Python API for querying Xena Hub
support python2 python3
pip install 'git+'
pip install --upgrade 'git+'
>>> import xenaPython as xena
import xenaPython as xena
hub = ""
dataset = "tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm"
samples = ["TCGA-02-0047-01","TCGA-02-0055-01","TCGA-02-2483-01","TCGA-02-2485-01"]
probes = ['ENSG00000282740.1', 'ENSG00000000005.5', 'ENSG00000000419.12']
[position, [ENSG00000282740_1, ENSG00000000005_5, ENSG00000000419_12]] = xena.dataset_probe_values(hub, dataset, samples, probes)
2: Query four samples and three genes expression, when the dataset you want to query has a identifier-to-gene mapping (i.e. xena probeMap)
hub = ""
dataset = "tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm"
samples = ["TCGA-02-0047-01","TCGA-02-0055-01","TCGA-02-2483-01","TCGA-02-2485-01"]
genes =["TP53", "RB1", "PIK3CA"]
xena.dataset_gene_probe_avg(hub, dataset, samples, genes)
3: If the dataset does not have id-to-gene mapping, but the dataset used gene names as its identifier, you can query gene expression like example 1, example 2 will not work.
hub = ""
dataset = "tcga_RSEM_Hugo_norm_count"
samples = ["TCGA-02-0047-01","TCGA-02-0055-01","TCGA-02-2483-01","TCGA-02-2485-01"]
probes =["TP53", "RB1", "PIK3CA"]
[position, [TP53, RB1, PIK3CA]] = xena.dataset_probe_values (hub, dataset, samples, probes)
hub = ""
dataset = "TCGA.BLCA.sampleMap/HiSeqV2"
xena.dataset_samples (hub, dataset, 10)
xena.dataset_samples (hub, dataset, None)
hub = ""
dataset = "TCGA.BLCA.sampleMap/HiSeqV2"
xena.dataset_field (hub, dataset)
hub = ""
dataset = "TCGA.BLCA.sampleMap/HiSeqV2"
xena.dataset_field_n (hub, dataset)
hub = ""
xena.all_cohorts(hub, [])
8. Get data of a particular clinical/phenotypic feature from a cohort. This is assume that all the clinical/phenotype data of the cohort is on a single hub.
def getFeatureCodes(hub, dataset, feature):
# identify feature is categorical or continuous, if it is categorical, there will be codes associated with it, otherwise, codes will be none
codes = xena.field_codes(hub, dataset, [feature])[0]['code']
if codes:
codes = codes.split('\t')
return codes
def getClinicalData(hub, cohort, target_feature):
# find out all the datafiles (i.e. datasets) belong to a cohort
datasets = xena.dataset_list(hub, [cohort])
# filter to just clinicalMatrix type of data files
datasets = list(filter(lambda x: x['type'] == 'clinicalMatrix', datasets))
# collect all the phynotype features and their associated dataset from all the clinicalMatrix datasets
features = []
for dataset in datasets:
for feature in xena.dataset_field(hub, dataset['name']):
features.append([feature, dataset['name']])
# find the target_feature among all the features, and the dataset it comes from
xenafield = list(filter(lambda f: f[0] == target_feature, features))
if len(xenafield) == 0:
print (target_feature, "not found")
return [None, None]
elif len(xenafield) == 1:
dataset = xenafield[0][1]
# query to get all the data from the target_feature
# first, get all the samples in the cohort (a bit slower)
# samples = xena.cohort_samples(hub, cohort, None)
# all the samples in the dataset (a bit faster), either will work,
samples = xena.dataset_samples(hub, dataset, None)
# second, get the data
[position, [data]] = xena.dataset_probe_values (hub, dataset, samples, [target_feature])
# thrid, identify feature is categorical or continuous, if it is categorical, there will be codes associated with it,
codes = getFeatureCodes(hub, dataset, target_feature)
if codes:
data = [codes[int(x)] if x != 'NaN' else 'NaN' for x in data]
return [samples, data]
print ("there are more than one features match", target_feature)
return [None, None]
hub = ''
cohort = 'TCGA Ovarian Cancer (OV)'
target_feature = 'age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis'
target_feature = 'sample_type'
[samples, data] = getClinicalData(hub, cohort, target_feature)
samples[:10], data[:10]
use xena browser datasets tool:
>>> import xenaPython
>>> help(xenaPython)
Help on package xenaPython:
xenaPython - Methods for querying data from UCSC Xena hubs
Data rows are associated with "sample" IDs.
Sample IDs are unique within a "cohort".
A "dataset" is a particular assay of a cohort, e.g. gene expression.
Datasets have associated metadata, specifying their data type and cohort.
There are three primary data types: dense matrix (samples by probes),
sparse (sample, position, variant), and segmented (sample, position, value).
Dense matrices can be genotypic or phenotypic. Phenotypic matrices have
associated field metadata (descriptive names, codes, etc.).
Genotypic matricies may have an associated probeMap, which maps probes to
genomic locations. If a matrix has hugo probeMap, the probes themselves
are gene names. Otherwise, a probeMap is used to map a gene location to a
set of probes.
all_cohorts(host, exclude)
Count the number datasets with non-null cohort
all_field_metadata(host, dataset)
Metadata for all dataset fields (phenotypic datasets)
cohort_samples(host, cohort, limit)
All samples in cohort
cohort_summary(host, exclude)
Count datasets per-cohort, excluding the given dataset types
xena.cohort_summary(xena.PUBLIC_HUBS["pancanAtlasHub"], ["probeMap"])
dataset_fetch(host, dataset, samples, probes)
Probe values for give samples
dataset_field(host, dataset)
All field (probe) names in dataset
dataset_field_examples(host, dataset, count)
Field names in dataset, up to <count>
dataset_field_n(host, dataset)
Number of fields in dataset
dataset_gene_probe_avg(host, dataset, samples, genes)
Probe average, per-gene, for given samples
dataset_gene_probes_values(host, dataset, samples, genes)
Probe values in gene, and probe genomic positions, for given samples
dataset_list(host, cohorts)
Dataset metadata for datasets in the given cohorts
dataset_metadata(host, dataset)
Dataset metadata
dataset_probe_signature(host, dataset, samples, probes, weights)
Computed probe signature for given samples and weight array
dataset_probe_values(host, dataset, samples, probes)
Probe values for given samples, and probe genomic positions
host = xena.PUBLIC_HUBS["pancanAtlasHub"]
dataset = "EB++AdjustPANCAN_IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2.geneExp.xena"
samples = xena.dataset_samples(host, dataset, None)
[position, [foxm1, tp53]] = xena.dataset_probe_values(host, dataset, samples, ["FOXM1", "TP53"])
dataset_samples(host, dataset, limit)
All samples in dataset (optional limit)
samples = xena.dataset_samples(xena.PUBLIC_HUBS["pancanAtlasHub"], "EB++AdjustPANCAN_IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2.geneExp.xena", None)
dataset_samples_n_dense_matrix(host, dataset)
All samples in dataset (faster, for dense matrix dataset only)
feature_list(host, dataset)
Dataset field names and long titles (phenotypic datasets)
field_codes(host, dataset, fields)
Codes for categorical fields
field_metadata(host, dataset, fields)
Metadata for given fields (phenotypic datasets)
gene_transcripts(host, dataset, gene)
Gene transcripts
match_fields(host, dataset, names)
Find fields matching names (must be lower-case)
probe_count(host, dataset)
Find probemaps
ref_gene_exons(host, dataset, genes)
Gene model
ref_gene_position(host, dataset, gene)
Gene position from gene model
ref_gene_range(host, dataset, chr, start, end)
Gene models overlapping range
segment_data_examples(host, dataset, count)
Initial segmented data rows, with limit
segmented_data_range(host, dataset, samples, chr, start, end)
Segmented (copy number) data overlapping range
sparse_data(host, dataset, samples, genes)
Sparse (mutation) data rows for genes
sparse_data_examples(host, dataset, count)
Initial sparse data rows, with limit
sparse_data_match_field(host, field, dataset, names)
Genes in sparse (mutation) dataset matching given names
sparse_data_match_field_slow(host, field, dataset, names)
Genes in sparse (mutation) dataset matching given names, case-insensitive (names must be lower-case)
sparse_data_match_partial_field(host, field, dataset, names, limit)
Partial match genes in sparse (mutation) dataset
sparse_data_range(host, dataset, samples, chr, start, end)
Sparse (mutation) data rows overlapping the given range, for the given samples
transcript_expression(host, transcripts, studyA, subtypeA, studyB, subtypeB, dataset)
PUBLIC_HUBS = {'gdcHub': '', 'icgcHub': 'https...
excludeType = ['probeMap', 'probemap', 'genePredExt']!forum/ucsc-cancer-genomics-browser
[email protected]