This file is under active development. Please send any suggestions to [email protected].
All feature development should be done in separate branches. Please use branch names of the format dev-${userID}-${featureName}, where ${userID} is best set to the main feature developer's GitHub username and ${featureName} is a short name for the feature.
Raise a relevant issue (if it doesn't exist) before creating your feature branch, and refer to the issue in the PR
All new features should include reasonable unit test coverage, especially if the feature is low level. Pull requests which fail CI tests will be automatically rejected.
Every PR must include corresponding changes in the file
All contributions must pass mypy linting
Coding style points:
- Use type hints always
- Use black formatting
- All variables and functions should be camelCase, except where this conflicts with standard Python practice
- Names of classes/types should be PascalCase
- Names of files should be snake_case
- Document all new features with google format docstrings