- The shortcut for inserting the rank feature now supports the Canvas platform. (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Sticky Tool bar for text editor (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Migrating manifest to v3 (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Upgrade package.json (by tsungtingdu)
- Fix shortcut for inserting rank feature in TA review page (due to Lighthouse update) (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Fix select overall score feature in TA review page (due to Lighthouse update) (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Fix shortcut display in TA review page (due to Lighthouse update) (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Enhance tagging feature in both assignment and Q&A page (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Calculate and display accumulated time and income (by tsungtingdu)
- Refactor codebase (by miayang0513)
- Select "Assignment Overall Score" when inserting grading into editor (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Fix dom manipulation timing issue (by tsungtingdu)
- Improvement for rank shortcut (by TomatoSoup0126)
- Switch button for filtering out unresolved assignments (by miayang0513)
- New icons (by yohored)
- Fix typo in README (by ShihTingJustin)
- Fix url pattern for displaying "Show unresolved assignments" button (by tsungtingdu)
- Implement eslint (by miayang0513)
Shortcut for inserting rank and tagging student (by TomatoSoup0126)
Cache input at localStorage, create Retrieve cached input
button (by tsungtingdu)
Restrict context menus items by setting match patterns (by TomatoSoup0126)
Create Submit time now
, Show accumulated TA working time
, Show unresolved assignments
three helpers (by tsungtingdu)