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Victor Tesoura Júnior edited this page May 9, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the core wiki!

Core provides a simple repository pattern CRUD features for Rest API's

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Query params filters


Use the correct version that corresponds to your Laravel installation as seen below:

Laravel version Core version
7.* 7.*


The default language is the same one as you defined in your app, and has available ['en','pt','es']. To change the language, you must make a request with a Locale header.

P.S: This feature, allows you to change the entire app language.

GET /api/v1/addresses
Header Type Value Description
Locale string pt This a option feature, you must provide en , es or pt


All exceptions below has been treated by core, you should only extend CoreHandler in the exception handler to solve:

  • ModelNotFoundException;
  • RelationNotFoundException;
  • InvalidSignatureException;
  • MethodNotAllowedHttpException;
  • NotFoundHttpException;
  • RouteNotFoundException.
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