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Contributor's Guide

Michael Lueken edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 85 revisions

SRW App Contributor's Guide

This Contributor's Guide consists of several sections:

  1. Background
  2. Contribution Process
    • Opening an Issue
    • Making a Pull Request
  3. Code and Configuration Standards
    • General
    • SRW App Guidelines
  4. Testing


Authoritative branch

The ufs-srweather-app repository maintains a main branch for development called develop. The HEAD of develop reflects the latest development changes. It points to regularly updated hashes for individual subcomponents. Pull requests (PRs) will be merged to develop.

The develop branch is protected by the code management team:

  1. Pull requests for this branch require approval by at least two code reviewers.
  2. A code manager should perform at least one of the reviews and the merge, but other contributors are welcome to provide comments/suggestions.

Code Management Team

Scientists from multiple labs and organizations have volunteered to review pull requests for the develop branch:

Organization Code Managers Areas of Expertise
EMC Chan-Hoo Jeon (@chan-hoo) Workflow, Operational platform testing (WCOSS/NCO), and Air quality modeling (Online-CMAQ)
Ben Blake (@BenjaminBlake-NOAA) Output visualization, Rocoto
Ratko Vasic (@RatkoVasic-NOAA) Workflow, NCO requirements, and operational platform testing
EPIC Mark Potts (@mark-a-potts) HPC systems
Jong Kim (@jkbk2004) UFS Weather Model configuration, forecast sensitivity analysis, data assimilation
Michael Lueken (@MichaelLueken) SRW App code management
Natalie Perlin (@natalie-perlin) Generic Linux/Mac installations, hpc-stack/spack-stack
Gillian Petro (@gspetro-NOAA) Documentation
Edward Snyder (@EdwardSnyder-NOAA) WE2E testing, input data
GLERL David Wright (@dmwright526) FVCOM integration, output visualization, preprocessing tasks
GSL Jeff Beck (@JeffBeck-NOAA) SRW App configuration/workflow, code management, meteorological evaluation
Gerard Ketefian (@gsketefian) Workflow scripts, jinja templates, and verification tasks
Linlin Pan (@panll) Workflow, CCPP/physics, and verification
Christina Holt (@christinaholtNOAA) Workflow, conda environment support, testing, and code management
Christopher Harrop (@christopherwharrop-noaa) Rocoto, code management, and testing
Daniel Abdi (@danielabdi-noaa) Workflow generation, testing RRFS on the cloud, environment modules
NCAR Mike Kavulich (@mkavulich) Workflow, CCPP/physics, code management, WE2E testing
Will Mayfield (@willmayfield) Verification/METplus tasks, regional workflow (esp. on Cheyenne)
NSSL Yunheng Wang (@ywangwof) HPC systems, code management, and regional workflow (especially on Stampede, Jet and NSSL computers)

Contribution Process

The steps below should be followed in order to make changes to the develop branch of the ufs-srweather-app repository. Communication with code managers and the code management team throughout the process is encouraged.

  1. Issue - Open an issue to document changes. Click here to open a new ufs-srweather-app issue or see the section on Opening an Issue below for detailed instructions.

  2. GitFlow - Follow GitFlow procedures for development.

  3. Fork the repository - Read more here about forking in GitHub.

  4. Create a branch - Create a branch in your fork of the authoritative repository. Follow GitFlow conventions when creating the branch. All development should take place on a branch, not on develop. Branches should be named as follows, where [name] is a one-word description of the branch:

    • bugfix/[name]: Fixes a demonstrably incorrect portion of code
    • feature/[name]: Adds a new feature to the code or improves an existing portion of the code
    • text/[name]: Changes elements of the repository that do not impact program output or log files (e.g., changes to README, documentation, comments, changing quoted Registry elements, white space alignment). Any change that does not impact the compiled code in any way should fall under this category.
  5. Development - Perform and test changes in the feature branch (not on develop!). Document work in the issue and mention the issue number in commit messages to link your work to the issue (e.g., commit -m "Issue #23 - <commit message>"). Test code modifications on as many platforms as possible, and request help with further testing from the code management team when unable to test on all Level 1 platforms. Document changes to the workflow and capabilities in the .rst files so that the SRW App documentation stays up-to-date.

  6. Pull request - When ready to merge changes back to the develop branch, the code developer should initiate a pull request (PR) of the feature branch into the develop branch. Read here about pull requests in GitHub. When a PR is initiated, the PR Template autofills. Developers should use the template to provide information about the PR in the proper fields. See the guidelines in the Making a Pull Request section for more details on making a good pull request. Developers should also tag all relevant reviewers from the code management team on the PR.

  7. Merge - When review and testing are complete, a code manager will merge the PR into develop. PRs that are not ready for merging should have a "Work in Progress" label on them. Users who lack the permissions required to add the label can request in their PR that a code manager do so.

  8. Cleanup - After the PR is merged, the code developer should delete the branch on their fork and close the issue.

Note: Feature branches are intended to be short-lived, concentrated on code with one sole purpose, and applicable to a single PR. These branches should be deleted once merged, and a new feature branch should be created when subsequent code development continues.

Opening an Issue

All changes should be associated with a GitHub Issue. If developers are working on a change, they should search the existing issues in the ufs-srweather-app repository. If an issue does not exist for the work they are doing, they should create one prior to opening a new pull request.

To open an issue, click on "New Issue" within the ufs-srweather-app GitHub repository.

Choose from three options:

  1. Bug Report: Report specific problems ("bugs") in the code using the following template:

     <!-- Please remove unwanted/unrelated/irrelevant information such as comments.
     Please copy any output files into a public Github gist (see and link 
     to the gist, rather than relying on paths that might change. -->
     Your bug may already be reported!
     Please search on the [Issue tracker]( 
     before creating a new issue. If an issue already exists, please use that issue to add any 
     additional information.
     ## Expected behavior
     <!-- Tell us what should happen. -->
     ## Current behavior
     <!-- Tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior. -->
     ## Machines affected
     <!--- Please provide any relevant information about your setup, including machine/compiler 
     combination. -->
     <!-- Reference other issues or PRs in other repositories that this issue is related to, and how 
     they are related. -->
     ## Steps To Reproduce
     <!--- Provide a link to a live example, a code snippet, and/or an explicit set of steps to 
     reproduce this bug.
         1. Step 1
         2. Step 2
         3. See the bug... -->
     ## Detailed Description of Fix (optional)
     <!--- Provide a detailed description of the change or addition you are proposing. -->
     ## Additional Information (optional)
     <!-- Any other relevant information that we should know to correctly understand and reproduce 
     the issue. 
     Please describe in as much detail as possible. -->
     ## Possible Implementation (optional)
     <!--- Suggest an idea for implementing addition or change. -->
     ## Output (optional)
     <!-- Please include any relevant log files, screenshots or other output here. -->
  2. Feature Request: New features and feature enhancements fall under this category. Propose features and enhancements using the following template. Optional sections may be deleted.

     <!-- Please remove unwanted/unrelated/irrelevant information such as comments.
     Please copy any output files into a public Github gist (see 
     and link to the gist, rather than relying on paths that might change. -->
     Your issue may already be reported!
     Please search on the [Issue tracker]( 
     before creating a new issue. If an issue already exists, please use that issue to add any 
     additional information.
     ## Description
     <!-- Provide a clear and concise description of the problem to be solved. -->
     <!-- What problem needs to be fixed? -->
     <!-- What new capability needs to be added? --> 
     ## Solution
     <!-- Add a clear and concise description of the proposed solution. -->
     ## Requirements**
     <!-- What does the new code need to accomplish? Does it require an update 
     to a version of software (e.g. modules of NCEPLibs, NetCDF, etc.), components 
     (e.g. UFS-Weather-Model), or system tools (e.g. python3) -->
     ## Acceptance Criteria (Definition of Done)
     <!-- What does it mean for this feature to be finished? -->
     ## Dependencies (optional)
     <!-- Directly reference any issues or PRs in this or other repositories that this 
     issue is related to, and describe how they are related. -->
     <!-- Does this block progress on other issues? Add this issue as a dependency to 
     other issues as appropriate e.g. #IssueNumber has a dependency on this issue -->
     ## Alternative Solutions (optional)
     <!-- If applicable, add a description of any alternative solutions or features 
     you've considered. -->
  3. Text-Only Changes: Propose text-only changes using the "Text-only request" template. Optional sections may be deleted.

     ## Description
     <!-- Provide a clear and concise description of the problem to be solved. -->
     ## Solution
     <!-- Add a clear and concise description of the proposed solution. -->
     ## Alternatives (optional)
     <!-- If applicable, add a description of any alternative solutions or features you've 
     considered. -->
     ## Related to (optional)
     <!-- Directly reference any issues or PRs in this or other repositories that this is 
     related to, and describe how they are related. -->
  4. Other: Open a blank issue, and use the "Feature Request" template above as a starting point to describe the issue.

For all issue reports, indicate whether this is an issue that you plan to work on and eventually submit a PR for or whether you are merely making a suggestion. Additionally, please add a priority label to the issue (low, medium, or high priority). If you are unable to add labels to your issues, please request that a code manager add a priority for you. If the issue you are making is for a bug fix, work related to a failing test configuration, or an update required for a release (either an operational implementation or public release), please add the high priority label. New features that are not required immediately for either an implementation or release, please add the medium priority label. Finally, please use the low priority label for refactoring work or if you feel that the work is low priority. If you are unable to work the issue and require assistance through EPIC, please make sure to include the EPIC Support Requested label. Unfortunately, if the EPIC Support Requested label is added to a high priority issue, it might take some time before EPIC will work on the issue, since EPIC management needs to account for these issues. However, after seeing that EPIC is required for high priority issues, management will adapt and have the necessary resources in place to assist. After filling out the issue report, click on "Submit new issue."

Making a Pull Request

All changes to the SRW App develop branch should be handled via GitHub’s “Pull Request” (PR) functionality from a branch in the developer’s fork. Developers must follow the template PR instructions below and provide links to the relevant GitHub issue(s). They must also indicate which tests were run on which machines. The bare minimum testing required before opening a PR is to run the fundamental (tests/WE2E/machine_suites/fundamental) tests on at least one supported machine (additional testing from the comprehensive suite might be required, depending on the nature of the change). To manually run the fundamental tests, please use the following command in the tests/WE2E directory:

./ -t=fundamental -m=your_machine -a=your_account, where your_machine is the Tier-1 machine you are running the tests on, and your_account is the account you charge your computational resources to.

Pull requests will be reviewed and approved by at least two code reviewers, at least one of whom must be a code manager. When a PR has met the contribution and testing requirements and has been approved by two code reviewers, a code manager will merge the PR.

PR Template

Here is the template that is provided when developers click "Create pull request":

- Update develop to head at ufs-community
- Use this template to give a detailed message describing the change you want to make to the code.
- You may delete any sections labeled "optional" and any instructions within <!-- these sections -->.
- If you are unclear on what should be written here, see for some 
  guidance and review the Code Contributor's Guide at's-Guide. 
- Code reviewers will assess the PR based on the criteria laid out in the Code Reviewer's Guide 
- The title of this pull request should be a brief summary (ideally less than 100 characters) of the 
  changes included in this PR. Please also include the branch to which this PR is being issued 
  (e.g., "[develop]: Updated UFS_UTILS hash").
- Use the "Preview" tab to see what your PR will look like when you hit "Create pull request"

# --- Delete this line and those above before hitting "Create pull request" ---

<!-- One or more paragraphs describing the problem, solution, and required changes. -->

### Type of change
<!-- Please delete options that are not relevant. Add an X to check off a box. -->
- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
- [ ] This change requires a documentation update

<!-- Explicitly state what tests were run on these changes, or if any are still pending (for README 
or other text-only changes, just put "None required"). Make note of the compilers used, the 
platform/machine, and other relevant details as necessary. 
For more complicated changes, or those resulting in scientific changes, please be explicit! -->
<!-- Add an X to check off a box. -->

- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ] cheyenne.gnu
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ] NOAA Cloud (indicate which platform)
- [ ] Jenkins
- [ ] fundamental test suite
- [ ] comprehensive tests (specify *which* if a subset was used)

<!-- Add any links to external PRs (e.g. UFS PRs). For example:
- ufs-community/UFS_UTILS/pull/<pr_number>
- ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pull/<pr_number> -->

<!-- If this PR is contributing new capabilities that need to be documented, please also include 
updates to the RST files 
(docs/UsersGuide/source) as supporting material. -->

## ISSUE: 
<!-- If this PR is resolving or referencing one or more issues, in this repository or 
elsewhere, list them here (Remember, issues must always be created before starting work 
on a PR branch!). For example, "Fixes issue mentioned in #123" or "Related to bug in" -->

<!-- Add an X to check off a box. -->
- [ ] My code follows the style guidelines in the Contributor's Guide
- [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code using the Code Reviewer's Guide
- [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
- [ ] My changes need updates to the documentation. I have made corresponding changes to the 
- [ ] My changes do not require updates to the documentation (explain).
- [ ] My changes generate no new warnings
- [ ] New and existing tests pass with my changes
- [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published

## LABELS (optional): 
<!-- If you do not have permissions to add labels to your own PR, request that labels be added here. 
Add an X to check off a box. Delete any unnecessary labels. -->
A Code Manager needs to add the following labels to this PR: 
- [ ] Work In Progress
- [ ] bug
- [ ] enhancement
- [ ] documentation
- [ ] release
- [ ] high priority
- [ ] run_ci
- [ ] run_we2e_fundamental_tests
- [ ] run_we2e_comprehensive_tests
- [ ] Needs Cheyenne test 
- [ ] Needs Jet test 
- [ ] Needs Hera test 
- [ ] Needs Orion test 
- [ ] help wanted

## CONTRIBUTORS (optional): 
<!-- If others have contributed to this work aside from the PR author, list them here -->

Additional Guidance

TITLE: Titles should start with the branch name in brackets and should give code reviewers a clear idea of what the change will do in approximately 5-10 words. Some good examples:

* [develop] Make thompson_mynn_lam3km ccpp suite available
* [release/public-v2] Add a build_linux_compiler modulefile
* [develop] Fix module loads on Hera
* [develop] Add support for Rocoto with generic LINUX platform

All of the above examples concisely describe the changes contained in the pull request. The title will not get cut off in emails and web pages. In contrast, here are some made-up (but plausible) examples of BAD pull request titles:

* Bug fixes (Bug fixes on what part of the code?)
* Changes to surface scheme (What kind of changes? Which surface scheme?)

DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: The first line of the description should be a single-line "purpose" for this change. Note the type of change (i.e., bug fix, feature/enhancement, text-only). Summarize the problem, proposed solution, and required changes. If this is an enhancement or new feature, describe why the change is important.

DOCUMENTATION: Developers should include documentation on new capabilities and enhancements by updating the appropriate .rst documentation files in their fork prior to opening the PR. These documentation updates should be noted in the "Documentation" section of the PR message. If necessary, contributors may submit the .rst documentation in a subsequent PR. In these cases, the developers should include any existing documentation in the "Documentation" section of the initial PR message or as a file attachment to the PR. Then, the contributor should open an issue reflecting the need for official .rst documentation updates and include the issue number and explanation in the "Documentation" section of the initial PR template.

Tips, Best Practices, and Protocols to Follow When Issuing a PR

  • Label PR status appropriately. If the PR is not completely ready to be merged, please add a "Work In Progress" label. Urgent PRs should be marked "high priority." All PRs should have a type label (e.g., "bug," "enhancement"). Labels can be added on the right-hand side of a submitted PR request by clicking on the gear icon beside "Labels" (below the list of reviewers). If users do not have the permissions to add a label to their PR, they should request in their PR description that a code manager add the appropriate labels.
  • Indicate urgency. If a PR is particularly urgent, this information should be provided in the PR "Description" section, and multiple code management team members should be tagged to draw attention to this PR. After submitting the PR, a "high priority" label should be added to it.
  • Indicate the scope of the PR. If the PR is extremely minor (e.g., change to the README file), indicate this in the PR message. If it is an extensive PR, the developer should test it on as many platforms as possible and stress the necessity that it be tested on systems for which they do not have access.
  • Clarify in the PR message where the code has been tested. At a minimum, code should be tested on the platform where code modification has taken place. It should also be tested on machines where code modifications will impact results. If the developer does not have access to these platforms, this should be noted in the PR.
  • Follow separation of concerns. For example, module loads are only handled in the appropriate modulefiles, Rocoto always sets the work directory, j-jobs make the work directory, and ex-scripts require the work directory to exist.
  • Target subject matter experts (SMEs) among the code management team. When possible, tag team members who are familiar with the modifications made in the PR so that the code management team can provide effective and streamlined PR reviews and approvals. Developers can tag SMEs by selecting the gear icon next to "Assignees" (under the Reviewers list) and adding the appropriate names.
  • Schedule a live code review if the PR is exceptionally complex in order to brief members of the code management team on the PR either in-person or through a teleconference. Developers should indicate in the PR message that they are interested in a live code review if they believe that it would be beneficial.

Code and Configuration Standards

General Policies

  • Platform-specific settings should be handled only through configuration and modulefiles, not in code or scripts.
  • For changes to the scripts, ush, or jobs directories, developers should follow the NCO Guidelines for what is incorporated into each layer.
  • Developers should ensure that their contributions work with the most recent version of the ufs-srweather-app, including all the specific up-to-date hashes of each subcomponent.
  • Modifications should not break any existing supported capabilities on any supported platforms.
  • Update the .rst documentation files where appropriate as part of the PR. If necessary, contributors may update the documentation in a subsequent PR. In these cases, the contributor should open an issue reflecting the need for documentation and include the issue number and explanation in the Documentation section of their initial PR.
  • Binary files will no longer be merged into the develop branch. A binary file is defined as a "non-text" file and can include *.png, *.gif, *.jp*g, *.tiff, *.tar, *.tgz, *.gz, *.mod, *.o, and executables. If a binary file needs to be staged in the ufs-srweather-app repository, then please add it to the wiki's repository. The command to clone the ufs-srweather-app's wiki repository is git clone You can add the files here and link them to the documentation as needed.

SRW Application Guidelines


  • All externals live in a single Externals.cfg file.
  • Only a single hash will be maintained for any given external code base. All externals should point to this static hash (not to the top of a branch).
  • All new entries in Externals.cfg must point only to authoritative repositories. In other words, entries must point to either a UFS Community GitHub organization repository or another NOAA project organization repository.
    • Temporary exceptions are made for a PR into the develop branch of ufs-srweather-app that is dependent on another PR (e.g., a ufs-weather-model PR from the same contributor). When the component PR is merged, the contributor must update the corresponding ufs-srweather-app PR with the hash of the component's authoritative repository.

Build system

  • Each component must build with CMake
  • Each component must build with Intel compilers on official Level 1 platforms and with GNU or Intel compilers on other platforms.
  • Each component must have a mechanism for platform independence (i.e., no hard-coded machine-specific settings outside of established environment, configuration, and modulefiles).
  • Each component must build with the standard supported NCEPLIBS environment (currently HPC-Stack).


  • Each component must build using the common modules located in the modulefiles/srw_common file.

General Coding Standards:

  • The ufs-srweather-app repository must not contain source code for compiled programs. Only scripts and configuration files should reside in this repository.
  • All bash scripts must explicitly be #!/bin/bash scripts. They should not be login-enabled (i.e., scripts should not use the -l flag).
  • MacOS does not have all Linux utilities by default. Developers should ensure that they do not break any MacOS capabilities with their contribution.
  • All code must be indented appropriately and conform to the style of existing scripts (e.g., local variables should be lowercase, global variables should be uppercase).

Python Coding Standards:

  • All Python code contributions should come with an appropriate environment.yaml file for the feature.
  • Keep the use of external Python packages to a minimum for necessary workflow tasks. Currently, these include f90nml, pyyaml, and Jinja2.

Workflow Design: Follow the NCO Guidelines for what is incorporated in each layer of the workflow. This is particularly important in the scripts directory.

Modulefiles: All official platforms should have a modulefile that can be sourced to provide the appropriate python packages and other settings for the platform.

Management of the Configuration File: New configurable options must be consistent with existing configurable options and be documented in ufs-srweather-app/docs/UsersGuide/source/ConfigWorkflow.rst. Add necessary checks on acceptable options where applicable. Add appropriate default values in config_defaults.yaml.

Management of Template Files: If a new configurable option is required in an existing template, it must be handled similarly to its counterparts in the scripts that fill in the template. For example, if a new type of namelist is introduced for a new application component, it should make use of the existing jinja framework for populating namelist settings.

Namelist Management: Namelists in ufs-srweather-app are generated using a Python tool and managed by setting YAML configuration parameters. This allows for the management of multiple configuration settings with maximum flexibility and minimum duplication of information.


The ufs-srweather-app repository uses the established workflow end-to-end (WE2E) testing framework (see the User's Guide chapter on WE2E tests) to implement two tiers of testing: fundamental and comprehensive. Fundamental testing consists of a lightweight set of tests that can be automated and run regularly on each Level 1 platform. These tests verify that there are no major, obvious faults in the underlying code when running common combinations of grids, input data, and physics suites. Comprehensive testing includes the entire set of WE2E tests and covers a broader range of capabilities, configurations, and components. Eventually, new categories of tests will be added, including regression tests and unit tests.

Before opening a PR, a minimum set of tests should be run:

  • Developers must run the fundamental test suite manually on at least one supported platform and report on the outcome in the PR template.
    • Developers will not be required to run tests on all supported platforms, but if a failure is pointed out by another reviewer (or by automated testing), then the developer should work with reviewers and code managers to ensure that the problem is resolved prior to merging.
  • If the PR impacts functionality contained within comprehensive WE2E tests not included in the fundamental test suite, the developer must run those tests on the PR.
  • Any new functionality must be tested explicitly, and any new tests should be described in detail in the PR message. Depending on the impact of this functionality, new tests should be added to the suite of comprehensive WE2E tests, followed by a discussion with code managers on whether they should also be included as fundamental tests.
    • In some cases, it may be possible to modify a current test instead of creating a completely new test. Code developers introducing new capabilities should work with code managers to provide the proper configuration files, data, and other information necessary to create new tests for these capabilities.
  • When the above tests are complete and the PR has been approved by at least one code manager, a code manager will add the run_we2e_coverage_tests label to initiate fundamental testing on all Level 1 platforms via Jenkins (see below).

Testing on Jenkins

Jenkins is an "open source automation server" that allows users to automate code testing. For the Jenkins automated testing labels, it should be noted that ONLY code managers should apply these labels and only after at least one code manager has given approval to the PR. The PR will not be merged until all Jenkins-based builds and testing have successfully passed.

The following automated testing labels are available (or will be soon) for the SRW App:

  • run_we2e_coverage_tests
  • Coming Soon: run_we2e_comprehensive_tests

Due to a security issue on Jenkins, where all Jenkins usernames are exposed, the ability to access Jenkins logs to the public has been disabled. Once the Jenkins tests have completed, a member of the EPIC team (who has login credentials to Jenkins) will need to provide the logs for those tests that have failed. If the Jenkins tests fail, then the developer will need to make the necessary corrections to their PR. Unfortunately, removing and adding the label back will not kick off the Jenkins test. Instead, the job will need to be manually re-run through Jenkins (by a member of the EPIC team).

While the output from the Jenkins page itself isn't available for external view, users can still access the directories that the Jenkins tests are run on the various machines so that they can view the tests, monitor progress, and investigate failures. The location of the experiment directories on the various machines are as follows:

Tier-1 Platform Location of Jenkins experiment directories
Gaea /lustre/f2/dev/wpo/role.epic/jenkins/workspace/fs-srweather-app_pipeline_PR-#/gaea
Gaea C5 /lustre/f2/dev/wpo/role.epic/jenkins/workspace/fs-srweather-app_pipeline_PR-#/gaea-c5
Jet /lfs1/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace/fs-srweather-app_pipeline_PR-#/jet
Orion /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/jenkins/workspace/fs-srweather-app_pipeline_PR-#/orion
Hercules /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/jenkins/workspace/fs-srweather-app_pipeline_PR-#/hercules
Hera Intel /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace/fs-srweather-app_pipeline_PR-#__2/hera
Hera GNU /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace/fs-srweather-app_pipeline_PR-#/hera
  • where # is the PR number

Users can also go to the EPIC Health Dashboard, click the Jenkins Artifacts tab, identify your PR number, pull the we2e_test_logs-{machine}-{compiler}.tgz file (where {machine} is the Tier-1 platform that failed and {compiler} is the compiler used for the failed test), untar and ungzip the file, and look through the logs from the test that failed.

Clone this wiki locally