConfigAddEnvironmentVariable.png" alt="Netdata Configuration Add Environment Variable" id="Netdata Configuration Add Environment Variable" >}}
+Refer to Netdata user guides and documentation for information on configuring and customizing your app.
+Guides include [GitHub Install Netdata with Docker](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/master/packaging/docker/README.md), and [Netdaa Deployment Guides](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/deployment-guides/).
+Netdata provides assistance through their community forums and [Support site](https://www.netdata.cloud/support/).
+### Network Configuration Settings
The TrueNAS Netdata app uses port **20489** to communicate with Netdata and open the web portal.
Netdata documentation states it uses **19999** as the default port, but it recommends restricting access to this for security reasons.
-Refer to the TrueNAS [default port list](https://www.truenas.com/docs/references/defaultports/) for a list of assigned port numbers.
-To change the port numbers, enter a number within the range 9000-65535.
-### Netdata Storage Settings
-TrueNAS defaults to automatically creating storage volumes for Netdata without enabling the host path options.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardDefaultPorts.md" >}}
+{{< include file="static/includes/apps/InstallWizardHostNetworkSettings.md" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardAdvancedDNSSettings.md" >}}
+### Storage Configuration Settings
+TrueNAS provides two options for storage volumes: ixVolumes and host paths.
-To create and use datasets for the Netdata configuration, cache, and library storage or extra storage volumes inside the container pod, first create these datasets.
-Go to **Datasets** and create the datasets before you begin the app installation process.
-See [Add Datasets]({{< relref "DatasetsScale.md" >}}) for more information.
-Select **Enable Host Path for Netdata** to show the volume mount path field to add the configuration storage dataset.
+Netdata needs three datasets:
+* **config**
+* **lib**
+* **cache**
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataStorageEnableHostPath.png" alt="Install Netdata Storage Enable Host Path" id="Install Netdata Storage Enable Host Path" >}}
+Create datasets before beginning the app installation process. Set the **Dataset Preset** to **Apps** before saving the datasets.
+If you group the required datasets under a parent dataset, for example, a dataset named *netdata*, set the **Dataset Preset** to **Apps** to avoid permissions error messages and issues that can block fully deploying the app. See [Before You Begin](#before-you-begin) for more information on adding these datasets.
-Enter or browse to select the dataset and populate the mount path field.
-To use datasets created for cache and library storage volumes, first enable each option and then enter or browse to select the datasets tp populate the mount path fields for each.
+You can add extra storage volumes at the time of installation or edit the application after it deploys. Stop the app before editing settings.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallAppStorageConfig2.md" >}}
-If you want to add storage volumes inside the container pod for other storage, click **Add** to the right of **Extra Host Path Volumes** for each storage volume (dataset) you want to add.
+#### Setting Dataset ACL Permissions
+You can configure ACL permissions for the required dataset in the **Install Netdata** wizard, or from the **Datasets** screen any time after adding the datasets.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataStorageExtraHostPath.png" alt="Install Netdata Storage Add Extra Host Path" id="Install Netdata Storage Add Extra Host Path" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageACLConfig.md" >}}
-You can add extra storage volumes at the time of installation or edit the application after it deploys. Stop the app before editing settings.
+{{< expand "Adding ACL Permissions from the Datasets Screen" "v">}}
+First select the dataset row, and scroll down to the **Permissions** widget, and then click **Edit** to open the **Edit ACL** screen.
+Change the **@owner** and **@group** values from **root** to the administrative user for your TrueNAS system, and click apply for each.
+Next, add an ACL entry for the run-as user.
+For Netdata, the run-as users is **0** for **root**. Add a user entry for this user.
+Save the ACL before leaving the screen.
-### Advanced DNS Settings
-The default **DNS Configuration** is sufficient for a basic installation.
-To specify additional DNS options, click **Add** to the right of **DNS Options** to add the DNS **Option Name** and **Option Value** fields.
+See [Setting Up Permissions]({{< relref "PermissionsSCALE.md" >}}) and [Edit ACL Screen]({{< relref "EditACLScreens.md" >}}) for more information.
+{{< /expand >}}
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataAdvancedDNSOptions.png" alt="Install Netdata Advanced DNS Options" id="Install Netdata Advanced DNS Options" >}}
+#### Mounting an SMB Share Storage Volume
+TrueNAS **Additional Storage** options include the ability to mount an SMB share inside the container pod.
-### Resource Limits Settings
-Accept the default values in **Resources Limits** or select **Enable Pod Resource limits** to show CPU and memory resource configuration options.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageSMBOption.md" >}}
-By default, the application is limited to use no more than four CPU cores and eight gigabytes available memory.
-The application might use considerably less system resources.
+### Resources Configuration Settings
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataResourceLimitsEnablePod.png" alt="Install Netdata Resource Limits" id="Install Netdata Resource Limits" >}}
-To customize the CPU and memory allocated to the container (pod) Netdata uses, enter new CPU values as a plain integer value followed by the suffix m (milli).
-Default is 4000m.
-Accept the default value 8Gi allocated memory or enter a new limit in bytes.
-Enter a plain integer followed by the measurement suffix, for example 129M or 123Mi.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardResourceConfig.md" >}}
## Using the Netdata Web Portal
After deploying the TrueNAS Netdata app click on **Web Portal** to open the Netdata agent local dashboard.
diff --git a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNextCloudMedia.md b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNextCloudMedia.md
index e74b57160b..d598ba15fe 100644
--- a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNextCloudMedia.md
+++ b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/InstallNextCloudMedia.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ aliases:
- /scale/scaletutorials/apps/installnextcloudmedia/
- /scale/scaletutorials/apps/chartapps/installnextcloudmedia/
- /scale/scaletutorials/apps/stableapps/installnextcloudmedia/
+ - /scale/scaletutorials/apps/communityapps/installnextcloudmedia/
- /truenasapps/communityapps/installnextcloudmedia/
- apps
@@ -18,8 +19,13 @@ keywords:
Nextcloud is a drop-in replacement for many popular cloud services, including file sharing, calendar, groupware, and more.
One of its more common uses for the home environment is serving as a media backup, and organizing and sharing service.
-This procedure demonstrates how to set up Nextcloud on TrueNAS, and configure it to support hosting a wider variety of media file previews, including High Efficiency Image Container (HEIC), MP4, and MOV files.
-The instructions in this article apply to TrueNAS 22.10.0 and later.
+This procedure demonstrates how to set up Nextcloud on TrueNAS and configure it to support hosting a wider variety of media file previews, including High-Efficiency Image Container (HEIC), MP4, and MOV files.
+TrueNAS offers one deployment option for setting up Nextcloud, a Linux Debian-based TrueNAS version application available in TrueNAS releases 24.10 and later.
+The instructions in this article apply to these TrueNAS 24.10 and later releases.
+TrueNAS offered a FreeBSD-based TrueNAS Nextcloud plugin in releases 13.0 and 13, but it is no longer available in TrueNAS 13.0 and is soon to be unavailable in 13.3. Refer to release notes for more information on upcoming and current changes.
+For more information on the FreeBSD-based Nextcloud plugin, see [Nextcloud]({{< relref "/content/solutions/integrations/nextcloud.md" >}}).
{{< include file="/static/includes/AppsUnversioned.md" >}}
@@ -27,59 +33,59 @@ The instructions in this article apply to TrueNAS 22.10.0 and later.
Before you install the Nextcloud app:
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginStableApps.md" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginRunAsUser.md" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppCertificate.md" >}}
+{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/NextcloudDetailsScreen.png" alt="Nextcloud App Details Screen" id="Nextcloud App Details Screen" >}}
-Adding a certificate is optional but if you want to use a certificate for this application, either create a new self-signed CA and certificate or import an existing CA and create the certificate for Nextcloud. A certificate is not required to deploy the application.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddNewAppUser.md" >}}
-* Go to **Datasets** and select the pool or dataset where you want to place the Nextcloud dataset.
- For example, */tank/apps/nextcloud* or */tank/nextcloud*.
- You can use either an existing pool or [create a new one]({{< relref "CreatePoolWizard.md" >}}).
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasets.md" >}}
- [Create the three dataset(s)]({{< relref "DatasetsSCALE.md" >}}) before beginning the app installation process.
- Nextcloud uses **html** for app data, **data** for user data, and **postgres_data** for the database data storage volume.
+Create the three dataset(s) before beginning the app installation process.
+ Nextcloud uses
html for app data,
data for user data, and
postgres_data for the database data storage volume.
Earlier versions of the Nextcloud app relied on four datasets.
If upgrading with an existing deployment of this application the app is migrated to the new configuration.
You can organize these datasets under a parent dataset to keep them separated from datasets for other potential applications.
- For example, create the *nextcloud* dataset and nest each dataset under it.
+ For example, create the
nextcloud dataset and nest each dataset under it.
If you organize the Nextcloud required datasets under a parent dataset you must configure ACL permissions for it.
- Use the **Generic** dataset preset when creating the parent dataset!
- When you add the **postgres_data** dataset, it must have a **POSIX** ACL.
+ Use the
Generic dataset preset when creating the parent dataset!
+ When you add the
postgres_data dataset, it must have a
- {{< expand "Configure Nextcloud Datasets and ACLs" "v" >}}
- You must configure the ACLs permissions for two datasets while on the **Datasets** screen: the parent dataset (i.e., the *nextcloud* dataset) and the **postgres_data** dataset.
- You can configure ACL permissions for the Nextcloud **html** and **data** datasets when prompted or configure them in the app installation wizard as described in the installation section.
+{{< expand "Configure Nextcloud Datasets and ACLs" "v" >}}
+ You must configure the ACLs permissions for two datasets while on the >Datasets screen: the parent dataset (i.e., the nextcloud dataset) and the postgres_data dataset.
+ You can configure ACL permissions for the Nextcloud html and data datasets when prompted or configure them in the app installation wizard as described in the installation section.
- To configure the dataset ACL permissions from the **Datasets** screen, either select the **Set ACL for this dataset** option when prompted after adding the dataset or select the dataset row, and then click **Edit** on the **Permissions** widget to open the **Edit ACL** screen.
+ To configure the dataset ACL permissions from the Datasets screen, either select the Set ACL for this dataset option when prompted after adding the dataset or select the dataset row and then click Edit on the Permissions widget to open the Edit ACL screen.
- When adding the parent dataset, after entering the name, select the **Generic** dataset preset.
- Select the option to edit the ACL, set the **owner** and **group** to **admin** or the name of your administration user account and click **Apply Owner** and **Apply Group**.
- Next add an ACE entries for the **netdata** and **www-data** users and give them full permissions.
- Click **Save Access Control List**.
+ When adding the parent dataset, select the Generic dataset preset after entering the name.
+ Select the option to edit the ACL, set the owner and group to admin or the name of your administration user account, and click Apply Owner and Apply Group.
+ Next, add an ACE entry for the netdata and www-dat users and give them full permissions.
+ Click Save Access Control List.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/AddNextcloudParentDatasetNetdataUserACL.png" alt="Add Nextcloud Parent Dataset ACL Permissions" id="Add Nextcloud Parent Dataset ACL Permissions" >}}
- When adding the **postgres_data** dataset, enter the dataset name and then click **Advanced Options** to show the advanced dataset settings.
- Scroll down to the **ACL Type** and select **POSIX** from the dropdown list, and then click **Save**.
- Only the **postgres_data** dataset requires the POSIX ACL type setting.
+ When adding the postgres_data dataset, enter the dataset name and then click Advanced Options to show the advanced dataset settings.
+ Scroll down to the ACL Type and select POSIX from the dropdown list, and then click Save.
+ Only the postgres_data dataset requires the POSIX ACL type setting.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/SetPostgres_dataACLtoPOSIX.png" alt="Set postgres_data Dataset ACL Type" id="Set postgres_data Dataset ACL Type" >}}
- Click **Set ACL for this dataset** to open the **Edit ACL** screen.
- Set the **owner** and **group** to **netdata** and click **Apply Owner** and **Apply Group**, and then with that ACL entry highlighted, assign full control permissions before you save the ACL.
- Click **Save Access Control List**.
+ Click Set ACL for this dataset to open the Edit ACL screen.
+ Set the owner and group to netdata and click Apply Owner and Apply Group, and then with that ACL entry highlighted, assign full control permissions before you save the ACL.
+ Click Save Access Control List.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/AddPostgres_DataACLPermissions.png" alt="Add Nextcloud postgres_data Dataset ACL Permissions" id="Add Nextcloud postgres_data Dataset ACL Permissions" >}}
- {{< /expand >}}
+ {{< /expand >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppCertificate.md" >}}
-{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddNewAppUser.md" >}}
+Adding a certificate is optional but if you want to use a certificate for this application, either create a new self-signed CA and certificate or import an existing CA and create the certificate for Nextcloud. A certificate is not required to deploy the application.
* Set up a Nextcloud account.
- If you have an existing Nextcloud account, you enter the credentials for that users in the installation wizard.
- If do not have an existing Nextcloud account you can create the account from the application install wizard.
+ If you have an existing Nextcloud account, you enter the credentials for that user in the installation wizard.
+ If you do not have an existing Nextcloud account, you can create one using the application install wizard.
### Installing the Nextcloud App
{{< hint info >}}
@@ -88,7 +94,6 @@ For optional settings, see [Understanding App Installation Wizard Settings](#und
{{< /hint >}}
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/MultipleAppInstancesAndNaming.md" >}}
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/LocateAndOpenInstallWizard.md" >}}
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNextcloudScreen.png" alt="Install Nextcloud Screen" id="Install Nextcloud Screen" >}}
@@ -115,9 +120,9 @@ The **Data Directory Path** is pre-populated with the correct path.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNextcloudConfig2.png" alt="Enter Host and Other Config Settings" id="Enter Host and Other Config Settings" >}}
Enter a password in **Redis Password** to create a new credential or enter the existing password if you already have Redis configured in your Nextcloud account.
-Enter a password in **Database Password** to create a new credential for the Nextcloud database or enter the existing password if you already have the Nextcloud account database configured.
+Enter a password in **Database Password** to create a new credential for the Nextcloud database or enter the existing password if you already have the Nextcloud account database configured. Nextcloud does not URL encode in some places so do not use the ampersand (&), at (@), hashtag (#), or percent (%) characters in the Redis password.
-Accept the remaining defaults in the **Nextcloud Configuration** section, but if setting up a cron job schedule, select **Enabled** under **Cron** to show the settings to allow you to schedule a cron job.
+Accept the remaining defaults in the **Nextcloud Configuration** section. However, if you are setting up a cron job schedule, select **Enabled** under **Cron** to show the settings that allow you to schedule a cron job.
{{< expand "Nextcloud Cron Jobs" "v" >}}
NextCloud cron jobs only run while the app is running. If you stop the app, the cron job(s) do not run until you start the app again.
@@ -127,6 +132,7 @@ For more information on formatting and using cron jobs, see [Managing Cron Jobs]
The TrueNAS app is configured with all the required environment variables, but if you want to further customize the container, click **Add** to the right of **Additional Environment Variables** for each to enter the variable(s) and values(s).
{{< /expand >}}
Enter the network configuration settings.
Enter the default port, **30027**, in **WebUI Port**, or enter an available port number of your choice.
See [Network Configuration](#network-configuration) below for more information on changing the default port.
@@ -134,7 +140,7 @@ This port must match the one used in **Host** above.
If you configured a certificate, select it in **Certificate ID**. A certificate is required if you want to select an external port other than the default **30027**.
-Enter the storage settings for each of the datasets created for the Nextcloud app.
+Enter the storage settings for each dataset you created for the Nextcloud app.
{{< expand "Configuring Nextcloud Storage" "v" >}}
{{< hint type=info >}}
Do not select **DEPRECATED: Old Storage Structure** if you are deploying Nextcloud for the first time as this slows down the installation and is not necessary.
@@ -146,12 +152,12 @@ Select **Enable ACL**, and then either enter or browse to and select the **html*
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNextcloudStorageAppDataACLandACESettings.png" alt="Add Nextcloud Storage for AppData" id="Add Nextcloud Storage for AppData" >}}
-Select **Add** to the right of **ACL Entries**, add the **33** user, and give it **FULL_CONTROL Access**.
+Select **Add** to the right of **ACL Entries**, add the **33** user ID, and give it **FULL_CONTROL Access**.
Select **Force Flag**.
Repeat this step for the **Nextcloud User Data Storage** storage volume.
After setting **Type** to **Host Path (Path that already exists on the system)** and selecting **Enable ACL**, enter or browse to and select the **data** dataset.
-Select **Add** to the right of **ACL Entries** to add the **33** user, and give it **FULL_CONTROL Access**. Select **Force Flag**
+Select **Add** to the right of **ACL Entries** to add the **33** user ID, and give it **FULL_CONTROL Access**. Select **Force Flag**
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNextcloudStorageDataACLandACESettings.png" alt="Add Nextcloud Storage Volumes" id="Add Nextcloud Storage Volumes" >}}
@@ -192,8 +198,8 @@ Nextcloud has three APT package options:
You must add both the **ffmpeg** and **smbclient** packages to deploy this app.
-You can use **ocrmypdf** as well if needed, but you must also select the **Tesseract Language Code** to use. Options are **chi-sim** for Simplified Chinese or **eng** for English.
-For more information on tesseract languages to install for OCRmypdf, see [here](https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Data-Files-in-different-versions.html) for a list of language codes. Typing a wrong language code blocks the container from starting. Only takes effect if ocrmypdf is selected.
+You can also use **ocrmypdf** if needed, but you must select the **Tesseract Language Code** to use. Options are **chi-sim** for Simplified Chinese or **eng** for English.
+For more information on tesseract languages to install for OCRmypdf, see [here](https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Data-Files-in-different-versions.html) for a list of language codes. Typing the wrong language code blocks the container from starting. Only takes effect if ocrmypdf is selected.
Click **Add** to the right of **APT Packages** for each option you want or need to add.
{{< /expand >}}
diff --git a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/MinIOApp/MinIOClustering.md b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/MinIOApp/MinIOClustering.md
index a9581ab6a8..47bd140043 100644
--- a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/MinIOApp/MinIOClustering.md
+++ b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/MinIOApp/MinIOClustering.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ weight: 20
- /scale/scaleuireference/apps/minioclustersscale/
- /scale/scaletutorials/apps/minioclustersscale/minioclustering/
+ - /scale/scaletutorials/apps/communityapps/minioapp/minioclustering/
- /scale/scaletutorials/apps/communityapps/minioclustersscale/minioclustering/
- /scale/scaletutorials/apps/chartapps/minioapp/minioclustering/
- /scale/scaletutorials/apps/stableapps/minioapp/minioclustering/
diff --git a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/PlexApp.md b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/PlexApp.md
index 963158545b..7a6c0a66bf 100644
--- a/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/PlexApp.md
+++ b/content/TruenasApps/StableApps/PlexApp.md
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ Before you install the Plex app:
After installing the Plex app and logging into Plex through the **Web Portal** button in TrueNAS, if you have not already configured your Plex account media server, Plex shows the configuration screens to set up the media server, add libraries, and customize your Plex account.
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginStableApps.md" >}}
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginRunAsUser.md" >}}
-* Go to **Datasets**, and select the pool or dataset where you want to add the Plex datasets.
- For example, */tank/apps/plex* or */tank/plex*.
- You can use either an existing pool or [create a new one]({{< relref "CreatePoolWizard.md" >}})
+{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/PlexDetailsScreen.png" alt="Plex App Details Screen" id="Plex App Details Screen" >}}
- Create the two datasets Plex uses for storage volumes:
- * **data** to use as the Plex data directory for database and metadata storage
- * **config** for Plex application configuration storage.
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasets.md" >}}
- You can create a dataset or use a temporary directory option for log data.
- Transcode data is not useful or meant for persistent storage, so using a temporary directory is a better option.
+Plex uses for storage volumes: data to use as the Plex data directory for database and metadata storage, and config for Plex application configuration storage.
- When creating the above datasets, select the **apps** dataset preset.
+ You can create a dataset or use a temporary directory option for log data.
+ Transcode data is not useful or meant for persistent storage, so using a temporary directory is a better option.
+ {{< include file="/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasetsProcedure.md" >}}
- You can set up the permissions (ACLs) for these datasets after adding them using the **Edit ACL** screen, or wait and use the **Install Plex** wizard ACL settings to add permissions. You can also edit permissions after using either method.
+ You can set up the permissions (ACLs) for these datasets after adding them using the Edit ACL screen, or wait and use the Install Plex wizard ACL settings to add permissions.
+ You can also edit permissions after using either method.
### Installing the Plex App
{{< hint info >}}
@@ -67,28 +67,22 @@ While logged into your Plex account, go to the [Plex **Claim Code** web page](ht
Next, either accept the default values shown or enter the IP addresses for local network connections (Ethernet or WiFi routers) you want in your Plex network.
See [Setting Up Local Network](#setting-up-local-network) below for more information.
-You can add devices and/or additional environment variables, but these are not necessary to deploy the app.
-For more information on adding these, see [Adding Devices](#adding-devicess) below.
+You can add devices and additional environment variables, but this is not required to deploy the app.
+For more information, see [Adding Devices](#adding-devicess) below.
-Accept the default values in both **User and Group Configuration** and **Network Configurations**.
+Accept the default values in **User and Group Configuration** and **Network Configurations**.
(Optional) If you created a new user to administer apps, enter that user ID in the user and group fields.
See [User and Group Configuration](#user-and-group-configuration) and [Network Configuration](#network-configuration) for more details.
Add your **Storage Configuration** settings.
{{< expand "Configuring Plex Storage" "v" >}}
-Set **Host Path (Path that already exists on the system)** in **Type** for **Plex Data Storage**.
-Select **Enable ACL**, and then either enter or browse to and select the **data** dataset to populate the **Host Path** field.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallPlexStorageConfigDataACLandACE.png" alt="Add Plex Data Storage" id="Add Plex Data Storage" >}}
Select **Add** to the right of **ACL Entries** for each user or group entry you want to add.
-For example, add the **568** user and **0**, and give each **FULL_CONTROL Access**.
+For example, add the **568** user and **0**, and set the permission level to **FULL_CONTROL Access**.
Select **Force Flag**.
-Repeat the storage steps above for the **Plex Configuration** and, when using a dataset for logs, for the **Plex Logs** storage volumes.
-Create a dataset for log storage to save and easily access log data.
-If not, set the storage volume type to either **temporary** or **tmpfs** for both **Logs** and **Transcode** storage.
+Repeat the steps above for the **Plex Configuration**.
+Repeat the same steps when creating and using a dataset for the **Plex Logs** storage volumes, but if not, set the storage volume type to either **temporary** or **tmpfs** for both **Logs** and **Transcode** storage volumes.
{{< /expand >}}
Add any labels you want to use to organize your media files.
@@ -129,23 +123,23 @@ Accept the default value in **Image** to use the container image for the TrueNAS
TrueNAS shows the default IP addresses detected for your system.
If these address fields are not shown in the wizard, your network is considered to be on the external network.
-Either accept the default values or enter the IP addresses for local network connections (Ethernet or WiFi routers) you want in your Plex local network.
+Accept the default values or enter IP addresses for local network connections (Ethernet or WiFi routers) you want to add to your Plex local network.
These addresses define how Plex interacts with devices and services on your network and can optimize how your Plex media server communicates with devices in your home.
-Specified addresses are considered to be on the local network when enforcing bandwidth restrictions.
+Specified addresses are considered on the local network when enforcing bandwidth restrictions.
If left blank, only the subnet for the server is considered to be on your local network.
When the host network is not enabled, the server subnet is the network for Docker.
Therefore, all connections from other clients are considered to be on the external network.
If set, all other IP addresses are considered to be external to your local network.
#### Adding Devices in the Container
-Plex account settings allow you to add and manage devices, such as a USB TV Tunner or other similar hardware, that connect to your media server, both on the local network you define and remotely from external network connections.
+Plex account settings allow you to add and manage devices, such as a USB TV tuner or similar hardware, that connect to your media server, both on the local network you define and remotely from external network connections.
Adding devices in the TrueNAS Plex app passes devices through to your Plex account.
Click **Add** to the right of **Devices** in the **Install Plex** wizard for each device to add.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallPlexConfigAddDevice.png" alt="Install Plex Add Device" id="Install Plex Add Device" >}}
-Enter the name of the device in the **Host Device** and in the **Container Device** fields. For example, device */dev/dvb*.
+Enter the device name in **Host Device** and **Container Device**. For example, device */dev/dvb*.
#### Adding Environment Variables
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/AppInstallWizardEnvironVariablesSettings.md" >}}
@@ -158,10 +152,6 @@ Refer to Plex documentation for more information on [environment variables](http
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/AppInstallWizardUserAndGroupConfig.md" >}}
-The run-as user information is found on the Plex app details screen in the **Run-As Content** widget.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/PlexDetailsScreen.png" alt="Plex App Details Screen" id="Plex App Details Screen" >}}
### Network Configuration
The default web port for Plex is **32400**.
@@ -171,60 +161,44 @@ The default web port for Plex is **32400**.
### Storage Configuration
TrueNAS provides options for data and configuration storage volumes: ixVolumes and host paths.
-Logs and transcode data can use these same storage options or you can create directories to hold log and/or transcode data.
+Logs and transcode data can use these storage options or you can create directories to hold log and transcode data.
Both logs and transcode data are not intended for persistent data storage.
-Logs and transcode data can be stored in the **temporary** directory option that creates a Docker volume in the hidden **ix-apps** dataset.
+Logs and transcode data can use the **temporary** directory option that creates a Docker volume in the hidden **ix-apps** dataset.
Transcode data chunks are streamed to a player and meant to be discarded after use, like notes on a scratchpad.
-This makes the **tmpfs** directory option a better choice as it creates a Linux temporary filesystem type in RAM.
+This makes the **tmpfs** directory option a better choice for this transcode data as it creates a Linux temporary filesystem type in RAM.
Neither directory storage option provides easy access to stored data, so if you want to store and access log data, create a dataset called **logs**.
-If opting to use datasets for all Plex storage volumes, create datasets to use with the host path option:
+Plex required host path storage volumes:
* **data** to use as the Plex data directory for database and metadata storage.
* **config** to use as the Plex app configuration storage volume.
-* **logs** if you want to save and have easy access to log data.
+* **logs** optional if you want to save and have easy access to log data.
-If you group these datasets under a parent dataset named *plex*, configure the [ACL permissions]({{< relref "PermissionsSCALE.md" >}}) for this parent dataset and add an ACE entry for the run-as (root or **0**) or assigned user (**568**).
+If organizing datasets under a parent dataset named *plex*, configure the [ACL permissions]({{< relref "PermissionsSCALE.md" >}}) for this parent dataset and add an ACE entry for the run-as (root or **0**) or assigned user (**568**).
-You can create the ACL permission using the app installation wizard or using the **Add Dataset** and **Edit ACL** screens.
+See [Before You Begin](#before-you-begin) for more information on creating app datasets.
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallAppsStorageConfig.md" >}}
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/AppInstallWizardTemporaryAndTmpfsDirectories.md" >}}
-You can also create additional storage volumes inside the containers.
-Additional storage options include the same options and the option to set up an SMB share inside the container.
-See **Mounting an SMB Share** below for details.
-{{< expand "Creating App Datasets" "v" >}}
-To create the Plex app datasets, go to **Datasets**, select the dataset you want to use as the parent dataset, then click **Add Dataset** to [add a dataset]({{< relref "DatasetsScale.md" >}}).
-In this example, we create the Plex datasets under the parent dataset **plex**.
+#### Setting Dataset ACL Permissions
+You can configure ACL permissions for the required dataset in the **Install Plex** wizard, or from the **Datasets** screen any time after adding the datasets.
-Enter **plex** in **Name**, and select **Apps** as the **Dataset Preset**.
-Click **Advanced Options** if you want to make any other setting changes. Click **Save**.
-When prompted, select **Return to Pool List** to configure permissions later after adding the other three datasets, or open the ACL editor to edit ACL permissions immediately after adding the dataset.
-Next, select the **plex** dataset, and then click **Add Dataset** to add the first child dataset.
-Enter **data** in **Name** and select **Apps** as the **Dataset Preset**.
-Click **Advanced Options** if you want to make any other setting changes. Click **Save**.
-Repeat this to add the **config** dataset, and if desired, also create datasets for **logs** if you want to have easy access to and recovery of log files.
-Use the option to add a temporary directory on disk or in RAM for transcode data (and logs if not creating a dataset) storage rather than adding datasets.
-When finished you should have the **plex** parent dataset with the child datasets under it. Our example paths are:
-* */mnt/tank/plex/***data**
-* */mnt/tank/plex/***config**
-* */mnt/tank/plex/***logs**
+{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageACLConfig.md" >}}
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/AddPlexAppDatasets.png" alt="Add Plex Dataset Storage" id="Add Plex Dataset Storage" >}}
+{{< expand "Adding ACL Permissions from the Datasets Screen" "v">}}
+First, select the dataset row, scroll down to the **Permissions** widget, and then click **Edit** to open the **Edit ACL** screen.
+Change the **@owner** and **@group** values from **root** to the administrative user for your TrueNAS system, and click apply for each.
+Next, add an ACL entry for the run-as user.
+For Plex, the run-as users are **0** for **root** and **568**. Add a user entry for these users.
+Save the ACL before leaving the screen.
+See [Setting Up Permissions]({{< relref "PermissionsSCALE.md" >}}) and [Edit ACL Screen]({{< relref "EditACLScreens.md" >}}) for more information.
{{< /expand >}}
-#### ACL and ACE Settings
-{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageACLConfig.md" >}}
-#### Mounting an SMB Share
+#### Mounting an SMB Share Storage Volume
TrueNAS **Additional Storage** options include the ability to mount an SMB share inside the container pod.
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageSMBOption.md" >}}
@@ -237,7 +211,7 @@ TrueNAS **Additional Storage** options include the ability to mount an SMB share
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardGPUPassthrough.md" >}}
## Troubleshooting Tips
-Before editing Plex app settings, first stop the app, and then edit settings. After saving changes, restart the app.
+Before editing Plex app settings, stop the app, and then edit settings. After saving changes, restart the app.
Refer to the Plex support website and documentation for assistance with your Plex media server issues.
@@ -254,9 +228,11 @@ Search the [TrueNAS forum](https://forums.truenas.com/) for Plex discussion thre
### Cannot Access Libraries or Media Files
Check the dataset permissions, and verify the user accessing these files has the correct permissions.
-You can edit dataset permissions by using the **Edit** button on the **Permissions** widget on the **Datasets** screen.
+You can edit dataset permissions using the **Edit** button on the **Permissions** widget on the **Datasets** screen.
Select the dataset, scroll down to the **Permissions** widget, and click **Edit** to open the **Edit ACL** screen.
-Check the ACL entries list for the user accessing the files. If not present, click **Add ACL Entry**, select **User**, and then locate the user name on the **User** dropdown list. Assign the level of permissions you want to assign, then save the ACL changes.
+Check the ACL entries list for the user accessing the files.
+If not present, click **Add ACL Entry**, select **User**, and locate the user name on the **User** dropdown list.
+Assign the level of permissions you want to assign, then save the ACL changes.
You can also add the user in the Plex app settings.
Click on the Plex app row on the **Installed** application table. Stop the app, then click **Edit**.
diff --git a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0RC1.md b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0RC1.md
index 8c8778d202..869bc230cc 100644
--- a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0RC1.md
+++ b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0RC1.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Additionally, version 12 includes these notable changes and improvements:
TrueCommand Cloud Integration - TrueNAS 12.0 systems can be connected directly to a TrueCommand Cloud account for scaled monitoring and management of your TrueNAS systems - no additional hardware needed! For Early Access to TrueCommand Cloud, go to portal.ixsystems.com and create an iX account, then send an email to truecommand-sales@ixsystems.com to request Early Access to the TrueCommand Cloud Services. Be sure to include the email address that you used to create your iX Account.
-The Docs Hub has step-by-step instructions for [configuring TrueCommand Cloud]({{< relref "/TrueCommand/TCGettingStarted/Install/_index.md" >}}).
+The Docs Hub has step-by-step instructions for configuring TrueCommand Cloud.
These major changes are also paired with numerous other bug fixes and quality-of-life type improvements to the UI and APIs for users.
We’ve also revamped our [Documentation](https://www.truenas.com/docs/), focusing more content on how to accomplish specific tasks, reducing the learning curve and time normally spent on deploying TrueNAS in a variety of storage environments.
diff --git a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0Release.md b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0Release.md
index b444cdec15..bb77ad714c 100644
--- a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0Release.md
+++ b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0Release.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Additionally, version 12 includes these notable changes and improvements:
TrueCommand Cloud Integration - TrueNAS 12.0 systems can be connected directly to a TrueCommand Cloud account for scaled monitoring and management of your TrueNAS systems - no additional hardware needed! For Early Access to TrueCommand Cloud, go to portal.ixsystems.com and create an iX account, then send an email to truecommand-sales@ixsystems.com to request Early Access to the TrueCommand Cloud Services. Be sure to include the email address that you used to create your iX Account.
-The Docs Hub has step-by-step instructions for [configuring TrueCommand Cloud]({{< relref "/TrueCommand/TCGettingStarted/Install/_index.md" >}}).
+The Docs Hub has step-by-step instructions for configuring TrueCommand Cloud.
These major changes are also paired with numerous other bug fixes and quality-of-life type improvements to the UI and APIs for users.
We’ve also revamped our [Documentation](https://www.truenas.com/docs/), focusing more content on how to accomplish specific tasks, reducing the learning curve and time normally spent on deploying TrueNAS in a variety of storage environments.
diff --git a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U5.md b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U5.md
index 4c9079935c..03feb68a75 100644
--- a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U5.md
+++ b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U5.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ TrueNAS 12.0-U5 was released on August 3, 2021. A [full list of changes and bug
TrueNAS 12.0-U5 is compatible with all of the iXsystems platforms from the FreeNAS/TrueNAS Minis, to the power-efficient [X-Series](https://www.truenas.com/x-series/), all the way up to the flagship High Availability (HA) [M-Series](https://www.truenas.com/m-series/). There is also a new [R-Series](https://www.truenas.com/r-series/) product line that can run CORE, Enterprise, and SCALE editions of TrueNAS. All of these can be updated via the web UI and include graphical enclosure management.
-For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend [upgrading]({{< relref "/CORE/UIReference/System/Update.md" >}}) to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://www.freenas.org/download-freenas-release/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U5 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
+For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend upgrading to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://www.freenas.org/download-freenas-release/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U5 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
For those with TrueNAS HA systems and support contracts, we recommend contacting iXsystems support to schedule an upgrade. We will verify your system health, configuration, and support the upgrade process as part of the "white glove" service that comes with any support contract.
diff --git a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U6.md b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U6.md
index 26ededf0c5..ab2242cf3d 100644
--- a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U6.md
+++ b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U6.md
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ TrueNAS 12.0-U5 and U5.1 were the most popular releases of TrueNAS ever. Over 75
In addition to improving TrueNAS 12.0 software, we’re also actively partnering with companies that deliver some significant value-add to TrueNAS users. [Futurex](https://www.futurex.com/) is announcing today that they have integrated their KMIP management servers with the KMIP capability in TrueNAS 12.0 Enterprise. Later this month, there will be a joint announcement with [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) about collaboration between the TrueNAS and Nextcloud platforms.
-For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend [updating]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) or [upgrading]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
+For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend updating or upgrading to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
For those with TrueNAS HA systems and support contracts, we recommend contacting iXsystems Support to schedule an upgrade. We will verify your system health, configuration, and support the upgrade process as part of the "white glove" service that comes with any support contract.
diff --git a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U7.md b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U7.md
index adac058e65..3a72010cd1 100644
--- a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U7.md
+++ b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U7.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ TrueNAS 12.0-U7 has been released, and includes a number of fixes, nearly a doze
* Dashboard fixes for CPU temp reporting
* Various M-Series and R-Series webUI improvements
-For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend [updating]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) or [upgrading]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
+For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend updating or upgrading to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
For those with TrueNAS HA systems and support contracts, we recommend contacting iXsystems Support to schedule an upgrade. We will verify your system health, configuration, and support the upgrade process as part of the "white glove" service that comes with any support contract.
diff --git a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.1.md b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.1.md
index 1828bda800..ca1dc205bc 100644
--- a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.1.md
+++ b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.1.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ aliases:
iXsystems is pleased to announce the general availability of TrueNAS 12.0-U8.1!
-For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend [updating]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) or [upgrading]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
+For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend updating or upgrading to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
For those with TrueNAS HA systems and support contracts, we recommend contacting iXsystems Support to schedule an upgrade. We will verify your system health, configuration, and support the upgrade process as part of the "white glove" service that comes with any support contract.
diff --git a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.md b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.md
index 554d962373..bc94072fad 100644
--- a/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.md
+++ b/content/_archive/COREReleaseNotes/12.0/12.0U8.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ TrueNAS 12.0-U8 has been released, and includes a number of fixes, improvements,
* New "Console Port" and "TLS Server URI" input fileds in S3 service configuration form.
* Direct link to TrueNAS Upgrades article from Update screen.
-For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend [updating]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) or [upgrading]({{< relref "/CORE/CORETutorials/UpdatingTrueNAS/_index.md" >}}) to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
+For those with FreeNAS installed on your system, we recommend updating or upgrading to [FreeNAS 11.3-U5](https://download.freenas.org/) first and then upgrading to TrueNAS 12.0-U8 with a single click to retain roll-back options. While it is an easy web update, we do recommend waiting to update your system’s zpool feature flags until you are finished validating your performance and functionality.
For those with TrueNAS HA systems and support contracts, we recommend contacting iXsystems Support to schedule an upgrade. We will verify your system health, configuration, and support the upgrade process as part of the "white glove" service that comes with any support contract.
diff --git a/data/properties/scale-downloads.yaml b/data/properties/scale-downloads.yaml
index 80b000064d..3ef30b9e7b 100644
--- a/data/properties/scale-downloads.yaml
+++ b/data/properties/scale-downloads.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-id: "scale-downloads"
-img: "/images/truenas_scale-logo-full-color-rgb.png"
+id: "truenas-downloads"
+img: "/images/tn-openstorage-logo.png"
product: "TrueNAS"
-title: "SCALE™ | Enterprise™"
+title: "TrueNAS® | Enterprise™"
- lifecycle: "Archive"
diff --git a/data/properties/scale-releases.yaml b/data/properties/scale-releases.yaml
index 525bd1eef1..cc49deef2f 100644
--- a/data/properties/scale-releases.yaml
+++ b/data/properties/scale-releases.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
id: "scale-schedule"
-img: "/images/truenas_scale-logo-full-color-rgb.png"
+img: "/images/tn-openstorage-logo.png"
product: "TrueNAS"
-title: "TrueNAS™ | Enterprise™"
+title: "TrueNAS® | Enterprise™"
- lifecycle: "Previous"
name: "TrueNAS 24.04 - Dragonfish"
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index 6d50b86ea3..9d39fcc911 100644
--- a/static/custom.css
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--enterprise-title: rgb(52, 58, 64); /* Define --enterprise-title for devices preferring dark mode */
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Binary files a/static/images/SCALE/Apps/InstallNetdataStorageEnableHostPath.png and /dev/null differ
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Binary files a/static/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataAppDetailsScreen.png and b/static/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataAppDetailsScreen.png differ
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index 67ddb5a317..51d191737f 100644
Binary files a/static/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataSignInScreen.png and b/static/images/SCALE/Apps/NetdataSignInScreen.png differ
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index 0000000000..8f75054ef2
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/images/SCALE/Apps/NextcloudDetailsScreen.png differ
diff --git a/static/includes/25.04FeatureList.md b/static/includes/25.04FeatureList.md
index 390ed4830e..88ae04c81c 100644
--- a/static/includes/25.04FeatureList.md
+++ b/static/includes/25.04FeatureList.md
@@ -1,21 +1,24 @@

-This page is being updated to follow development changes for TrueNAS 25.04 (Fangtooth).
-Check back soon for updates.
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--- a/static/includes/JailsPluginsFirstTime.md
+++ b/static/includes/JailsPluginsFirstTime.md
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@

-Going to the **Jails** or **Plugins** screen for the first time prompts you to select a location on the system for storing Jail related data.
+The first time you go to the **Jails** or **Plugins** screen TrueNAS prompts you to select a location on the system for storing jail-related data.
![JailsPluginsStorage](/images/CORE/Jails/JailsPluginsStoragePool.png "Choosing a Storage Pool for Jails and Plugins")
By default, this location stores all data related to jails and plugins, including downloaded applications, data managed by the jail or plugin, and any jail snapshots.
-* Disconnecting or deleting the pool that stores jail data can result in *permanent data loss!*
-* Make sure you back up any critical data or snapshots that are stored in a jail before changing the storage configuration.
+Disconnecting or deleting the pool that stores jail data can result in permanent data loss!
+Back up all critical data or snapshots stored in a jail before changing the storage configuration.
-To change the Jails and Plugins storage location, click , select a new pool, and click **CHOOSE**.
\ No newline at end of file
+To change the jails and plugins storage location, click , select a new pool, and click **CHOOSE**.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/includes/MigrateCOREtoSCALE24_04.md b/static/includes/MigrateCOREtoSCALE24_04.md
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--- a/static/includes/MigrateCOREtoSCALE24_04.md
+++ b/static/includes/MigrateCOREtoSCALE24_04.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

-TrueNAS users wanting to migrate from 13.0-U6 (latest) or 13.3 to TrueNAS 24.10 or later can migrate to 24.04 and earlier using the UI, but must clean install if migrating to later releases.
-Attempting to migrate directly to 24.10 or later releases fail and cannot be done.
+TrueNAS users wanting to migrate from the latest FreeBSD-based 13.0-U6 or 13.3 CORE release to the Linux-based TrueNAS version 24.10 or later can migrate to 24.04 and earlier using the UI, but must clean install if migrating to later releases.
+Attempting to migrate directly to 24.10 or later releases using the UI is not supported.
-Download a copy of the iso for the latest maintenance release of 24.10 or earlier, then follow the migration instructions in this Getting Started section of the TrueNAS Documentation Hub to move from the FreeBSD-based version of TrueNAS to the Linux Debian-based version of TrueNAS.
+Download a copy of the iso for the latest maintenance release of 24.10 or later, then follow the migration instructions in this Getting Started section of the TrueNAS Documentation Hub to move from the FreeBSD-based to the Linux-based version of TrueNAS.
diff --git a/static/includes/RESTAPIDeprecationNotice.md b/static/includes/RESTAPIDeprecationNotice.md
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+++ b/static/includes/RESTAPIDeprecationNotice.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

{{< hint type="info" title="REST API Deprecation Notice" >}}
-The TrueNAS REST API is deprecated in TrueNAS 25.04 and replaced by the [TrueNAS API Client](https://github.com/truenas/api_client).
+The TrueNAS REST API is deprecated in TrueNAS 25.04 and replaced by the [TrueNAS websocket client](https://github.com/truenas/api_client).
Full removal of the REST API is planned for a future release.
This new API Client is not the deprecated TrueNAS CLI (midcli).
diff --git a/static/includes/SCALEUpgradePaths.md b/static/includes/SCALEUpgradePaths.md
index 322ce721ce..b46112d069 100644
--- a/static/includes/SCALEUpgradePaths.md
+++ b/static/includes/SCALEUpgradePaths.md
@@ -41,6 +41,18 @@
+The chart below shows recommended paths for upgrading from earlier TrueNAS versions.
+Update the system to the latest maintenance release of the installed major version before attempting to upgrade to a new major version.
+Permitted upgrade methods are:
+* **update**: apply an automatic update using the **Update** screen in the TrueNAS UI or install a manual update file. Some upgrade paths do not support these options (see chart).
+* **ISO install**: save a current TrueNAS configuration file, perform a fresh install using an .iso file for the target version, and then upload the previously saved configuration.
+Users can skip major versions with a fresh ISO install followed by a configuration file upload.
+Carefully review release notes for each skipped major version before upgrading, noting any service deprecations or significant changes that impact the previous configuration.
+Consider stopping at major versions with significant impacts to address changes before continuing the upgrade path or be prepared to manually reconfigure incompatibilities on the latest target version.
@@ -48,12 +60,16 @@
{{< mermaid class="mermaid_sizing" >}}
flowchart LR
- A["22.02.4 (Angelfish)"] -->|update| C
- B["13.0-U6.2
13.3-RELEASE"] -->|ISO install| E
- C[" (Bluefin)"] -->|update| D
- D["23.10.2 (Cobia)"] -->|update| E
- E[" (Dragonfish)"] -->|update| H
- H[" (Electric Eel)"]
+ A["11.3-U5"] -->|update| B["12.0-U8.1"]
+ B -->|"update
ISO install"| C["13.0-U6.3
+ C -->|ISO install| H
+ C -->|"(anticipated)"| I
+ D["22.02.4 (Angelfish)"] -->|update| E
+ E[" (Bluefin)"] -->|update| F
+ F["23.10.2 (Cobia)"] -->|update| G
+ G[" (Dragonfish)"] -->|update| H
+ H[" (Electric Eel)"] -->|"(anticipated)"| I
+ I["25.04.0 (Fangtooth)"]
{{< /mermaid >}}
@@ -64,11 +80,14 @@
{{< mermaid class="mermaid_sizing" >}}
flowchart LR
- A["13.0-U6.2"] -->|ISO install| D
- B["Current 23.10 (Cobia) release"] -->|update| C
- C["23.10.2 (Cobia)"] -->|update| D
- D[" (Dragonfish)"] -->|"(anticipated)"| E
- E[" (Electric Eel)"]
+ A["11.3-U5"] -->|update| B
+ B["12.0-U8.1"] -->|update| C
+ C["13.0-U6.3"] -->|"(anticipated)"| F
+ C["13.0-U6.3"] -->|"(anticipated)"| G
+ D["23.10.2 (Cobia)"] -->|update| E
+ E[" (Dragonfish)"] -->|"(anticipated)"| F
+ F[" (Electric Eel)"] -->|"(anticipated)"| G
+ G["25.04.0 (Fangtooth)"]
{{< /mermaid >}}
diff --git a/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasets.md b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasets.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

+* Create datasets for the storage volumes for the app.
+ {{< hint type=warning title="Encrypted Datasets" >}}
+ Do not create encrypted datasets for apps if not required!
+ Using an encrypted dataset can result in undesired behaviors after upgrading TrueNAS when pools and datasets are locked.
+ When datasets for the containers are locked, the container does not mount, and the apps do not start.
+ To resolve issues, unlock the dataset(s) by entering the passphrase/key to allow datasets to mount and apps to start.
+ {{< /hint >}}
+ Go to **Datasets** and select the pool or dataset where you want to place the dataset(s) for the app.
+ For example, */tank/apps/appName*.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasetsProcedure.md b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasetsProcedure.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddAppDatasetsProcedure.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

+ {{< expand "Creating Datasets for Apps" "v" >}}
+ When creating datasets for apps follow these steps:
+ 1. Go to **Datasets**, select the location for the parent dataset if organizing required datasets under a parent dataset, then click **Add Dataset**.
+ For example, select the root dataset of the pool, and click **Add Dataset** to create a new parent called *apps* or *appName**, where *appName* is the name of the app.
+ Do not create the app datasets under the ix-applications or ix-apps dataset.
+ 2. Enter the name of the dataset, then select **Apps** as the **Dataset Preset**.
+ Creating the parent dataset with the preset set to **Generic** causes permissions issues when you try to create the datasets the app requires with the preset set to **Apps**.
+ 3. Click **Save**.
+ Return to dataset creation when prompted rather than configuring ACL permissions.
+ You can set up permissions (ACLs) for a dataset after adding it by selecting **Go to ACL Manager** to open the Edit ACL screen, or wait and use the app Install wizard ACL settings to add permissions.
+ You can also edit permissions after installing the app using either method.
+ 4. Select the parent dataset and then click **Create Dataset** to open the **Add Dataset** screen again.
+ 5. Enter the name of a dataset required for the app, such as *config*, select **Apps** as the **Dataset Preset**, and then click **Save**.
+ When prompted, return to creating datasets rather than setting up ACL permissions.
+ 6. Repeat for remaining datasets required for the app.
+ {{< /expand >}}
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diff --git a/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddNewAppUser.md b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddNewAppUser.md
index 8079a97763..ea64d7cea0 100644
--- a/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddNewAppUser.md
+++ b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginAddNewAppUser.md
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@

-* (Optional) Create a new user account to manage this application.
- If creating a new user account to manage this application or using an [administrator]({{< relref "ManageLocalUsersSCALE.md" >}}) account, enable sudo permissions for that account, and add the user to the dataset ACL permissions.
\ No newline at end of file
+* (Optional) Create a new TrueNAS user account to manage this application.
+ When creating a new user account to manage this application or using an existing TrueNAS [administrator]({{< relref "ManageLocalUsersSCALE.md" >}}) account, enable sudo permissions for that TrueNAS user account, select **Create New Primary Group**, and add the appropriate group in the **Auxiliary Group** for the type of user you want to create. Make note of the UID for the new user to add in the installation wizard.
+ Add the user ID to the dataset ACL permissions when setting up app storage volumes in the Install app wizard.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginRunAsUser.md b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginRunAsUser.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f404a3515
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+* Locate the run-as user for the app.
+ Take note of the run-as user for the app, shown on the app information screen in the **Run As Content** widget and in the **Application Metadata** widget on the **Installed** applications screen after the app fully deploys.
+ The run-as user(s) get added to the ACL permissions for each dataset used as a host path storage volume.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginStableApps.md b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginStableApps.md
index 7a074ed2f6..6a016d8adf 100644
--- a/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginStableApps.md
+++ b/static/includes/apps/BeforeYouBeginStableApps.md
@@ -2,16 +2,10 @@
* Set a pool for applications to use if not already assigned.
- Go to **Apps**. If the pool for apps is not already set, do it when prompted.
+ You can use either an existing pool or [create a new one]({{< relref "CreatePoolWizard.md" >}}).
TrueNAS creates the **ix-apps** (hidden) dataset in the pool set as the application pool.
This dataset is internally managed, so you cannot use this as the parent when you create required application datasets.
- After setting the pool, the **Installed Applications** screen displays **Apps Service Running** on the top screen banner.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/AppsChooseAPoolForApps.png" alt="Choose A Pool for Apps" id="Choose A Pool for Apps" >}}
-* (Optional) Create a new TrueNAS user to serve as the administrator for the app.
- You can use the default user or add a new user.
- When you [create a new user]({{< relref "ManageLocalUsersSCALE.md#creating-user-accounts" >}}) select **Create New Primary Group**, and add the appropriate group in the **Auxiliary Group** for the type of user you want to create. Make note of the UID for the new user to add in the installation wizard.
-* Create the required dataset(s).
\ No newline at end of file
+ After setting the pool, the **Installed Applications** screen displays **Apps Service Running** on the top screen banner.
diff --git a/static/includes/apps/InstallAppsStorageConfig.md b/static/includes/apps/InstallAppsStorageConfig.md
index 5168eb31cd..4e95260d8b 100644
--- a/static/includes/apps/InstallAppsStorageConfig.md
+++ b/static/includes/apps/InstallAppsStorageConfig.md
@@ -15,8 +15,5 @@ Populating the **Host Path** with the dataset location and then selecting **Enab
{{< include file="/static/includes/apps/AppInstallWizardACLConfiguration.md" >}}
-When the app requires additional datasets, repeat the host path setting for each required dataset.
-When adding additional storage volumes inside the container, click **Add** to the right of **Additional Storage** to show the storage volume fields.
-Click **Add** to show the mount and host path fields for each additional dataset and if creating storage volumes for postgres data and postgres backup.
+Repeat the above for each required dataset.
{{< /expand >}}
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diff --git a/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageACLConfig.md b/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageACLConfig.md
index d085677433..cb875bafba 100644
--- a/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageACLConfig.md
+++ b/static/includes/apps/InstallWizardStorageACLConfig.md
@@ -12,24 +12,23 @@ Set **ID Type** to **Entry is for a USER** or **Entry is for a GROUP**.
If you configured a group in TrueNAS that you want to give access to instead of a single user, set the ID to the group option and enter the GID for that group.
Enter the UID as one of the following:
-* The default apps user, which are:
+* The default app user:
* **568** for apps in all trains if the app can run as any non-root user.
* **999** for all postgres storage volumes.
* **0** if running as root.
* **473** for MinIO app in the stable train.
* The run-as-user UID set as a default for the app.
- The run-as user shows on the details screen in the **Run As Content** widget, and on the **Installed** application screen after the app is deployed.
- You can also refer to the tutorial for the app, or look in the questions.yaml file in the GitHub repository for the application to find this UID/GID.
-* The new user UID for a TrueNAS user created to serve as the app administrator.
+ The run-as user shows on the app details screen in the **Run As Content** widget, and on the **Installed** application screen after the app deploys.
+ You can refer to the tutorial for the app, or look in the questions.yaml file found in the GitHub repository for the application to find this UID/GID.
+* The user ID for the new or existing TrueNAS user added to serve as the administrator for the app.
-If the app shows **User and Group Configuration** settings, the default UID shows on the screen. If not, choose the run-as UID.
+If the app shows **User and Group Configuration** settings, the default UID shows on the screen. If not, choose the run-as user ID found in the **Run As Content** widget.
-All postgres storage volumes use the default user ID **999**, not as the run-as user.
+Use the default user ID **999** for all postgres storage volumes, not the run-as user.
-If you create a new user to serve as the app administration user, enter the UID for this user in addition to the run-as user ID.
-Always add the run-as user with full control permissions except for postgres storage volumes.
+If you created a new TrueNAS user to serve as the app administration user, add an entry record and enter the UID for this user in addition to the run-as user ID.
-Select the ID type from the dropdown list, enter the UID (or GID if you select the group ID type) for the app administration user, and then set the **Access** permissions level to **FULL CONTROL**.
+When adding the ACL entry for the run-as user, default user, and/or optional TrueNAS app administrator user, and postgres user ID, set the **Access** permissions level to **FULL CONTROL**.
{{< /expand >}}
Select **Force Flag** to apply the ACL even if the path has existing data. This allows you to update the app when an update is available.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/includes/apps/LocateAndOpenInstallWizard.md b/static/includes/apps/LocateAndOpenInstallWizard.md
index 4f1ad0d83c..68cb6c1324 100644
--- a/static/includes/apps/LocateAndOpenInstallWizard.md
+++ b/static/includes/apps/LocateAndOpenInstallWizard.md
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ Click **Confirm** then **Agree** to close the dialog and open the application de
{{< /expand >}}
If not the first time installing apps the dialog does not show, click on the widget to open the app information screen.
-{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/MiniIOS3AppInfoScreen.png" alt="Example of an App Information Screen" id="Example of an App Information Screen" >}}
Click **Install** to open the app installation wizard.
Application configuration settings are grouped into several sections, each explained below in **Understanding App Installation Wizard Settings**.
diff --git a/symlinks.txt b/symlinks.txt
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+/scale/25.04 public/scale/25.04
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+/core/13.0 public/core/13.0
+/truecommand/3.0 public/truecommand/3.0
+/truecommand/2.3 public/truecommand/2.3
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@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ Disallow: /book/*
Disallow: /archive/*
Disallow: /volume/*
Disallow: /includes/*
+Disallow: /images/*
Sitemap: {{ "sitemap.xml" | absURL }}
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@@ -2147,3 +2147,8 @@ VPN